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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

I think this game hates me

I officially think this game hates me, not long ago I was on a win streak in ranked and was bringing my win rate up (I was winning 6 or 7 out of 10) and then I get a ****** team, next game I played terribly but so did all but one of my team.
I just played another ranked game and we surrendered because we had taken no towers and the only tower not down to inhib turret was top (my lane) and I was the only one to get a decent laning phase I was 2-3-0 and only 2 were from lane one was defending mid inhib turret while my outer turret was still up. Out cait got 1 kill and in the 20 min long game she had 54 farm, and the enemy twitch was 9-0 with about 100 farm and the support was 5-1-something and with a support kayle well she just rushed rageblade and went for damage. We had a total of 4 kills that match I had 2 Veigar got one on lux in lane and cait shut down kayle and proceeded to get raped by their xin.
I was the only one that did decent and even then when you get 4 hit under tower by th…

Hecarim Needs Some Type of Nerf or Game Needs a...

It seems everytime I'm in a match against Hecarim that he's just way over powered. Being a jungler I feel that his speed at the very least or speed enhancing abilities need to be nerfed. There isn't any other jungle class that requires multiple wards just to get away from. His speed and oftentimes damage is just outrageous and even if you do get him down he can get away too easily.

I'm sure this isn't an issue in ranked play where you can setup to counter that pick or ban him but in blind pick he's a nightmare. If they don't balance some of these classes out it makes unranked play a huge waste of time when the team composition is mismatched. They should either start nerfing some of these classes like Hecarim or allow a quicker surrender vote of 5 minutes.

Oftentimes in the first 5 minutes you can tell if it's a blow out, otherwise, some type of Mercy rule should be added where if you're down by 10 kills in 5 minutes you can forfeit without penalty. Most of the time I just want …

Random Writing Brain Dump Episode 1=Broken Hoverwings

Time for the first edition of Will's Brain Dumps.

So basically, what this is, is that I wanna write, but I am in a serious writers block that I ether won't or can't deal with at the current moment. So I decide to come over to my Moba blog and dump some random story **** for you guys to read. The stories will be involving my League Fanfic/roleplay characters, which I will gives background information for at a later date. But for now I need a dump so here goes.

Location: Piltover, Zero Gravity Mechanic shop.
Time: 3:30pm Local time.

For me, I couldn't possibly find a reason why Arn would want to tinker with my Hextech Hoverwings. We had already tested them a number of times and they worked fine. Arn was insisting that there was a mechanical problem between me and the devices detection of magical influence. I had to admit, that there was a slight delay when it came to piloting these things, but I hadn't crashed into any trees yet.

Autumn insisted that these fixes were for the best and…

Twisted Treeline Tier List

Hey all, if you get a chance from your day, I would really appreciate it of you got the chance to head over to my TT Team guide and give me your thoughts on the tier list. Probably here so that you don't have to vote on the guide if you don't want to (but if you do, more power to ya!). Any and all suggestions, questions, and ideas are welcome. Thanks all!


Rod of ages is not even good on Lissandra!

Rod of ages barely gives anything to lissandra and is not worth the gold when you compare it to other items you COULD have gotten, like morello's, zhonyas, abyssal, rabadons, void staff, haunting guise, deathfire grasp.

I have seen so many lissandras build rod of ages as their first item and pretty much throw their lane as well as any burst that they COULD have had. And seeing as every single lissandra guide at the moment has rod of ages, I urge you people not to build that item. Any items I have listed above are better choices (depending on the game), but you should pretty much never need to buy rod of ages.

StunAndRun Chicken's decision

In an upcoming tournament sometime during June, both StunAndRun's teams Chicken and Beef will be competing for a total prize pool of $1,000,000 winner takes all. As sister teams, we have made a pact that states whichever team wins, we will split it evenly by two. The concern is that SaR Beef has not been practicing nor do they share the same motive as us to take first place. This is a problem for us because we have been living in this gaming house together for 2 years now and for us to take away the pact will create some drama in the house that may result in fist fights. In the end, people will get hurt. I mean their feelings of course. But why should we share the prize pool if not everyone is giving their all right? So we are debating whether to keep the pact or to break it. Don't get me wrong, their not bad players. It is just that the competition is growing fast due to their motive to achieve bragging rights. And the 1 million dollars. So here we stand with a decision. Do we keep th…

Climbing to Gold!

Finally, after a while, I've gotton better a climbed up to Gold! I'm still not good but I'm not as bad as I was before. I still have to improve though and I still have a long way to go.

How I did it:
I watched a video on YouTube explaining how maining one champion that can go in multiple lanes helps a ton. If you get used to that champion, you already know what that champion can and cannot do so you should have no problems in the other lanes. A good example of this would be Cho'Gath. Cho'Gath can play Top, Jungle, or Mid (on average). If you main Cho'Gath Top, but someone takes the top role, you can still play Cho'Gath mid or jungle and still have a good idea of what you're doing. The more you play that champion with each role, the better you get with that champion and the more you'll win.

I never raged at my team. Never EVER rage at your team. No matter how bad they are. Even if they're 0-10, still encourage them to do better and to keep on trying. Nobody likes a team that yells at …

Level 23!! :D

I've just be killin away on Ashe :) I've grown to love her sooo much! I don't understand why she gets such a bad rep. I mean sure, she's squishy at first. But if you build her right, she's AMAZING! She will forever be my main champ. I have so much fun playing her. Since I've gotten my higher tier runes I've really been tearin people uppp! I can't wait to make my first build page on her. I won't be doing that until level 30 though. So off to level more I go!

Later lovessss

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