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Ahri Build Guide by Legendary Icon

AP Carry A modest Ahri guide for all those cute ahri players

AP Carry A modest Ahri guide for all those cute ahri players

Updated on August 20, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Legendary Icon Build Guide By Legendary Icon 12 8 66,090 Views 43 Comments
12 8 66,090 Views 43 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Legendary Icon Ahri Build Guide By Legendary Icon Updated on August 20, 2014
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I am a Diamond 3 player in North America and Ahri is my favorite champ. A lot of you will probably dislike some of the things i suggest here and such. Which is fine. I enjoy your opinions thats the reason i placed this guide here I want you guys to look over it test it get diamond with it whatever you want. I will be making a lot of unconventional guides and I appreciate the input whether it is negative or not. So please tell me your opinions lets have a conversation about this.

And id like to add that this is NOT an Ahri guide. This is a build guide for Ahri and is made under the assumption you guys have access or current knowledge of most aspects of Ahris kit and matchups. So I left out most of the important non build related Ahri aspects in this guide leaving it pretty bare bones and entirely build oriented overall.

Also this build is still very much under construction so if you have a problem with the walls of text. Im sorry I will try to make sections with more important information to summarize my thoughts so you can pick and choose how indepth you want to go into this build. If you are interested in playing with me and telling me your opinions or whatever add me on NA server - Legendary Icon
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Chapter 1:Intro to Perfection:RUNES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok to start this guide i am going to open up with a few tips. I dont think there is a superior mastery set or a superior rune set. I think realistically it all comes down to the matchup. If you want to survive in a dangerous matchup your gonna want survivability right? And if you want to slam your opponents ******** and carry the game you are gonna want really good early game and scaling.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Now I am going to start with runes.

Quints : In my opinion lately i prefer defensive quints since ahri is very annoying to lane with and loses most matchups. Flat health quints are super amazing for most matchups, flat mr is really good to in case your having trouble with that syndra, flat armor got buffed recently and its crazy good against auto attack harrass, minion harrass, tower damage, and ad matchups like zed. But if your a badass you could just roll ap for the wave clear and extra damage it brings.

Marks: It is a general rule that I live by that you should always run a few hyrbid marks on every AP champ due to its incredible efficiency and you will most likely enjoy a small amount of armor pen for last hitting and aa harassing. Since the hybrid pen marks are practically overwhelmingly efficient I recommend them personally. And for the rest you will practically want flat magic pen Marks for the rest.

Glyphs: This seems to be a point of contention for fellow Ahri players. I recommend either flat mr, Mrperlevel, or 9 flat cdr if your feeling really ballsy or your against an all ad team.

Seals: Armor is super good and recommended but lately ive found out that flat health yellows are godlike.
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Next up is Masteries.

Masteries for the most part are very rarely differentiated. That being said you will have to determine whether or not you are going to want the added survivability of 21-9-0 or if you will want the awesome utility and just comfort 21-0-9 will give you. I will start with the 21-9-0 build. In a lot of matchups you are going to want to survive since ahri has no defensive steroids or defensive capability at all til 6.
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Summoner Spells

Ok there are a couple choices here and I will only put the valid summoners here.
Flash: uhh id say its mandatory but some of the more confident and skilled ahri players sometimes go without it dont h8.
Barrier: Honestly this spell is insanely helpful in a lot of matchups and i would recommend in a lot of situations I will go over later.
Heal: A lot of players underestimate this spell. It is pretty awesome for teamfights and its kind of like a barrier but it gets countered by ignite which 60% of mids run so i wouldnt approve for every match unless you are #Silsol.
Ignite: If you wanna get fed or if you just enjoy that extra guaranteed damage this is the spell for you. This spell is really helpful for getting kills but you already know that. Use whenever you want to get fed and carry the game son.
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Skill Order

This is pretty standard you will usually get E first for invade or counterinvade aka lvl 1 fight/FB play. You are probably going to want to max Q. A maxed Q will help you clear the back line in 1 q which is pretty sweet. And next you are going to want to max w for the damage and cooldown however YOU CAN MAX E SECOND but im not to sure if its worth anymore since the ahri changes. Its up to your judgement.

There are two ways as i said.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Alright this is the Setof chapters where im going to shove my justifications down your throats. In any typical AP matchup mid I am going to start with a dorans ring and 2 pots. I feel this is well rounded and helps with all matchups generally. You would do well to get a 2nd dorans but its not a must have.

1.And up first is the core item 80% of the time Deathfire Grasp. You want this bad boy so you can get on your way to 1 shotting noobs and carrying the game.

2. Athene's Unholy Grail You can always get this first item when your up against a fed ap or someone like LeBlanc, Kassadin, Veigar, or whatever you get the picture.

3. Seeker's Armguard You can also get this item first for those ad matchups.
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Ionian Boots of Lucidity: Alright this is where the build diverges. These boots are fantastic for ahri. 15% CDR for only 675 gold thats insane! I recommend if your opponents arent building crazy MR.

Sorcerer's Shoes: Alright these boots give you that much needed spell pen this build will be lacking for most of the game unless you get an early Void Staff. I think thats nuff said these boots are incredibly standard.

Mercury's Treads These are a must have in several matchups. If you are in a lane against aggressive kill lane aps build these they do wonders.
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Mid game itemization

Item Sequence

Lich Bane 3100
Zhonya's Hourglass 3250
Void Staff 3000
This is all about being smart enough to judge which items will suit you better during the mid game transition. There are 2 possible items that i can think of are the most effective and synch with this build best.

Rabadon's Deathcap: All 4 of Ahris abilities have AP scaling and you will be amassing AP throughout the whole game. Needless to say this item is the huge damage scaling and almost always a great item for a premidgame - midgame transition.

Void Staff: This item is one of the most insanely cost efficient items in the game right now by far. And is almost always gonna be your first choice when getting CDR boots and when the enemy is building MR. I almost never get void this early but sometimes its a very good choice.
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Late game choices

There will be 2 build paths generally as Ahri nowadays. The defensive build which i will go over last and the offensive carry build. And of course there will be those random times where items can fit nicely such as ga or banshee.

Offensive Choices
After you have your Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, and Deathfire Grasp you can choose your build path.
1. Zhonya's Hourglass This item is pretty core on most assassins since it gives crazy survivability and dueling potential against ads. Feel free to get this before Void Staff.
And if your feeling supremely confident you can replace this with Morellonomicon or Athene's Unholy Grail

2. Lich Bane This item is just silly right now with end game ap builds. You will 1 shot ppl without even landing half your skills with this.

Defensive Choices

1. Athene's Unholy Grail If you are in need of cdr and MR this is gonna be your go to item for those difficult lanes.

2 Zhonya's Hourglass For those matchups against Zed or other intense kill lane AD champs.

3 Guardian Angel When you just cant seem to survive no matter what get this item i think its kind of useless but it has some sweet situational power sometimes.

4. Banshee's Veil Against poke/long range cc engage this item will save you and your teams lives and stop those spears from 1 shotting you over and over.
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Build Strengths

INSANE damage output throught mid and late game. Decent CDR so you will be likely able to make the god plays more often. INSANE LANE SUSTAIN SYNCH WITH AHRI PASSIVE partnered with great push then gank potential.
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I will try to include most matchups but stuff like renekton mid and cait mid wont be included sorry gais. And here comes the text train get ready people.

LeBlanc Against Leblanc there is little you can do early and you the pressure to outplay is on you since she doesnt have to in order to kill you. I recommend Mercury's Treads and Athene's Unholy Grail to prevent you from getting destroyed at 7 and later. You should try to avoid using charm til her w is used and her ability to return to it is gone otherwise use it to either catch her from fog of war or get some lucky charms cereal.

Talon You are going to want to get Seeker's Armguard for this one and possibly Ninja Tabi cause he will be dunking on you easily. Try to stay back and farm in this one and make sure you are never in e range unless you are under your tower or baiting for a jungle gank cause talon can instantly kill you without any counterplay if he can silence you.

Annie Build mr for sure or your toast however this matchup has some outplay room if you are feeling pretty ballsy. She is short range so if you can land a charm on her you might be able to get her down since she cant engage on you before you can her.

Fizz Like most of fizz matchups there is room for outplaying him however the pressure is on you to make the outplay. in a straith up standard lane he will farm til 5 or 6 and all in you. You can survive if you play it right and you can kill him to but most of the time he can just outright dumpster you with insane damage. I recommend for inexperienced or players who arent confident to build mr.

Brand This isnt a directly difficult lane for you however his harrass can get deadly and he can usually outright 1 shot you. However you can 1 shot him as well if played right so just stay away from his stun and make sure to fight him with full hp.

Cassiopeia Dont get caught by her skill spam and dont get caught by the ult or your toast. She has insane damage and your tiny little Ahri body probably wont survive. Always get the engage on her first and use your ult to disengage if she survived. This is the best way to get an unskilled player to ult nothing cause you r away as soon as she thinks she is in danger.

Anivia This bird is tough for ahri. Your all in usually wont kill her since it doesnt do anywhere near enough damage to kill her and her egg. Also she has pretty ridiculous damage so if you get caught out you might be screwed so stay away from her Q. Ult if you have to.

Akali Despite what most players might tell you ahri has an advantage over akali. She is melee so you can drop easy harrass on her repeatedly. I recommend having a pink ward at all times since you need it for your all in. IT works most of the time since she cant jump on you without being point blank range for your charm and you can just ult away.

Cho'Gath There is a lot of room to kill him. As long as you dont fall behind and he doesnt build to much tank you should be able to crush this guy. But if he builds damage and can get ahead always stay away from him. He can do the w q combo on you and you are done for since thats a guaranteed ult for him and ahri is just so squishy.

Diana Diana is an even matchup but typically you can win the lane pre 6 very easily if you can avoid her q. However after she hits 6 she has huge potential to kill you if she q double r q ignites you. You can usually avoid this with charm but high diamond players can flash it so always be ready to get away under your tower with your ult and dont ever extend to far.

Fiddlesticks You will need cleanse for this matchup cause he heas insane kill potential on you at 6. He will hide in 1 of the 10 places where he can ult onto you and fear silence lock you and you are pretty much dead on the spot if this happens unless you itemize mr. So make sure to either run cleanse or just stay away and shove the lane all game.

Galio This guy i have barely ever played against and im unsure about how the lane goes. But im sure if you stay away from his ult and harrass you should be fine. Although i doubt you have much kill potential on him with that shield and speed boost.

Gragas This champion is just insanely overpowered right now and there is very little you can do in the way of kill him. I would ask for a gank til you have dfg sorc shoes cause he is very tanky. Also his harrass can get pretty overwhelming at times so make sure to just stay away from him and dont ever all in him without being full hp and having flash. If you can ult his e and q you should be fine to kill him however you might just not have enough damage unless you are pretty built.

Karma Decently easy matchup but be warned she has amazing counter all in so if you dive her be ready to flash the q it does a billion damage. And her shield is pretty crazy bait for her to escape so try not to all in unless you can get around that.

Karthus This guy is easy pickins for ahri one of her easiest matchups. Just farm til 6 or until youve harrassed him low enough and all in him there is very little he can do unless hes ahead.

Kassadin You have 2 choices in this matchup. You can build straight damage and hope for the lucky 1 shot on him or you can itemize mr and dont feed him which is usually the optimal choice since this guy is insanely strong after 6.

Katarina This is one of the harder matchups believe it or not. In High diamond it is very unlikely you will ever kill her since she can outplay your charm very easily. And even with your ult she may kill you since her burst is crazy after 6 with ignite so be warned and always have your defensive ult ready. But pre 6 she is easy and some times you can harrass her out of lane very simply and if she makes a single mistake you can catch her with a charm and shes done.


Kha'Zix This champion is way to strong right now and you will have very little potential to kill him even after 6. That being said you need to stay away from him never push up far or if you do make sure to back cause this guy can 1 shot you easily and you wont be able to ult in time since his burst is so instant and scary.

Lissandra This champion is just annoying my lord. You should have the advantage though since her all in is very low damage and she is pretty squishy. If you can land a charm on her its usually an easy followup kill post 6 even if she ults.

Lux This is a 50-50 matchup. It all comes down to who lands what. If you can ult her binding you are usually good to all in her successfully but beware of her shield and most lux bring barrier nowadays to. So remember never to dive her unless you are full hp and have all ult chargees or are just insanely ahead.

Malphite This guy is a pain in the *** to kill and he can all in you and kill you pretty easily. Its safe to build mr and just make sure your always topped off at full hp agaisnt him. After dfg you mihgt be able to kill him or outplay him by flashing his ult and killing him with charm dfg burst.

Malzahar I recommend an early qss and then full offense build and he will be easy kills. But be warned he has amazing kill potential on you before qss or any mr cause his combo stops you from ulting away and it does massive damage. Dont ever get caught in ult range of him.

Mordekaiser Any good mordekaiser worth his salt will just push the lane and go clear wraiths over and over you have very little to no kill potential on him unless your jungler is around or you are pretty fed. I recommend chalice so you can equal out his shoving and not get pushed under tower over and over.

Morgana Very simple matchup farm til 6 try not to get pushed or caught and poked to hard pre 6/dfg. Then just all in her for the kills and make sure to break her shield before you charm or just catch her off guard.

Nidalee Ok this is pretty basic. Dodge the spears all in her at 6/dfg and make sure you land charm. She will probably dance around a lot so make sure you ult right on top of the ***** before you charm and its guaranteed. Shes very squishy but make sure to ignite her immediately so her heal doesnt save her.

Orianna This matchup is pretty advantageous for orianna and as ahri you have very little kill potential on her since most skilled oriannas will go barrier. You pretty much have to rely on your jungle ganks and just farm til you are really strong.
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