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Fizz Build Guide by Slaroc

Assassin Fizz(t) Bump their face - In depth Fizz guide (7.3 updated)

Assassin Fizz(t) Bump their face - In depth Fizz guide (7.3 updated)

Updated on February 19, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Slaroc Build Guide By Slaroc 796,798 Views 0 Comments
796,798 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Slaroc Fizz Build Guide By Slaroc Updated on February 19, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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If you're reading this guide then you are more than just that guy in queue trying out fizz and needing items. You are the guy who just got stomped by someone else who has read this guide and want to be as good as them.

My name is Slarroc, currently a G4 OCE player. I have been playing since 2011 and am very big on the strategy of league (it's what gets me past the toxicity). I have always loved mid but carrying from the lane can be hard at times when some mid laners aren't able to secure objectives. Having dabbled in fizz since he came out, I picked him back up this season with his W change and found that he's an excellent carrying and climbing tool.

Just a quick appeal to the masses and then I will get on with the guide: Please like/favourite/comment on this guide so that it is more publicised by the site. The only thing I stand to gain from this guide is your appreciation. I'm not on Twitch or YouTube or anything like that. I just want people to enjoy this guide and guides to come.
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Pros / Cons

100-0 potential
Outplay is a very real thing
Not picked/banned/counterpicked very often
Great roaming
Can dodge any spell in the game
Weak laning phase
Finds it hard to get in and out before E is maxed
Can fall behind
Susceptible to poke/long range champs
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One thing I always want to know after a champion comes out/is reworked is: "What is their combo?!" That is to say, what is their general poke combo, what is their all in combo.

The Poke Combo

When you want to chunk the mid laner for half their health/blow their flash/set up for a jungler to finish, this is the go to. You can do it from level three but it gets better after Sheen because you can proc it twice.

You start at max range by just farming or walking up to them if they let you. Then, when you can Q without them blocking it/dashing away you do the following:

-> Auto Attack -> ->

This combo leaves you without an escape and lands you on top of the enemy. You can use your E both defensively to dodge any retaliation and then aggressively to keep the combo going. Some enemies don't have a response to this and others only do with certain cooldowns. It's up to you to know whether Charm or Light Binding is up and when it is best to go in.

The All-In Combo

For a full combo you put an ulti in front of it and add an ignite, sometimes you have to E behind them to Q back to safety (now that your literally have nothing except summoner spells)

-> Behind Them -> -> AND

These are two very necessary and easy to learn combos. With the help of the new practise tool as of this patch I encourage everybody to go out and learn these before taking him to a normal or ranked game. They are easy to do but are smoothest with the help of muscle memory.

Tomorrow night I will add the "ohh I can finish that" combo which you will sometimes use when you are confident about your abilities.
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Mastery choices explained

Standard 9/21/0 masteries that you see on most AP assassins. If you feel there are tweaks you would make I do have explanations above. I believe that the small numbers gained in masteries and runes should be left to people who like spreadsheets more than Summoner's Rift itself because 2 hours of practising this champ over 2 hours of finding out if you can do 12 more damage at lvl 3.
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Rune explanations

There is more than one way to play Fizz. I believe that the runes I have are sufficient to put me ahead if I make the right play (which isn't hard to do if you hit your ulti/know when to use your poke combo). This isn't to say these are the most optimal runes nor that they aren't the best ones for you. Each rune selection can be argued for and against. These are just the ones I take.
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Corrupting Potion and Dark Seal

Lich bane is our first item. With a combo that doesn't use Chum the Waters you can proc it twice for TONNES OF DAMAGE. It also gives a little bit of movement speed which is nice for an assassin who catches his enemies by slowing them down.

These boots are pretty self explanatory. We get them second to speed up roaming and penetrate through any rune MR or Abyssal Mask rushes made by the enemy.

An excellent item for any AP assassin, especially when versus AP mid laners that can burst you down quicker (e.g. Annie Veigar). The unique passive means there is a flat 10% buff on any damage you are doing before mitigation. This means it even amplifies Lich Bane's damage.

As if Fizz didn't have enough invulnerability. When timed correctly you can get 4 seconds of invulnerability in 6 seconds. This is when you Playful / Trickster -> Zhonya's Hourglass -> Playful / Trickster with 40% CDR after level 9 (which you should be at least unless you rush Zhonya's for a Zed or Talon

This item provides a phenomenal amount of gold efficiency. In fact, without any other items, it is better to rush this than a Rabadon's Deathcap. The magic penetration is so strong that the lower AP value is compensated for. If you don't get this item then you are allowing tanks to get the most value for money from their MR and won't even feel your AOE damage after you blow your kit.

This is the perfect item to preserve your KDA when you are 20/0 and want to close the game out. Not only do you take less of each damage type but you also will be put on a lower priority in teamfights. If they blow you up with big cooldowns then you can still Playful / Trickster and Zhonyas afterwards for 8 seconds of invulnerability while your team cleans up. Not to mention you doing damage in between. This item will not save you if you get picked. People hesitate to save a reviving ally if they might die in the process.

Use at your own risk. This item, in theory, provides a great amount of burst damage (already got it) and a short dash (we have that as well). The match shows the item does anywhere between 250 and 330 (+77% AP) on an ideal dash (bigger targets for the higher numbers, you're not doing these numbers to Annie or Teemo). The build path is fairly kind to Fizz, I'll admit that the Hextech Revolver is fairly enticing. It's just that my build doesn't have space to put the item in. I know when my spikes are, I get how far in I should be for each item and what I need to burst down an enemy. When I put this semi-reliable item in there I always feel like the hype is overrated. As I said though, this is up to you and if you have a more "active in 6 slots" kind of playstyle then go for it.
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Tips and Tricks

No good Fizz guide is complete without tips and tricks... He is the tidal trickster after all. What this section includes is:
    How to get into trouble
    How to get out of trouble
    Special Flash Interactions
    On hit effects and Q
    Knowing your Playful/Trickster

How to get into trouble

how to get out of trouble

Special flash interactions
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Chum the Waters - explained

Chum the Waters is a signature move. As your signature move you should know what kind of damage you expect to deal with the different ranges this little fish can do. The following calculations are assuming you have 100 AP (lich bane and runes + pre level 11)

Early Game Ulti Damage

At 500 AP and level 18, the end game goal, you will do the following:

Late Game Ulti Damage

As you can see, Rito wants you to land the full range ultimates to get a literal double damage bonus out of them. They have also considered walking up to your target by increasing the slow speed drastically and rewarded the team fight benefit from it by increasing the shark radius.

There have been skirmishes that I have won purely because of the shark itself, not the range. There is always a time and place for each rank of Chum the Waters.

When to use what range

When you are really really fed you can use your ultimate as a zoning tool. They either die to your QWE where you want them or get hit by your ulti and also die. The ulti is best at zoning at max rank (radius of 450) and can keep multiple enemies from leaving through a gap in the jungle.
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To be continued

I intend to make this project a well designed one but for now I've got the basics out there for you to model off of. Check back here for the following still to come:

My match history as Fizz
Combo videos
Jumpable walls
Spell explanation (where it fits in the combo's you use/farming/when to use and when not to)
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This is a new section to the guide. As a university student I understand the importance of acknowledging other people's work. As of now there is only one thing on this page that is not my intellectual property. It was too cool not to add though.


So far there is only one image that I have used without expressed permission from the author. The image can be found at: as a downloadable wallpaper
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Slaroc
Slaroc Fizz Guide
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Fizz(t) Bump their face - In depth Fizz guide (7.3 updated)

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