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Master Yi Build Guide by Palthios

AD Offtank The Alpha Male S3 v2

AD Offtank The Alpha Male S3 v2

Updated on March 19, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Palthios Build Guide By Palthios 146 25 633,079 Views 140 Comments
146 25 633,079 Views 140 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Palthios Master Yi Build Guide By Palthios Updated on March 19, 2013
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*New Video Guide

*Updated Intro
*Updated Runes and Masteries
*Updated Items and Build Section
*Updated Summary

*Added new video guide

*Adjusted build for early game bulk

*Launched guide remake
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The last thing I expected was to make any big changes to my Yi build. But here I am, with a complete and total revamp. I have a lot to say and I want to make sure that I'm detailed in my explanations. I want you guys to fully understand the reasons behind my choices.

At the start of season 3 I was pretty happy with my Yi build, aside from the things that always bothered me about it. Like the lack of utility that other junglers can offer with their builds. I've been thinking about this off and on for years now. About how I could possibly build utility items and cover Yi's needs at the same time.

A New Build is Born

My solution started with the Blade of the Ruined King remake. Its a great item now, but I think it had an unintended effect. The item's remake was done to help counter the health stacking that's been popular recently. It was done to counter recently popular items like Warmog's Armor and Sunfire Aegis. But it also ended up raping Frozen Mallet. An item that hasn't been overused, nor is it overpowered. At first I thought to myself "Well, Yi is ****ed now". But I haven't given up on him after all this time and I wasn't about to start.

The solution came with Randuin's Omen. At first I was skeptical as to whether or not it offered sufficient CC to replace Frozen Mallet on a champ with no CC. But it does. I just needed to change my masteries. I used to ignore the Utility tree on Yi, but that had to change. I needed the extended buff durations so I could hang on to red buff longer and I needed the summoner spell cdr so I could use Exhaust more often. And after Randuin's Omen was in the build, it opened up so many possibilities. You get health, armor, cc and utility all in one item. But the changes didn't stop there.

A New Take On Jungle Masteries

A few weeks ago I took a really hard look at the Utility tree and realized something that had previously escaped me. There is A LOT of stats in that tree which benefit junglers. I honestly think that riot reworked that tree for junglers and is just waiting for people to realize it. Just think about it. You can get massive movement speed, increased buff durations, increased xp gain, gold generation, lifesteal/spell vamp, etc. And all those stats are things that junglers desperately need. After realizing this I started going 21 utility on all my junglers and got fantastic results. Does it work for Yi? Most definitely.

After the Alpha Strike buff, Yi just rapes the jungle. He doesn't need to spec for it. Hes one of the few champions that can actually jungle so fast that he keeps up with laners. And the Defense tree isn't needed anymore because you're getting everything it offers from core items in the build. Just 9 points into offense to boost your dps and you're good to go.

A New Opportunity

But after using 21 Utility for a while I began to ask myself something: Can a Yi with 21 Utility and movement speed runes avoid buying boots? At first I was playing with the idea of getting an early Zeal. It worked. It brought me up to 400ms and provided me with all the speed I needed. But I quickly realized that wasn't going to work because I no longer have the CC reduction from the Defense tree. I almost tossed the idea and then I remembered Zephyr. That item would give me all the speed I need and more. In combination with runes and masteries it brings Yi up to a massive 422ms. And that's without ult active. It also gives the tenacity I need as well. After trying it, I was blown away by how well it worked and it opened up endless build possibilities.

The only downside is that this is no longer a beginner friendly build. I'll do my best to make this as accessible to new players as possible, but in the end you need to be smart enough to know when to build what items. Hopefully this guide will help you get to that point if you aren't there already. I really hope that everyone reading this gives the build a shot. There's a whole lot in this guide that strays far from what you would expect to see on Yi or any jungler for that matter. I've honestly never been so proud of any of my builds and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.

- Supreme farming ability
- High movement speed with Ult
- Ult is potentially spammable
- Great chasing ability
- Built in bonus AD and ATS

- Weak early game
- No CC
- Poor escapability pre level 6
- Extremely squishy
- Walks funny
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Runes & Masteries

  • Greater mark of armor penetration: The benefit of armor pen is obvious. You need these to help you kill and contend with armor, but they will help you jungle a little faster as well.

  • Greater Seal of Armor: Armor is always good for a melee champ, but you're going to need it for jungling as well. Flat armor is needed because attack damage is an immediate threat from jungle creeps.

  • Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: Magic res is the only thing that wont be helping you jungle, but you need it regardless. Yi is really squishy. Magic res per level is the better way to go on these, since you wont be dealing with AP damage too much early game.

  • Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: I started using these on all my junglers for increased map mobility. These in combination with masteries give you great MS without even having boots.




  • Wanderer : Its like having boots of mobility. Great on junglers for map mobility.

  • Meditation : I just go 2 points into this to move further into the tree.

  • Mastermind : This is needed now that Frozen Mallet is gone so you can use more Exhausts.

  • Greed : This is replacing the gold generation from improved Smite and Avarice Blade. Its 400 free gold in a 40 minute game. Not bad at all.

  • Runic Affinity : Again, this is needed now that Frozen Mallet is gone. You need to hold onto red buff as long as possible.

  • Vampirism : Another reason why Utility is good for junglers. What the hell is a support going to do with this? Free sustain. Will make up for losing negated jungle damage in the defense tree.

  • Awareness : Will help you keep up in levels with the laners. The faster you get level 6 the better.

  • Nimble : This is what makes the whole build work. 3% MS for free. Will grant you awesome map mobility and help you keep up with laners during ganks.
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Alpha Strike

: This skill has a percentage chance to one shot jungle camps. The more points you put into it, the higher the chance. This is vital. Faster jungle times lead to more ganks.

But what most people don't realize is that Alpha Strike will also improve your gank potential. What do players do when a jungler reveals himself for a gank? They run. Because of that, you don't have the chance to get many auto attacks in. That makes CC and burst damage really important. Yi has no CC, but he does have the burst damage from Alpha Strike. MAX THIS FIRST!

Tips and Tricks

  • Tip: Dont initiate a gank with Alpha Strike if the enemy has Flash and you can gap close without it. Save this until they burn Flash.

  • Tip: There's some cases where you can use this to help you escape. Target an enemy minion if it will lead you towards the safety of a turret, or to create distance between you and your opponent.

Alpha Jungle Vs Wuju Jungle

People still seem to think that Alpha jungle is all about luck. Its not! Even if you don't get a single proc, Alpha jungle is still faster. The only camp where Wuju deals more damage, would be the Golem camp. There's only 2 creeps, which means that Alpha is only doing 200 damage to that camp. You would have to get a proc on that camp for Alpha to deal more damage. It does 400 damage to Wraiths and 300 damage to every other camp at rank 1. You should also note that those numbers aren't effected by resistances, because jungle camps don't have magic res.

Now lets look at the Wuju numbers. At level 1 you're going to attack 7 times in 10 seconds, which would result in 210 damage before resistances are applied. You should also note that Wuju needs 10 seconds to deal its damage, as opposed to Alpha which deals its damage instantly. Wuju also has a 25 cooldown and you lose the passive benefit for that same duration. Alpha on the other hand, will be available for every camp. Wuju jungle isn't even in the same league as Alpha jungle.

Ive provided more then enough OBVIOUS proof that Alpha is better throughout the guide. But if you wont believe me, maybe you will believe Saintvicious and Dyrus.


: When you max this last and you're not AP, its uses are few and far between. One early point into this will give you the chance to fend off the last few ticks of an Ignite, or maybe save you from a Karthus ult. I usually don't put points into this until I have to, because its so situational.

Tips and Tricks

  • Tip: You can put a point into this at level 4 if you feel that you need to.

    Example: If the enemy team is stacked up on Ignites or they have champions with last hit abilities like Karthus, Caitlyn, etc. Meditate would also be very helpful if your ult is down and you cant escape a Nunu & Willump ult.

  • Tip: Late game when you have more points into this, there will be circumstances where you can use Meditate to tank towers for your team, if there isn't a minion wave to do it for you.

Wuju Style

This is a big part of what gives Yi so much carry potential. He has 70 bonus AD built into him... How awesome is that? Wuju Style is what allows you to build an item like Randuin's Omen first and still be strong enough to carry. Since you have that 70 AD built into you already, as well as attack speed from Highlander, the best thing you can do is counter your weaknesses with Randuin's Omen.

Tips and Tricks

  • Proper Usage: Champion fights, destroying turrets, blue buff/red buff, Dragon, and Baron. Now that the jungle is harder early on you will need to use it for regular jungle camps on the first run.

  • Tip: Don't activate this until you're in melee range. I know that sounds obvious, but I often see players waste some of Wuju's duration by activating it too soon.


: This is what makes Yi the beast that he is. Attack speed, movement speed, and CC reduction sounds good by itself. But if you get a kill while this is active, the cooldown will completely reset. So Yi has the potential to have his ult active for the entire duration of a team fight. That's insane.

Tips and Tricks

  • Proper Usage: Save this for champion fights. If necessary you can also use Highlander on turrets, Dragon and Baron.

  • Tip: Don't activate this until you're in melee range, unless you need the speed boost to close enough distance for an Alpha Strike because the enemy is retreating.
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Summoner Spells

Preferred Spells

  • Smite: This isnt negotiable. All junglers need Smite to secure and possibly steal objectives. Meaning: Blue buff, red buff, dragon, baron. Jungling isn't the right role for you if you cant understand the importance of Smite.

  • Exhaust: This is your best option now that Surge is gone. Will greatly improve your gank potential with the slow and resistance debuff from masteries.

Optional Spells

  • Flash: It has offensive and defensive capability which is great. Use it to chase or escape. You'll be safer with this over Exhaust but your ganks would suffer for it.

Not Recommended

  • Teleport: Awesome spell. Teleport can win games under the right circumstances. But that's the problem. You never know how many chances you'll get to use this spell effectively per game. It could be a game changer, or it could be a waste of a slot. Yi can make very good use of this skill as the best backdoor champion in the game, but you're taking a huge risk. Not having Flash or Exhaust will really hurt your gank potential.

  • Ignite: This is a great spell. It does damage over time and cuts down healing effects by 50%. Of course you can also use this to finish off a runner. Great spell, but I don't like it in the hands of a jungler.

  • Ghost: Yi is more then fast enough and he already has a built in Ghost. It wouldn't be a bad choice, but its not the best either.

  • Cleanse: It can be helpful, but it's not the best choice for a jungler.

  • Heal: Better spell then people give it credit for. Heal is totally viable after the buff, but its not the best choice for a DPS jungler.

Dont Ever Use

  • Clairvoyance: This should be on your support champ.

  • Clarity: Yi isn't enough of a mana ***** to need this.

  • Revive: Only useful if you're dead... Not a goal you should be shooting for.
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Starting Items

  • Standard start for a jungler. But with this build you'll have the mobility of an S2 jungler that would have started with boots/3.

Early Game

  • Madred's Razors: So why don't I have Wriggle's Lantern listed anywhere in the build? Good question. I stopped building it early because lifesteal is a **** stat to have early on. You need a lot of ATS and AD for it to be effective. Spending the gold on Wriggle's Lantern will also delay Zephyr and that's not an option. That item functions as your boots and the core of your offense. You also need the tenacity as soon as possible. All Wriggle's will do is delay more effective items. What about the ward generation? You have Greed to pay for that. I wouldn't consider upgrading to Wriggle's Lantern until late game when you start running out of space to buy wards. Why do I get Madred's Razors at all if I don't upgrade it most games? Increased kill speed of Baron and Dragon, as well as the armor which Yi desperately needs.

  • Zephyr: If this item didn't contain tenacity, this build wouldn't work. Zephyr, runes, and masteries are the trinity that makes this possible. This item is none negotiable for my build. 20AD isn't much, but its replacing the AD lost from not building Wriggle's Lantern. Yi has 70 AD built into him anyway. He doesn't need to build much more to carry. The CDR isn't a huge deal either, but it means more Alpha Strikes if you don't get a kill reset. But having a massive 50% ATS boost, as well as 10% MS is huge.

Other Core Items

  • Randuin's Omen: Like I said in the intro, Blade of the Ruined King raped Frozen Mallet. You could say "what if no one has Ruined King?". Well, all they need to do is build one and you're ****ed. Having an item be core to your build that is so easily countered isn't an option. Ruined King forced Randuin into my build and I'm grateful in all honesty. That sparked a series of events that made me dream up this build. Don't worry. The CC from this item is enough.

  • Hexdrinker: I get this if there's only one source of AP damage. Its especially good if you're up against mages that mostly deal single target damage. If thats the case, get this and leave Runic Bulwark to your support.

  • Runic Bulwark: Hexdrinker wont cut it if you're up against a heavy AP or heavy AOE teamcomp. If that's the case you cant leave it up to your support to build this because your team is going to need it as soon as possible.

Viable Items

  • Atma's Impaler: A good secondary armor option. Buy this if you need to get stronger offensively and defensively with one item.

  • Blade of the Ruined King: This item is better on Yi then anyone, because he has the massive ATS to bring out its full potential.

  • Frozen Heart: Buy this as a secondary armor option if you're up against a lot of auto attackers.

  • Frozen Mallet: I only recommend buying this after Randuin's Omen so you don't get ****ed by Blade of the Ruined King. Its great if you're up against a mobility team.

  • Last Whisper: Combo this with Black Cleaver if the enemy is stacking mass armor. I wouldn't recommend buying this on its own.

  • Locket of the Iron Solari: This is good secondary armor option if the enemy is AD caster heavy.

  • Maw of Malmortius: Same concept as Atma's. Buy this if you need to get stronger offensively and defensively with one item.

  • Ravenous Hydra: Again, Yi makes better use of this item then anyone, as he has the ATS to bring out its full AOE damage potential.

  • Black Cleaver: This is best combo-ed with Ravenous Hydra because the AOE of that item procs Black Cleaver. Its still good on its own for all the stats and Yi's ATS will have the enemy at max stacks in no time.

  • Youmuu's Ghostblade: This has long been considered a Yi item and its still great on him.

  • zeke's herald: This can be a tremendous boost to your team if you have an AD heavy comp.
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Jungle Routes

Its necessary go to for wolves a second time because you need Smite to kill red buff or its gonna kick your ***. The only way to get around this would be to get a no Smite leash on blue buff.
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Early Game

Lane Priorities

Bot lane: This is your main priority. Shutting down this lane affects the entire enemy team. How? Because getting a double kill in this lane leads to getting a free Dragon in many cases.

Mid lane: Generally, theres only one champion per team that will deal a significant amount of AP damage. So obviously, shutting that champion down will give your team a major advantage. This lane is next on the list, but its also the hardest lane to gank because of its small size.

Top lane: This is the furthest lane from Dragon, which is a very important early game objective. You cant expect to be babysat in this lane unless its not possible for the jungler to gank the other lanes. There are some exceptions. If there's a strong carry like Jax top its ok to give that lane special attention. That's one of the last champions that you want to get out of control.


Tip: ALWAYS ping the enemy you're about to gank. This will alert your teammate that a gank is about to happen. If you don't do this, you run the risk of your teammate not knowing that you're coming to help and they wont react properly. Even players with good map awareness can make the mistake of not seeing their jungler coming for a gank.

Tip: I've said it once already, but don't initiate a gank with Alpha Strike if the enemy has Flash. You want to counter Flash with Alpha Strike.

Tip: If an enemy is over extended, you can forget about lane priorities for a second and gank that player. As a jungler its important to take advantage of stupidity. And its definitely not wise for most champions to push far from the safety of their turret. Its a free kill in many cases.

Counter Jungling

This is something that I dont bother with very much anymore. After the jungle changes, its not worth the risk in most cases. The only time that I do counter jungle, is when its obvious that I can. If Im near top and I see that the enemy jungler is ganking bot lane, that would tell me its safe to see if his blue buff is there.

Regular jungle camps arent worth any risk now that the respawn times are so short.

Sharing Buffs

Red buff is going to be better off in your hands then anyone else. You need it early game to boost your gank potential, but you should be getting every red buff for the entire game. Yi can proc it more then anyone else.

Blue buff is a different story. You want to take the first one, but you should be giving the rest to your mage in most cases. Yi's mana costs went down, so he can definitely jungle without blue buff. But there are some cases where I do take Blue. If someone like Vlad or Kennen is mid, I'll take blue buff because they don't use mana. Its going to be more beneficial to me. I'll also take it if I have a bad mid. There's no point in giving a buff to someone that's already died twice by the time 2nd blue buff spawns. That's a good sign that your mid is just gonna die again and give away the buff while hes at it.


  • Initial Spawn Time: 2:30
  • Respawn Time: 6 minutes
  • Reward: 150 global gold + 25 bonus gold to whoever deals the killing blow

Controlling dragon goes a long way to winning a game and the first can be the most important. Early game gold advantages set the tone for the rest of the game. If you can get dragon without the other team knowing, you'll have a major advantage. Why? Because they wont know the respawn time. Lets say you get dragon at 10:47, type "dragon 16:47" into team chat. This way your whole team knows when to get into position for the dragon respawn. Repeat this process and get in the habit of doing it. Do the same thing for Baron.

When to Dragon

Getting dragon is huge for your team, but going for it at the wrong time can be devastating. You can end up getting dragon stolen and giving kills to the enemy team at the same time.

You never want to go for it when the entire enemy team is alive. If they have ward control over dragon it can go very badly for you. The only safe way to go for it in that case, is to buy an Oracle's Elixir and scout for wards. Another option would be to place a Vision Ward near dragon. Vision Wards will reveal other wards in the area. If you don't find any, its safe to assume that you can take dragon. But there could be other wards nearby that can still alert the enemy to your position.

The best time to go for Dragon is after at least 2 enemies die. If your bot lane scores a double kill this is the perfect opportunity, if they're in good health. Ping dragon immediately if it can be done. If you have a support to heal, getting dragon will be no problem if you're equipped for it. The enemy jungler wont be able to stop you, because he would be walking into a 3v1. You just need to keep him out of Smite range. It would be a good idea to have your mid lane come as well for the extra support if possible.

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Team Fighting


Focus is the most important aspect of team fighting and it should be discussed with your team every game. One mistake people make is calling out one enemy champ as the focus. You cant always focus the same champ due to different circumstances, so you need to prioritize.

Here are some factors that should be considered when choosing a focus:
  • Durability
  • Damage
  • Ability to escape

Obviously you dont want to focus the tank. At all. If the enemy tank gets hit by anything other then aoe attacks, your not playing correctly. Dont put any effort into killing a tank until all other champs are dead.

Someone you dont want to put too much effort into killing first would be someone like Shaco. Garen is a good match for him because you can just silence him and take away his ability to escape. But otherwise your going to end up doing massive damage to him just to spend valuable time chasing. If you can do enough damage to take him out of the fight, thats enough. Focus someone else afterward.

A perfect focus would be someone like Annie. She has massive damage, aoe stuns, short cooldowns, and shes squishy. She cannot be allowed to live long or you will lose fights every time. Annie is a game changer in the right hands.

But like I said, you cant always focus the same person every time so here is an example of prioritizing an enemy team, by taking the above factors into consideration:

#1 Annie
#2 Ashe
#3 Shaco
#4 Blitzcrank
#5 Rammus

Simply prioritizing your targets goes a long way to winning a game.

Your Role In Team Fights...

... isn't very complicated. You have no CC, so all you need to worry about is directing your strength to the right target. The above section will help you with that.

Just try to not get caught out of position. You're not a tank and you have no CC. There's no benefit to you initiating a fight. There have been games where I was forced to initiate because I was the tankiest person on the team and we won, but that's not a situation where Yi can excel. Having a dedicated tank in top lane would be ideal, but even just a support tank like Taric or Leona in bot lane would be enough. You just need someone to blow a CC and tank some abilities before you enter the fray. This build will make you a good secondary initiator, but you shouldn't be leading the charge.
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Mid Game

Tip: Farm jungle or lanes whenever possible with Alpha Strike. Yi is one of the best farmers in the game and you need to take advantage of that.

Tip: Dragon is still an important objective at this point, so you need to be aware of any opportunity to get it. That's your job as a jungler. Getting Dragon is a team effort 95% of the time, but its pretty easy for you to get it by yourself at this point as long as your team has ward control. If you have vision on at least 4 out 5 enemies and they arent near dragon you can probably solo it before you would be in any trouble.

In most cases you'll end up killing dragon after a successful team fight, because that's the safest time to do it.

Tip: Buy some damn wards. If you can afford one when you go back to shop there's no reason not to. Dragon and Baron are always good places to keep wards up. Just one ward can change the flow of an entire game.

Here's a map of some proper ward locations:

Blue/Green = Aggressive wards for blue team
Green = Neutral ward locations
Purple/Green = Aggressive wards for purple team
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Late Game


  • Initial Spawn Time - 15:00
  • Respawn Time - 7 minutes
  • Reward: 300 global gold + global buff

Baron can be a game changer, but its important to realize that it doesn't ensure a win. Ive seen many players get really cocky with Baron buff and make stupid mistakes. Baron buff is an advantage that you want to have. Its going to make you more powerful, but its not going to make you invincible. Getting cocky is just going to lead to you wasting your buff.

When to Baron

Mid game Barons are possible, but highly unlikely. 75% of the time, the first Baron kill will come after everyone has hit lvl 18. Its really hard to get Baron otherwise, because you need to be geared up to get it quickly. Getting Baron unnoticed is near impossible in lvl 30 games. Players understand the importance of it and will keep wards over there. Even without ward coverage its pretty easy for an experienced player to anticipate a Baron attempt.

The best time to Baron is right after a team fight. If you get at least 3 kills and the other two retreated to base, that's your chance to get Baron. But you have to do it quickly. 2 members of the enemy team cant win a 2v5, but its entirely possible for them to steal Baron from you at the last second. Especially if one of them is the jungler. Sometimes killing the enemy jungler is all it takes to force a baron attempt.
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Video Guides

Season 3 v2 Guide

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Patch Notes

v1.0.0.129 - 2011-11-15

Alpha Strike mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 80/90/100/110/120

Highlander mana cost reduced to 100 from 120

v1.0.0.123 - 2011-08-09

Alpha Strike
Master Yi can now use Wuju Style and Highlander while Alpha Strike is active
Master Yi will now attempt to attack the target after using Alpha Strike to teleport to a champion

v1.0.0.118 - 2011-05-10

Alpha Strike teleporting behavior improved to be more consistent when near walls

v1.0.0.100 - 2010-09-08

Wuju Style tooltip simplified
Alpha Strike can no longer be cast while rooted

v1.0.0.86 - 2010-06-01

Fixed a bug where Double Strike was represented incorrectly on death recaps
Reduced the animation delay before performing Alpha Strike
Reduced the animation delay before performing Meditate

v1.0.0.85 - 2010-05-11

Attack Range increased to 125 from 100.
Double Strike now deals Double Strike on every 7th attack instead of by percent chance
Alpha Strike:
Cooldown reduced to 18/16/14/12/10 from 18.
Mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/105/120/135/150.
Reduced the total spell cast windup time.
Missile speed increased
Cooldown reduced to 35 from 45
Meditate now ticks every .5 seconds instead of every 1 second
Heal amount reduced to 140/280/420/560/700 from 150/300/500/750/1100
Mana cost reduced to 70/85/100/115/130 from 80/100/120/140/160
Armor and magic resist gained while channeling increased to 100/150/200/250/300 from 30/30/30/30/30
Wuju Style cooldown reduced to 25 from 30.
Highlander Assists now reduce all of Master Yi's cooldowns by half of the base cooldown amount.

v1.0.0.70 - 2010-01-13

Highlander now applies an additive attack speed boost, rather than multiplicative. This change means Master Yi won't be as strong with Highlander and a second attack speed increase (such as items).
Highlander now applies a multiplicative movement speed boost, rather than additive.
Highlander attack speed boost increased to 40/60/80%, from 30/50/70%

Closed Beta : v0.9.22.7

Increased Movement Speed from 320 to 325
Now increases Armor and Magic Resist by 30

Closed Beta : 26, June. 2009

Double Strike:
Reduced proc chance from 15% to 12%
Closed Beta : 06, June. 2009

Alpha Strike:
Increased cooldown from 16 to 18

Closed Beta : 15, May. 2009

Reduced channeling time from 6 to 5 (and made the end of the channel proc a heal)
Rewrote the tooltip to make more sense
Reduced duration from 4/5/6/7/8 to 3/4/5/6/7

Closed Beta : 18, April. 2009

Increased cooldown on Meditate from 50 to 60
Increased Bonus damage on Alpha Strike from 50/125/200 to 150/250/350

Closed Beta : Week 7

Alpha strike Attack Damage reduced to +50/125/200 from 200/300/400 and now slows all targets by 60% for 4/5/6

Closed Beta : Week 6

Highlander cooldown changed from 30/26/22/18/14 to 20 at all levels, and no longer breaks net effects such as Ryzes Rune Prison
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Final Thoughts

I like to think of this guide as a big "**** You" to everyone that refuses to think outside the box. Its a gratifying feeling that I haven't truly had since I released Spin to Crit years ago. If this guide accomplishes anything, its my hope that it will inspire people to forget everything they know about the meta, about the champion pool and open themselves up to new ideas. Make people realize that even a champion whose been around since beta, has the ability to succeed in areas of the game that people didn't think possible.

Preconceived notions are the only things that keep champions like Yi from progressing. This and my Garen guide would have never happened if I gave a **** what people thought, or said, about what a champion is capable of. You have to be brave enough to strike out on your own and try something new. If it works, then **** everyone who says otherwise. You thought for yourself and came up with an original idea. That's more then most people can ever say.


My Youtube:

This channel contains all of my current video guides and will be the home of my future guides as well. You might find some music that suits you in my favorites as well :)

My Pandora Stations:!/stations/play/696416964612193687

I have an indie and an electronic station if you're interested.
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Master Yi

Keeper of the ancient art of Wuju, Master Yi is a mystical warrior from the isle of Ionia. He descended from one of the few tribes dedicated to the preservation of Wuju, a martial art founded with the principles of absolute spiritual awareness of one's self and one's enemy. When the armies of Noxus invaded Ionia, Master Yi joined in the Ionian defense to fight the craven enemy, bringing his village honor through his unparalleled mastery of the blade. The ensuing battles ravaged the land, but no conflict inflicted as much horror as the day the armies of Noxus closed in on Yi's village. Left undefended, the village became the unfortunate test subject of the latest invention by an up-and-coming chemist, now known as Singed. The remains of the village that Master Yi returned to were so horrific that it remains a festering scar on Ionian history. To this day, no Ionian will ever publicly speak of what occurred.

After the Noxian invasion was contained, Master Yi fell into a deep isolation. For years, he trained morning to night, speaking to no one and refusing offers of consolation by fellow Ionians. The only thing stopping him from madly charging into Noxus battle lines headfirst was his pledge to keep the Wuju style alive. Even though he seethed with impatience, his rage became a tool for sharpening his practice of Wuju, developing stronger and deadlier skills for his eventual vengeance. The only thing that roused him was news of the League's formation, and Noxus' subsequent enrollment in the League. Master Yi now brings his mastery of the blade to the League of Legends with unflinching purpose: to avenge his kinfolk and end the predations of the Noxus once and for all.

"The art of Wuju lives on in Master Yi, and is plunged through the hearts of his foes." -- Soraka, the Starchild



In the Plague Jungles, Kong ruled as king. He could wield a unique, natural form of magic and he was driven by zealous ambition. The Plague Jungles were the ideal setting for fostering his growth - he thrived on challenges and flourished in adversity. However, when he had surmounted every obstacle and defeated every opponent, he grew restless. Worried that there was nothing left to overcome, he sought counsel with the monkey sage who lived behind the Grand Waterfall. The sage told him a tale of hairless monkeys to the north who, with wits and strength, bent the world to their will. Kong was overjoyed at the prospect of such worthy competition, and he immediately set out to the north, hoping that the sage's story was true.

Traveling north, he crossed the Southern Wastes and then the Great Barrier. Unaware of the League, he arrived outside the Institute of War where he found Master Yi in meditation. Kong was eager to test the strength of these northern warriors, so he challenged Yi to a duel. Intrigued by Kong, Yi decided to humor him. Within moments of his first strike, Kong knew he was no match for Yi. To be the best, he would need a mentor. He asked Yi to take him as a pupil and to show him the wonders of the northern lands. In return, he would honor Yi by becoming the greatest warrior Runeterra had ever seen. Admiring his passion, Yi agreed, but only under the condition that Kong would one day teach the lessons of Wuju to a pupil of his own. In the spirit of this agreement, he renamed Kong '' Wukong'', and gave him a weapon suited to his unusual nature - an enchanted staff that the young Doran had crafted. The weapon was an unrivalled masterpiece. After rigorous training, Wukong joined the League of Legends to fulfill his promise and show the world the true power of Wuju.

''The first step to wisdom and greatness is realizing how little you know.''
- The first lesson of Master Yi



Singed descended from a long line of Zaun's revered chemists. Even in his youth, his talent for concocting potions far outstripped that of his peers, and he quickly distinguished himself from his less extraordinary chemist compatriots. It came as no surprise to anyone when he was selected for apprenticeship by the infamous Warwick , master apothecary on a lucrative retainer with the Noxian military during their campaign against Ionia. Within Warwick's laboratories, Singed toiled without end, rapidly absorbing every detail of his predecessor's deadly craft. Singed had little concern for the death and destruction that was the fruit of his labors. By the time the curse of lycanthropy descended to claim his master, Singed was poised and eager to make the transition from workhorse to innovator; he was ready to share his genius by bringing a new brand of suffering to the Ionian front. His zeal for progress was unquenchable, and when suitable test subjects proved to be in short supply, the eager chemist was often thought to turn his volatile mixtures on his own flesh.

When the uneasy peace created by the League of Legends settled on the world, Singed journeyed to the one place where he was still able to showcase his beloved craft: the Institute of War. By this time he was barely even a man, his body both ruined and sustained by his ingenious craft. A thousand burns - accidents of shadow and flame - mar his ravaged form, and exposure to such harsh conditions has deadened his nerves, hardened his body, and strengthened his physique, transforming him into a veritable juggernaut. This, combined with a formidable arsenal of deadly concoctions, makes Singed a force to be reckoned with on the Fields of Justice.

"My deadliest dose shall bear my patron's name!" - Singed, having just christened the Insanity Potion
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