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LeBlanc Build Guide by Crecket

Assassin LeBlanc - Twin tits are the only thing you need for victory

Assassin LeBlanc - Twin tits are the only thing you need for victory

Updated on December 1, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Crecket Build Guide By Crecket 2 6 7,152 Views 16 Comments
2 6 7,152 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Crecket LeBlanc Build Guide By Crecket Updated on December 1, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: LeBlanc
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  • LoL Champion: LeBlanc
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I'm known as Crecket on EUW and I've been playing LeBlanc from the moment I started playing league of legends. She is by far my most fun champion to play while still being able to dominate lanes and even carrying a full match.

This whole guide is based on my preferences so feel free to change anything you would like. BUT this build is in my experience the best so far and I currently have a 75% win percentage in ranked and 82% in normal.

LeBlanc is played by high Elo players and is absolutely a strong pick against most mid laners.

Keep in mind that this is my first guide so PLEASE tell me anything which could be improved :) That is why I put Force Comments on for now
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Pros / Cons


+ Incredibly strong lane bully.
+ Blows things up starting at level 2
+ Massive mobility & utility.
+ Uses mobility for defense.
+ Enemy ADC fed? Make him disappear.
+ All the jukes.
+ Can do magic tricks.
+ Twin tits.


- Bad tower pusher early game.
- Incredibly squishy.
- Enemy vision and CC are lethal.
- Not the best at fighting multiple enemies.
- Enemy tanky bruisers are gonna rape you.
- Requires lots of champion and minion farming.
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Runes and masteries


    - Magic penetration in red for more damage.

    - Mana regen over time in yellow so you are able to use your abilities more often and for better roaming.

    - Magic resist to help you early game. Leblanc is kinda squishy so these are a real must in my eyes. They can be replaced by Magic resist over time if you think you will have a easy early game.

    - I preffer AP quints for more early game damage but if you roam allot you could also get movement speed quints.


Gives you the normal Ap damage boosts while also adding some extra movement speed, mana regeneration and 1% lifesteal.
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Summoner spells

I almost always go with Ignite and Flash.
Why flash? Because your W and R have cooldowns and if you are still unable to escape after using those or you are in the middle of a teamfight it is usefull to have another escape method.

Allot of times LeBlanc is able to almost 1 shot people or bring them down to almost no heatlh. A Ignite allows for finishing the enemy off.
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I prefer extreme AP builds with lots of poking this is the reason why I get rabadon's deathcap instead of DFG. And because of her mobility she can escape most situations except when you get CCed obviously. So keep in mind that this is a pretty squishy build which deals tons of damage and requires more of a assassin style play which I will talk about later on in the guide.

Getting a Rabadon's Deathcap first if you are winning your lane allows you to have 220+ AP at 12minutes giving you the power to 1 shot pretty much any low hp champion and because your damage is so much higher than the enemies you can simply kill them or scare them off if they try to initiate at you.

If you're not doing so good you should get either Abyssal Mask or Zhonya's Hourglass depending on what you need. Obviously they give both AP and armor/magic resist so it helps you out. Depending on wetter that is sufficient get the other defensive item or go straight for the Rabadon's Deathcap.

After you have your Rabadon's Deathcap, Abyssal Mask and Zhonya's Hourglass you should already be able to blow up pretty much any champion excluding the tanks.

The next item to get is your own pick, I suggest getting either a Deathfire Graspor Void Staff. Deathfire Grasp for more AP and the Void Staff if you are facing enemies with lots of MR. If you need some extra health get the Rod of Ages first.

Another good item to get early game or maybe first if you know that you're going to win and got a few early kills is to get Mejai's Soulstealer. This + Rabadon's Deathcap highest possible ap with 2 items if you get enough stacks... Its around 120 + 160 + 280 * 0.30 = 364 ap excluding your runes/masteries. Basically it is press Q-R-W to win item build with only 2 items :3

The last build is more of a troll build which gets you insane amounts of health and mana while still giving you allot of ap. This build does only work late game though since the items need to get stacks first.
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Simple 1v1 and maybe 1v2 fights

Leblanc has one of the highest early game burst damage pottentials without receiving any damage in the process in league of legends. This can already be done at level 2 by using a simple sigil of silence + Distortion combo.
All you have to do is wait for the enemy champion to get close and use your sigil of silence, WAIT A SHORT MOMENT (If you do not wait for the Q to hit you will only do half your Q's damage and you wont silence the enemy champion) and than use your Distortion. Immediately press W again to pop back and walk away from the enemy champion.

Most enemies will try to use a ability but obviously they are silenced and all the can do is try to chase you or basic attack you which doesn't do nearly as much damage as your combo just did.

If done correctly you can simply pop back with your W while having your enemy silenced allowing you to step back. And if you have about 40Ap you can take off 1/3 of the enemies health in most cases. Doing this once in a while makes them play more passively and allows for easier farming. Also you can bring them down enough so that as soon as you have your Mimic you can kill them quite easily.

The second common combo is to use your sigil of silence + Mimic + Distortion and than a Ethereal Chains if they are not dead yet. If you think they wont be able to dodge your Ethereal Chains you could hit that first allowing you to hit all your spells and making him unable to move. I would only advise you to do this if you are either able to 1 shot him or bring him low enough that you can do more spells OR if your jungler for example is coming to help so he cant escape.

Try dodging as much damage as you can and dodge any higher damage spells with your Distortion if you can (Having the blue buff obviously helps with that).

Multiple enemies

If you're facing multiple enemies and it is better to deal damage to multiple targets you should try to sigil of silence + Distortion + Mimic. This way you will deal damage to a bigger group instead of just 1 individual. After you're done pop back right away and hook anyone trying to leave the team fight.

I prefer playing a more passive role though and I tend to try to seek a important target and do all the damage to that person. This way you can delete a ADC or bruiser from the team fight which has saved my team in team fights multiple times. The best part about it is that because of your jump you can jump in and out whenever you want and if you fail to kill the target you can just wait a few moments to than try again.


Leblanc has one of the highest roaming/splitpushing potentials in the game and you can truly carry a team by taking towers on your own and helping other lanes with unsuspected ganks.

If your team is any good at sieging, the enemies will eventually have to send someone to defend against your push. But wait... Who the hell would go 1v1 a LeBlanc with all her spells + twin tits???
This is the crucial point. They simply cannot send a single person to defend against your split push. Even if it's a tank, you are able to take him down after working on him a little.
If they send 2 people, then they will surely lose the siege, because now it's 4v3 and eventually your team will take down the tower.
Also, you can't really kill the LeBlanc unless you catch her off guard completely, due to her Movement speed and massive mobility and utility. So the chances of you dying to 1 or 2 people are almost non-existent. And if it's more then 2, their team is definitely losing inhibitor/baron/nexus/whatever the objective is.
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Not feeling like going into this that much but I will list a few champions which are easy/hard to play against. Generally all long range poke champions and tanky champions are bad to play against.

Bad matchups

    - Fizz: His jump will **** you up -.-

    - Gragas: Will poke you to death and you will most likely not be able to combo him easily due to his more tanky character.

    - Kassadin: He does about equal damage but he is way better in farming. You will lose either lose your lane or he will get so much farm that he will rape the rest of your team.

    - Ziggs: Because of his long range pokes he can stay out of your range and deny you of any farm. He is probably one of the most annoying champions to play against as any mid laner.

    - Annie: This can go both ways, either she is able to stun you and teddy-bear-rape you or you will win... Not much else I can say about that.

    - Heimerdinger: Turrets. Nuff said.

Easier laneups

    - Veigar: He is low health and doesnt do allot of damage early game. Hit him in the mouth a few times and you will have a easy kill as long as you dont get stunned.

    - Nidalee: A low health champion who only will be able to do damage at level 6 if you're able to dodge her spears. So standing behind your minions and poking her once in a while if she gets close will almost guarantee a early game kill.

    -Karthus: He isn't really much of a damage dealer unless he gets fed. Avoid his long range pokes by walking non stop and paying attention to the ground. Should be a easy kill as soon as he overextends.

All other matchups

LeBlanc has one of the highest early game damage outputs, can deny most champions from farming and allows playing a more passive role if required while holding her lane. This is why you will almost never loses her tower unless you play against one of her counters.
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Before you even try any of this stuff first think about whether it is necessary to do or has any side effects. Because juking trough a bush which already contains one of your low health teammates wont get your reputation up :3

I will just post random things and videos and I'm sure that you are able to think of more.

Video of Siv HD doing some random jukes and teaching you the brushy brushy escape tactic :P
- Move your clone with Alt + right click. If you walk away in a straight line and make your clone do a random movement the enemy will most likely attack the wrong one.

- Simply popping back after doing your W can be used all over the map and doesn't require a bush!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Crecket
Crecket LeBlanc Guide
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LeBlanc - Twin tits are the only thing you need for victory

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