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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Massive Nuts

Support [S8] Miss Fortune Support

Support [S8] Miss Fortune Support

Updated on November 27, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Massive Nuts Build Guide By Massive Nuts 14 1 119,218 Views 4 Comments
14 1 119,218 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Massive Nuts Miss Fortune Build Guide By Massive Nuts Updated on November 27, 2017
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I'm so tired of seeing MF supports playing AD, playing with no wards, with no harass, with no mana, or just picking MF supp to troll. So here is an in-depth, simple and clear guide made especially for you, who wants an easy support carry. Miss Fortune is made for you. She has mobility, harasses, is a damage-maker, a low-cooldown slow and a perfect support for an aggressive ADC. So here are some tips on how to play her correctly, according to me: Goodluck reading. Feel free to read only the chapters that interest you. As long as it helps you.


WHY MF SUPPORT AP_____________________________WHY MF SUPPORT AP

Let's come back on the definition of a support:
A support is a champion assisting his ADC, helping him getting kills, farm and/or making him escape some dangerous situations. For that, he can have heals, fast-ups, CC or slows.
A support can also give advantage to his carry by giving disadvantage to the ennemies: distance-harassing will make farming impossible for them. For instance, to harass, the support needs some damage otherwise he won't disturb anything. Having mobility will help him moving always being near the person he's helping, but also staying alive as long as possible. In teamfights, having a group-slow and strong-damage will give a great advantage to your team. Get my point? [*] MF can easily and strongly harass, has a hard-slow Make it Rain. (60% of slow, intensified in late with Rylai's Crystal Scepter) Then, MF is one of the most mobile supports (after Janna and Zilean) because of her Strut. That's why you need to up it as the second spell. Now ok, let's admit we said MF was a support. Why play her AP? Well we said she was support because of her low-cd slow, and harassing damage. That's all in the Make it Rain: an all-AP distance ability that you will have to spam during all the game. It deals 220+(80% of ability power) from level 8 (when the ability is at its maximum level) which is really strong for an ennemy ADC having about 1500HP at this time of the game. Maxing it is, therefore, really important: cd-reduction, increased damage and slow. Taking AD will mean that you not have enough range to be safe with Double Up and autoattacks, so you'll probably die twice as more and won't harass as efficiently. The Bullet Time also has a 20% ratio of AP so in late-game. Your combo does really a lot of damage and slows hardly but I'll explain that in another chapter. This can make the difference. [/list] Here, you now understand (I hope) why taking AP is far better than anything else.

Runes on Miss Fortune are quite simple: you need AP, an extra 5% cooldown reduction and a bit of tankiness to be able to tank a bit of damage. The CD is mainly for early-game, to be even more annoying for ennemies. Don't take extra-CD tho, you still need AP more than CD.

Spellthief's Edge is the best starting item for Miss Fortune. After the nerf of Ancient Coin, the mana was a problem for Miss Fortune. Now with the new runes it can handle it much better but the bonuses given by the Spellthief's Edge are much more worth now mana is not the main problem anymore. Giving 10 AP,
25% base mana regen and more gold than any other item. The aim is to be able to rush the more expensive items to help your ADC asap. You also need wards quite soon to have map vision

Redemption is really useful for the 150% mana regen, but also for the 10% CDR and 50% health regen it grants. As you have no lifesteal,
this item will give you the sustain you need. Also, it gives 200 Health, giving you that extra HP to continue poking their ADC. The active is also quite useful for teamfights and to cover your ADC. The cooldown on it is quite low (120 seconds), don't hesitate using it even if you're not fighting, it is a real gamechanger. You should rush this item even before the Eye of the Watchers.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is the slow you need to help your teammates and especially your ADC. Your Make it Rain
has such a low CD (about 8 seconds in late-game) and a massive range, you can use it to apply rylai's passive and get your ennemies in danger/ weaker. Giving you 75 AP and 300 HP, this is a really important item to build. This is why your team will love you. Also for your Make it Rain- Bullet Time combo, you will deal more damage as the slow will keep the ennemies in the zone longer.

Boots of Swiftness is my favourite boots on Miss Fortune support as you are really mobile with them. You can't afford taking Mobility Boots because you are always fighting/poking. This also makes you resist to the slows and be uncatchable. I advice you to build these boots quite early in the game so you don't die as much as you would with a lower speed.

eyes of the watchers
Spellthief's Edge is the best starting item for Miss Fortune. After the nerf of Ancient Coin, the mana was a problem for Miss Fortune. Now with the new runes it can handle it much better but the bonuses given by the Spellthief's Edge are much more worth now mana is not the main problem anymore. Giving 10 AP,
25% base mana regen and more gold than any other item. The aim is to be able to rush the more expensive items to help your ADC asap.

Zhonya's Hourglass is a situational defensive item. I build this when there is a solid-impact midlaner/ jungler such as Zed, Fizz or Master Yi. This will give you 70 AP, 10% CDR and 45 armor. It will also make you resist a bit more to the ennemy ADC's damage when poking. The CDR will increase your quality of poking. The passive also can save you of some situations.

Rabadon's Deathcap is the biggest AP boost in the game. I build it when we haven't got enough AP in our team or when my ADC is fed. Giving you 120 AP and 35% more AP, it will nearly double your AP damage, making your poke much more dangerous for the ennemy team and your full combo a gamechanger in the teamfights.

Mejai's Soulstealer is a very good last-item. For 1400 gold, you can stack solid AP to finish the game. I usually build it when i feel the end of the game is soon and we need to win those last teamfights. With a good 20AP and 300 Mana at the start, it can rise up to 125 AP. Also, if you have more than 15 stacks, you get 10% MS with the new passive. Totally worth it.

Lich Bane is a good third item, just before [rylai's crystal scepter size=80]. This will suit perfectly with your poke, as you need to Make it Rain and AA to use your Eye of the Watchers stacks. It will increase your damage and make you dangerous. Also it will add to your passive Love Tap: your first autoattack will be a real impact. I prefer this to Trinity Force as it gives AP, CDR, Mana and Movement speed and is a lot less expensive for mid-game.

Luden's Tempest is a situational offensive item that I build when my ADC is really fed and needs the mid-game backup. Less expensive than a Rabadon's Deathcap and more effective than a Lich Bane, it can be a good item to deal more damage with your poke. Only buy it if you already have 1250 gold to buy the Needlessly Large Rod.

Black Cleaver is a situational defensive item I usually take when the ennemy team has a lot of mobility and is quite squishy, like Katarina or Jinx for example. I advice build it as a last item, even if it is quite expensive because of the AD that will boost your AAs,20% CDR and health but also that passive that will help you catching the ennemies escaping.[/columnns]

Frozen Mallet is quite the opposite to Black Cleaver. I build it when ennemies are quite tanky and don't have much mobility. It is really useful to freeze them and make them quite weak. I would build this as a last item in a game that's going to last quite longer like 50+ minutes. It can make it much more easier for your teammates and make you less vulnerable.


So now you know what to play, let's learn how to play MF as a support, in laning-phase: the most decisive part of the game. In the first 10 minutes, spam your Make it Rain about every 15-30 seconds on ennemy champs. In this period, you can back maximum twice. Otherwise, you'll be too late and your harassing won't be as effective. Make pressure on the ennemy by aiming your Make it Rain right behind them, because you know they will go back when you put it. Only use one or two autoattacks when the ennemies are in your E to deal a bit more damage and active your Bandit , Thunderlord's Decree and/or fostfang, then go back. Keep distance between ennemy and you. Do never forget to ward the bush and not to farm. Before the end of this phase at about minute 15-20, you should already have at least 50% of assists on the kills of your team. If you are ganked, put a Make it Rain and run undertower with sturt. If your ADC is catched, put pressure with Bullet Time. Important: Once you built Sightstone, change your Stealth Ward for an Oracle Lens

Mid and late-game phase is where you will be the most useful. You need to be much more precise in your movements and use wisely your skills. Without taking to much risks, you can frontline and harass ennemies, but wait that they engage on your tank to use your combo in this order: - Your combo will be really game-changer: like a Malphite ult Unstoppable Force or a Curse of the Sad Mummy. That's why it's good to combo with champs with zone damage like Orianna, Amumu or Malphite. To show you how to ideally place your ult, here is a picture:
Then, you should always stay with an ally as you are quite weak in 1v1: your autoattacks and Q deal pratically no damage. Don't forget to activate Seraph's Embrace when you are getting focused to have more sustain, and all should be perfect.
To conclude, this MF Support has really been detailled and i tried to explain every single point about her, keeping it simple. If you still have questions, or ideas, don't hesitate leaving a comment or topping-up the guide, it would help. Thanks for reading guys, and if you liked my writting style, check out my other guides! Goodluck playing MF supp!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Massive Nuts
Massive Nuts Miss Fortune Guide
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