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Quinn Build Guide by OTGBionicArm

AD Carry Top Lane Quinn: Complete Guide to Fighting with Valor.

AD Carry Top Lane Quinn: Complete Guide to Fighting with Valor.

Updated on June 10, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OTGBionicArm Build Guide By OTGBionicArm 7,691 Views 31 Comments
7,691 Views 31 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author OTGBionicArm Quinn Build Guide By OTGBionicArm Updated on June 10, 2014
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Table of Contents

Quick Guide


Basic Information

Advanced Tactics

Wrapping Up

Synergies and Counters
Summoner Spells

About the Author
Who are Quinn and Valor?


Quinn's Skillset
Skilling Order


Roaming and Ganking
Strategy and Tactics



Starting Items

Core Build

Early Game

Mid Game

Late Game


Offensive Items

Defensive Items

Synergies and Counters

Quinn is good against:

Quinn is weak against:

Quinn works well with:

Summoner Spells




As a Marksman at top lane, you absolutely must have Flash if you expect to survive ganks. Ignite is used because Quinn has very high early kill potential and your objective is to snowball. In some match ups against assassins or auto attack oriented champions, you may opt for Exhaust to shut down their damage. Lastly, Heal is always a safe choice to save your life, but it's weaker offensive uses limit your snowballing potential.


An alternate Marksman page. Armor quints and Health seals to be beefier. Alternatively you can run AS Quints and Armor seals for a more offensive setup.


A dueling oriented mastery page. Feast is used for some buffer sustain and Spell Weaving blends nicely into your assassination combo. Dangerous Game can be a powerful point to have if you're forced into team fights.

About the Author

I'm OTGBionicArm, a veteran here on MOBAFire and Quinn is one of my more obscure top lane picks. She's a rather under-rated champion as she seemingly doesn't fit the Marksman role well, due to her ultimate forcing a melee range. As a top laner she plays well as more of a duelist and she can utilize her ultimate with greater ease. If you want a top lane "Marksman" who can also function as a duelist, split pusher and assassin to add to your roster, look no further than Quinn and Valor!

GrandmasterD coded the entirety of this guides' format and Ubnoxius created the amazing intro banner and dividers!


Quinn and Valor are a tag team duo who focus on high dueling ability and lethal chase down. Quinn functions as a marksman and duelist, while Valor aids her abilities by blinding and marking vulnerable targets. Quinn can tag out with Valor for her ultimate, giving you control over him. Valor acts as a hyper fast fighter character and pseudo assassin. Due to the way her ultimate works, Quinn is very awkward as a primary Marksman. I play her top lane to capitalize on both her and Valor's separate strengths.

In this guide I will showcase a game play pattern for Quinn and Valor that focuses on snowballing, split pushing, total map domination, and assassination. Playing her as a top laner forces an entire strategy of "Duo Marksman", which is basically getting an early advantage and grouping to overpower every turret in your path. Alternatively, she's one of the strongest duelists in the game, and makes for a very powerful split pusher.

Just some Quinn mood music; Listen while reading the guide!

Who are Quinn and Valor?


+ Strong Harass
+ Ranged Top Laner
+ Has a Blind
+ Strong Splitpushing
+ Strong Roaming/Burst
+ Amazing 1v1
+ 2 Champions in One

Quinn's primary strengths are her absurd harass and dueling power. She is capable of dealing serious damage to melee champions while taking very little damage in return due to her blind and Vault. Valor on the other hand moves and attacks insanely fast while dealing pretty surprising burst, making him a deadly roamer and assassin. The strengths of both characters make the duo excessively annoying to deal with for any melee ranged champion.

Quinn and Valor's Limitations

While Quinn can generally win any duels or fights with melee champions, her innate strength is also a weakness. Her brand of harassing and aggression inadvertently pushes the lane very quickly, meaning she has very poor lane control. This, and the unreliability of Vault as an escape makes her an easy target to gank. You will be camped. A lot. Valor faces the issues of being suicidal in his very nature of being a squishy melee character, and he must be used very wisely. Additionally, picking Quinn top lane when there is no tank present in the jungle or support role is extremely ill-advised.


- Vault Can Be Unreliable
- Forces Jungler/Support to be Tanks
- Easily Camped
- Valor can be Suicidal
- Can be Gimped Early
- Very Risky
- " Quinn? She sucks!" ~Every team ever

Quinn's Skillset

Valor will periodically swoop down and mark a target as vulnerable, which also grants you vision on the target. This passive generally causes enemies to back away from you to avoid taking bonus damage, making it a great zoning tool. This passive is also a major contributor to Quinn's amazing dueling power.

Blinding Assault
This ability is will destroy many AD champions that use auto attack modifiers to trade, such as Renekton. The blind alone is reason to love this ability, but be sure to save it for when you are actually about to be attacked. While controlling Valor, this becomes a point blank AoE and is part of his assassination burst.

Heightened Senses
Your core steroids. Since Quinn's entire laning phase revolves around use of Harrier, you will have this steroid up most of the time. The active is also very important for scouting for potential ganks or to seek out isolated targets. As Valor, the steroid is perpetual and even stronger.

Vault is what makes Quinn such a pain for melee champions to deal with. Instantly refreshing her Harrier and creating a knock back and distance from her target makes her insanely hard to catch in a 1v1 situation. It can also be used to leap over walls and ledges if positioned correctly. Valor will simply dash to the target, making it a reliable gap closer for him.

Tag team
Tag Team
Taking control of Valor creates an entirely different dynamic of play. As such, you should only do this if the situation calls for it. Typically Valor will be used to chase down fleeing enemies or to assassinate lone targets. Valor is insanely fast outside of combat and should be used to roam to other lanes when possible. Additionally, he excels at back dooring with his insane attack speed and movement speed. When you swap back to Quinn, the AoE bolts raining down gives the duo a great execution technique.

Skilling Order

Tag team







Tag Team





Tag Team





Tag team



Vault is maxed first because it is your primary trading ability, as well as your escape. Maxing Blinding Assault may seem attractive for burst, but you don't want to push the lane any harder than you will simply by playing Quinn with even the slightest hint of aggression. You'd be serving yourself and Valor up as a free meal for any jungler if you did this. It's maxed second for after laning phase when you want to keep split pushing and actually need to wave clear.


When itemizing Quinn, you should focus on Attack Damage, Armor Penetration and Lifesteal. When playing the Fighter style build, defenses and health are also needed to survive, where as the Assassin build uses item actives and Critical Chance.
Let's go over some items that are arguably the best you can buy for Quinn as well as a few interesting picks.

Early Game

You'll likely have to back at least once before you can make any huge purchases, so get a Vampiric Scepter on first back to sustain yourself if you happen to get ganked. A second Doran's Blade may also help hold you over until your B. F. Sword.

Mid Game

Bloodthirster goes towards your heavy AD scalings and dueling power with it's powerful Lifesteal while Trinity Force amplifies your dueling and split pushing powers exponentially. The Sheen procs will give you more burst and you'll kite even harder with Phage. Mercury's Treads are preferred to shorten nasty CC from locking you down.

Late Game

Last Whisper is essential because the first reaction enemies will have to seeing a dual marksman comp is to stack armor. Randuin's Omen further amplifies your dueling powers against other AD champions with it's passive and actives. You can use the active to help in team fights by peeling or chasing down fleeing targets. Banshee's Veil is essential to avoid being blown up by mages. Get this earlier than Randuin's Omen if AP is your major threat.

Offensive Buys

With the Assassin build, Valor innately attacks very quickly to decimate targets. Heavy AD and Crit are his best friends to kill squishy targets, so if you get ahead enough an Infinity Edge is the perfect buy. Youmuu's Ghostblade is another Assassination oriented pick compliments both Valor's assaults and dueling and kiting as Quinn nicely. Statikk Shiv has multiple purposes. The first is to split push to oblivion with free wave clear. The second is to bypass enemy armor stacking by having a bit of magical DPS in the mid game. Lastly, you may find yourself buying this item if your actual marksman starts doing poorly, and you have to pick up the slack and go with a more traditional Marksman build.

Defensive Buys

If you find yourself fighting an AP Top Laner, or our main threats on the enemy team are AP, you may consider the hexdrinker early on for a defensive/offensive buy. Maw of Malmortius is there should you feel like finishing it later in the game, but the purchase is mostly for the shield passive. Blade of the Ruined King is another hybrid defense/offense item. It's active can help you to assassinate Targets as Valor or kite more effectively as Quinn. Guardian Angel is always a super aggravating buy when you're ahead. Having to kill a fed marksman twice is annoying as hell for the enemy team, especially when they have another potentially fed Marksman to deal with.


Quinn's strongest point is early laning phase where she completely dominates most melee opponents. The combination of her Harrier passive and Vault deals very heavy and consistent burst damage while Quinn takes little to no return damage. Blinding Assault further denies AD enemies from damaging her. However, being so aggressive easily pushes the lane out of your favor, meaning you will constantly be in the risk of being ganked.

Aggressive Warding will be required to avoid the countless ganks you will endure at top lane. You will be a primary camp target for any competent jungler so be ready! Use wards and Heightened Senses to scout for enemy junglers ahead of time. If you have to escape, use Vault to gain distance and blind your pursuers with Blinding Assault. If all else fails, book it with Valor to safety, or Flash.

As Quinn is still technically a Marksman, she is very farm dependent. Your best case scenario is absolutely demolishing the enemy in CS, as well as having your boot on their neck and never letting them up. Getting a few early kills is ideal, and if your jungler helps you snowball, thank him! And obviously as a Marksman, she is very vulnerable to burst early on. Assassin Junglers such as Rengar and Kha'Zix will have Demacian Eagle for dinner if you aren't careful. Take any and every advantage presented to you and take it to group with your team, or continue split pushing.

Warding and Ganking

In lane, you'll wanna use your Stealth Ward to ward the river leading to your lane. if you are on purple side, it might be a good idea to ward your Tri-Brush instead, as this is a very common gank path. Junglers often assume the river is warded. Later on you can help your team with the vision ward by using your trinket and extra Stealth Wards to litter the map in vision!

Once you hit level 6, you can choose to gank mid or even the enemy jungler as Valor. He moves stupidly fast across the map and enemies may miss missing pings made for you. A combination of Vault and Blinding Assault into Skystrike can easily maim or kill targets with your mid laners or junglers assistance. Use Heightened Senses to scout out the enemy jungle and see if you can make a cheesy kill on a low health jungler that's struggling to clear camps.

If you're completely ahead of the enemy Top Laner, you don't even have to gank anything. You can either keep butchering him/her 1v1 and Split Pushing, or group with your team and simply have the goal of destroying every tower in your path with your advantage of having 2 Marksmen.


You shouldn't really be team fighting as Quinn or Valor. Your main job is just to split push and force multiple enemies to top lane to deal with you. Either kill them (If fed, you can handle 1-2 by yourself, 3 if you're Godly) or retreat. Make sure you ward up to avoid 5 man gank squads demolishing you. In scenarios when you are alone, always be mobile and kiting your enemies into your escape paths or into a trap if any allies come to assist you. Save your Vaults and Blinding ***asults for when they actually reach you in melee attack range to maximize your dueling power.

Be clear to let your team know your intentions. Tell them what you want them to do while split pushing, or that you want to siege towers while grouping together with them, rather than attempting to team fight.

Should you be roped into a team fight you have multiple ways of approaching the situation. If you went with the fighter type build, You can attempt to dive carries and obliterate them with Valor, and kite your way back out of the fight. Alternatively you can try to peel for your true Marksman with Vault and Blinding Assault. Quinn creates a psychological disadvantage for many enemy teams you will face if you are doing well. Enemy teams will often watch the birdie (pun absolutely intended, thanks NateDoge) instead of attacking your actual Marksman, meaning they are safer and will have an easier time doing their job or catching up.

Also you can try to create 4v5 situations if you used the Assassin build. Using Valor, try to seek out an out of place squishy target and simply obliterate them to force a 4v5 or continue sieging towers.

Strategy and Tactics

In a nutshell, we've covered Quinn and Valor's core gameplay patterns, split push and dominate, seek and destroy squishies, and bulldoze through towers with your team. But now I will go over some more advanced tricks and nifty hints.


When fighting as Quinn, you will need to kite to maximize your dueling power by stutter stepping, or orb-walking. Quickly taking a step after an auto attack cancels out the end of the animation and "resets" the cooldown of your auto attack, allowing you to create more distance while continuing to deal damage. Quinn's Heightened Senses will make kiting even easier.

Vault Trix

Vault has many uses and a few quirks. The Vault-back can land you over walls if you go over the thresh-hold, so if you find yourself backed against a wall, hop off an enemies face over said wall to safety! This can be done on most walls if you are close enough to the enemy and the wall, and is particularly useful when caught warding the river at top lane. Additionally, Vault will track targets until Quinn or Valor actually reaches them, meaning that if the enemy uses a dash or Flash, you may potentially get yourself killed, so be careful using it! Lastly, Vault's dash range is variable, but the Vault-back range is consistent, meaning you can gain or create distance depending on how close or far away from the target you are.

Tag team Valor: Backdoor Extraordinaire

tag team can be used to destroy exposed Inhibitors or even the Nexus if your team can distract the entire enemy team for long enough elsewhere. If Quinn can get to them undetected, she can either destroy it herself and use Valor to escape, or send Valor himself to destroy the structure with his insane attack speed. Valor's movement speed out of combat will help you get in faster, but then he will not be available to make your escape.


When it comes to jungler assistance, Quinn and Valor will benefit most from a tank jungler that can dive with ease or win 2v2s as your lane will be pushed to the enemy tower tower frequently. Some examples include Aatrox, Pantheon, and Jarvan IV.

As this is a duo Marksman comp with the primary objective of becoming insanely snowballed and steamrolling Towers into the ground, having a proper Marksman at bot lane for the job is required for best results. Jinx is your best partner in structure destruction due to her Machine Gun, Pow-Pow. Additionally, Caitlyn and Sivir preform very well on siege and pick compositions and will help you not only dismantle enemy Structures, but also pick off lone targets with their utility abilities.

You will also generally require a Tank support at bot lane for the best results with this kind of team comp, such as Braum or Alistar. Typically you'll want tanks who can bait out and stall 4v5 team fights to allow you to split push.


As mentioned, Quinn's biggest counter is her own aggression, leading to being camped easily. Assassin junglers are her worst enemies early on and can easily get fed killing her relentlessly or simply zone her and gimp her power. I advise not picking Quinn early in Champion Select, and definitely not if you see champions such as Kha'Zix or Rengar on the enemy team.

As far as lane matchups go, the worst ones are to fight are Ryze, Malphite and Jax. Ryze can trade with you, and distance from Vault or your Blinding Assault won't help you mitigate any damage. He gets tanky with his itemization is very hard for you to deal with. Malphite generally counters auto attackers, especially when there's 2 or more of them on one team. He's also massive bait and you can't escape any jungler gank he initiates on you with his ultimate. Jax is simply borderline stupid after a while. Even if you get fed, he can still come back to lay the smack down on you with his Blade of the Ruined King and Counter Strike.


This concludes my guide to Quinn and Valor, Demacia's Wings. They are a very off-meta and team composition dependent pick, but can easily overtake enemies who aren't prepared for it. I hope you enjoyed reading my guide, and playing Quinn as much as I do.


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OTGBionicArm Quinn Guide
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