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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2015 7:45pm | Report

Runes: Magic Pen, Armor, MR, MS
Masteries: 9-21-0


Talked Malphite into taking Exhaust for Master Yi, which was good because Yi pretty much camped Bot lane after pulling off a successful gank mid lane against Yasuo giving Mordekaiser a kill. Jinx and Malph were doing pretty well for themselves though.

Had a plan to start red, and then clear blue side, then back and clear Raptors with Smite and then gank mid or bottom and everything went according to plan except my lanes were all pushed up by the time I took raptors. Oh well, I was able to spot and kill some wards with Razor Sharp.

Got Fiora rolling top lane with a gank that netted a kill on Cho’Gath. The lane was hers from then on.

They nabbed the first dragon, but that was the only one of the game they got. With two lanes ahead and the other about even and us with two knock-ups to get Yasuo into the fight we were able to come out ahead in team fights during mid-game and we stayed ahead for the rest of the game.

Things I did well:

Peeling for Jinx after the initial engage.

Things I could do better:

Not go in on a turret dive when two of my team members are in other lanes. That caused my one death and got Yasuo killed also.

Need to be quicker about making up my mind as to what I want to do when things are looking harry on the mini-map/map when I am farming camps.

Not miss a ban, when hunting for a character that they don’t have.


How much communication do people do about their jungle plans with their lanes? Would you tell you mid/bot what you are up to so they wouldn’t be pushed up when you are coming around?
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2015 10:23pm | Report

Runes: Hyb Pen, sHealth, MR, 2MS + 1 Hyb Pen Quint
Masteries: 21-9-0


Pub stomp. We had two players that were gold last season and Lissandra was either bad or had never played against a Sion before. I solo killed her in lane once I hit 6th level and the lane was mine thereafter. Lee Sin didn’t make an appearance top that I can recall. We dilly dallied more than we should have and got a little ahead of ourselves while sieging which got me killed twice. Volibear was super aggressive and went in on some questionable engages under turrets. But simply punching the other team in the mouth every opportunity we got seemed to work out in the end.

Things I did well:

Liss poked me a lot but I also poked her back and ended up having more sustain so I came out ahead on that.

Things I could do better:

Farming could have been a touch better. I still feel that Crystalline Flask was a reasonable 1st purchase, but I also would have liked to have a Doran’s Shield to try to shrug off some of her poke in order to be able to farm better.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2015 8:27pm | Report

Runes: Atk Spd, Armor, CDR, Atk Spd + 2MS Quints
Masteries: 6-21-3


This was a cluster from the get go. Partly my fault. Had an early invade and I didn’t see that they had four people there, so I flashed onto their Lucian to lock him down, and my team didn’t react as I expected as they saw the other people coming in so I couldn’t get out. My bad. Ganked mid after red and Viktor managed to dodge around our side of the river wall. We pinged that he was coming down, but Trundle apparently wasn’t paying attention. Suspect that Shyvana and Viktor were on Skype as Shyvana took the opportunity of Viktor coming down to dive Trundled and with Viktor’s help they picked up the kill.

Shyvana dove Trundle again as I was on my way down to gank Top and it was a toss up on if Shyv was going to die to turret or kill Trundle first so I smited Shyv and ended up taking the kill, which would have been nice to have on Trundle.

Had a decent line on Lucian Bot Lane that Janna was able to rudely interrupt.

Bot lane started giving up double kills after that.

Mid game was one of those sorts of them managing to flash or use some ability to dash out of certain death with 10 HP sorts of games so we weren’t able to pad any numbers then.

Basically the other team out played us in pretty much every facet of the game.

Things I did well:

I did managed to create pressure in all the lanes, it just didn’t pan out in a way that got the lanes rolling.

Things I could do better:

Figure there is a bait/invade if the other teams ADC runs in way out of position?

Maybe not pick Nautilus when I am not on Skype with my team? I know how to use him, it just seems like I can’t pull out a victory with him in ranked solo queue.

Figure out ratio on wards vs items. I was stacking wards mid game because we were getting pushed in and I felt we needed the vision, which did lead to some pick opportunities, but we weren’t able to convert them. And perhaps focusing on items would have been better, or perhaps simply purchasing a Sightstone would have been a better option.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2015 9:53pm | Report

Runes: Arm Pen, Armor, 5MR + 4sMR, Atk Dmg Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


Frustrating game. Ahead in kills and objectives and then there was a lot of gung ho solo shenanigans with our team being scattered all over the map giving away picks, basically giving away gold to the other team.

The Annie and Ezreal took a disliking to each other and the sniping commenced. We regrouped and had some decent fights, but wasn’t enough to pull ahead and away, then they started splitpushing our lanes down and our team was too disorganized to deal with it.

Would have been nice if Sona had troubled herself to get a Sightstone. If you are going to fill then fill the role you end up with, mkthx. Going damage after that is fine if you are winning.

Things I did well:

Not enough.

Things I could do better:

Was off on the timing on my E+Q combo. Not sure what the deal was there.

Check keybindings once I load, as I had R off of smartcast, though it didn’t feel like it made that much of a difference.

Figure out how to bring my team back together when they get off scripts and mad at each other.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2015 7:32pm | Report

Runes: Arm, Health, MR + 4sMR, Arm Quints
Masteries: 0-21-9


Top and mid were having some troubles, but Ashe and I were able to push Vayne and Leona off the minions at times after some trading came out in our favor.

Since we were the only lane holding our own Malphite came down and helped get our lane snowballing. We were able to use that edge to gain early dragon control.

Then they started four man ganking Bot. We played them as well as we could and usually took some of their team down with us and our team was sometimes able to take advantaged with a tower push in another lane. The Bot outer tower stayed up a remarkably long time given the attention they focused on us.

Darius beefed up enough to act as tank slayer and with me peeling for Ashe she was able to keep dishing out damage mostly unmolested.

Late game I would simply piggyback on Malph with Stand Behind Me to get off a multi-champion knock up with Glacial Fissure while dropping an Exhaust on Vayne or Wukong depending on who was still around dealing damage.

I do want to add that the team as a whole did a good amount of warding, which is sort of novel in my solo queue experience.

Things I did well:

Peeling, and scrapping, and taking advantage of the things like the Malph ult to keep them on the ropes.

Things I could do better:

Do a better job of keeping the lane entrances warded. There was a span before we could go back to buy early in the game that they were able to pull of a gank on us. IIRC we got out, but it would have been nice not to have had that setback.

Not die as much. There were some scraps that I could probably have backed out of earlier, especially with a Cho'Gath running around.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2015 9:05pm | Report

Runes: Atk Spd, Arm, CDR, 2MS + 1 Atk Spd Quint
Masteries: 6-21-3


I should have dodged this one as Riven and Aatrox got into it in draft phase. Aatrox wanted to go Zed but felt their team had too much AoE damage and CC, so he opted for Aatrox instead.

Things were actually going reasonably well up until about mid-game, then Riven started dying to Swain. I came over to hold her lane while she backed at like 200 health, but she took my appearance as a signal to go in and died again. She attributed her failure to me and started *****ing about the jungle. You know the drill.

Aatrox did some decent roaming to pick up some kills but no one else on our team was doing well so their team simply got too big for us to deal with.

Things I did well:

I felt like I executed my jungle plan well. There weren’t a lot of good opportunities on the map to get my lanes rolling though.

Things I could do better:

Should have analyzed the comp better and gone MR early. I opted to go from Enchantment: Juggernaut into Rod of Ages into a Giant's Belt when I should have gone for a Spectre's Cowl instead. I just felt like I needed to be the source of magic damage for my team, but I should have worried about that later.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2015 12:43pm | Report

Runes: Atk Spd, Arm, MR, 3 Atk Spd Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


This was a really frustrating game to lose as for the most part we dominated the early and mid-game with good dragon control and more turrets to our credit. Then we got stupid. There were two fights around dragon pit that we won giving us dragon control. Instead of turning around and focusing the dragon half our team chased their remaining team members into their jungle which Teemo shroomed to high heaven. They died. No additional objectives for us. Twice. They did it twice. The same thing. smh

In addition to that we started giving up random picks around the map so there was always someone on our team dead leaving us in a 5-v-4 situation.

Lux and Pantheon, our two Gold players from last season started sniping at each other and it only escalated as the odds against us started looking grimmer.

Oh the Lux pick was a mistake, even though she did reasonably well after laning phase. But it was too late to change after Lux realized who she would be up against. And it meant we only had one tank, Leona

I definitely played a little skittish once team fights broke out because they had Gnar and Rek'Sai for enagage. Our Leona was more interested in engaging than peeling so I was definitely jumpy about getting caught, which means my DPS was probably a little lower than it should have been in team fights. Credit to Lux as she probably did the most to try to keep me alive in teamfights even if she couldn't hit a Light Binding to save her life.

Things I did well:

With some help from Pantheon, Leona and I pretty much dominated laning phase and I boosted my kill numbers mid game when we were able to catch some of their team members out in singles or small groups. Also picked up my first ranked Quadra kill when they attempted to dive us under our Mid Outer Base Turret. There was a rough spot a bit after mid game where the enemy team had finished their armor and I hadn't finished Last Whisper yet where I had some trouble finish off kills. Life got a little better once I had Last Whisper completed and could cut through their armor.

Given the minimal peel I was getting and the other team's engage options I feel like I did a good job kiting and staying out of the harms way while continue dealing damage to the targets nearest me.

Things I could do better:

I had two dumb deaths. One when trying to help my team after that had overstayed after one of the aforementioned dragon fight fiascoes. Should have just walked away and let them die. And another when I got caught out trying to get to my team after clearing a super minion wave Mid Lane when the opposing team made a play for Baron. But my team kept shifting positions and somehow ended up wrapped around the top side lane wall and I decide to cut through the area where Gromp lives rather than go all the away around Rek'Sai and Thresh? Gnar? were able to come over the wall or through the tri-bush in that area and pin me down.

Main Analysis
They got beefier than we did and our team focused on kills more than objectives once we had the outer turrets down. If we had pressed our advantages while I and Pantheon were still at the height of our power, we probably could have taken down their base before they beefed up enough to stop us.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2015 9:40pm | Report

Runes: Atk Spd, Armor, 6MR + 3 Mana Regen, Atk Spd Quints
Masteries: 9-21-0


Early lane was fine. We had Vayne nicely pushed up to her tower and I was plinking away at her whittling down her health. Then Nidalee set up a tent bot lane and so we couldn’t keep them pushed under their turret. Katarina and Warwick came down to help and Kat picked up some kills. The problem was that Kat had practically all our kills.

We were able to take their outer turrret top since there was no jungle pressure up there all though Garen was effectively losing a slow war against Volibear.

I took their Bot tower during a lull and then Vayne showed up to farm that wave. I was backing off then Blitzcrank grabbed Vayne so I started unloading on her, but he didn’t knock her up as he had just used Power Fist on a minion, so she was able to come out of the grab swinging and killed me. She almost killed Blitz too, except he ulted her, and then Exhausted her and was able to get another auto in to kill her. smh

Mid game we were pushed back to our inner turrets, which was fine as it was allowing us or at least me to get some needed farm.

At some point Kat and Warwick get the bright idea to start a 2 on 5 in our blue side jungle. Kat kill a couple and then died. The rest of our team goes in but scattered and Blitzcrank throws a random grab and drops a 7-1-10 Volibear right at my feet, so I backed the blank off. And the rest of team started asking why I didn’t get involved in the fight, because they apparently had some sort of plan that would have come out peachy if I had been there to deal some damage. Righhhht.

We had one last fight in mid lane and the rest of my team went all in except I had to net away from the Volibear that was flanking us. For some reason he turned away from me (probably because I didn’t deal that much damage) and since he was my closest target that wasn’t an immediate danger to me I proceeded to shoot him in the back as he waded into the middle of team fight.

Later, “Why were you focusing the tank?” Let’s see. Vayne and Ahri were at the back of the fight killing Katarina who was our only threat and there was a Voiibear and a Leona in front of their team where they are supposed to be absorbing damage. I did in fact ult the low health Vayne but Voli walked in front of it.

Things I did well:

I text book pushed Vayne into her turret. That was about it.

Things I could do better:

I missed some CS that I shouldn't have during laning phase.

Not play ADC in solo queue. I like the position when I know I can trust my support and they know how to do things like auto the caster minions once so I can pick them off after they take a tower shot. Blitz ate a lot of my farm by autoattacking waves I could push perfectly fine by myself. He was even doing it while Nidalee was camping our lane and lobbing spears at us from the jungle. And I R the newb. Sigh.

I am not having the luck with soloqueue of late. :(
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 19, 2015 1:14pm | Report

Runes: Magic Pen, Armor, Flat AP, Flat AP Quints
Masteries: 14-16-0


Fairly balanced game, though we had better dragon control throughout. Annie did work mid lane. Shyvana had a handful with Darius. I tried to pressure top a fair amount because I wanted our Shyvana rolling and not Darius. Blew his flash with an early gank, but wan’t able to convert that into a kill later as he showed a good mix of actual warding and gank sense. I even Body Slammed over the river wall into the bush and popped my sweeper to try and clear his ward without his knowledge, but he didn’t have a ward at that particular time. I think Shyvana’s getting aggressive right at that moment clued Darius into the face that something was up, so he backed off.

Things I did well:

Pressured lanes and counter jungled when that wasn’t an option.

Things I could do better:

Need to clean up Gragies’ early jungle as much as I can. His first clear is painful, so I need to be as efficient as possible with my damage output.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 19, 2015 9:18pm | Report

Runes: Hyb Pen, Armor, Flat AP, Atk Spd Quints
Masteries: 14-16-0


Another fairly balanced game. We had early dragon control, but were trading kills in the lanes, so the early dragons weren’t amounting to much in the scheme of things.

Their Jinx picked up a couple of kills relatively early so I opted into a Giant's Belt early to build into a Randuin's Omen. Amumu went for a Turbo Chemtank which gave him an edge in setting up engages, which is not something you want in him.

Overall, their AoE comp was simply hard to deal with in team fights. We had to have things go off perfectly and get the focus on the right targets to take them out of the fights as fast as possible. That happened a couple of times, but it wasn’t enough.

Partly because we had some solo cowboying. Tristana and Ahri got themselves killed a couple of times with solo shenanigans, leaving us a person or two down.

In retrospect, we should have had Olaf split push while we avoided their superior team fighting ability. Then again he tried that a little and ended up dying to Urgot...

Things I did well:

Nice gank top to delete Urgot with the help of Olaf. Early dragon control.

Things I could do better:

Gank more. I tried to find places that I could apply pressure, but Amumu did it better.

Realize when team fighting isn’t effective or is just too costly and get my team to switch strategies mid stream.

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