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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 14, 2015 10:49pm | Report

Runes: Hyb Pen, Health, 6 MR + 3 Mana Regen, 2 AP + 1 Arm Quint
Masteries: 0-9-21


Made Morgana and Ashe cry in lane though the kills didn’t really start rolling in until mid game.

Things I did well:

Karma things. Even remembered to use Mantra to empower abilities other than Inner Flame.

Decisiveness: Good though at one point I ran the opposite way as Jinx and she ended up getting killed.

Trading in Lane: Good. Dark Angel tears are good.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Okay. Could have been better when I had opportunities.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2015 11:57pm | Report

Runes: Atk Dmg, Arm, 6MR +3 Mana Regen, 3 Atk Spd
Masteries: 21-9-0


Didn’t have super high hopes for this one when our Shaco said he was going tanky. Opted for Tristana because I didn’t have a lot of faith in my team’s ability to peel given our comp.

Check out that Lux build! To be fair, Lux and I worked well in lane together to poke the snot out of Vayne and a to a lesser degree Thresh. Vayne’s CS was atrocious as a result.

After Nasus picked up a triple kill in Top lane with only a sliver of health remaining the opposing team called it quits.

Things I did well:

Trading in Lane: Good. I balanced putting the hurt on Vayne with getting CS and came out ahead.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Okay. Missed a few that I shouldn’t have.

Decisiveness: Don’t recall enough at this juncture to say reliably.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2015 12:07am | Report

Runes: Atk Spd, Scaling Health, Scaling CDR, 1 Scaling CDR + 2 CDR Quints
Masteries: 4-26-0


Darius and Heimerdinger put on dominant performances. Darius drew a lot of attention up to his lane taking pressure off the rest of the map.

Have to doff my hat to Nami who when I pinged I was coming in for ganks, she did a lovely job of hitting Aqua Prison to time up someone long enough for us to get a kill.

One of those fun games were things go smoothly and teammates are there to back each other up and take objectives.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2015 10:35pm | Report

Runes: Hyd Pen, Health, MR, Arm Quints
Masteries: 0-9-21


Dysfunctional is the best I can do to describe our team.

So their Leona didn’t show up to lane until way late. Things were looking pretty good at that point as we adroitly dodged a Lee Sin gank. Then it fell apart. Rammus went way to hard on not one but two ganks so their lane was back in the game despite having piss poor CS at that point.

I knew it was GG when Irelia was Mid lane while Darius was pushing down the turrets in Top lane.

Azir just kept running up Mid over and over and getting caught out each time. Sivir joined him on a couple of those expeditions. A couple of those were while I was in base dealing with super minions after Top inhib had fallen. I think I broke my ping button trying to get someone’s attention as Nami’s wave clear is nothing to write home about.

We did actually come together in the end and had two or three good team fights, but the best we could make of that was their Mid base tower. Then we were back to defending our base since all our inhibitors were down.

We had a brief lull when some of our inhibitors came back online and that was when Sivir took it upon herself to go facecheck Baron by herself. The End.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2015 7:57am | Report

Runes: Atk Dmg, Armor, 6 MR + 3 Mana Regen, 3 Atk Spd Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0

Fairly sedate considering the match-up. I think they were worried about Nautilus and of course Blitzcrank likely wasn't keen on getting a Rocket Grab on Nauty. They went in on us when we they hit 6th and Nautilus fed up and didn't really manage to get any lockdown on Miss Fortune when she ulted. Nautilus died. We buried him. Then he respawned. Creepy. ;) I got out of that one and came back to lane and scored a double kill.

Their Rek'Sai was having a hard time and their LeBlanc wasn't doing so hot against Fizz. Their Nasus was doing alright though. Because I figured I would need to kite either Nasus or Rek'Sai I opted to go for a Blade of the Ruined King first instead of IE. It proved to quite helpful in chunking those two in skirmishes and team fights.

I didn't get focuses much, so I was able to consistently apply damage without interruption, meaning we came out ahead in every team fight. Glad that I wasn't the focus of attention because Nasus could knock off 80% of my health with one Siphoning Strike.

Last Hitting was okay, but not great. You've got to be cognizant of the AoE damage of Tristana's autoattacks otherwise you will get some minions so low that your creeps will take theirs out before you can auto them.

Decisiveness was good. If find that is usually the case when I have decent amount of kills and relatively few deaths.

Trading is lane: Okay. Miss Fortune could have been a lot more aggressive early when my range is more equal to hers. But that doesn't last very long, so eventually I could auto her with relative impunity.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2015 12:11pm | Report

Runes: Hyd Pen, Health, MR, Arm Quints
Masteries: 0-9-21


Rengar was a beast that helped Ezreal and myself get rolling with some good early ganks. Kitty was also very appreciative of the several times I saved his bacon with a well timed Dark Binding when he bit off more than he could chew.

Things I did well:

Decisiveness/Leadership: Good. I kept our team aware of dragon timers and steered them to taking objectives when we were starting to get scattered, which was causing us to lose some skirmishes.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: Still not great at this with Morgana

Trading in Lane: Okay, but could be better. I think I missed around the first 7 or so of my Dark Bindings. Fortunately Ezreal was on point with his Mystic Shots so we had some push pack against Draven and Lux.

Item Actives: I used the active on Frost Queen's Claim to good effect several times and also Zhonya's Hourglass, but I didn’t remember to use Mikael's Blessing, which I picked up to deal with Light Bindings from Lux. Still struggle a bit with three actives for four if you count Sightstone / Ruby Sightstone.


Pleased with this game and my performance overall. I picked Morgana because I felt like we could use some more CC and it really did have an impact.

Favorite moment was when Lux was standing in Mid Lane minding her own business and I Flashed and nailed her with a Dark Binding allowing my team to quickly clean her up.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 26, 2015 10:53am | Report
Updating my champion pool to reflect who I am currently playing/feel comfortable that I play the champion well enough to use them in ranked.

I'm going to try to do some homework and nail down good matchups and tough matchups for each champion in my pool as that is an area of the game where I'm still weak.

I primarily opt for Jungle or Support, but since it is solo queue I can end up at any of the various positions and actually seem to end up Jungle or Top more than I end up as Support.

I feel like ADC is my weakest position, but then I'll have games where I go 16-4-12 or 20-2-9 and so I am not sure if that is a perception issue, match-up issue, or duo lane issue.

I tend to get the least amount of reps Mid lane partially due I think to not calling it and one of my preferred positions being open. I'm fine with Mid lane, but do need to work on my roaming when I do pick up a lead, so I'm glad Kassadin is in a healthy enough place to put back in my line-up as I've had some success with roaming with him in the past.

#1 thing I need to work on to get better is CSing. Needz the loots to give them the boots.
#2 thing is decisiveness.
#3 is trading in lane.

So in my Ranked updates I am going to start rating myself for those things.

5-25-2015 Update:

Added Zac to my list of jungler because I've been getting more reps in on him than Gragas or Sejuani as those two are almost always banned at my ELO. Pulled Jarvan IV for the moment because he just feels underwhelming if you don't build damage. I've seen some people building him a bit differently so I am going to have to look into that before bringing him back into my stable of go to junglers.

Added Gnar and Garen to Top Lane as I find them both fun to play. My reps on them have been in normals thus far, but I feel reasonably comfortable on both and just need to figure what matchups to play them into and/or avoid.

Addded Tristana as ADC because I can't really count on good peel in solo queue so escapability is important and with the attack speed steroid on her Q and a Blade of the Ruined King she can kite and cut through tanks pretty well. It is also kind of fun to drop a bomb on a low health minion and shoot it a couple of times before the other laners figure out what your are doing and take a heap of splash damage and jumping on people to finish them off of course. :-)

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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 27, 2015 7:49am | Report
Not sure what exactly where the issue lies, but my ping has gone up, I'm experiencing more packet loss, and I've got disconnected from games twice (though only for short periods of time) in the last week or two.

I have 100Mbps service and tend to hover around 64-70 ping most of the time with FPS at 60.

I've turned my graphics down to low on all settings, which is a disappointment as I like many of the little touches they've added to Summoner's Rift. Anti-aliasing is off. Last night however my framerate still dropped to something abysmal during graphics intensive fights (like 4-20).

This makes me a little hesitant to play ranked. It seems odd too in that we were told that the new SR should be less intensive on comps and I was able to play with high grahpics settings when the update to SR first came out. I don't know if it the issue is things they've added since the update or my own connection and/or computer.

Anyway, I've been saying I'm going to put more emphasis on knowing my matchups so I'm going to start documenting that. For the moment this is just going to be a stream of consciousness type exercise base on my experience and I might try to make a pretty table later.

Top Lane

Sion - Aatrox Heavily favors Aatrox, Maokai Even, Teemo Favors Teemo until you get Unstoppable Onslaught then you can kill him at will, Jayce would need to try this match-up after the nerfs Roar of the Slayer. I think it still favors you as you can just build armor and laugh at him. Mordekaiser favors Morde. Malphite favors Malphite. Gnar favors Gnar. Nasus farm fest, which is really bad for your team. You need jungler help to keep him down.
Wukong - Renekton Heavily favors Ren, Darius Heavily favors Darius
Gnar - Jax Favors Gnar
Garen - TBFIL


Don't have a good feel for who my junglers are better against.

I mostly pick Shyvana if I'm against a Lee Sin as I can run Exhaust and murder him if he tries any invade shenanigans. Though Gragas also holds up pretty well against him and can get away if it starts to go badly.

Zac I often pick when Gragas and Sejuani and banned. Sejuani I pick because of the beastly ultimate to lock down whole chunks of enemy teams.

Mid Lane

Lissandra - Katarina Favors Liss but Kat is a better roamer on average
Kassadin - Katarina Favors Kass but Kat is a better roamer on average, Brand favors Kass and Kass is a better roamer

I'm going to add in Lux or Syndra as a counter to Heimerdinger. That guy has cropped up in a couple of my games and he is a pain in the *** to deal with if you don't have some way to get his turrets or him away from his turrets. Lee Sin works pretty well against him as a jungler as you can kick him away from his turrets. So that is another option, though my Lee play leaves quite a lot to be desired.

Bot Lane - Marksman

Sivir - Spell Shield is very helpful an neutralizing anyone with a hook. F you Blitzcrank.

Quinn - Does well against Vayne and Kalista in my experience (maybe I should add to my roster. Jinx ****s on Quinn.

I basically default to Tristana at this point because I usually don't trust my team to peel.

Bot Lane - Support

Braum - Does reasonably well against Thresh and Blitzcrank as long as you go full tank to deal with the beating after getting hooked and then go ham on the ADC since the grab put you in position to do so.

Morgana - Ofter also choose her into Thresh and Blitzcrank because Black Shield.

Nami - does pretty well against Janna. If my team doesn't have any disengage, Nami is often a default choice for me.

Karma - For wrecking Morganas.

So yeah, definitely have room to improve in this area of my League knowledge.
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 27, 2015 8:41am | Report
Maybe you should try to pick up Janna or Thresh. I'm not sure how hard Janna could carry in silver, but Thresh certainly can.

by jhoijhoi
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 27, 2015 11:25am | Report
Maybe you should try to pick up Janna or Thresh. I'm not sure how hard Janna could carry in silver, but Thresh certainly can.

I do play Thresh but I still struggle with backwards and sideways Flay attempts, which has made me hesitate about taking him into ranked. Any advice on that?

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