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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2017 10:09pm | Report

Traded our Top so they could get jungle. I was ready to give the recently buffed Nasus a try, so that worked out nicely.

Damn Kled does an absurd amount of damage and the freakin' remount mechanic is annoying as hell. Like I can kill him, but I can't because he can just stack his damage on me remount and then I'm screwed. Mostly had to wait until Cho'Gath came by to kill him or let him out play himself under my turret, both of which happened.

Ziggs also does an absurd amount of damage and I actually had some MR by the time I encountered him.

They coordinated their CC well any time I tried to do much of anything, at least until a fight around our Bot lane Nexus turret where I was able to get some work done when they overdived. We then picked them, specifically taking out Vayne, in Mid lane after that and then ran it down Mid for the win.

Nasus doesn't really feel that different, though Kled is not a good matchup for him, which may be the reason for not feeling particularly buffed.

And our jungler got Plat off that game so happy day for them.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 29, 2017 10:59pm | Report

And I told our jungler that Maokai was available, but instead I got to lane against him. I couldn't out trade his healing in the early game so I just got shoved under my turret for most of laning phase. I didn't figure Nautilus would come Top and he didn't. Don't really blame him too much as that is sort of a wet noddle contest with Maokai being hard to kill for the two us after buying a Spectre's Cowl. Akali got stupidly fed so we had to expend a huge amount of resources keeping her off of Caitlyn and that didn't always work. Late game we took Baron after clearing out all their wards but ended up coming apart around the Elder Dragon which was also up.

One of those games where none of my Teleports managed to get us ahead. Could have last hit better.

Maokai is annoying because he jumps through you and then can knock you back so it is hard to know where to place your spells as Swain. Maybe should have gone the doggie, but oh well.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 29, 2017 11:49pm | Report

And our Karthus got wrecked. Not really in lane so much, but just later in the game he was just sort of free gold for their team. Top lane who asked me for Maokai so I gave it to him was crying the entiretly of laning phase and *****ing about Mid lane. Bot lane was sort of doing okay, but then Nocturne hit 6th level and started changing the balance of power in that lane. He did a good job snowballing his laners and stealing farm from me when i was trying to make plays on the other side of the map. Their Vel'Koz was pretty good with his kiting. I did gank Top and Galio's Flash also ganked Mid and blew Vel'koz's flash, but we weren't really able to convert on any of it. And late game the cancer that is Soraka prevented us from cleaning up a bunch of kills. Sad panda. Well that is enough ranked for me for the night.

After watching the replay:

Karthus should **** on Vel'koz. Unfortunately, it looks like out Mid laner had a some total of 2 games on Karthus this season (no games last season).

Maokai should also beat Galio.

Since Top and Mid where losing I lost control of my Top side jungle rather early which allowed Nocturne to get ahead. With a strong assassin, the Brand support pick became a liability. We needed a Lulu or Tahm Kench to keep Ashe alive. Mid to late game I literally had to walk around with Ashe to eat Nocturne to keep him from killing Ashe.

Having an assassin type might also have been useful for getting to Jinx which was a problem later in the game.

For my part there were two times that I had and inkling that Ashe was at risk. One of which I could have reacted to based on positioning, but I failed to act on my concern.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2017 7:03pm | Report

Good team that collapsed for each other when weird stuff was going down early game. Their Heimerdinger rage quit for a while after I ganked an helped Nasus kill him a 2nd time.

Anivia declined to watch my Red side jungle so I ended up losing my raptors and red, which set me behind for a while.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2017 8:03pm | Report

We gained control of the game relatively early and pushed our lead, but we pushed it too hard a couple of times, which lead to at least two of my deaths, which could have easily been avoided if we had backed out cleanly when I wanted to after taking an objective, but Thresh and Caitlyn just kept trying to go for one more. You know the Master Yi who keeps cleaning us up after we stick around too long? Yeah that one? He has revived and we are all sitting here on low health. Let's leave. Nope. Fail.

But we had a sufficient lead that we kept this one in the bag.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2017 7:41pm | Report

Bot lane got **** on before the rest of us were strong enough to do anything about it.

I screwed up my early jungle clear by ordering my Smite incorrectly so I failed to get Riven rolling early like I originally planned and then Maokai showed up to harass her and I spent a lot of time dealing with that.

Accidentally Smited blue buff rather than finishing it with my E. Oh and for some reason my E didn't proc properly on the big wolf which cost me more time and health. I have had that happened at least once before. The additional damage just doesn't go off. Which meant that by the time I got to Red I was too low in health to finish it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2017 10:00pm | Report

It was like my team didn't know how Pantheon works. I told them to watch out for a level 2 gank. He waited until level 3 and was spotted out on a ward and pinged out. Riven ignored it and died for it. That started the snowball. He had enough CC on his side to be able to ult in and they could often keep whoever was being targeted in place. I tried to gank for Bot since Sivir and Janna's Flash were down, but the Vladimir managed to die again. I got spotted out on a ward somewhere and with 4 people trying to catch me in a pincer I had to go over the Baron pit. Over and over my team simply ignored the potential for an incoming Pantheon and they paid for it. Our Vladimir was, I think, tilted out of his mind. Of course it is my fault that he has died four times in lane. He kept going for over aggressive turret dives to try and finish targets off and largely failing. Like dude once your pool is down you are vulnerable to the next CC that comes your way and Pantheon's CC is point and click.

Lucian was so useless that Blitz just started roaming, which was about all that he could do. Not exactly sure how he got honored by three people. I meant to honor Blitzcrank as at least he was trying to do something constructive after their laning phase went to ****.

First game I have lost on Maokai in a while, but couldn't carry on a tank with the majority of my actual carries having 10 or more deaths.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2017 8:04am | Report

Moved into Silver 4 on my alternate account.

Xin Zhao - warm up game for the evening. IIRC I cleaned up Mordekaiser after he killed Riven before taking Blue buff, then went straight back to Blue, not respecting the fact that Ziggs went missing and was last seen headed in that direction. Ended up dying to the Ziggs.

Died a couple more times trying to make plays after that, so things were looking somewhat grim. Muted the Malzahar who was being an *** hat. Got some inkling later that suggested he was still being an ***hat, so I suggested that the others mute him as I had much earlier. Reported the Malzahar after the game. Don't need that **** when I'm playing a game for enjoyment.

Then I picked up a double kill and completed some items. Kayle started to come on line and Malzahar started locking down some key targets, which allowed us to roll up the carpet on them.

Ended up play a couple of normals with friends then queued for a ranked game on my main, but we ended up with a Miss Fortune Mid verses a Zed, plus just a line-up that I didn't think would be able to deal with their comp very well so I opted to dodge and see if I could finish up my promos for Silver IV.

Jax - had an Akali that claimed to plan to feed their *** off. They fed their *** off alright, but they did try to actually play some of the time so they were only mostly a liability.

Rotated to Mid after blue buff and killed Ekko. I and my team had trouble dealiing with the Rek'Sai. Strong suspicion that they were a much higher level smurf given the way they were pressuring me in my jungle and using the pressure to get behind my laner to make plays.

Since Ekko got to free farm a lot due to Akali being dead half the time or roaming and hence not catching the waves in Mid lane, Ekko became impossible to deal with especially when he was teamed up with Rek'Sai. Enough CC between the slows, stuns, and knock-ups that if they got on you, you were dead.

Cho'Gath] - Went straight from Red to Blue to counter a potential invade from Lee Sin and sure enough, he showed up as I was doing my Blue, but I couldn't burn it down fast enough and deal with him at the same time so I backed out and pinged for help. He went Top side to pester Kayn, but Kayn managed to avoid the gank since he was aware that Lee was in the area. So I tried to finish off Blue again, but Lee came back to bother me after his failed gank attempt. I did managed to finish off Blue and then Flashed out to avoid having to deal with the Lee at that time, though I perhaps should have stuck around because Kayn was able to rotate the second time around and he made noises about wanting to try and make a play.

Kayn held his own against Sion and some pressure from Lee. Bot lane I never managed to pull off a gank on though I tried a couple of times. Since we didn't have a really good setup and they had Black Shield they were constantly able to walk away.

Diana started to get fed of roams to Bot lane which was definitely a worrying trend because she can vaporize pretty much any squishy if she gets far enough ahead. Fortunately we did have some point and click CC from Ryze which helped us to deal with her.

Jinx came on line and were able to win a couple of skirishes a parlay those into objectives and finally the win.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2017 9:01pm | Report

And we had a Vayne and they had a Maokai. The End.

She is terrible into Maokai at least at a Gold level of play. I pick Maokai every time I see one. But unfortunately they got to pick their jungler before we did. Fiora actually did pretty well in lane vs Yasuo but Maokai helped to even the odds in that lane to some extent, to the point that he was more useful in team fights. Every lane was in need of help and I did what I could while keeping up my farm, so I think I did my part. Just wasn't enough.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2017 10:08pm | Report

Le sigh. Bot got dumped on all by themselves. Twitch died twice in about the first 10 minutes of the game. Top was stuck under their turret. They didn't really want to play against the Gnar in the first place. I offered to trade but they hadn't played Maokai since his rework. Yasuo couldn't seem to understand that Ekko and Wukong were tag teaming him, so he never changed his play style or bothered to ward. Or you know buy a Hexdrinker against the magic damage dealer that he was laning against. And it was my fault. My fault that we couldn't contest for objectives. How about not being dead when it is time to go contest Dragon? That might help. The Ekko got so far ahead he could 3v1 us. Add into that a Wukong ult and a fed Jhin ult and we couldn't really do anything against them.

Irritated that I get the feeder version of Yasuo. I literally had to pep talk him out of the fountain after his third or so death.

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