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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2016 5:28pm | Report

Looked at their team and saw a bunch of squishes so I opted for Rengar. That allowed me to molest Twitch and Ashe whenever they got out of position which is a good thing because Twitch got huge in the early game by picking up a kill in ever lane he went into despite me starting at and taking away his first blue buff as well as the second. He picked on Ahri a bunch though she had generally killed Malzahar before Twich hunted her down. The meat grinder of Blitzcrank + Mordekaiser also helped to deal with Twitch so we had that in our favor. Basically we just had to surive for the duration of Taric's ultimate while Twitch chunked us from behind Taric and if we did that it was lights out for them.

I think this might be my first ranked win on Rengar. I screwed up one fight and couldn't quite get to Twitch after ulting so i ended up turning on Taric who the rest of my team was focusing. I should have simply hung back and targeted their as soon as one of them got close enough to try and contest our push rather than coming out of stealth onto Taric as that left me exposed to Ashe who ran into the fight from an odd angle.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2016 6:40pm | Report

Hey look I played Aatrox. Silly client. Go home. You're drunk.

Ugh. Bot lane was doing well. Mid and Top not so much. That meant we had a split pushing Trundle to deal with all game, with of course our Top laner ditching Top so Trundle starts picking up free towers. We managed to equalize things then I made a call to get Rift Herald after we killed or sent Trundle back to base. Had Ekko come over to help, but we didn't manage to burn through it fast enough so Ahri shows up ?with Shyvana? so we ended up getting Triple killed. I think I managed to finish off the Rift Herald but died without actually picking up the buff. That was super frustrating. But I suppose you are going to lose some of those calls.

Also made another bad choice to try and finish off Trundle and Shyvana who had managed to catch out Renekton and chunk him but good. I though the two of us could turn it but he kept running leaving me in the middle of the two and I ended up dying for it.

As the game rolled on we struggled to get to Trundle before he took out whatever objective he was after. We started killing him ever time he got something but we would use a lot of resources to do it, which meant we didn't have the resources we needed to deal with the rest of their team or didn't have them in the right place.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2016 7:43pm | Report

Slaughterfest. I ganked Top lane after red and pushed Darius out of lane and scored myself a little lane farm. Came back and Tryndamere and I teamed up to kill Darius. Tryn was able to kill him at will after that. The team also responded well to pings, minded their wards, and called out MIAs so weren't get caught out to give them a way back into the game. All in all a good team effort.

Jhin enjoyed the fact that my flag gave him 9AD.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2016 8:33pm | Report

This went better than I expected given our team composition. Kog'Maw did a decent job of pressuring Karthus and avoiding Rumble ganks. I helped Xin Zhao kill or push Nasus out of lane a couple of times, which meant Rumble or Zyra would have to come and hold the fort down. It also allowed Xin to roam a bit to mess with Rumble in his jungle or pressure Karthus a bit. It took a while to break their outer ring of towers, but once we had that down, we kept up the pressure and won the game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2016 9:36pm | Report

This was a game where Mid and Top screwed themselves by playing overly aggressive in the early game which prevented me from ganking and exposed them to ganks. I eventually got Nasus but Trundle refused to buy any armor so after that he just kept feeding Nasus kills over and over, then towers, then Nasus was able to roam Mid and help take that tower down. And I had to be extremely careful about going into my Blue side jungle lest I encounter a wild Nasus.

Bot lane had no synnergy and kept missing opportunities for kills so no love there. Pretty much the Nasus train, which is annoying because we had to the tools to deal with him if we had a chance to scale up.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2016 10:36pm | Report

Well if you take a look at Yasuo and Bard's death count you can kind of figure out what happened this game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 13, 2016 2:00pm | Report

Didn't do enough fast enough. Handed every one of my lanes a kill and none of them actually managed to win lane. Stupid Teleport roam from Ryze onto a ward in their tribush well away from Caitlyn and Morgana. Guess who is sitting there? Kha'Zix!! Ryze didn't get up. :-P Feelsbadman.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 13, 2016 3:05pm | Report

Okay I think I am going to give up ranked for a bit. That is three games in a row where I had one laner get **** on so bad that their lane opponent was effectively able to take over the game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2016 7:35am | Report

This one game got off to a good start with their Ezreal and Nami invading the side of the jungle we were all on. We boxed them in and Alistar picked up the kill on Nami and I picked up the kill on Ezreal. Top lane Nautilus and I managed to turn a Lee Sin gank and take him out. Nautilus did a fair amount of roaming to lanes and harassing Lee in his jungle. I didn't have a huge amount of success with ganking or counter jungling because Lee wasn't ganking a lot and Annie kept dying to Brand meaning I won't have back-up from Mid and they would if I went into their jungle. However with the early kill and all my farming I was 2 levels up on Lee Sin which put me in a pretty comfortable position to make plays where I could. Annie picked it up after laning phase. The main thing was surviving all the AoE damage that Brand was able to dish out. Since Nasus didn't have a stellar laning phase we had enough damage and CC to deal with him even in the later phases of the game.

Gnar was farming champions whether in lane or through roaming. Tristana was having a happy day with Blitzcrank reeling in kills for her. I tried going for Trinity Force prior to getting Enchantment: Cinderhulk as I don't feel like the later does a lot for Skarner. So Phage first in case I did get on someone, followed-up by Sheen for the passive damage proc. Fairly well worked them over on this one.

I wanted to dodge this one because of the Kled support. Kled provides jack-all in terms of supporty type utility. But I was relying on my duo partner to dodge since I had already taken a hit for the team to dodge an early game where our Top laner's Darius got banned so they announced "time to troll!" and they didn't mean they were picking Trundle. My duo partner failed to dodge so in this one we went.

I ****ed up to start this one off. Their Lux didn't show up in lane when she should have because she was camping my Red Buff. I was a little too fixated on taking it so she managed to get Red and kill me and managed to get away after Taliyah figured out what was going on and game over to try and recoup what she could from the affair. Note to self - if a laner doesn't show up in lane on time they might not be leashing their jungler or AFK. They might be hunting you.

Aside from the inauspicious beginning, the main problem was that Draven was ****. I watched him drop every 2nd-3rd axe, which is a huge drop in his potential damaage output. And as I surmised in champion select, Kled brought nothing to really help out Draven in terms of catch potential, protection, or enhancement. So Bot lane got dumped on.

Our Top lane Illaoi was doing pretty well, but Cho'Gath focused a lot of effort up there and that netted them some kills.

On top of not doing very well in game, Kled and Draven were commonly getting caught out in bad positions and though I would go over to assist them we mostly ended up handing out more kills then we were getting in return because our team didn't have enough senses to back off when people started disappearing from the mini-map, so we would lose out when the opposing team brought in their own reinforcements.

Have I mentioned I dislike playing against Lux? She is a squishy mage, but despite that even if you get on Top of her with damage, half the time she manages to walk out because of her shield. So every time I got on her, what happened? She survives with a sliver of health and I end up dying. Urgh.

Come team fight time since we mostly had an all-in team, we were struggling with Cho'Gath's silence and also how bulky he had gotten. Given that two of their main carries were fed and only one of ours was, we just didn't manage to put out the same kind of damage that they were doing.

This was a winnable game, but we needed to play smarter and ward better. FU Kled you non- Sightstone buying ****py excuse for a support.

I need to remember every time I have an AP support or a non-meta support to ask them if they are planning on buying a Sightstone or look at their items after their second back and then buy one myself if they don't have one and I am the jungler since I can roam to place wards, even if it isn't the best thing for my build.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 21, 2016 12:08am | Report

Yorick as support apaprently didn't work out all that well for them. Got Yasuo ahead, though that lane still was something of a struggle for him. Both Kindred and Ekko over committed to killing Azir a couple of times leading to their demise under our turrets. Had some decent ults and my team took advantage of them, getting me into the fray rather than running away. With Yas in a decent position he was able to roam and makes some plays. Sivir was well enough ahead that she could really go ham on them with Sion and myself as Shen to provide some peel for her.

I've been opting in for an early Tiamat on slower clearing junglers if they tend to buy it and that seems to help me spend less time clearing and more time in transit to the places where I am needed.

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