Oh lord Darius Nautilus
Somebody sees what I see.
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Darius+Blitzcrank, darius pulls the ad-carry to him, blitz pulls ad-carry to him... dead!
That's what we do with a friend!
It is actually really easy to counter: get in front of creeps so blitz can't pull you. The problem is, people are not clever enough do to it and keep saying that darius is OP when in fact, if you miss your early, you lose.
Actually, I chose to roll as Corki. I figured we needed at least a little range, and since Darius had the AD and kills covered, I could just rush TrinForce and use my AP splash to gain advantage. It worked, but I really noticed the positive side of Corki when one team we were playing against got smart, and armored up. Too much true damage in one lane can be a beautiful thing! I want Corki AD bot, Taric Support, Darius Top, Olaf Jungle, and a good Anivia mid. Good luck ****ing with that team.
So I got all of the farm, and he got all of the kills - pretty much. If you look in my match history, it actually looks pretty ****py. Loads of ranked wins in a row as an AD Carry, yes, but all of my scores resemble something to the tune of 0/5/25 or 2/10/30 and ****. Weird scores for an AD carry.
Darius + Nautilus sounds absolutely wicked.
I thought Anivia + Darius sounded pretty awesome. It was. For the other team :/ Mainly because it was my second time playing Anivia, and thus far, it's all fail for me.
So I got all of the farm, and he got all of the kills - pretty much. If you look in my match history, it actually looks pretty ****py. Loads of ranked wins in a row as an AD Carry, yes, but all of my scores resemble something to the tune of 0/5/25 or 2/10/30 and ****. Weird scores for an AD carry.
Darius + Nautilus sounds absolutely wicked.
I thought Anivia + Darius sounded pretty awesome. It was. For the other team :/ Mainly because it was my second time playing Anivia, and thus far, it's all fail for me.
Darius probably works better with Tristana because of her slow. I once did a lane as trist with a volibear, we were a nightmare for the opposing team (their support was actually blitzcrank, voli outsmarted his grab over and over. Fun stuff.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
FalseoGod wrote:
Darius probably works better with Tristana because of her slow. I once did a lane as trist with a volibear, we were a nightmare for the opposing team (their support was actually blitzcrank, voli outsmarted his grab over and over. Fun stuff.
Lol. At my ELO (and thank god it's finally getting higher every day now!) I don't think I have ever seen a Blitzcrank land a grab. :D
Eventually people learn that Blit's worst enemy is a creep. But at the elo i'm at (since i spend 80% of my time training mentees) people just don't get it. i rage so hard when they don't, and sometimes i hurt some feelings, but eh. And as a support who LOVES the unconventional, ill have to try the Darius. Fantastic way to add another major DPS to the team. Usually i simply start Mao support and transition to carry around midgame, but this seems like it might work just as well. Great ideas folks lol
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
AncientNecro wrote:
Lol. At my ELO (and thank god it's finally getting higher every day now!) I don't think I have ever seen a Blitzcrank land a grab. :D
I get what you mean; I just pointed it out because Voli using Rolling Thunder to go in could be really stupid if he just got grabbed and knocked up, but this sir knew exactly how and when to go in, and I could jump so thar I would simultaneously slow their Varus and have Voli between me and Blitzcrank. It felt good.
As for what you said, unfortunately I'm still on that ELO (1212) where if I go mid/top and there's a Blitz bot their carry flies to Godlike -.-'
FalseoGod wrote:
I get what you mean; I just pointed it out because Voli using Rolling Thunder to go in could be really stupid if he just got grabbed and knocked up, but this sir knew exactly how and when to go in, and I could jump so thar I would simultaneously slow their Varus and have Voli between me and Blitzcrank. It felt good.
As for what you said, unfortunately I'm still on that ELO (1212) where if I go mid/top and there's a Blitz bot their carry flies to Godlike -.-'
Ban blitz?
He's ****ing OP as a support you know?
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
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