Crowd control the tanky DPS and focus down the ranged carry - alternatively, keep the ranged carry zoned out of the fight somehow while you focus down the tanky DPS.
This is arguably much more difficult when facing both a fed tanky DPS and ranged carry.
This is arguably much more difficult when facing both a fed tanky DPS and ranged carry.
@adon-I dont see how QSS does you any good when you're in his fckn circle
@jebus-I was kennen, CC'ed everybody cuz I try to tag everyone in my circle doesn't work. Jarvan had mallet and like mres and **** and my team dies when I bypass him and start to hit the ranged carries. it's like he can solo carry this shyt.
@jebus-I was kennen, CC'ed everybody cuz I try to tag everyone in my circle doesn't work. Jarvan had mallet and like mres and **** and my team dies when I bypass him and start to hit the ranged carries. it's like he can solo carry this shyt.
I play morde and i've never had that problem, because if i ult the ranged carry really really early, they will just run away and it will be a 4v5 for the lulz.
It's pretty hilarious actually.
In you situation as Kennen, it's difficult, because Nidalee, Malz, and Jarvan are three VERY formidable champions in a team fight.
What would I do as kennen?
I'd build an Abyssal Scepter, Rylai's, Zhonya's combination in order to be just a bit tankier.
(lols, i've never played kennen before, and that's the top rated mobafire guide >_>)
But really, you have to focus the person who is the highest threat, so if Jarvan was wrecking you, you have to either CC him, or kill him (or do both if you know you can handle his carries damage)
There of course is always the option to split push and avoid team fights at all cost.
I play morde and i've never had that problem, because if i ult the ranged carry really really early, they will just run away and it will be a 4v5 for the lulz.
It's pretty hilarious actually.
In you situation as Kennen, it's difficult, because Nidalee, Malz, and Jarvan are three VERY formidable champions in a team fight.
What would I do as kennen?
I'd build an Abyssal Scepter, Rylai's, Zhonya's combination in order to be just a bit tankier.
(lols, i've never played kennen before, and that's the top rated mobafire guide >_>)
But really, you have to focus the person who is the highest threat, so if Jarvan was wrecking you, you have to either CC him, or kill him (or do both if you know you can handle his carries damage)
There of course is always the option to split push and avoid team fights at all cost.
Tri lane for life.
B-Wong wrote:
Just avoid team fights. You lost 4. You probably should've picked something up by the time you lost the second one.
From just reading your post, it sounded like you guys were already behind in terms of gold/items when team fights started up. Defend, farm, push creep waves/backdoor and avoid teamfights were probably your best bets.
DO NOT RUSH QSS AGAINST 2 AD CHAMPS ROFLSAWCE, no idea what adonikams thinking.
Zhonya's Hourglass is a core on kennen, syncs with his ult, as for doing dmg to op offtank's you need both Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff however kennen is more flat m.pen, so Sorcerer's Shoes and Abyssal Mask
A kennen build:
Sorcerer's Shoes
Hextech Revolver
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Zhonya's Hourglass
Rabadon's Deathcap
Will of the Ancients
Abyssal Mask
Zhonya's Hourglass is a core on kennen, syncs with his ult, as for doing dmg to op offtank's you need both Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff however kennen is more flat m.pen, so Sorcerer's Shoes and Abyssal Mask
A kennen build:
Sorcerer's Shoes
Hextech Revolver
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Zhonya's Hourglass
Rabadon's Deathcap
Will of the Ancients
Abyssal Mask
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<3 Lazukin for the sig ~