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Top Lane: Running Jax, Shyvana helpful tips....

Creator: CarringtonONeil June 2, 2014 1:05pm
CarringtonONeil's Forum Avatar
Jun 2nd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2014 1:05pm | Report
Hey guys I know theres is a lot I'm asking about but the advice would be greatly appreciated. Im running Jax very well up top but still making stupid mistakes and need some more advice on how to use him. Also just bought Shyvana and need all the advice you have on her. (Like what combination to hit when 1v1) ex. Q,E,W, or E,W,Q.

Mid lane i have been running Kayle and been doing pretty good with her a good build would be appreciated for her.

Lastly I have been looking at running ADC but i don't know what champ would be the best to buy. So all the advice you have there would be helpful and the ADC 101 any and all advice is very helpful. Thanks!!!!!
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2014 2:10pm | Report
Jax: Try not to trade inside the enemy minion wave unless Counter Strike is active. Focus on getting EXP and farm in hard matchups like Renekton without getting harassed too much and freeze the wave close to your tower to make it easier to farm safely. In easier or closer matchups, feel free to push the wave to gain an advantage in trades. Use Empower to reset your autoattack by pressing W immediately after a normal autoattack.

Standard Build:

Shyvana: Poke with Flame Breath often. Know that using Burnout can win you extended trades, but will push the wave. Avoid trading when W is on cooldown, but force heavier trades when you have it active (and make sure you autoattack to keep the effect going). Your ideal trade is E-W-Autoattack-Q. Use Twin Bite to reset your autoattack timer and keep in mind that it procs Flame Breath's %hp damage twice. Use Dragon's Descent to chase kills, escape life-threatening situations and to fight an enemy champion who commits to killing you. Keep in mind that Burnout leaves behind a flame trail while your ultimate is active, so you can deal a lot of damage to a melee champion by using your abilities and then running away briefly to force them to walk through the flame trail.

Standard Build: (optional)

Kayle: I believe the most common build is currently something like this --

A more AP/burst focused build would look more like this --

ADC: Lucian is really strong right now and he's pretty good at everything. He's probably your best bet at the moment, but if you want something a little simpler and more stable to start with, Caitlyn is a nice starter for learning to play ADCs. Focus on landing as many last-hits as possible, avoiding support skillshots and harassing the enemy ADC when they go for a last-hit on a minion. Try to get as much farm as possible without wasting mana on abilities.

As Lucian, learn to manage Lightslinger effectively by spacing out your abilities during a trade and line up Piercing Light harass by shooting it through a minion. Also try to land Ardent Blaze before casting The Culling because your ultimate procs the movement speed bonus from your W. Practice kiting melee champions while using your abilities by using a W-auto-E-auto-Q-auto for optimal damage output or W-auto-E-R-auto-Q-auto against more dangerous threats. Mana management is really important too, as Lucian relies heavily on his abilities to keep up his damage output.

As Caitlyn, practice harassing with autoattacks without missing any farm and staying at maximum range. Try to use Headshot-empowered autoattacks to harass your opponents whenever possible. Practice landing Piltover Peacemaker on moving enemies, especially if you can hit them without shooting the ability through the minion wave for max harass damage. Learn the E-Q combo: Use 90 Caliber Net to propel yourself away from your target and immediately cast your Q during the knockback animation. Place Yordle Snap Traps around yourself during team fights to make it more difficult for enemy fighters, tanks and assassins to stick to you. Don't use your ultimate during team fights (your autoattacks are more important), but know when you can use Ace in the Hole to finish off low enemies after a fight.

I hope that helps. If you have any questions or you'd like builds/advice for other champions (like if you pick up a different ADC or something), I'd be happy to help.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
CarringtonONeil's Forum Avatar
Jun 2nd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2014 2:20pm | Report
Thank you for everything I will be trying almost everything out you listed here. Th one thing is the build i have been using for Jax is very different then what you have listed. Yes i would like to talk more so if there is anyway we could let me know how?

Thanks again for all the help.
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2014 3:19pm | Report
PM me on Mobafire, ask in this thread or add me on League if you're on the north american server (ign is PsiGuard).
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!

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