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League of Legends Xpansion!

Creator: iSpitInYourFace January 1, 2013 6:43am
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iSpitInYourFace's Forum Avatar
Oct 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2013 6:43am | Report
hi there summoners and happy new year to all! and i wish you happy bruises to all! ;)

So i decided this 1 day of the year to bring on the table an idea i had some months ago...(i dont really know if this idea has been talked about on this forum)
The idea is about an expansion of LoL that offers (with a significant amount of RPs) a further summoner advancement:
1) Up to 33 lvl advancement
2) Up to 33 Mastery Points
3) A new super rune like thing that is seperated to 3 sections,which each section is gained per lvl.On each section you can add a non-quint rune.When its completed all the 3 runes apply on stats as normal.
4) Up to 19 lvl on game advancement.No extra ranks on abilities,just base stats increasement.
5) A custom summoner icon.You can upload any image for your icon or in your profile.
6) A visual ''something'' on the summoning screen for 33 lvl summoners.

1) 30 lvl summoner
2) 500 wins
3) 200 total honors
4) Not often seen reported player on the Tribunal.The Tribunal will judge if this player has the quality to ascension!

Thats all about...a further advancement for the top quality fine cream summoners! Not only skillful and experienced players BUT MOST OF ALL fair and enjoyable to play with.
Of course the matching system will match 33 summoners vs 33 summoners games OR 1 ascended summoner per team.
If u like this idea pls support it :) thnx for your time and again...HAPPY NEW 2013!
Darcurse's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2013 7:04am | Report
Is it me or do his ideas sound even more devastating deconstructive than those of NicknameMy?

And yeah: Are you dumb?
Or just in that "I pay so I want to have improved gameplay over those who don't" (aka Cash Shop) mindset? <-- Doesn't really contradicts the "Are you dumb".

And I may add, from what I've read so far in this thread and the others: You're definitely not the fine cream.

Where's the negative rep button when you need it?
iSpitInYourFace's Forum Avatar
Oct 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2013 6:13am | Report
why are you trolling ALL my threads? some obsession with me or just DUMBER than ME? so mr. idiot troll AS I MENTIONED THE ASCENDED SUMMONERS THEY PAY FOR IMPROVED GAMEPLAY TO PLAY VS ANOTHER ASCENDED SUMMONERS AND NOT AGAINST PLAYERS WHO WONT BE ASCENDED...the idea is not about crashing summoners lower than u...but to have the option for some greater advancement that equals to a +5% WOW! IDIOT! and i m definitely in the cream according NOT ONLY to skills but MORE IMPORTANT to sportmanship. I ve never been banned...i ve never been reported by my whole team! i ve never been trolled a game.and i have NEVER INSULTED players LIKE U DO.I m 29 years old and not an IDIOT MONKEY KID like u my hairy insult others for their ideas (whatever they are) and u always speak like a donkey...IS IT ME OR FOR SOME PLAYERS OF YOUR KIND THE HONOR INITIATIVE HAVE STARTED? so make some good refinement on your manners mr.monkey and when you do that...srart to have some fertile and nice conversation...till then... WHERE ARE SOME BANANAS WHEN U NEED THEM?
<Crowd Favorite>
Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2013 6:16am | Report
Your proposition advocates for imbalance within the game for paid players, which is a concept games want to avoid.
KSS Awake
KSS Awake's Forum Avatar
Aug 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2013 6:20am | Report
Geting better gameplay experience by paying is against almost everything that Riot stands for.

-thanks to The_Nameless_Bard, effinvices, Joxuu, LaCorpse and arcan3 for the sigs-
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2013 6:31am | Report

why are you trolling ALL my threads? some obsession with me or just DUMBER than ME? so mr. idiot troll AS I MENTIONED THE ASCENDED SUMMONERS THEY PAY FOR IMPROVED GAMEPLAY TO PLAY VS ANOTHER ASCENDED SUMMONERS AND NOT AGAINST PLAYERS WHO WONT BE ASCENDED...the idea is not about crashing summoners lower than u...but to have the option for some greater advancement that equals to a +5% WOW! IDIOT! and i m definitely in the cream according NOT ONLY to skills but MORE IMPORTANT to sportmanship. I ve never been banned...i ve never been reported by my whole team! i ve never been trolled a game.and i have NEVER INSULTED players LIKE U DO.I m 29 years old and not an IDIOT MONKEY KID like u my hairy insult others for their ideas (whatever they are) and u always speak like a donkey...IS IT ME OR FOR SOME PLAYERS OF YOUR KIND THE HONOR INITIATIVE HAVE STARTED? so make some good refinement on your manners mr.monkey and when you do that...srart to have some fertile and nice conversation...till then... WHERE ARE SOME BANANAS WHEN U NEED THEM?

You know that responding like this; the capital letters, the poor spelling and the poor grammar seriously do not contribute to your statement right?
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2013 6:47am | Report
Ha, it is funny how ironic this thread is :P

Bro, at first I thought your idea was noble, but not possible.

When I saw your reaction towards Darcurse, it seems that you aren't that noble after all :P
It is like you want to create a world of peace, where you are the only exception who isn't peaceful. I am afraid it doesn't work like that :P

Happy new year anyway :P
Change is gooooood

Je suis le bee
~ Meiyjhe ~
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FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2013 7:41am | Report
What I don't understand is how this "xpansion" actually brings anything new to the game besides hardly noticeable extras? All I could think as "good" would be them kids lining up to pay for something that doesn't matter at all, and perhaps having less trolls on my games.
RaNuD's Forum Avatar
Jun 21st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2013 8:41am | Report

{Quite a lot of capital letters, clustered into a wall of insults}

Well, that wasnt enlightening, but others have already adressed this subject. (although I believe Dacurse's comment wasnt appropriate)

Regarding the general idea, I dont know how I feel about splitting the communitiy like that. Would this "enhanced" community really be worth the dime? Besides, I hardly see any advantage compared to the original game. I would rather see Riot create more themes like Pulsefire, than seeing these ideas introduced into the game. Paying players would still get what they want, and you wouldnt threaten the game's balance. I mean, I'm not against change, but taking risks has be potentially rewarding, else it's nonsense. SinceI hardly see how any of these changes would enhance the game, I'm against it.
In a thread about his own ban,
gabpin wrote:
stfu I only did that : swearing and thats why i got ban are u ****** or something ?

In a thread about toxic players,
Go be a whiny baby elsewhere. Find and abuse the ignore button. No sense stinking up this forum with your crying.
Darcurse's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2013 10:59am | Report
His nick alone atches me to punch him in the face, lucky for him that he know that I can't punch my monitor in order to cause the same damage to his face, it would be worth the price of one monitor.

Therefore I find my choice of words rather appropriate.

What can I say? I get drawn to stop "ppl like him" before they can cause more damage. And seeing how he made an oaf of himself? Worth it.
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