Heya, MobaFire :) I've been a bit active lately, university has started, so, naturally I've been reviewing to procrastinate. To further my procrastination, AND provide a genuine contribution to guide writers, by actively scouting the free week champion guides.

So each rotation you will see a blog from me detailing which guide I have scouted for the free champions, and why. Hopefully this will help their guides gain some more views and show others what a scout may be looking for in a guide.

Welcome to Free Rotation - Scouting Time III!

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/ashe-the-harbinger-of-the-frosty-arrowpocalypse-183574
Author: InEdibleCake
spa Reason: Well, this guide is pretty new and is actually really well written. The champion section is deeply informative and I was impressed by the overall quality of the guide. If you're unsatisfied with my guide, I would recommend reading over this one.
Status: Not yet +Scouted (guide author hasn't replied to any comments, making me leery), but worthy of a look over.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/bruisergath-lane-and-jungle-147878
Author: Khazem
- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/chogath-feast-on-their-soul-131729
Author: GrandMasterD
spa Reason: Both guides are incredible. GrandMasterD's guide covers all ways to play Cho, including AP, Tank and Jungle. Kazem's build focuses around Tanky DPS Bruiser Cho, which is a very popular style of playing him solo top and in the jungle. What you don't find out in one guide, the other will most definitely cover. Completely recommend reading these guides.
Status: Both +Scouted already.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/chandros-tournament-corki-136711
Author: Chandro
- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/competitive-corki-guide-109959
Author: leaguesdf
spa Reason: So you want to know absolutely everything you could possibly know about playing Corki and who you should lane with and why? Read Leagues' guide, it's incredibly in-depth. Want to hear it from a Pro, with a slight different build that I would recommend? Read Chandro's guide (yes, it's wall of texty, but he is a legit tournament player, and as such, very trustworthy).
Status: Just +Scouted both.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/fiddlesticks-the-all-in-one-scarecrow-in-depth-guide-154381
Author: SwizzNL
- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/fiddlesticks-the-life-draining-scarecrow-141756
Author: Combats
spa Reason: Swizz's guide is absolutely amazing. Props to him. This is the guide you want to read if you want to learn everything. And if you're still a little hazy, pop over and have a geezer at Combats' guide - he covers a little bit more about lane Fiddlesticks.
Status: +Scout to Swizz's guide, not yet to Combats.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/a-simple-and-comprehensive-guide-to-garen-revamped-152774
Author: m4urice
spa Reason: With this choice I decided to give a little limelight to a guide that isn't in top place (yet). Which is why I chose m4urice's Garen guide. I believe the item build to more optimal that the top rated Garen guide too. This guide is succinct and to the point, yet covers more than the basics. A very good read.
Status: +Scout'd.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/malevolent-morgana-97183
Author: jhoijhoi, Warlemming, Patchness
spa Reason: teehee, what were you expecting? :P Seriously though, I don't write guides and give false information. However, there is a Pro Guide up that is also very good, so if you don't trust my experience, surely you can trust this.
Status: Can't +Scout my own guides ^^

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/nautilus-in-depth-charge-guide-186131
Author: Fak3cz
spa Reason: I'm actually really surprised by the quality of the top Nautilis guides. Well done authors, well done! It was actually hard to choose, so I just went with the masses - Fak3cz's guide is at the top for a reason. The AP guide in second (or third, or whatever) place is very interesting, and the jungle guide coming third is also very useful for junglers. I'd recommend reading all three if you want a thorough understanding of the champion.
Status: Haven't yet +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/riven-valor-for-all-147416
Author: Beeswarm17
spa Reason: Having watched this guide grow from heavily troll-voted to one of the best guides on MobaFire, I can safely say that this guide will help you understand Riven. Mad props to Bees :)
Status: Already +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/riven-valor-for-all-147416
Author: PsiGuard
spa Reason: Bumhole.
Status: Already +Scouted.

Until next time, MobaFire. In the meantime, disagree/agree with my choices? State your opinion in the comment section below :)

- jhoijhoi <3