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Neo's ELO Tour!

Creator: utopus May 4, 2015 9:26pm
210 posts - page 2 of 21
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 12:30am | Report
Game 5

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A tad disappointing on my part. I think if I had played my caitlyn better, there would've been like a 20% chance that I had carried. Morgana went really aggressive on Soraka at level 1, and we ended up chunking her really low. I could've killed her with a flash + auto, but I didn't because I thought vayne would Heal..... I tabbed 5 seconds later to realize that she had cleanse and that I oculd've gotten fb.

This got REALLY bad for us, because Soraka just drank her 4 potions, and got to full HP again. When we caught vayne with a Dark Binding, we committed to a fight that we would've won, but maokai skipped going to his blue buff, and an early level 2 gank attempt from them left my morgana giving fb to vayne, with maokai and vayne living thanks to soraka's healing...

Thanks to soraka's great healing, vayne was able to zone me from CS and get a significant CS advantage over me. When we got to dragon, Cho'Gath mispositioned and got caught. Gnar tried too hard to keep him alive, which got Katarina fed, and my opponents their 2nd dragon.

Jax and Maokai were very unkillable, and I was really the only person who was responsible for killing them. I played too recklessly, and didn't respect katarina's damage though - I thought that I would be able to survive most burst from her, since Cho'Gath had an instant speed silence, and we had a fast casting gnar stun, but I was wrong - I died many times by putting faith in my teammates, which is my fault. I should've played more selfishly.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 12:41am | Report
Game 6

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A devastating loss, but an OK loss. I was very happy with my thresh play. Our jinx was really ****ty. like, started Long Sword + 3x Health Potion bad. She got hit by a binding and chunked down to 50% hp, and didn't use her health potions, either. When we beat them to level 2, she pinged lucian. I read Relentless Pursuit and landed the Death Sentence on lucian, followed by the Flay. Jinx got lucian down to like 20% and then flashed away and tried to run. She died; None of her potions were used. We played a really safe lane when she returned, and we let leblanc carry us since she and irelia were destroying their solo lanes and lee was doing well too.

We got the first two dragons, and when we were rotating to mid lane after the 2nd dragon, I caught out a carry, but a well timed and positioned counterengage staged by the enemy team ended up leaving me dead, leblanc low, and lee dead as well.
It was at this moment I knew we lost. Jinx was split pushing bot, Irelia was split pushing top. We pinged both of them to recall, and only irelia did. We had no waveclear; No way to defend turrets without jinx rockets. They took 3 towers and an inhib at 16 minutes, whereas we got 1 outer turret, 1 inner turret, and an inhib turret. Leblanc tilted, and rightfully so - she had no map vision and she couldn't catch anyone out. Despite my successful Death Sentences on Jayce which effectively left the fight a 5v4, Jinx couldn't handle Vi, and nobody could handle Lucian.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 12:44am | Report
Game 7

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Excellent work by the entire team. A good Dark Binding at level 1 chunked the enemy jinx, and kept her so low for the rest of the early game, that another landed Dark Binding at level 4 got our ashe a kill. Thalia got mid so fed though, that we would've won even if we lost our lane though. One thing I need to learn is how to deal with Fiddlesticks. His ult gives me so much trouble when I play morgana.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 1:01am | Report
Game 8

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Apologies for not recording these games. I had accidentally closed LSI and forgot to reopen it when my ranked games started today. This was a mostly well played game on my part. I queued up with an old friend/duo queue partner.

Some points to start off with:
This was a rough lane for us. I knew it would be coming in. I knew that we could cheese the bot lane if I ran Ignite, but if I ran Ignite, I wouldn't have Exhaust for fiddle's Crowstorm. It was a kind of pick-your-poison kind of ordeal. My ADC got poked out of lane, and had to recall and buy some of the most ****ed up itemization i've ever seen - this guy was like genja 2.0. His first recall consisted of: 2x Health Potion, 2x Doran's Blade, 1x Ruby Crystal, 2x Long Sword. You have to ask yourself sometimes... WHY?!? I gave him a lot of **** about it (in a teasing way), and even tried to make a buzzfeed article about it: 19 reasons why you shouldn't duo queue with tien xD

Corki got caught out near river, and after I told him to just Valkyrie over the dragon wall, he decided not to. He got pincered by Caitlyn, Brand, and Katarina and it got to the point where his valkyrie over the wall wouldn't save him. I distracted those 3 long enough for corki to escape. That's how much faith I put into my duo partner: If it was soloqueue, I would've let my ADC die and /laugh ed on his corpse

Wukong was playing out of his mind. When we realized that Brand didn't rush Sightstone on his first recall, he camped bot really hard and got fed. We were ahead for quite a while, but Fiddlesticks kept on getitng these immaculate ultis down. Katarina would jump in and get resets. The real ****py thing was that I could only Exhaust one of them :< There were few fights where mordekaiser did something useful, like kill someone... Morgana didn't really contribute much ever. The fiddlesticks ultis kept them in the game until the 35 minute mark or so. At that point, Morgana made a REALLY stupid decision to try and 1 person flank her opponents. She got caught, and Mordekaiser died from a fiddlestick's Flash + Crowstorm. Caitlyn Flash autoed Wukong while she had red buff, and he ended up getting permaslowed and killed as well. At that point, they just 5 pushed mid and ended right there.

I'm very happy with my play though. I Solar Flared the right people most of the time, and Shield of Daybreaked Katarina's Death Lotus quite often: She wouldn't be channeling the ulti for more than like .33 seconds. I was on point! There were two things that I didn't do well. The first mistake I made was mechanical: I didn't buy Mikael's Blessing sooner, and I wasn't fast enough at cleansing my ADC. The second mistake I made was about game knowledge: I was too stingy with my wards. When I siege a turret against Fiddlesticks, I need to ward all around the tower, and discuss an escape route with my team.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 1:16am | Report
Game 9

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I was really happy with this game. At first, I was a little weary of playing Morgana as her Black Shield bug in this patch was, what I thought, a knife in the chest - I had promised myself that I wouldn't allow myself to play her until that bug got patched.

Even with the bug, she's still broken AF. I finally badgered my ADC into playing Morpheus AKA Lebron AKA Deshawn AKA Tyrone. Laning phase went pretty standard: Nami and Corki bullied and poked us out of lane, but because Nami failed to rush Sightstone, she got a lot of gank pressure, and I think had to waste a LOT of money on pinks (i think she ended up buying like 4 pink wards throughout the course of the laning phase.) Eventually, Corki positioned poorly, and ended up getting hit by a Dark Binding while autoing our tower. Lucian immediately channeled The Culling, and I flash ultied the Nami to get lucian a double kill - i think.

After that, bot was definitively won for us. I roamed mid, and ganked Annie several times. She would just burst me down, but lux would in turn kill her, and pressure her tower to the point that she destroyed it by the second dragon mark or something ridiculous.

This was my first time trying Turbo Chemtank on Morgana, and I can say that it is REALLY strong on her. I think Zhonya's Hourglass -> Rod of Ages will get replaced with Zhonya's Hourglass -> Turbo Chemtank. When I theorycrafted, I expected that to be the case, but I didn't want to say anything until I tried it myself in a semi-competitive game. It worked extraordinarily well in catching people, as well as keeping people in Soul Shackles radius.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 1:47am | Report
Game 10

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I'd like to apologize for not having LSI replays, or official screenies of my gameplay. I had a lag spike in this game and decided to close chrome to ensure that my ping stabilizes. Unfortunately, that meant that I lost my screenshots that I took, but didn't yet post.

This game was probably the best game i've played so far. I honestly think that Nami is now a Tier 1 Support instead of a high Tier 2 support. Laning phase went OK; We were mostly even throughout the laning phase. The vayne was REALLY good at dodging skillshots and Buckshots, so our lane should've won harder than it actually did, but that was at the credit to vayne: She played excellently.

We beat her to the level 6 Powerspike, and we traded heavily, forcing vayne out of lane. My duo partner and I pushed to their tower, and we joked that if vayne showed up, he would tower dive her and kill her. Lo and behold, 3 seconds later, she shows up at her tower, with 15% health. My partner Quickdraws in, and AA + Collateral Damages her. She dodges the ult with a Tumble. I couldn't take tower aggro fast enough, so my ADC ended up dying under turret.

About 2 minutes later, our Gragas lane ganks through brush that was warded. He dies, but thankfully, I managed to get a kill on vayne. 2 Minutes later, Gragas lane ganks again. Our Graves was sitting in a bush trying to duel the Vayne, but he didn't realize that this brush was warded (seeing a common theme here?) He died, and about 10 seconds later, Gragas, Annie and I show up for a 2v3. Shyvana lands a solid ulti, and I almost landed an Aqua Prison on Vayne, but an Explosive Cask knocked her away. A skirmish occurred, and an immaculately timed Eye of the Storm kept shyvana alive enough to get a kill, followed by another, followed by another.

2 Minutes later, we're having a fight near dragon. Fizz lands a good Chum the Waters, and ends up in us losing a 4-3, but getting dragon. Recalls happen, and 2 minutes later, Graves and the rest of the team are sieging mid, and taking advantage of our opponents poor ability to waveclear. They force a fight, and Graves comes back into the game with a triple kill.

What made this game really amazing though was the next fight that was to ensue near dragon. Our Graves was positioned poorly near mid lane. Their team collapsed on him, and while he survived, Gragas had to pop his Turbo Chemtank and his Explosive Cask to save the graves. I had to pop my Turbo Chemtank as well. Graves was effectively zone out for the rest of the fight. Their team had all 5 ultimates, we were without gragas' ultimate, and without our ADC. Our team regroups near the dragon side death bush, with my opponents team flanking from both their jungle entrance, and the south side mid lane brush. Fizz connects his Chum the Waters on me, and the fight begins. Fizz nearly one combos me, but my Mikael's Blessing was enough burst healing to keep me alive. Meanwhile, Darius and Gragas are just south of the death brush, tanking 5 players' worth of damage. Shyvana ultis to try and execute me, and jump on annie, but a perfectly timed Apprehend stopped the dragon mid dash. This Apprehend hooked 4 people. Here is what follows:

Despite being down so much, we were able to convert that into a 3-3 team fight, and I was happy with that, since it should've been a 5-0: An Ace for them. I was so happy with that play; I felt like I had really 'learned' Nami at that moment right there. Whenever fizz would go in, I would perfectly Aqua Prison his Urchin Strike or Zhonya's Hourglass so that he didn't even have time to Playful / Trickster away. That, and peeling for the Graves was enough to win us the game.

If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2015 3:23am | Report
Game 12

Boy was this a fun game. While I usually do quite well on nunu, I've found historically that my win rate isn't usually representative of my score. This game stood as an exception to that though, as a clean, win. Shaco tried to cheese me at my red buff, but I had finished my buff well before he even got close enough to be able to steal it, or cheese me - thanks to a ward i placed near my red side brush near dragon. Morgana and lucian cheesed our bot lane for first blood which kinda sucked. Nunu can't really do a whole lot to help gank, unless he gets a lantern right next to them, with an Absolute Zero.

After finishing my blue, I ganked mid and forced a flash out of syndra. Did wolves, ganked her again. Without my knowing, my gank was actually a countergank, as shaco had Deceived in seconds before I ganked through the opposite side lane brush. Lux got a 4:00 double buffs from shaco. I think took scuttle, and then dragon.

I farmed for a bit, then ganked syndra again around 8:00. She flashed again. Walked bot, got a double kill thanks to a good Death Sentence -> Absolute Zero. After that point, the game was basically over. The only lane that had difficulty had just got back into the game. Through vision control and continual catches on our opponents through Turbo Chemtank (which, by the way, had basically 5% downtime for my game LOL) we were able to secure a win
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2015 10:47pm | Report
Game 16

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A pretty good game on my part. Master Yi called for an invade. Without being particularly successful, our team was finishing our recalls in the purple side banana brush when we saw a Vladimir about to facecheck the brush. I pinged him, and point blank Dark Bindinged him, getting our Yi first blood. Ezreal and I got into lane and we poked down ashe pretty hard. It became obvious that ashe couldn't dodge bindings, so alistar had to body block them, and max his heal so that she could stay in lane because she was getting poked hard from ezreal anyways. We won lane really hard.

We leashed for yi's red buff - smiteless. Yi counterjungled the vi and ended up 4 buffing her. At 8:00, ashe had recalled, so i took that moment to ward river and help yi take vi's second blue. Ezreal had the bot lane pushing, so even if ashe came to help vi, she would lose out on a LOT of minions. Vladimir had recalled while we were taking vi's blue, so orianna was free to roam and help us out. We caught vi out at her blue buff witha point blank Dark Binding. She survived yi's initial burst, so i blocked her Vault Breaker escape, and that gave yi enough time to finish her off. After we killed vi, yi rotated bot to try and kill alistar/ashe. While we did technically pincer alistar, he's not REALLY the most desirable target to collapse on. I didn't think that yi would Alpha Strike in on him, so i didn't Black Shield him. He got rekt and almost died, but that ended up working out for us. Since ezreal was 6, and their bot lane wasn't, we kinda just kept fighting, and powered through them. I snared Ashe, which ezreal and orianna chained into Trueshot Barrage and Command: Shockwave for the easy kill on ashe, followed by dragon.

At 11:30, Ezreal and I were able to chase down the ashe and get a kill off her. Vi and alistar chased ezreal, and he had to burn flash to get away, because I mouse slipped and ended up Black Shielding the wrong person.

A good Command: Shockwave followed by a Dark Binding allowed us to take mid tower. After this point, the game was decidedly over. We sieged a second turret and fought under tower. I had exceptionally good tower aggro juggling with Tormented Shadow, and an above average Soul Shackles, which isolated one champion from his tower.Yi, orianna and I 3-manned baron at 20:00, with only me getting executed.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2015 11:27pm | Report
Game 17

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Duo queued with goodplays; Game started off okay; We had a really weird invade path that actually worked out. We should've gotten first blood, but goodplays and I got too greedy and focused the wrong person. The CC'ed person ( Thresh) Flashed over a wall and that's all we ended up getting from out invade. An immaculate Vault jump from quinn allowed her to escape with only a delayed recall - she didn't have to blow any summoner spells.
Morgana played REALLY aggressively in lane - more aggressively than I play, which is quite hard to do, because all my friends think that i'm recklessly overaggressive. I felt bad that I wasn't more aggressive, but even with me balancing my time between CS and harass, we were able to force the quinn super low. Their bot lane baited well, and facilitated a Vi gank pretty well. With 3 of them low, my at 40%, and only our Morgana low, goodplays made a great Teleport gank. He got the vi, the quinn, and damaged the thresh low enough so that I could last hit him. With shyvana having no Ignite, or items, she couldn't really do a whole lot. Through a long trade, we whittled down Shyvana and got a tower dive off on her.

A good morg binding following an extended trade allowed me to get a kill on quinn in lane. With the numbers advantage and the minion wave pushing to tower, jarvan morg and I got dragon. We rotated mid and got mid turret, the next mid turret, and then bot.

At 21:12 I blundered by escorting morg to deep ward our opponents red side jungle. She was warding too aggressively; Shyvana flanked from one direction; Right when I saw that flank, I should've left morgana to die; I needed to run towards my team or else I would die too. When she ultied me, I should've flashed over the mid lane wall instead of towards my support. The lack of flash meant that I was guaranteed to be safe, and I would minimize my risk of getting flanked.

The most embarassing part of my play was my pathing blunder at 24:00. Aside from that though, I think I played a solid game, with few positioning blunders.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2015 12:38am | Report
That cat is the only ***** you'll ever get ;^)

Also I had a lot of fun in that ranked game surprisingly. No stress whatsoever, we should do it more often.

Special thanks to Jovy for the signature! Check out her shop

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