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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2016 8:42pm | Report

Oy! Nocturne was kicking my *** in counterganks early game. Feels like Shyvana needs more time to ramp up with Enchantment: Bloodrazor, which is weird consdiering you had to stack Enchantment: Devourer, but maybe it is just my initial impression. I thought about going Enchantment: Cinderhulk but since we had a Garen and Braum I figured I didn't have to be tankus maximus and I wanted to get Blade of the Ruined King in order to try and shred through Maokai and Nautilus. It worked out though I died too many times in the early game. Need to remember that I can't really duel Nocturne if we are at all close to even.

One of my deaths was really dumb as I knew someone had just warded Rift Herald so when Maokai came to have a looksee I should have realized that Noc or someone else was nearby and waived Garen off of him.

Forgot to upradge my trinket. Urgh.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2016 9:59pm | Report

This really should have been one in the win column. Their comp was better than ours for team fights. And I felt a little like maybe we got outscaled? It didn't help that our Jinx was a mentally handicapped, but despite that we were ahead in every object throughout the game. In retrospect I think we made some poor choices about which objectives to go for in the later part of the game. In one instance we took out their Mid inhibitor again and then we rotated to their Bot inhibitor. I think we should have road the large minion wave we had pouring in to take out at least one of their Nexus turrets if not both. I think I made that call so my bad on that. In another instance we took Baron for the 2nd time and rotated to the Elder Dragon, which I got but we got screwed in the fight that followed. Taliyah split our team in two with her ult and then Amumu hopped into the pit and stunned me as I was trying to get out the back of the pit to ult Miss Fortune. However by time his ult was over I got nailed by Sona's ult and by the time I did manage to ult out of the pit I was so low in health that I didn't have much of an impact. So I think in retrospect the right call would have been to use the Baron enhanced minions to ride into their base without worrying about the Elder Dragon. Those are the kinds of things I need to get a better handle on to be more consistent. May see if I can find someone to review this one.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2016 7:59pm | Report

Whew. Laning phase seemed like it went on forever. Their Evelynn got fed early, but somehow we kept plugging away in a ways that were keeping us even or getting us ahead.

Had one really dumb death when I was trying to get to my team who went into basically a 3v5 in the enemies jungle. Janna and Fizz were in retreat so I tried to create interference for them. Janna got out but I went in to deep and got ********ed 4v1 and died.

Another unfortunate death was staying too long trying to take Bot tower. Evelynn rocketed in and managed to kill me, Janna, and Lucian. If I had more mana I might have taken her out but as it was I couldn't get away from her.

Had one good fight around our Mid base turret where I got two muli-target stuns off over the course of the fight, so happy with that.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2016 9:57pm | Report

Sad face. Not sure why you would pick Veigar into Fizz, but our Mid laner did it.

Cleared my jungle and then walked right into Volibear as he was clearing scuttle crab. I screwed up and didn't flash over a wall so he was able to run me down.

Maokai had some success against Irelia early but then she started to scale and Volibear tipped the balance even further, though I was able to finish off Irelia once after they had a heavy trade. With all lanes losing or going down hill it wasn't looking pretty and we gradually got squeezed into our base where they were able to siege well with Caitlyn.

I picked up a few kills here and there but it wasn't enough with how far we were behind. Had one opportunity to counter jungle Voli while he was off ganking Top that I missed, though I did manage a little counter jungling after we sent him back to base on very low health.

Probably should have opted into a Hexdrinker second as Fizz started focusing me every fight so I had to get as much damage off as I could before I died.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2016 6:19pm | Report

Our Cho'Gath was a beast. He took down their Top inhibitor while someone was poking at him, then Teleported to the Dragon, stole the Dragon, and killed at least two of them. Not even sure he died despite being on relatively low health.

Other than it was pretty chaotic. Our team fighing was nothing to right home about. While we were dying Cho was off noming things most of the time. Sometimes even useful things. Jhin is actually somewhat hard to deal with as Olaf since he gets a speed boost when he crits you, your CC immunity only prevents him from slowing or stunning you but he can still run away faster than you can get to him. Most of the time I couldn't stay on him very long because I would have to try and run back to the rest of my team to peel off Irelia, Zed, and Tryndamere.

Not my finest hour, but it is one in the win column.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 29, 2016 2:06pm | Report

Oy. One of those games, where your support wanders off and leaves you forcing you to play extremely safe and get what CS you can. We do get some action Bot with ganks and roams but it amounts to everyone else taking all the CS, so my deficit to Jinx kept getting bigger and bigger. Sion is constantly out of position and getting caught out. Ryze thinks they can 1v5 and keeps running into their team getting CC and dying. We had a lovely push after a catch that got us our Mid inhibitor. I signal back. And half our team doesn't leave so they get caught and deleted ending what little momentum we had gained. And of course there was the bithching. Ryze - no one peeling, Everyone to Sion - why are you Top lane when we are trying to contest Dragon? Yas why are are 1-12 nevermind, just don't die m...nvm.

And it is funny no one has any clue why we are losing. Or they all have their ideas of why and they have very little to do with reality. The reality of the situation was that we were break even at best in the majority of our lanes and when we had any momentum we squandered it by starting fights when our tank and our ADC were doing necessary things that had them away from the team, you know like controlling side lanes. So we were constantly 3v5 or 4v5 and oddly we kept losing those fights.....
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 30, 2016 12:57pm | Report

Ryze DC cost us a chance at a good early game. I covered Mid, but that meant Tryndamere was free to gank and counter jungle unimpeded. Midish game questionable Teleport by Ekko into 4 of them when the rest of us were too far away to help meant he was off them map. Then Tristana suicided into their team around Dragon pit when Dragon wasn't even up or right I after they took Dragon, I don't recall which. I told her to get Red, not dead. smh. Last ditch Baron contest with no vision. They got Baron and then our team got Sion trained in the blue area choke point. We killed Kog'Maw but the rest of their team was able to clean up and my team gave up at that point and surrendered, though I thought we might have a chance if we played it out smartly. The End.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 30, 2016 9:43pm | Report

Kha'Zix game. 9-24 against

Ugh. Malzahar's passive is ******ed. Here let me give you a free Banshee's Veil every 30-6 seconds. While Banshee's Veil is on a 40 second cool down. WTF were you thinking Rito? Sivir's Spell Shield is on a 22-10 second cool down and she has to active it. Nocturne's Shroud of Darkness is on a 20-12 second cool down and it again has to be activated. Can you bring the thing down before using a big spell? Sure. But all he has to do is back up for a few seconds and poof immune to spells once more. Again. WTF?

Lost every lane? Check. Bot lane keeps getting 4 man dove. Check. Once even when I pinged that Malzahar was floating his merry way down the river. smh. At 3-0-1 I was the best thing going for our team, but since I had to buy a damn Quicksilver Sash that set me behind in terms of damage items. This is one game where I wished I had picked Olaf.

Olaf game. 15-34 against

Fizz Mid breaking even against their Katarina. Their Shen was stomping Nasus. Bot lane was hanging in their for a while then boom, Draven gets a double kill and that is all she wrote for that game. Our TL Piglet [[Caitlyn] was not TL Piglet XD.

Shen game. 21-37 against.

I thought maybe if I play Shen I can help my blessed laners out not matter where I happened to be on the map. Finish blue okay. Hmm, Garen is rather pushed up verses Urgot I should go ward for him. **** there is a Volibear walking in from the river toward him. Ping furiously. Does Garen walk away when he could? Nope. I foolishly go in to help him since I'm there and we both die and I blow my Flash on top of that.

Fizz breaking even with Gragas midlane.

Bot lane. We can't farm. Zyra is too mean. Well, I can't gank because you have no health. And none of our other lanes are actually applying any pressure elsewhere on the map so what exactly would you like me to do?

Demoted to Silver 5 once more. Yay!

Not sure what to do here. I feel like I play fairly consistently, but I'm not having as much impact as I would like to have in my games of late. I royally suck arse on Kindred at least the three times I've tried them of late. I can farm fine, but just die 10+ times a game on her, so I am not doing something right. Shyvana feels anemic. Vel'Koz is okay, but he definitely doesn't feel quite as dominating as he was prior to the Mid Season Mage update. Maybe I just need to learn Nidalee and live in the enemy jungle?

I've tried some invades recently when I feel like I have the stronger jungler, but all everyone does is Flash or run away, which is okay I guess, but unless I can also steal some of their camps, which is only possible if their laners stay where you can see them then I dodn't feel like it is all that advantageous, especially when you factor in travel time.

Maybe I need to know match-ups well enough that I know exactly which lanes to pressure? But ****, I know the Shen vs Darius match-up and I know Shen really has no chance to kill Darius 1 v 1 so that needs tipping, but my Shen was picking his butt every time I came to gank, however that was the easiest lane to gank as Darius had Shen shoved in....but that is just one data point so I really shouldn't draw any conclusions from that. I can only do so much to help laners that aren't paying attention.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 4, 2016 1:12pm | Report

Mistakes were made. I made two biggies. I forgot my maxim of don't do a play if it requires your teammates to follow up. So I jumped on Master Yi when he was chilling in a bush that we had warded. I thought I might be able to kill him with a little help from Ekko but Ekko didn't get what I was going for so he was late on the follow-up so Yi picked up a double kill, which is not really who you want to have get a double kill. 2nd one was trying to help Ekko again and I should have flashed away from him, but I flashed toward where was running which let Master Yi Alpha Strike to him through me. I apologized for that one.

But really all my lanes were getting **** on. Zed was getting smoked by Talon. Ekko was losing to Swain and Caitlyn and Soraka were getting ****ped on by Bot lane with some help from Master Yi. Which on Top of my mistakes made this one where we would have had to play it very well to come back and win. And Soraka wasn't having any of it. She kept running around and trying to ward I guess, which is laudable in a certain sense but not so smart when they have a lot of fed assassins and pretty good catch potential which is what they had.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 5, 2016 12:27am | Report

So Olaf got ****ped on by Darius, but our Olaf was persistent. He kept getting ****ped on. I guess he decided if he wasn't worth any gold he might as well go for broke. Talon hadn't played in a while so he had no idea how the updated Vladimir worked so we tried to clue him in quickly as the game began. Given how fed Darius was I thought this game was not going to end in our favor, especially once Vlad started cleaning up engages with just his ult. But Talon also got super fed with a good roam to Bot and then a call to go check out Rift Herald. I thought at the time it wasn't such a good idea since we had no ward coverage, but he went in blind and scored himself a triple kill. And no one on our team built a Morellonomicon or a Mortal Reminder so I really don't know how we faired as well as we did in team fights. Well, actually I do know. It was largely because they had a grenade Amumu and our Talon was fed enough that he could gimp their backline so thoroughly that we could just kite out the Darius and Vladimir. I did meat shield and low health target chomping duties, which seemed to work out reasonably effectively. Olaf even got back in the game and did some work. It was a good win. Not a stomp. Some moments of concern, but we pulled it together enough to bring home the victory. :-)

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