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Patch 4.10 Notes

Creator: Wayne3100 June 18, 2014 7:03am
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 7:03am | Report
Patch 4.10 Notes

Hey Summoners,

It's patch day! There are a lot of things to be covered, but our two major themes are: gameplay updates and help for the marksmen. Focusing on the gameplay updates first, we're finally ready to roll out Nidalee and Skarner, two of the highest priority projects for the champion update team. For Nidalee, she's always been one of the best at forcing low counterplay games through her long-range spears and high evasiveness. You'll be hearing more of the same in her individual context, but Nidalee's been a big challenge for us as we try to maintain her satisfying gameplay without coming at the cost of 9 other players forced to play her way as well. Skarner's a bit of a different story, as our last gameplay update for him in 4.2 might have made him a more balanced champion but didn't leave enough to be an exciting pick for you scorpion fans out there. These changes make Skarner a stickier, more disruptive arachnid, so we hope this'll give you a good reason to pick him back up.

As for the help for the marksmen, we've got a whole pile of attack damage, lifesteal, and attack speed itemization changes that should open up early to mid game item builds as well as bridging the gap between burst-focused AD marksmen (looking at you, Lucian) and the more traditional auto-attack focused marksmen (Vayne / Tristana / etc). You can get the full rundown of the changes below, but the overarching goal is to give more strength back to the marksman role while also leveling the playing field in terms of champion viability. There are a lot of changes to digest here (we've removed the passive movement speed debuff on Randuin's Omen!), so make sure you get informed before hopping into your next ranked game.

Oh, and did I mention Bloodthirster got a different passive and we're adding two new items? Well, I just did! Read on for the 4.10 patch notes!
Chris "Pwyff" Tom

Patch Contents

- Patch Updates

- Champions

- Offensive Physical Itemization

- Support & Ability Power Itemization

- Summoner Spells

- Masteries

- Summoner's Rift

- Team Builder

- Bugfixes

- Upcoming Skins

Patch Updates


Just in time for the weekend!


BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Draven could no longer throw a spinning axe if he caught it or primed it in the middle of an attack animation.

Ardent Censer

BUGFIX : Fixed a bug with Ardent Censer where it was passively granting bonus movement speed to all teammates on the map (don't ask how it happened, it just did).



With her oppressively high spear damage and catlike (maybe just cat-ish) elusiveness, Nidalee's been a contentious low-risk, low-interaction champion for quite some time. Specifically, old Nidalee's gameplay often revolved around the question of "when should I stop throwing spears?" to which the answer was typically "never."

To that end, our goals with this Nidalee gameplay update are to tone down some of her many frustration points while also giving her more options other than chucking projectiles. We also saw this as a great opportunity to cement Nidalee as a real shapeshifting huntress, which meant stronger ties from her human form to her cougar form. Additionally, by connecting Nidalee's offense with cougar form, she now has to balance her high escape potential against her ability to hunt down squishy targets ("Leap away or leap at their face?"). There's certainly more counterplay (and teamplay for those playing around Nidalee engages) when a cougar goes flying into the backline versus a single nuclear-tipped spear.


PRETTY : New icons have been added for all abilities

CLARITY : Added a new particle to distinguish "Hunted" opponents

CLARITY : Javelin Toss visuals adjusted for better readability

CLARITY : Bushwack ground visual indicator improved to be more noticeable


KITTY : All of Nidalee's cougar form abilities scale with ranks in R - Aspect of the Cougar

Passive - Prowl

MOVEMENT : Moving through brush increases Nidalee's movement speed by 10% for 2 seconds, increased to 30% toward visible enemy champions within a range of 5500.

HUNTED : Damaging champions with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack marks them as 'Hunted' for 4 seconds, granting Nidalee vision of them, 30% increased movement speed toward them (within a range of 5500) and enhancing her next Takedown, Pounce, and Swipe against them.

Q - Javelin Toss

Nidalee tosses her javelin, dealing magic damage. If it exceeds her basic attack range it gains damage based on distance flown, up to a cap at 80% of its additional range.

HUNTED : Applies the 'Hunted' debuff to champions for 4 seconds

RANGE : 1500 units (damage caps out at 1300)

MINIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE : 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.4 ability power)

MAXIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE : 150/225/300/375/450 (+1.2 ability power)

COST : 50/60/70/80/90 mana

COOLDOWN : 6 seconds

WIDTH : Missile width 60 ⇒ 30

W - Bushwhack

Nidalee lays a Bushwhack trap. When an enemy springs the trap, they are revealed in addition to taking damage over 4 seconds.

HUNTED : Applies the 'Hunted' debuff to champions for 4 seconds

MAGIC DAMAGE : 20/40/60/80/100 + 12/14/16/18/20% current health (+1% per 50 ability power) over the duration of 4 seconds

DURATION : 2 minutes

COST : 40/45/50/55/60 mana

COOLDOWN : 17/15/13/11/9 seconds

CLARITY : Only affects one target per trap

E - Primal Surge

Nidalee heals a target ally champion and grants them bonus attack speed for 6 seconds.

HEAL : 45/85/125/165/205 (+0.5 ability power)

ATTACK SPEED BONUS : 20/30/40/50/60% attack speed

COST : 60/80/100/120/140 mana

COOLDOWN : 12 seconds

R - Aspect of the Cougar

Nidalee transforms into a vicious cougar with the abilities Takedown, Pounce, and Swipe. Rawr.

RANKS : Aspect of the Cougar has 4 ranks and Nidalee starts the game with 1 rank in it

COST : No cost

COOLDOWN : 3 seconds

Q - Takedown

Nidalee's next attack deals magic damage. Takedown deals additional damage to targets at lower health, up to 250% total damage.

HUNTED : The first Takedown targeting a 'Hunted' champion deals +33% increased damage

UTILITY : Nidalee gains +75 attack range for the Takedown attack

MINIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE : 4/20/50/90 (+0.24 ability power) (+1.0 attack damage)

MAXIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE : 10/50/125/225 (+0.6 ability power) (+2.5 attack damage)

COST : No cost

COOLDOWN : 5 seconds

W - Pounce

Nidalee lunges forward a short distance, dealing magic damage to enemies in the landing area.

HUNTED BONUS : The first Pounce directly towards a 'Hunted' champions will have up to 700 range

UTILITY : Killing a unit in cougar form reduces the cooldown of Pounce to 1 second

UTILITY : Nidalee now pounces in the direction of the player's cursor

MAGIC DAMAGE : 50/100/150/200 (+0.3 ability power)

COST : No cost

COOLDOWN : 5 seconds

E - Swipe

Nidalee claws at enemies, dealing magic damage in an area in front of her.

HUNTED BONUS : The first Swipe that damages a 'Hunted' champion reduces the cooldown of Pounce to 1 second

UTILITY : Nidalee now swipes in the direction of the player's cursor

MAGIC DAMAGE : 70/130/190/250 (+0.45 ability power)

COST : No cost

COOLDOWN : 5 seconds

R - Aspect of the Cougar

Nidalee transforms back into a human. Meow.

RANKS : Aspect of the Cougar has 4 ranks and Nidalee starts the game with 1 rank in it

COST : No cost

COOLDOWN : 3 seconds


Crystal Slash now gives Skarner Movement Speed per stack of Crystal Energy. Skarner's passive has been replaced with one that allows him to stun targets when he builds up spell hits on them.

And we're back with our second Skarner update! We've spoken at length about getting Skarner to a more exciting place since our initial changes in 4.2, but we needed to make sure we were giving him a stronger identity without bringing back his old gameplay issues (particularly his 'feast or famine' problem where he'd either succeed really hard or he'd get squished without contributing much to a fight).

In approaching these changes, we heard a lot of your feedback about getting Skarner closer to his old role as a sticky crowd-control focused tank-bug (arachnid, whatever) and less of a damage-dealing scorpion duelist. Ultimately these changes should give Skarner a stronger identity as a disruptive tank while also giving him more opportunities to peel in a team fight, even if he's behind. We've obviously had to tune back some of Skarner's offensive powers to give him that extra annoyance, but this time around he should feel closer to his old lonesome self.


SHINY SKARNER : Updated textures for base and all skins. Skarner also now has specular maps, making him all shiny-like

MORE SHINY : Added new particles for Skarner's W and his new passive

EVEN MORE SHINY : New icons have been added for all abilities

Passive - Crystallizing Sting

CRYSTAL VENOM : Skarner's damaging spells apply a 'Crystal Venom' debuff to enemy Champions and large monsters for 5 seconds

UTILITY : If Skarner lands a basic attack on a target with 3 stacks of 'Crystal Venom', he will deal an additional 20-105 magic damage and stun the target for 0.5/0.75/1 second

CRYSTAL VENOM : After being stunned, targets cannot be debuffed by Crystal Venom for 6 seconds

Q - Crystal Slash

NEW - UTILITY : Basic attacks reduce Crystal Slash's cooldown by 0.5 seconds (doubled against Champions)

NEW - CRYSTAL ENERGY : Crystal Energy now additionally grants +3/4/5/6/7% movement speed per stack (up to 3 stacks)

BASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE : 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.8 attack damage) ⇒ 20/32/44/56/68 (+0.4 attack damage)

BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE : 24/36/48/60/72 (+0.4 ability power) ⇒ 20/32/44/56/68 (+0.2 ability power)

W - Crystalline Exoskeleton

COOLDOWN : 16 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds

E - Fracture

MAGIC DAMAGE : 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.4 ability power)

COOLDOWN : 14 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 12 seconds at all ranks

R - Impale

NEW - IMPALEMENT : Impale consumes all stacks of Crystal Venom and deals 50/75/100 magic damage per stack consumed

COOLDOWN : 130/120/110 seconds ⇒ 110/100/90 seconds


Magic resistance per level for Galio has been commonly requested by gargoyle fans around the world and, given our nerf to Athene's Unholy Grail (an item typically considered 'core' on Galio), we figured we could give him a thicker skin.




Graggy's gotten better at drinking under fire. This change means Gragas will only have to worry about losing the damage buff if he's interrupted mid-drink, but he'll feel better about using W to tank out a brawl.

W - Drunken Rage

NEW - FERMENTED : Gragas no longer loses the damage reduction if he is interrupted during his drink

CLARITY : Updated tooltip to specify that the percentage damage against monsters is capped at 250


We're following up Karthus' visual update with a couple bug fixes and late additions. We're also continuing to keep an eye the on the readability of Karthus' spells.

BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Lay Waste appeared to give more vision than it actually did

BUGFIX : Wall of Pain's VO will no longer be interrupted by movement commands

SWAG : Added the screech of a certain bird of prey to Statue of Karthus' dance

CLARITY : Requiem's visual effects are now more noticeable, so you can properly resign yourself to death


No more silence. Only tears.

LeBlanc's a champion who has a lot of power associated with her character - omnidirectional movement, high burst damage, precise target selection, a cool hat - so it's been difficult to give her meaningful counterplay without directly hurting that identity. We're taking a more deliberate approach here because we want LeBlanc to remain an exciting champion to play and watch, but removing the silence on Q means at least her opponents can fight back when she's QRWEing (or WQREing or WRQEing for those long range fancy plays) around the fight. That said, LeBlanc will definitely stay on our radar as we track how she's performing post-change.

Q - Sigil of Malice

NAME : Sigil of Silence ⇒ Sigil of Malice

REMOVED - SILENCE : No longer silences target


At higher levels of play, Lucian tends to be a master-of-all-trades marksman with his strong damage in lane, high mobility, decent scaling, and general safety in teamfights. With the new AD itemization changes, however, we don't want to implement bigger modifications with so much in the air. At this point in time we do think Lucian will need some broader changes to give him meaningful weaknesses, but a reduction on W (which was designed for utility as opposed to any form of burst damage) is something we're confident is in line with our potential changes in the future.

W - Ardent Blaze



As a side note, this might also affect Pantheon's ability to ignite opponents while he's falling through the air.

R - Grand Skyfall

BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Pantheon could use Summoner Spells before landing. Most notably, Flash could be used before landing to reposition Pantheon's landing damage area.


While our previous mana cost nerfs accomplished their goal of reducing Sivir's uninteractive laning, they also made her mana pool too limiting in late game team fights, which we're compensating now.


BASE MANA : 246 ⇒ 250

MANA PER LEVEL : 43 ⇒ 50

MANA REGEN PER LEVEL : 0.5 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 0.9 mana per 5 seconds


Apparently when Thresh's basic attack was charging up from Flay, it used the wrong buff icon. This change adds... CLARITY!

E - Flay

CLARITY : Now displays the correct buff icon


Rocket Jump is cheaper and is more forgiving to use when jumping around / over walls. Buster Shot's range scales with character level.

We're giving Trist some modernization buffs to help emphasize her high moments (STOMP THEM ALL TRIST!). For additional context, the Rocket Jump change doesn't mean you'll make every wall-jump, but it should be more forgiving when used around terrain. If you're still failing wall-jumps, get closer before jumping!

W - Rocket Jump

COST : 80 mana at all ranks ⇒ 60 mana at all ranks

UTILITY : Now more accurately checks for nearby landing spots when jumping close to, or over, walls

R - Buster Shot

UTILITY : Range now scales with level (like Draw a Bead/Explosive Shot)


ICONS : New icons have been added for all abilities


Twitch's passive does less damage per second. Twitch can now be delayed from entering stealth (through damage) for much longer than before.

We think Twitch has awesome lategame power, but he's also got a offensively strong early game on top of having a lot of safety throughout. To focus on that safety aspect, Ambush's stealth often let Twitch make an escape even when already caught out by enemies. We do think the new AD itemization changes will benefit the smelly rat, but the focus here is (mostly) to provide some additional counterplay for preventing stealth (hit him in the face!).


BASE DAMAGE : 52 ⇒ 49

Passive - Deadly Venom

TRUE DAMAGE : 2/4/6/8 (at levels 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 1/2/3/4/5/6 (at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16)

Q - Ambush

STEALTH TIMING : Time to stealth without taking damage now 1.25 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds

STEALTH TIMING WHILE BEING HIT IN THE FACE : Maximum time to stealth while taking damage now 3 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds


R - Death Mark

BUGFIX : Zed no longer teleports to a random location if he Death Marks someone who is in the middle of a dash (eg: Xin Zhao's Audacious Charge, etc).

Offensive Physical Itemization

We've got some major itemization changes this patch with a specific focus on the marksman role as a whole. As we mentioned in the foreword, our goal is to open up the landscape of attack damage and attack speed item choices. In terms of specific challenges, we saw that in the 2014 season, lifesteal was quickly becoming a 'must have' stat for marksmen with Bloodthirster leading the pack. What ends up happening with BT being a dominant buy is that it both heavily favors burst-AD champions and also snowballs lanes toward who can get their BT first. Bloodthirster being the best first purchase also has a secondary effect of reducing a lot of mid to late game marksman power as they're not going for the multiplicative damage stats (crit and attack speed) to punch through the tanky dudes. We also took the opportunity to make other adjustments to items like Warden's Mail / Randuin's Omen so that they're not so straight up mean to auto-attack reliant champions.

What these changes should do is give all marksmen equal build paths forward without one being much, much better than the other. This also allows us to do two neat things:
  1. With the Doran's Blade change, marksmen can tailor their lifesteal needs by picking up multiple DBlades to sustain through the laning phase without having to always commit to an early BT or Blade of the Ruined King.
  2. We can set all end-game marksmen items to build out of a B.F. Sword with 80 attack damage as the baseline. This means when you pick up a B.F. Sword, you know it'll build into a strong end-game item - it's just a matter of deciding which sort of defensive or offensive utility you want to get out of it.

Lifesteal Items

NEW - Essence Reaver

UNIQUE PASSIVE : You gain 2-8% of the damage dealt by basic attacks as mana. This effect increases based on how much mana you are missing.




RECIPE : Vampiric Scepter + Pickaxe + 975 gold

TOTAL COST : 2650 gold

Doran's Blade

REMOVED - LIFE ON HIT : Basic attacks no longer restore health on hit


HEALTH : 80 ⇒ 70


Vampiric Scepter

LIFESTEAL : 10% ⇒ 8%

Bilgewater Cutlass

LIFESTEAL : 12% ⇒ 8%

Blade of the Ruined King

ACTIVE ABILITY : Maximum health damage now 15% ⇒ 10%

ACTIVE ABILITY : Active ability now steals 30% movement speed ⇒ 25% movement speed

PASSIVE DAMAGE : Current health damage per hit now 5% ⇒ 8%

LIFESTEAL : 15% ⇒ 10%

The Bloodthirster

REMOVED - BLOODTHIRSTER PASSIVE : No longer grants bonus attack damage or lifesteal per unit kill

NEW - BLOODTHIRSTER PASSIVE : Lifesteal can now overheal, granting a bloody shield that absorbs 50-450 damage (based on champion level). This shield decays when out of combat for 15 seconds.


LIFESTEAL : 12% ⇒ 15%

TOTAL COST : 3200 gold ⇒ 3500 gold

Attack Damage Items

B. F. Sword


Infinity Edge


Mercurial Scimitar

NEW - MERCURIAL PARITY : Active ability now gives the movement speed bonus to ranged characters as well


TOTAL COST : 3700 gold ⇒ 3800 gold

Attack Speed Items


ATTACK SPEED : 12% ⇒ 15%

COST : 400 gold ⇒ 450 gold

Berserker's Greaves

ATTACK SPEED : 20% ⇒ 25%

TOTAL COST : 900 gold ⇒ 1000 gold


ATTACK SPEED : 18% ⇒ 20%

TOTAL COST : 1175 gold1100 gold

Wit's End

ATTACK SPEED : 42% ⇒ 50%

TOTAL COST : 2400 gold ⇒ 2500 gold

Youmuu's Ghostblade

NEW - YOUMUU'S PARITY : Active now lasts for 6 seconds on ranged champions as well (previously lasted only 4 seconds on ranged champions and 6 seconds on melee champions)

Recipe Cleanup

Warden's Mail & Randuin's Omen

Warden's Mail

PASSIVE : Passive Cold Steel's attack speed reduction now 15% ⇒ 10%

Randuin's Omen

REMOVED - PASSIVE : Passive Cold Steel no longer reduces attacker's movement speed

PASSIVE : Passive Cold Steel's attack speed reduction now 15% ⇒ 10%

Support & Ability Power Itemization

Support Items

In high level play, Mikael's Crucible was often being rushed as a primary 'core' item on most supports (beyond Sight Stone and a finished gold per 5 item), which meant long-cooldown, heavy engage teams had a lot of problems properly kicking off a teamfight if the enemy simply Mikael'd the caught target to safety. This ends up putting a lot more emphasis on teams who can 'catch' out targets multiple times (Elise, Morgana, etc) so that Mikael's is only useful for one of those cases. A Mikael's in every game also made things doubly sad for utility-focused marksmen like Ashe or Varus who bring big control abilities to the table. Our changes to Mikael's is to push it more toward a mid to late game luxury buy against heavy engage / pick team compositions but isn't so attractive as a purchase that it's found in every game.

This also lets us introduce a new mid-tier support item in the form of Ardent Censer! We're particularly excited about Censer because of all the possibilities it can bring to the support role, particularly the more defensively focused shield / heal champions like Alistar, Janna, Sona, or Soraka.

NEW - Ardent Censer

UNIQUE PASSIVE : Your heals and shields on another unit grant them +25% Attack Speed for 6 seconds

UNIQUE PASSIVE : +8% movement speed


MANA REGENERATION : 10 mana per 5 seconds


TOTAL COST : 2200 gold

RECIPE : Forbidden Idol + Aether Wisp + 550 gold

Forbidden Idol

TOTAL COST : 750 gold ⇒ 700 gold

Mikael's Crucible

TOTAL COST : 1600 gold ⇒ 2450 gold

RECIPE : Chalice of Harmony + 720 gold ⇒ Chalice of Harmony + Forbidden Idol + 870 gold

MANA REGENERATION : 12 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 20 mana per 5 seconds


Locket of the Iron Solari

UTILITY : Active's shield amount is now calculated using the recipient champion's level if the recipient is a higher level than the item owner

Ability Power Items

With Mikael's going up in cost and offering more mana regeneration / cooldown reduction, we felt we should also take a look at Athene's Unholy Grail, a very cost-efficient item that gives pretty much everything a wave-clearing AP mid laner needs to push all day (looking at you Ziggs). The reason we chose to tune down Athene's defensive stats rather than its offensive power is to make it a little less of a 'perfect' safe pushing item so opponents can potentially find windows of engagement. The buff to Morellonomicon is just to make it feel better as a late-game item.

Athene's Unholy Grail

MAGIC RESIST : 40 ⇒ 25

MANA REGENERATION : 15 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 10 mana per 5 seconds




MANA REGENERATION : 12 mana per 5 seconds ⇒ 10 mana per 5 seconds

Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar


We're generally happy with what the new Teleport changes are achieving, but it's a little too strong as a lane recovery ability. Particularly in competitive play we were seeing a lot of top laners constantly using Teleport as a way of stagnating the early lane rather than trying to set up for global map pressure.

COOLDOWN : Cooldown when teleporting to towers now 200 seconds ⇒ 240 seconds


With the removal of Randuin's Omen's passive movement speed debuff, we saw that Heal was giving too much additional safety when a marksmen takes on a fighter, so we're tuning Heal down just a bit.

MOVEMENT SPEED BOOST : Speed boost duration now 2 seconds ⇒ 1 second


BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Exhaust did not grant assists when used against slow immune targets (who are still affected by the damage reduction effect)


Reinforced Armor

CLARITY : Tooltip clarified to state that it reduces the total damage from critical strikes

Summoner's Rift


By slightly raising the base gold reward of dragon, we're hoping to continue to emphasize its value as an early level objective. This also means teams who consistently kick off lane swaps will need to make greater strategic tradeoffs for a safer lane.

BASE GOLD : 145 ⇒ 180

GOLD PER LEVEL : 15 ⇒ 10

Team Builder

  • Captains in Team Builder will now be able to see a list of "Suggested Players" that they are able to invite into their games. We'll be experimenting with this feature to include players that we believe you might have fun experiences with.


  • Players who use their keyboards to purchase from the shop should no longer see the shop close when a purchase fails
  • Fixed a bug where players would occasionally need to unlock the camera twice for the setting to apply

Upcoming Skins

The following skin will be released at various times during Patch 4.10:

Sweeper Alistar
Superfan Gragas
Striker Lucian
Goalkeeper Maokai
Red Card Twisted Fate

Primetime Draven

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 7:26am | Report
goodbye twitch hello boring IE bot lanes
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 8:41am | Report
Oh look, we're patching the game every two days now.
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

<King of the Hill>
Khazem's Forum Avatar
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 8:49am | Report
first impressions of the patch so far

Skarner seems really strong now

New Nidalee is fun as hell and looks good as a top lane bruiser

Removing bonkers silence sounds like a really big nerf to me, at least to her laning phase

Scimitar hype! I always loved that item on ad carries just because I think the cleanse is OP. Having it give a speed boost now sounds really good

New BT looks meh, especially on melee stuff like Riven Hydra is probably always going to be better now

rip twitch, good riddance
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 8:50am | Report
Remember that time when items actually gave a decent amount of lifesteal?
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 8:54am | Report

Remember that time when items actually gave a decent amount of lifesteal?

Vamp scepter giving 15% lifesteal for only 400g lol
Foxy Riven
Foxy Riven's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 9:00am | Report
After playing a few matches as marksman, I gotta say the shield on BT is weaker than it seems sadly.

Double/triple dorans - IE probably going to be new meta.

Essence reaver is just worthless on an adc. Not a lategame item at all. If you do build it you're going to be significantly weaker than the enemy's adc.

Only Ardent Censer seems alright. Janna will be having more appearance on that botlane.

Oh well, we'll see.
Thanks Emikadon for the sig!
(Check out my guides, they're linked to their pictures!)

If I helped you in any way, that +REP is always nice^^
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 9:54am | Report
Tried triple doran's into IE and it worked wonders. Was playing Tristana.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 10:01am | Report
Vynertje wrote:

Vamp scepter giving 15% lifesteal for only 400g lol

how i miss those days...
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2014 10:17am | Report
Gotta love how they changed doran's because they didn't want the stacking to be a frequent occurence and people on this thread be like "yeah stack 3 then go IE"
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
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