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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Sejuani Patch Notes

New Skins in the Store

Sabretusk Sejuani
Darkrider Sejuani

How unexpected. v1.52

Ranked Teams
Ranked Team roster size has been increased to a maximum of 9
Provisional Ranked Teams will now be automatically disbanded after a certain period of time to prevent name squatting
Made it easier to invite members of your Ranked Team to a group chat
Team Tags will now show up in more parts of the and in game UI
Team Game invites will now play a different sound to differentiate from normal invites
Team Member status will now show up in the Team Profile screen so you can see who is online and available to play
Cleaned up the Ranked Team creation process to be more clear
Tweaked the Ranked Team matchmaking algorithm to be more accurate

Looks all fine and dandy. My only concern might be the length of time for deletion of a ranked team, and possibly (unsure about this) the obnoxious spamming of team names, if there is no option to turn them on and off in certain areas. That asid

10 tips for my Friends who is starting LoL

I noticed a lot of my friends have been jumping in to League of Legends and asking for small tips. I decided to write 10 tips for you guys. First thing first ::

I'm not ELO 1737 like Phreak or anything. You can take my advices or not. I'm not sure if I should call this some sort of guide. Everyone has different playing style and you have the right to ignore all my words. These are the things I learned through experience or someone yelling at me. This is about Summoner's Rift 5v5. This is what I normally think about. You can always disagree with me.

1.) "You can't make Cake with just Sugar." When I first started playing, everyone played carry; that included Ash, Akali, Miss. Fortune etc. I lost a lot. LoL is about team cooperation and there's different roles. Everyone wants to be the best, get all the kills, and brag about how much they brought four other people into victory. You really can not win a normal game with only carries. Plus in my personal opinion carries can be tiring or …

Solo queue game 12

Duo queue with TheGrandmasterD


Top: Gangplank vs Kayle
Middle: Xerath vs Vladimir
Bottom: Vayne and Alistar vs Graves and Soraka
Jungle: Lee Sin vs Udyr


Fun game, I decided to pick up a support to try and make sure our Vayne first pick would be in relatively good hands.

First blood happened up top as Kayle got a pretty early kill on Gangplank. He was losing his lane pretty badly, untill Kayle took the turret and Gangplank basically free farmed all day.

Every other lane seemed to go fine. Lee Sin was doing work everywhere and was really the one who pushed us to an advantage after a rather bad start of the game.
Bottom lane we managed to trade a few kills here and there as Lee Sin ganked. I did **** up a couple of times not taking turret agro soon enough so Vayne got it and ended up dying 2 times for it.

I didn't really see what was going on around the map as I was eating at the same time, so I can't say much more, except that we won the game by winning a cru…

my best game till now

at the Weekend i had rly nice game with a clan mate. We just started a ranked game duo q and we saw in the loadscreen: our jungler jax has no connection. well thats 1 thing i hate about the ranked games but thats an other story. However, we started the game and i went mid with Talon. i knew that we would loose this game, but i wanted to gave my best, so i owned as much as possible mid against gragas. i got ganked a couple of times from the enemy rammus, but i killed gragas like 5 times and killed rammus 2 times too. so, after i got my first item, i started a bit roaming after i pushed my lane. it was easy going to grap a few doubllekills bottem against Janna and Kog 'maw. wasnt that hard to kill the Jarvan on the top lane too. (a bit Of flaming from enemy team "REPORT FEEDER GRAGAS" and " YOUR SO ****ING BAD YOUR JUST FED" later..) i got my trinity and youmous, graped my mercurys and started to build bloodthister. at this point i was rly fed, but i had games like this before, but this …

Solo queue game 11

Duo queue with TheGrandmasterD


Top: Garen vs Riven
Middle: Xerath vs Cassiopeia
Bottom: Vayne and Sona vs Caitlyn and Soraka
Jungle: Nunu vs Rammus



Last picked Vayne into Caitlyn/Soraka, was confident I could handle the lane and it turned out well. The pick was mainly aimed at dealing with Riven/Rammus as I was expecting them to get fed.

First blood happened mid as Nunu ganked for Xerath, Rammus counterganked the lane. Both Cassiopeia and Rammus ended up dying giving Xerath an early double kill and a very nice advantage in lane.

Bottom lane Sona and me were taking a lot of harass from Caitlyn due to her superior range but it was never really a problem. I managed to stay ahead on farm in the laning phase despite being outranged pretty heavily. Rammus tried to gank several times but it yielded absolutely no results.
The lane was won when Caitlyn went to buy and Soraka showed herself in our brush, all by herself. I picked up an easy kill and …


Note: This is to be read in the voice of Taric trying to imitate Weird Al... not Don Mclean.


A long, long time ago
In Demacia far away,
Noxus declared their attack.
And I thought me and my AD Carry,
Could hold the lane oh so fairly
And maybe, getting us some stacks.
But their response it didn't phase us,
They fed instead and tried to rage us.
But we came out ahead,
To the tribunal they were fed!
We quickly entered the next game,
and found a team whom none could blame
For they were all so skillful,
and the game turned out so thrillful!

Oh my, my this here Tryndamere guy,
Maybe ulting sometime later but now he just dies,
And he AFK's because his Mom says it's time,
and he says hahahaha noobs I hope you all die,
hahaha noobs I hope you all die.

Did you know that

People who are bad

rush Phantom Dancer on champs
rush TBC on Xin Zhao
rush mejai's or SotO when losing
go multiple BF items on a bruiser as a standard build
build bruisers squishy
save up money for a BF sword when losing lane
do not buy arpen / magpen
take cs as supports
do not buy gold / 10 on supports
rush Tear on casters besides Karthus and Ryze
do not counterbuild
do not ward
do not buy oracles as supports
do not constantly gank lanes / camp lanes as a jungler
do not take smite as a jungler
do not know what QSS is
take Clarity
build thornmail and believe its superior to Randuin's and Frozen Heart in situations where they are not pressured to hell
bait horrible teamfights as a tank / bruiser
trade kills and say its worth it

The Top

Looks like it's here to stay. At least until another good guide comes up for Rammus. For now, my guide is topping the list and the feeling is incredible. Each time I am checking for comments or updating the guide, I see it at the top. It makes me feel proud. Thank you all very much.

I shall continue to update the guide whenever anything new happens that involves Rammus in either way. I just updated the jungling section after using some time figuring the best way to go for him... Looks like it's all the same :)

Give Applejack some love.

If you didn't know already. Applejack is now best Mane pony. Why you ask? She needs more ****ing love! I mean wow cmon. Just because she don't joke so much like the others doesn't mean she deserves less love.

She have all the pro's of rainbowdash and none of her cons. She is a stong, loyal, honest, a great sister, friend, etc...

Just gonna leave this here:

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide