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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.


Hey guys! I'm going to clear my signature block to make it cleaner, I'm removing a few signatures from it but I don't want them to be gone completely. So this is what I came up with. To showcase them in my blog! This will also be a token of my appreciation for the signatures you have created for me.



Raising elo the easy way.

(x-post from - my LoL blog)

When will people learn how to solo queue? It's seriously easy.

Pick faceroll champions with low skill cap that you KNOW will win. Stop picking Lee Sin, Ezreal and Leblanc. It's disgusting how bad my team comps in solo queue are lately and it's purely because people like playing champions that they think take skill. Yeah, great, you can play a champ that needs skill but what good is it if we lose? It doesn't prove anything, you just look like a ****** and you've lost elo. You trying to play champions that you're not good enough to play is costing you and others elo because you're too stupid to realise "You know what? I'm awful at this game - I can't play these champions. Let's just stick to faceroll." Faceroll champions win games and get you elo for so little effort.

Maokai. Ryze. Morgana. Rumble. Kennen. Vayne. Graves. Sivir. Shaco. Nocturne. Annie. Gangplank. Irelia. Taric. Soraka. Sona. Tryndamere.

That was a list of the mo…

Quick Shout-Out

Hey Urrebody!

This cool group of dudes on YouTube are doing a pretty sick 24 hour live stream, so go ahead and drop by. They are playing Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, other games ending in 2. So go ahead and give 'em a view. Definitely worth your time!

Live Stream!

You are tryharding IF....

1. You're not dying.

2. You build your champion correctly.

3. You land your skill shots.

4. You duo queue with a friend.

5. You ward your jungle and catch invaders.

6. You steal neutral monster buffs.

7. You gain legendary status.

8. You gave a skin for a champion you know how to play.

9. You focus the DPS.


Yup! Makes sense.


Xenasis wrote:

Don't forget level 1 invasions.

Fox Rage wrote:

Don't forget outfarming the enemy team

Xenasis wrote:

Oh and I almost forgot, picking a standard lane comp, even if you actually want to play support or something.

gwadzila wrote:

Most importantly, the enemy is tryhard if he kills me.

Effective Health -- Starting Items

There are a lot of ways to start off the game with items, but I think a lot of people have misconceptions. They think Doran's items provide more health and stats so they're a better start. Let me clear this up.

Starting with a Doran's gives you 100~120 effective health.
Starting with boots + 3 health pots gives you 150 x 3 = 450 effective health
Starting with mana + 2 health pots gives you 150 x 2 = 300 effective health
Starting with cloth armor + 5 health pots gives you 150 x 5 = 750 effective health.

Starting with a Doran's gives you either mana regen + AP, AD + lifesteal, or armor + health regen.
Starting with boots gives you movement speed to avoid ganks and harass efficiently.
Starting with cloth armor gives you armor to counter AD lanes and junglers.

I'm pretty sure 450 and 750 is a higher number than 100 or 120.

If you're going mid, buying boots 3 or mana 2 gives you more effective health in your lane.
If you're going top, buying boots 3 or cloth 5 gives you more effective h…

Are you George Patton or a LoL player?

Are you George S. Patton or a LoL Player?*
A Personality Quiz

December 7th, 1941, a day that will live in infamy. Japan has bombed Pearl Harbor. America has entered the war. As you listen to the news on the radio, you pour yourself a glass of bourbon and sit at your desk. You look up at the American flag and then begin to pen a letter to General Eisenhower. It reads…
(a) “Men are at war with each other because each man is at war with himself.”
(b) “glhf”

Before leading your boys to war, you inspire them by offering these words of wisdom…
(a) “An Army is a team. It lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse ****.”
(b) “I call solo mid”

May 10th, 1940. France is invaded by Germany and suffers casualties around 360,000. You say …
(a) “I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country.”
(b) “OMFG noobs stop feedi…


Self explanatory. I'm actually on the train back to me home, but there be internet up and running on here so ofcourse imma abuse it. So what fail went on during these long 3 weeks? V:

Never mind. I browsed most of the forums. You guys are hopeless without me.

Also, youtube tags are sort of funky on this internet, so if the video doesn't load for GOD KNOWS WHAT REASON:

Bree's Resources // Free Downloads

Hey guys,
So I wanted a place to put some resources of mine for the art community here on mobafire. Eventually I'll be moving it over to a guide - so I can have a menu with easy Navigation. Since I don't have any tutorials or a huge selection of graphics yet - this will do.

What to expect in the future:
- Guides
- PSDs
- Photoshop Brushes (made by me)
- Stock Images
- Maybe some renders
- Fractals
- Links to some awesome downloads.

Some Cool Places

- Google Images // I'll explain why below
- Deviant Art // Resources, Photoshop Brushes, Tutorials, Inspiration.
- Planet Renders // Renders.
- TagFreak // Some interesting things here.
- Sigresource // Inspiration, Resources & Tutorials.
- DaFont // Really Nice Fonts

Finding Like Images With Google

Google can be used to find images that have been lost (like if you've cropped it and didnt save the original, or re-colored it), or images with the same color as your main image. Its pretty useful and I'm not sure how many peo…


Guys look i dont wanta buy runes,and thats ****.So u need to explain me how runes are good!!xD
And i think that champions are better and i dont know for what are runes for.I know that runes empower you but they are ****ing expensive and i dont have so much IP.Im going to buy Lee Sin and i buyed some runes bot the cheapest ones and school starts soon so idk when im going to buy lee sin and those expensive runes.I play shaco as jungler and i've buyed some runes that are good for Lee Sin too so i profit there.

Tell me what to do!!Shoudl i buy Lee Sin or what??
Thank you.

Nasus Builds

Why is it that every Nasus guide or build I see meant for solo-top always rushes a Trinity Force?
If you wanna play Nasus, here's a tip.
Counter-building > Damage

If I'm laning against a Tryn with Nasus. First back do I buy a sheen? Do I buy a phage? No. I buy a Chain Vest and Ninja Tabi, so I can win my lane, then buy Trinity Force AFTER I buy defenses.

Never EVER rush Trinity it's so ****ing stupid....

The only way Nasus becomes viable, which is quite easy, is to farm his Q up.

In order to farm his Q up, you need to be able to farm.

In order to farm, you need to be able to win your lane.

In order to win your lane, you need to counter-build, because Nasus is such a weak laner if rushing damage.


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide