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A 3150IP odyssey.

My adventure, for finding a new champion to play with continues. In the end, the month-long or so it took me to shorten the list, produced some result.

Alistar, Gragas, Olaf, Shaco, Udyr and the overused Xin Zhao. Or as I pronounce it, Jun Tao. (a reference to Rush Hour)

Alistar doesn't some like someone I would enjoy using, he simply isn't. Gragas is, well, strange. Never played against him, and he doesn't really seem appealing. Shaco is not the type of champion I want, Udyr is categorized in the same place as Gragas, which leaves me with Jun Ta... Xin Zhao and Olaf.

Since I'm a heavy Tryndamere user, and as a extremely successful one, I really want something at least a bit different from him. By the looks of it, Xin Zhao is extremely similar. The same items, Bloodthirster, Black Cleaver, Phantom Dancer, Zeal, Berserker's Greaves, etc.

Which leaves me with Olaf. Not as a bad choice I originally thought.

So... yeah.

I do stuff, like signatures, and I do other stuff also.

I make music, link here to my soundcloud page and my youtube page.

Let me know if you hear something you like :>

And, yea. Have been playing LoL since late July 2011, as I write this post I am summoner level 19, so I haven't played THAT much. My mains right now are Ryze and Master Yi, really different champions but I really don't know wich type is my favourite.

Visit my sig shop and please listen to my music :3


Why do I play LoL while high?

Simple reason: I'm more focused. I actually play smarter than when I'm not high. I'm talking about farming every damn chance I get, coordinating and landing skill shots in/for team fights. It's crazy. One notable memory I had was when I had around 160 CS playing as Ahri when the rest were at 70-80. I absolutely dominated. I went 13-0 before they surrendered (which was at the 20:00 mark).


True Story

5 seconds into gameā€¦
Wukong: bot
Wukong: I called bot sivir
Wukong: me and jax are bot
Wukong: sivir
Wukong: I called bot
Wukong: gtfo sivir
Wukong: gtfo i called
Sivir: NO
Wukong: thats a bannable
Wukong: **** you sivir
Wukong: cmon I called
Wukong: why are you being annoying?
Wukong: im gonna report you
Sivir: go ahead
Wukong: there i reported you
Sivir: seriously you reported me on easy coop vs ai??
Annie: LOL

5 minutes of flaming later, Wukong starts intentionally feeding

at some point, Jax tries to solo Baron at lvl 5

(an ally has been slain)
Tryndamere: "****"
...90 seconds later (an ally has been slain)
Tryndamere: "****"
...2 minutes later (an ally has been slain)
Tryndamere: "WTF ****ING TOWERS"
...5 minutes later (an ally has been slain)
Tryndamere: "How does Undying Rage work? How much range does it have??"

25 minutes in, Wukong starts calling for surrenders

35 minutes in, somehow we win; Annie is lvl 18, Wukong is lvl 3

New skins and SOPA

Hey everybody its me again

So first off I would like to add my opionion to the whole SOPA thing. Please Please Please contact your rep and tell him/her not to vote for it. For those of you who dont know what this is or want more info I am including the link to the League of Legends article about it and they have links there with even more info. Like I said tell them not to pass it, Riot is standing aganst it for our sake (well and there business). SOPA INFO

Anyway on to the skins. SKINS HERE use the link to see images of the skins :)

First up we have with the Dragonblade skin: I like this skin as it is more assassin like then his other ones but there is really nothing that jumps out me that says oh I need to buy this now. but all in good and I do hope this brings a few more people to play Talon more often then what he is now. (seems a little low for such a good champ) and would give it a 6.5 out of 10

Second we have

Solo Queue (Normal): Game 4

In the pre-game chat, we were ***inged roles by one of the fellows on our team. He selected Udyr to jungle, directed two other fellows to select bottom lane champions (a Soraka and Xin Zhao), someone to solo top (the Tryndamere), and asked me to mid (I picked Annie for the burst, and stun combination). Well I locked in, happy with the team, as did the Tryndamere.

The Udyr who had just assembled a relatively well balanced team out of 5 random dudes lost his mind, and changed to Talon before locking in. I was surprised and deeply confused. We still had about 20 seconds left, so I asked him why he changed. "It's just a normal," he replied, "who cares?" That must've clicked with Soraka as well, because he changed to Teemo.

It was a weird laning phase for me as well, against a Tristana at mid. She outranged me, last hit faster than I could, and pushed me back without issue. At around 10 minutes or so, Talon came down, and ganked Tristana, burning her flash. Not a kill, but hey, it helped…

Support Skins

So long I've wished and waited for Riot to release more support skins, since I main supports and I'd like to have some versatility. As for Kayle's Battleborn skin I can't really completely put her to support category mainly because she's not a full support and not often played as a support by other players (I do play her as a support on Normal games). After that skin came the Kayle skin everyone else has as well, which imo is really ugly. Who the hell thought brown wings are pretty, seriously?

It took several months before they eventually made other supports skins and the next one they did make was for

Team work/Defying the odds

FYI I will be making a malphit build and a tryndere build ( other champions I own)

But anyways I was playing a game of classic 5v5 I played as jax my team consisted of Annie chogath veigar and Ashe. I felt fairly confident about my team untill the game got rolling and I saw the opposing team trydemere malphite maoki garen and xerath I couldn't think of a more terrifying team. But I tried to rally the troups and not show my true feelings that this was going to be a long game. I took mid with Ashe ( which was perfect ) veigar and Annie took bot and chogath soloed top. The game began as I thought though we were getting slaughtered. Infact the only words I heard those first 10 minuetes (beside my own) were
" alie killed" and " enemy killing spree". I did feel Ashe and I were doing a good job holding our own against malphite and garen. I decided that I needed to start farming to get my next couple of items ninja tabai and 2 vamperic scepters a total of 1800 gold after I had just finished p…

Solo queue game 10

Started playing ranked again, figured I'd start posting my games here again as well~
No screenshot of the draft, going to leave those in the future as well as there's no real point.


Top: Tryndamere vs Olaf
Middle: Cassiopeia vs Veigar
Bottom: Caitlyn and Sona vs Kog'maw and Soraka
Jungle: Amumu vs Fiddlesticks


Pretty hillarious game. Picked Tryndamere and got 'counter'picked Olaf. As I went in the game, my runes had bugged and I went in lane with full AP runes (thankfully the page with armor seals). It looked pretty grim especially considering Olaf should do well against Tryndamere in lane.

First blood happened mid as Fiddlesticks ganked mid and Veigar picked up an easy kill on Cassiopeia. Just seconds after I got my first kill on Olaf after getting 3 crits in a row and finishing the job with an Ignite. (Also AP ratio on Q es OP olol)

Not long after first blood, Fiddlesticks ganked mid again and got another relatively easy kill on our Cassiopeia. Mid was not…

Opinion or a Troll's Paradise?

You know, I just had a thought... aren't almost all the guides on here opinionated? I mean, I haven't had the "pleasure" of reading every guide for one character on this site but from what I can tell, everyone has their own way of building their favorite Champions.

I only bring this up because I recently had someone TROLL my Nocturne build and no, it didn't hurt my feelings, more annoyed me. I mean, the last game I played with that very build I was 14-5-10, and that's good right? I mean I THING it's good, but what do I know? I'm just a noob -- technically everyone is if you go by raging logic in-game.

I just wish someone could post their guide and honestly not have to worry about the trolls coming from beneath their bridges and caves to ridicule others for not building a Champ like they would, or what's considered "pro". Not everyone plays this game to be pro, much to you troll's disbelief. MOST people -- like me -- play this game to have fun, and isn't that what games were originall…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide