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Gangplank Build Guide by RainbowFreeze

Jungle [10.23] A Bronze Scrub's Guide to EVERY ROLE GANGPLANK

Jungle [10.23] A Bronze Scrub's Guide to EVERY ROLE GANGPLANK

Updated on November 17, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RainbowFreeze Build Guide By RainbowFreeze 12,745 Views 0 Comments
12,745 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RainbowFreeze Gangplank Build Guide By RainbowFreeze Updated on November 17, 2020
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Gangplank
    Top/Regular Gangplank
  • LoL Champion: Gangplank
  • LoL Champion: Gangplank
  • LoL Champion: Gangplank
  • LoL Champion: Gangplank

Runes: Top

Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Magical Footwear
Time Warp Tonic

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

[10.23] A Bronze Scrub's Guide to EVERY ROLE GANGPLANK

By RainbowFreeze

tl;dr: Blue > Gromp > Wolves > Scuttle if possible > Recall
OR Blue > Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Scuttle if possible > Recall

Start Blue Buff almost always. Use and kite away from it, then skill W and do gromp, then wolves. You can try raptors after that, based on your HP. if your clear wasn't healthy, like for instance not much leashing help, then recall and get machete. Otherwise, you can clear raptors, then red. Or red, then raptors. Try and get scuttle.

When clearing with your E, remember that killing a barrel resets your passive, and your passive stacks full. Place a barrel, attack the Large Monster, apply , then Q the barrel, and attack the Large Monster again. Your clear gets a lot better after you pick up sheen.

tl;dr: Red > Raptors > Gromp / Wolves > Blue > Scuttle if possible > Wolves / Gromp > Recall

I do not advise Red start. if you do risk it, I would probably take 3x pot instead of Refills, and pick up extra pots when you back. You need a good leash. Krugs are difficult to take, I would suggest skip them and do raptors, then gromp, then blue, then wolves, then recall. The problem is that monsters' armor is low early game, and you want your E for the camps with lots of units. Your E doesn't give any extra damage, though, so you'll clear them slowly. Definitely make use of the Trial by Fire reset, and soak as much value out of your healing as possible
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RainbowFreeze
RainbowFreeze Gangplank Guide
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