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Vayne Build Guide by Redonkeylus

AD Carry Adc Vayne guide.

AD Carry Adc Vayne guide.

Updated on February 7, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Redonkeylus Build Guide By Redonkeylus 6,666 Views 5 Comments
6,666 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Redonkeylus Vayne Build Guide By Redonkeylus Updated on February 7, 2013
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Hi, my internet name is Redonkeylus, if you want to ask anything you can just send a mail here on mobafire or add me on leauge EU west:martinsoi EU east:Redonkeylus (Redonkeylus was taken by some guy on west unfortunately :(. One of my first guides, please vote and comment your thoughts about it! need to know what to do better and whats good!!

Vayne-The Night Hunter
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Pros / Cons

+True damage
+Good gapcloser
+Can go stealth
+Sick late game

-Super short range
-Squishy as f**k
-Need's alot of gold to deal damage
-Hard to poke
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Skill set

Vayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers. She gains 30 movement speed whent moving towards an enemy champion.

Overpowered chasing passive, gives u tons of movement speed. While your [final hour]] is active, you get 150 movement speed instead of 30, making u able to run faster than almost anyone.

Vayne tumbles, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot. She rolls toward the cursor and her next attack deals bonus damage.

This spell has alot of uses, it can for example be a great escaping tool, great gap closer tool. And it can be great to get in range to do a certain amount of poke. When fighting enemies, stack the damage bonus together with Silver Bolts for HUGE amount of damage. It also resets the autoshot.

Consecutive attacks and abilities mark Vayne's target with silver rings. The third consecutive attack or spell against the same target will consume the rings, dealing true damage (capped at 200 against minions and monsters). The rings are removed if Vayne attacks a different target or doesn't attack for 3 seconds.

The fact that every third auto shot deals true damage makes you incredible at killing tanks and armor-stacked people. This spell stacked with attack speed is what makes Vayne a monster in late game.

Vayne fires a projectile at target unit, dealing physical damage and knocking the target back 470 units. If the target is knocked into a wall, the target takes the same damage again and is stunned for 1.5 seconds. Condemn also applies Silver Bolts once.

This is why Vayne should always fight into the walls in laning phase, since Condemn will deal lots of more damage and stun if you knock them into the wall. its also a great spell to knock people who's chasing you, or if you get in front of an enemy who has your team behind him to knock him into them.

Vayne temporarily gains attack damage and enhances her other abilities. While Final Hour is active, Night Hunter's movement speed increase is tripled, and using Tumble stealths Vayne for 1 second.

Makes your passive incredible for chasing, gives you stealth to easily escape in teamfights and confuse enemies. And it gives you a good amount of attack damage. The fact that when you tumble and get stealthed is great to go a path that your enemies expect you to not do.
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Skill Sequence

> > >
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Always take in lvl 6/11/16 for obvious reason.

The first skill you wanna max is since its your most used spell , the lower cooldown will make you so much stronger since you get more autoshot procs and much more escaping mechanics.

Second you wanna max since it will increase your true damage..

Last you want to max , you dont really need to have lower cooldowns in this spell since it has sucha long base cd, you will mostly only have time to use it one time in early game and maybe 2-3 in teamfights later.
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Summoner Spells

Recommended summoner spells:

, obvious to take since you need escape tools on every ad carry. Should ALWAYSbe taken.

, good against heavy cc team, though i run it almost every game since i feel you can output more dmg by cleansing the Exhaust (which you always be affected by as adc), than going ignite. you can also cleanse the enemies ignite's.

, good damage output spell, also good when fighting enemies like dr.mundo or Soraka, every champ who heals good tbh, since it will decrease every health incomming on the ignited target by 50%.

good spell if you want to bait turret dives, or fighting 1v1/2v2 in lane. Though not so good in late game since you will almost guaranteed have a heal reduction spell on yourself.

imo a better version of heal, since it wont be affected by Ignite and other healing reduction spells, also good for baiting turret dives, might not be so good 2v2 as Heal since Barrier only affects you, but imo still its a better summoner to take than Heal.
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Pure attack damage, to increase your damage. Some people prefer greater mark of armor penetration but i think you get enough armor pen from Weapon Expertise .

9x of theese since it gives you alot of armor, since its flat armor it gives you alot more surviveability in early/laning phase.

i am going 9x of theese, though many players prefer 9x of , since it will give you more magic resist in late game, though i feel Vayne is squishy early so she needs the flat magic resist.

same as marks, some people prefer armor pen here to but i dont since i think you get enough from your masteries.

This page should give you 15 physical damage, 13 armor and 13 magic resist
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Since Vayne is a standard attack damage carry you should always go 21/9/0 page.
This is the masteries i go: 1 in Summoner's Wrath 3 in-> Fury 4 in-> Deadliness 1 in -> Weapon Expertise 3 in-> Havoc 2 in-> Lethality 2 in-> Brute Force 1 in -> Frenzy 3 in-> Sunder 1 in -> Executioner , moving to the defense page i go: 4 in Durability -> 3 in Hardiness -> 1 in Resistance -> 1 in veteran's scar, making Vayne more tanky.
Lets talk abit about the masteries, 21/9/0 page:
Summoner's Wrath Makes you stronger when youve ignited a target, 5 extra ad/ap always good.
Fury pretty obvious why you take 3 in this, attackspeed scales really good on every adc, especially on Graves since he has pretty slow base-attackspeed.
Deadliness also a really obvious mastery to take, gives you attack damage.
Weapon Expertise an armor penetration mastery that decreases the enemy armor by 8% which is really good, increases your damage on every target, especially helps you to easier kill tanks who is diving into you.
Havoc just a simple damage increase on all of your damage by 2%. Ofcourse good on every damage dealing champ.
Lethality increases your crit damage by 5%, just a good mastery for higher critical chances..
Brute Force no need to talk about, gives you attack damage.
Frenzy gives you 10% attack speed everytime you hit a critical strike, really strong in late game especially when you get your Infinity Edge.
Sunder gives you even more armor pen, makes your ad attacks do higher dmg.
Executioner always a good spell, deals 5% increased dmg to targets below 50%, helps you last hit and increases damage done to low healthed people.
Durability gives you health per lvl (6hp per lvl), gives you 108 hp at lvl 18, makes you more tanky.
Hardiness gives you armor to take less physical damage.
Resistance gives you magic resist to take less magic damage.
veteran's scar gives you 30 hp makes you tanky in early game.

Here's a picture of the mastery page i use:(I know its named Ezreal real EZ since i just named it that way, but it should be called standard ADC, sorry for that]
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The most standard full build on Vayne will mostly be:

Though you can priority alot of different items on Vayne, like Bloodthirster and Phantom Dancer if you want to have a core build with burst, or you can do Infinity Edge Phantom Dancer for heavy autoshots. Hexdrinker is a good mid game to add into your core build if you are getting bursted my heavy ap damage, though should always be sold in late game or maybe upgraded to Maw of Malmortius if you still feel like your getting bursted by ap damage. Mercury's Treads is an item i buy quite often on attack damage carries, it's really good against heavy cc teams like Sona Amumu, also gives a small amount of magic resist. Mercurial Scimitar this item i take in thoose situation's where you really need a defensive item but lack damage. If you do not lack damage go Guardian Angel, a much more better defensive passive than Mercurial Scimitar. And also upgrade your shoes to Enchantment: Furor when you feel like you can afford it, but do not let it go before some big item like Bloodthirster or Phantom Dancer. Frozen Mallet great tanky item and kiting item, purchased if your getting hunted down alot. Blade of the Ruined King great if you want to have heck lifesteal.

final build:

example core build:

example core build:
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Vayne strong with

With Vayne Nunu & Willump all you want to do is farm farm farm in laning phase and just become beasts late game, a high amount of gear and Blood Boil on Vayne will make her craaazyyyy, and since nunu can help you kite so much with his Ice Blast and Absolute Zero Vayne will be able to pump out tons of autoshot.

This is a very underestimated killing lane, imo Alistar Vayne is one of the strongest killing lanes in the game. With Headbutt Condemn you can easily kill someone who makes the mistake to get into a wall, and if theyre not dead after that combo Alistar can just knock em up with Pulverize.

This is more of a safety lane since Taric works with almost every attack damage carry, just stay back and wait for enemies small mistake like getting to close into a wall and land Taric stun and then both of you just use your combo's for maximum damage.
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Vayne strong against

If Vayne tries to land 3 hits, Sivir just kites away. That's not a bad thing, though; as Vayne, all you have to do is land one attack on Sivir, and she's forced to back off. If she lets you land a second, you Tumble forwards for the third and drop a chunk of health off her.
Either Sivir tries to trade, and loses the exchange, or she's forced to play passively for the laning phase. So long as you don't let Sivir land Boomerangs on you from a distance, you'll just zone her out. Here i prefer having a Taric or Alistar support, since they got abit of cc and some heals.

The way Vayne beats Varus is that he has no chance in 1v1'ing her. In a straight up 1v1 Vayne will crush him, because of her ultra damage from Silver Bolts. And as long as Vayne has a support who has just a small bit off cc like Taric or Nami she cn easily 2v2 in lane also, unless varus is with a Blitzcrank and he get's you hooked, then you should almost always retreat.

Singed is mostly a top laner but since hes one of the most armored champions in game the true dmg from Silver Bolts to make his armor useless. Also he will do everything to get to Fling you, thats when your Tumble can counter him since you will enter stealth when your ulti is on. And you can Condemn to increase the gap.
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Vayne weak against

The way caitlyn counters Vayne is the autoshots, caits autohits has a range of about 650 i think?, and Vayne is like 450-500. She will just out poke you in lane, everytime you go for a cs you will get 1-2 autohits in the face and a Piltover Peacemaker through your body. And Caitlyn mobility spell is alot longer range than Vayne so when you try to escape she can just follow you up for more autohits to the face.

Graves destroys her early game, as he does against most of the champs, but Vayne scales soo much better than Graves late game. So you should just farm and try not to feed him late game to outscale him hard.

Since Vayne is pretty weak early laning phase and Corki is a beast during early he will destroy you in fights, though he (like you) has a pretty low attack range you can easily get farm and out scale him late.
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Early game / laning phase

Early game is the hardest part of the game for Vayne. You should mostly just try to farm as much as you can and only fight when you caught someone into a wall or when you jungler/midlaner ganks. Though i think you can beat one attack damage carry in early game, kog maw since he is also weak in early and scales like a beast in late. When you are getting ganked in lane you should always save your Tumble to dodge a aim spell since mostly junglers has an aim spell to get up to you. Also remember than when you have a support jungler like Maokai or Alistar or Amumu always ask them if you can get you can get the second red buff for huge pressure and killing potential.
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Mid game

Mid game when Dragon starts you should want to have atleast Bloodthirster Zeal to output enough damage. Remember that positioning is important on every attack damage carry but something specially important on Vayne. Be4 fights, both small and big, make up a list in your head for the targets you want to focus most to least, then in the fight you pick the easiest target to hit, if there is 2 targets that you can hit, take the one that is highest up on the list. In that way youre always focusing a high threated target. always look to Condemn someone into the wall to stun if youre not focused, if you are you should save it to knock someone away from you for higher kiting ability.
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Late game.

Late game is where Vayne shines the most because of her Silver Bolts. In teamfights you need to be extra carefully with Vayne since she has much shorter range then most of the other attack damage carries. But just remember to play more carefully and keep more focus on always stand in a good position.

Baron can be gamechanging late game, though the baron pit is imo a really bad place to teamfight for Vayne since she has 0 aoe spells. The positive is that in the pit you will guaraanteed stun the target that you will Condemn, in that way you can stun enemy jungler before he smites, making it easier for your jungler to smitesteal it.

In teamfights as every adc you should always stay in the back line and deal as much damage as possible, remember to keep care of your position, though if a bruiser gets onto you, use your Condemn to create a gap. And always keep attacking by the list i talked about in the Mid game chapter.
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Tips / Tricks

The spell you can make most plays with is probably Tumble stacked with Final Hour since it will give you stealth when tumbling. In this way you can lure your enemies that you going a way that you are actually not.
Vayne is also a master at turning on an enemy whos chasing her for the kill and just Condemn that enemy and burst him down quickly.
When fighting enemies remember to land two autoshots before using your tumble for increased damage, this way your extra damage from Tumble will stack with the true damage from Silver Bolts and do HEAVY/color] damage.

Remember Tumble can not be used over any terrain in the whole Summoner's rift!!
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Thats all on my [icon=vayne size=50 guide.
Thank you for checking out this guide, make sure to leave feedback on what you think is good and what is not good. This is one of my first guide so it might not be the prettiest one but i think you cn learn alot from it. Remember to upvote it and leave a comment if you liked it! :D.

Also check out my other guides here:

Graves here

Ezreal here
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