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Lee Sin Build Guide by ClearDays

Denying with Ease - Solo Top Lee Sin

Denying with Ease - Solo Top Lee Sin

Updated on April 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ClearDays Build Guide By ClearDays 12 1 35,672 Views 38 Comments
12 1 35,672 Views 38 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ClearDays Lee Sin Build Guide By ClearDays Updated on April 8, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Lee Sin
  • LoL Champion: Lee Sin


A guide that's slightly out of my comfort zone. This guide will NOT include jungling, but instead, solo-top. However, solo-top is one of my preferred roles if jungling is taken, and I use a variety of champions to do so. In this guide, I will cover Lee Sin, the blind monk.

Lee Sin started off as a supposedly "weak" champion, where no one would play him and where he also required a hotfix. Eventually, players started to realize that he could jungle very well, and after IEM Hannover, players started to realize he was a viable solo-top after Voyboy demonstrated his monstrous abilities with the blind monk.

TL;DR - Lee Sin is a fun, enjoyable champion that's hard to master but deals TONS OF DAMAGE AND JUMPS AROUND A LOT AND IS HARD TO GANK.
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Pros and Cons

Pros / Cons


+ Massive AD Scaling
+ Ability to jump around in fights
+ Energy based - No running out of mana!
+ Insane steroids
+ Great sustain
+ Ability to disrupt and shut down certain targets in fights
+ Stupidly strong
+ Very fun to play

- Item Dependent
- High skill cap champion
- Not rewarding for new players
- Silences hurt you a lot in teamfights
- You need good positioning for all your skills
- A lot of damage lost if you miss your only skill shot
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Summoner Spells

Recommended Summoner Spells

Ignite: Creates more kill potential. Cleans up, and prevents champs such as Vladimir and Dr. Mundo from healing massive amounts of health.
Flash: This allows you to make plays, force fights, and disengage. Good spell, and is fairly reliable. For me, this spell is a must have.
Teleport: A very strong spell which allows you to come back after a kill/death, appear in fights, and helps secure objectives. Good global pressure as well.
space Exhaust: A good summoner spell to have on any bruiser. Early game it has an amazing slow to help secure a kill or win a duel, while late game it acts as a disable.
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These are the masteries I use. Feel free to change a few points around to fit your playstyle, as no guide is 100% static.
9-21-0 over 21-9-0 due to the fact that I often feel that Lee Sin's base damage with my runes is more than enough sometimes.

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Greater Mark of Strength

I take this over ArP marks, just due to the fact that three out of four of Lee Sin's abilities scale off of AD. Either way, Marks should be something offensive.
Greater Mark of Desolation
Greater Mark of Desolation

Definitely still a good choice. I started off using these and they worked perfectly fine. I just prefer flat AD.


Greater Seal of Resilience

Probably a mandatory against a bruiser top lane. This just helps you survive both minion aggro as well as champions.
Greater Seal of Vitality
Greater Seal of Vitality

A good choice when up against Kennen, Vladimir, or Rumble, as they are all popular solo-top champions that do magic damage a majority of the time. This creates some nice bulk for you.

Greater Glyph of Warding / Greater Glyph of Shielding

Whether it be flat or per level, both give you a substantial amount of magic resistance. I, myself, would use Greater Glyph of Magic Resist for the early game, but both can work well. Use whatever you have.
Greater Glyph of Focus / Greater Glyph of Celerity

I guess you can use these runes as an alternative. More CDR results in Lee Sin jumping around in fights more often.

/ Greater Quintessence of Desolation
Greater Quintessence of Strength / Greater Quintessence of Desolation

Either one will work fine. Both sets provide a massive boost in the early game and are still rather useful late-game.
Greater Quintessence of Fortitude

Like the bonus health? Want to be bulky? You have these runes and cannot afford any other runes? Then use these. They're actually not half bad.
Greater Quintessence of Swiftness

Allows you to roam, move around better in fights, kite, and get in position for your skillshots. What's not to like? If you like MS, then by all means, use these runes.
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Abilities Explained

Quick note, if you need to know EXACTLY what the skill does, move your mouse cursor over the picture of the skill. A short description of the skill as well as any scaling, cooldowns, costs, etc. will show up.

Oh, and if you want a general understanding on Lee Sin's skill set, I recommended watching the champion spotlight just below. It's not the best for observing plays, but it does show you skill ranges along with a bit of knowledge you need to know when playing the champion.


Your passive ability. In lane, it won't matter as much as in the jungle, but this is still a huge steroid. Basically every time you engage, you'll have an extra 40% AS. That's STUPIDLY POWERFUL. Having a steroid like that which is pretty much constantly up is deadly, which one reason why he's such a great duelist. Remember to space out your skills, so that you don't run out of energy and that you can maintain your attack speed buff.

Not really many tips or tricks to know here. Just space out your abilities if you want to constantly keep the AS buff up. For the best DPS, you'll be doing ( AA stands for an auto attack or basic attack):
Skill - AA - AA - Skill - AA - AA and so on.

Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike

This is Lee Sin's Q ability. It's a skillshot on the first cast. If you hit a target, you have the ability to hit Q again to dash to said target. This gap-closer can be used to either chase or escape a gank ( You can Q to a minion if there are no allies nearby ). Also, if the target is at a low percentage of health, then you'll do even more damage. As if a 0.9 AD ratio on both casts wasn't enough! Even at level one, this skill is very strong and should not be underestimated.

  • Use Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike to harass! Quickly casting the ability twice on a target with low armor WILL hurt then, even at rank 1.
  • A straightforward combo is Sonic Wave, Dragon's Rage, Resonating Strike. What this will do is knock your opponent back, but since you cast Resonating Strike you follow your target. You also do more damage since Resonating Strike does more damage based on missing percent health.
  • Like stated earlier, you can use this skill to escape a gank. For example, let's say you're in the river near dragon area, and the enemy is chasing you from bottom lane. What you can do is run to your wraiths or red buff and use Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike so that you get to the camp and create a good distance from the enemy.
  • The first cast of Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike reveals targets, stealthed or not. Teemo now has his passive rendered useless, and Akali now has a puff of smoke that only slows you down and gives her a slight amount of armor. Wait, she was suppose to be in stealth mode in that thing?
  • If you're a jungler, you probably know this. If you're playing on blue side and you're for some reason bot lane while you think the enemy is doing dragon, use Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike. This will reveal the dragon if it has not been pulled out. If you're jungling and bring smite, you can potentially steal the dragon ( Also works with purple side and Baron Nashor ).

Safeguard / Iron Will

This is Lee Sin's second ability, his W. Once again, this is a gap-closer and can also act as a gap-creator. Keep in mind that you can safeguard to minions. First off, the shield it gives on the first cast helps you trade very well in lane. On the second cast, you gain a plethora of bonus stats. You can a significant amount of armor, as well as life steal and spell vamp for all of your attacks.

  • Getting ganked? Use Safeguard / Iron Will to jump to an ally minion or ward and hopefully escape, causing your opponents to cry at their failed attempt.
  • Need some quick damage? Use Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike twice to an enemy champion, and quickly use Safeguard / Iron Will to jump to a minion. Extremely deadly if you play with smartcast, because your opponent will likely not be able to react in time. I know I don't half the time.
  • Are you or an ally about to get hit by Karthus's Requiem, Caitlyn's Ace in the Hole, Vladimir's Hemoplague, or another skill that WILL hurt you? Turn on Safeguard either on yourself or your ally to prevent as much damage as possible, and possibly save their life! ( Jeez, I sound like one of those door-to-door salespeople )
  • Remember, Safeguard / Iron Will gives you armor, life steal, AND spell vamp on the second activation. Use this to your advantage! With this is mind, you can duel many bruisers from what seems like a suicide attempt.
  • An advanced technique that you can do with Lee Sin or Karma is that when the enemy is about to go in for a creep kill, you can shield the creep. With Lee Sin, it's his W, Safeguard / Iron Will. This is a form of denying ( Like in other MOBAs ), as the enemy might now miss the creep. This will eventually lead to you pushing the wave though. This can really disrupt the enemy's ability to last hit at tower, as for most champs, it's either one or two auto attacks after a tower hit, and you can mess that up for them.

    Ward jumping is powerful. Watch CruzerTheBruzer play Lee Sin, escaping with wards and Safeguard / Iron Will and stealing Baron with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike and Smite

Tempest / Cripple

Lee Sin's E is Tempest / Cripple. The first cast will allow you to see those pesky stealth champions such as Twitch, Akali, Teemo, Shaco, and so on. Other than that, it's just an AoE form of damage. However, the second cast is much more deadly, causing all enemies hit by your first cast of Tempest / Cripple to have their movement speed and attack speed slowed. Once again, another ability to help you beat many bruisers. Oh, and did you know you can use this skill to chase AND escape a gank? That's three skills that allow you to chase and three skills to allow you to escape a gank.

  • You can either start off a duel by double casting Tempest / Cripple to, basically, cripple your target's ability to fight. This will greatly help, and the enemy will have a much harder time escaping once they realize their attack speed has been slowed. Or, you can double cast Tempest / Cripple at the end to slow the target down and finish your opponent there. It depends on the situation. Can you win without the AS debuff and are you safe to chase?
  • Akali hiding in her Twilight Shroud? Teemo being sneaky in his Camouflage? The first cast of Tempest / Cripple reveals them. Yea. Their stealth was just rendered useless.
  • Try to cast Tempest / Cripple to hit the AD carry in a teamfight. That'll make them just so much weaker. They lose movement speed which is EXTREMELY valuable on any carry, and a big chunk of attack speed that they invested so much money in.
  • Got a melee champion on your tail? Nowhere to escape to? Double cast Tempest / Cripple to slow them. This might be your best chance to escape.

Dragon's Rage

Your only skill that doesn't have a two abilities in one ( I've called it a double cast several times now ). This is your R ability, your ultimate! With a MASSIVE AD ratio of 2.0, this ability will have massive damage throughout the entire game. Honestly, I don't know what to say. The burst is just so strong, the utility is great, and has several uses. Overall a great ultimate.

  • Katarina channeling that ever-so-deadly Death Lotus? AP Nunu & Willump about to pull an Empire because he's casting Absolute Zero in the bush? Warwick hugging your friendly carry with Infinite Duress? Kick them in the face. I guarantee they'll start crying.
  • Are those bruisers and rushers on my carry? Not anymore. Dragon's Rage guarantees that they'll back off for a while. You can also use your ultimate to kick carries even further away from the fight, so that your team is fighting a 4v1, and you can Safeguard / Iron Will back to your teammates. Think about it, the enemy's tank dead, while their carry is far away from the fight. Not a favorable fight for the enemy team, now is it.
  • After Dragon's Rage, you can land in one auto attack before they're too far away to attack anymore. So, for example, you use the first portion of Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike to hit the enemy, you cast Dragon's Rage, and now the enemy is sent flying. Since the flying animation is so slow, you'll be able to land in one auto attack before you have to cast Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike again.
  • A quick combo is Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike, flashing behind your target, using Dragon's Rage, and finish up with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike to dash to your target. You kick your opponent back and away from their tower. Useful against squishies with skill shots, as you avoid all of that, as shown in the video below ( BY CRUZERTHEBRUZER ).
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Ability Sequence

Now, you may be asking, "OH MA GAWDS MAYN, WHY NO MAX Q?!" My answer is simple, I don't need it as much as Safeguard / Iron Will. The damage on Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike does scale very well, but a lot of champions can do just as much damage. Lee Sin's W is why I feel he truly shines in lane. He can deny very well without affecting the enemy at all, something only Karma could previously do. He also gains shield that isn't half bad. With that shield and the bonus armor that the skill gives on cast, trading with most champions becomes a breeze. Even if you come out poorly on a trade, you have life steal and spell vamp to heal up and pressure the enemy again.

However, this is my preference. Maxing Safeguard / Iron Will does make you a very strong champion in lane, but maxing Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike does a lot more damage. I can see why you might choose to max Q over W. You, as the player, can make whatever choices you please, and this is just my playstyle. If you choose to max Q over W, then your ability sequence would look something like this instead:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Tempest / Cripple last because Q and W are more important, unless you're facing somebody like Irelia or Tryndamere where the attack speed and movement speed debuff greatly helps.

Grab Dragon's Rage whenever possible ( Levels 6, 11, and 16 ).


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Item Builds

Finally, the part where a LOT of people have been waiting for, my item sequence!


You can opt to buy Boots and three Health Potions. Safest route if you have no clue who's going top. The movement speed also helps evade early ganks where the enemies might not have boots yet. I almost always get this, even if I know my lane opponent is an AD bruiser.

Cloth Armor and five Health Potions is also another very safe route when facing off against a bruiser top lane such Riven or Gangplank. Don't get this if you're up against somebody like Vladimir, where his abilities are all magic damage.


Early game domination - Lee Sin's strongest point. This just helps you that much more. Very cost efficient, all the stats you need, great for snowballing. Need I say more?


Doing VERY poorly? Want to get back into the game? You can buy a Heart of Gold. I often sell this in the end for a Guardian Angel though, but you can build this into a Randuin's Omen.

Regarding Wriggle's Lantern, it's definitely an option, I just don't like it. I prefer my double Dorans any day of the week. If you do go Wriggle's Lantern AND double dorans, you might be overkilling it a tad bit. Besides, I feel as if 37% life steal is a lot with max Safeguard / Iron Will, but it's up to you.
Vs. Bruisers ( Standard )

You can switch Ninja Tabi with Mercury's Treads. Phage and Chain Vest are both very good against bruisers. Provides you with health, damage, and armor. Chain Vest builds into Atma's Impaler, which is an item that greatly helps, as it provides damage and armor against double/triple AD ( AD off-tank top, AD carry bot, probably AD jungle ).
Vs. AP Top

Once again, you can switch your shoe choice to Ninja Tabi. I always choose between the two boots. The Brutalizer helps a LOT, especially since most AP tops are squishy and pack very little armor. Hexdrinker really helps, and can be surprising to many AP champions who try to duel you. It's a lifesaver, while also providing a good amount of damage.


This was based off of the Vs. Bruisers build shown above. Upgrade Phage into a Frozen Mallet, and upgrade Chain Vest into an Atma's Impaler. Afterwards, I build a Maw of Malmortius for the MR ( I originally build QSS or Force of Nature here, because I needed MR ) and damage, and a Last Whisper for the massive ArP. I top things off with a Guardian Angel, but this item can be swapped for something else, depending on the game.

This was based off of the Vs. AP Top build shown above. Very similar to the Vs. Bruisers build to the left, only difference is that the Last Whisper is now a Youmuu's Ghostblade. Upgrade The Brutalizer into Youmuu's Ghostblade and Hexdrinker into Maw of Malmortius. You can decide to build a Phage before your Maw of Malmortius for the extra health and the slow. Like the other build, I end up with a Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler, and Guardian Angel.


Need more MR instead of damage? These two are good choices. Choose to build a Quicksilver Sash when against a team with a lot of CC or suppressions.

Pretty good damage item. I prefer the raw health from Frozen Mallet, but if you change up your build, you can definitely fit this in somewhere.

Need raw health? Want to build a lot more tanky? Take this. With Warmog's Armor, you can replace Frozen Mallet with Trinity Force.

That Heart of Gold I talked about earlier? Yea, this can be the result. Build this over Guardian Angel if the opposing team is running triple AD.

Want some sustain? I don't go for Wriggle's Lantern ( I used to, but I prefer double Dorans almost all the time now ), so this can be used for sustain. Also gives good AD for your abilities.

Uh... SURE! I feel as if Flurry is more than enough, but if you feel as if you need the AS, then grab it. I've seen many Lee Sins buy this, but to me, a Wit's End is still overdose. Never tried it myself.
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Early Game

Buy your starting item and head off to top lane. Try not to push the lane off right away, especially since level 2 ganks are extremely powerful and top lane is very susceptible to these kind of early ganks. If you think you're safe or the enemy has a jungler who isn't very gank heavy, start off by denying with Safeguard / Iron Will. If you can keep up your own farm while successfully screwing up your opponent's farm, you'll start to notice a difference in gold and items once both laners go back.

As Lee Sin, you want to be applying some early pressure. To do some easy damage, you can double cast Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike to dash to the target. Afterwards, you have a few options. You can continue to fight while Flurry is still active, and landing in extra attacks and afterwards you cast Safeguard / Iron Will on yourself. With a 40% AS, a shield, armor, life steal, and spell vamp, you'll probably be winning most trades. Top the combo off with Tempest / Cripple so that the enemy will be slowed when the come back to kill creeps. The second option is to Safeguard / Iron Will to a creep to avoid any damage after you dash in with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike. Usually, you only do this if you KNOW you'll lose out on a trade ( If the enemy is fed or if you're facing somebody like Olaf ).

Once you hit level six, you can do TONS OF DAMAGE by using Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike only once so you still have the ability to dash to the target, using Dragon's Rage to kick the target back, landing an auto attack while the enemy is still in the air, and finally tapping Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike once more. It's a devastating combo, especially with ignite.

Oh, and remember to buy wards and health potions! I usually buy 1/2 wards every single time I recall. 75G too expensive for you? It shouldn't be. Would you rather spend 75G, or risk giving the opposing team 300G + Assist gold, along with you losing a lot of exp+gold since you're not in lane?

Need MORE reason to buy wards on Lee Sin? CruzerTheBruzer. Video. Below. Buy wards.
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Lane Match-Ups

Still under progress! I'm trying to find games where I'm against champions I haven't listed such as Nidalee, Jax, and Kennen. If there are any arguments regarding difficulties I posted, leave comments below! Who knows, maybe somebody I listed as easy could be a very difficult match up for Lee Sin and I just happened to play against somebody worse than me ( Nobody is worse than me, I guarantee it ).

Current champs that I need to do :
- Jax
- Kennen
- Malphite
- Nautilus
- Nidalee
- Pantheon
- Renekton
- Rumble
- Warwick
- Wukong
- Yorick

Ahri is a relatively easy opponent in lane. You can easily bully her around with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike, and you can Safeguard / Iron Will to minions to dodge skill shots. If you harass her enough, she'll become terrified to even last hit if you zone her out. If she uses her Q to last hit, she'll push the wave and you can zone her out even more. Just watch out for ganks, her charm can be devastating. If you're trying to kill her past 6, you might need to use flash to catch up to her. Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike into a Flash beside her, following up with Dragon's Rage and the second portion of your Q will catch a lot of people off guard, while also dealing tons of damage.
hi Difficulty:

Another easy lane. She can't fight you. Your Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike out damages all of her abilities. You can also shield a chunk of her damage, you match her sustain, and you are too tanky for her. Her stealth is useless because you can Tempest / Cripple to reveal her. She can't do anything but farm, but you shouldn't be letting her with Safeguard / Iron Will. She shouldn't even get close to the minion wave. Just watch out for ganks, especially once she hits level 6.
hi Difficulty:

I've faced Anivia once so far, and that was when I had to go mid lane. Honestly, no challenge here either. Most AP carries give Lee Sin absolutely no problem whatsoever. Anivia is no exception. With her huge mana problem and her ridiculously slow auto attack, there's no reason for you to be losing in farm or kills to her. Once again, be careful for ganks. With a good wall and stun, you could find yourself with a grey screen.
hi Difficulty:

Brand top lane? No problem. Safeguard / Iron Will to avoid his skill shots. He's too squishy to be too much of a danger. His full burst WILL hurt though, but make sure he doesn't get a chance to. Zone, deny, harass, kill. No different from other squishy AP champions relying on skill shots.
hi Difficulty:

Fairly easy lane. He is VERY mana intensive early on, with very little damage. His silence and knock-up can be very dangerous though. If you can successfully shut him down before he hits level 6, it'll be much easier to fight him later on. If you let him farm properly, then it'll become a push war and he'll come out ahead. A harder match-up for players still new to Lee Sin. Make sure you hurt his farm enough so that he doesn't finish a Glacial Shroud without you having dominate your lane.
hi Difficulty:

A bruiser that gives Lee Sin a generally easy time. If he maxes Parrrley, he'll probably be using it to harass. Just shield up and fight back, he'll eventually lose and run out of mana. You'll be able to outsustain since he won't be maxing Remove Scurvy. If he does max his oranges first, he'll be likely be afk-farming. Just deny him by shielding minions with Safeguard / Iron Will. If he Parrrleys to kill creeps, he'll run out of mana. If he walks up to the creep, you can Tempest / Cripple and follow up with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike to create some damage. If he builds like 100 armor at level 6, the match-up instantly becomes harder.
hi Difficulty:

Even though BETTER NERF IRELIA did get nerfed, she's still pretty strong. She can farm with ease due to Bladesurge, sustain and dish out some good damage with Hiten Style and Transcendent Blades, and can turn the tides around with a stun from Equilibrium Strike. She completely ignores the armor from Safeguard / Iron Will, so if Tempest / Cripple is down, you're probably in some trouble. Just try to get some free harass in and outfarm her. Just wait until an opportunity arises where you can kill her, and make sure she doesn't get a chance to kill you. Try to start denying early on to shut her down later into the game, so she doesn't achieve god-mode.
hi Difficulty:

Jarvan IV
Still praying for the day that Jarvan IV becomes stronger. Jarvan IV is definitely one of my favorite champions, but as it stands in this hyper-aggressive meta, he doesn't fit in as well. His top lane is fairly weak. He has no sustain, his abilities are just a huge mana burn, and his damage is mediocre. Jarvan IV can easily set up a gank with his knock-up and Cataclysm, so his level six is quite dangerous - beware. Also, make sure you're not being constantly tagged by his passive, Martial Cadence, as that damage can build up.
hi Difficulty:

Should be an easy lane. You can either try to stay back and avoid poke, or stay with your minion wave to get ready to jump on him and make him cry. Most Kennen players will get Lightning Rush at level 3/4, so try to hurt him before that time frame. You shield a lot of his damage, you can heal more than him since he HAS to buy a Will of the Ancients, and you can deal more damage than him. Just make sure he doesn't stun you to death.
hi Difficulty:

Honestly, this is a toss-up. I've faced Mordekaisers sitting and crying at their tower, and I've faced Mordekaisers that do whatever they want to me. To win this lane, you HAVE to gain an early advantage. This means making big trades early game, doing lots of poke, avoiding his Siphon of Destruction, or having your jungler gank him. Even if you do shut him down, it's Mordekaiser for God's sake. He's naturally broken, farms extremely fast to get back into the game, and deal tons of damage. If you don't gain an early advantage, you'll have a fun time learning how to last hit at tower.
hi Difficulty:
Medium / Hard

Unless I don't have to pull for my jungler and I know I'll be able to get Boots and a fourth Health Potion by waiting at the base, I'll get Cloth Armor and five Health Potions. This match-up is more annoying than anything. First few levels you'll just have to farm, even going in to shield a minion will lose you a good amount of health. Once you hit 3/4, you can definitely start to harass. You'll be able to start to chunk large amounts of health from the enemy. Once she hits level 6, it becomes a bit harder to fight her. Just make sure you double cast Safeguard / Iron Will to get the bonus armor when she engages on you. Wriggle's Lantern Nidalee or double Doran's Blade Nidalee is annoying to deal with since she sustains and pokes so well. Just make sure you can start to dominate her before she gets really strong.
hi Difficulty:
Easy / Medium

One of Lee Sin's hardest match-ups. The true damage from his Reckless Swing is just massive. Building armor isn't the best choice, but rather health. Tough It Out gives him great sustain when combined with a Wriggle's Lantern. His axe, Undertow, can be quite dangerous as it provides a constant slow with decent damage, even at rank 1. Oh, and Ragnarok prevents you from slowing him, and he gains ArP. Yea, this is a hard match-up. Kiting him is the best way to go. Denying with Safeguard / Iron Will will be difficult, as he'll likely come out on top of a trade. Fortunately, most Olaf players bring Ghost and either Teleport, Exhaust, or Ignite, so early ganks can be useful to shut him down. Just build health and poke, try not to fully engage as his cooldowns are very short and he requires little mana unless you're constantly forcing him to throw axes.
hi Difficulty:

Riven, the master of jumping around and being annoying. So far, I've mainly faced Rivens that start out Cloth Armor and 5 Health Potions. Let me tell you now, she's too weak if she starts with that. Her movement is too slow, and you'll be constantly chasing her back to tower. A Riven that starts out with Boots and three Health Potions is a different deal. She can kite you, outrun you if you don't have Tempest / Cripple on her, and she can engage and disengage much easier. With no innate sustain, she loses the lane pretty hard. Highly recommend starting Boots and three Health Potions when you know you're up against a Riven. Just be wary of ganks. Four mini-dashes, a knock-up, and a stun is nothing to joke around with.
hi Difficulty:
Easy / Medium

Another counter to Lee Sin, this man/tiger/turtle/bear/phoenix thing is extremely deadly. He deals more damage than you, sustains more than you, and can shield just as much as you. On top of that, he deals magic damage Wilding Claw, and all of his auto attacks deal attack damage. It'll be to build against him. This is one of the few match-ups that I get a Wriggle's Lantern, since I really need the sustain. Just try to make him lose a few creeps with Safeguard / Iron Will. He'll sustain all your damage and destroy your health bar. You can't really do much.
hi Difficulty:

From levels 1-5, he is a COMPLETE pushover. You have FREE dominance of lane. Try your best to get him low early on, because he can't fight back. Once he hits 6 he becomes slightly stronger, and he'll be in a much better position to set up a gank. Once he hits 9 and has a Will of the Ancients, he'll sustain better than you and start to come out on trades. Abuse your early game dominance. You can still fight him past 9, it's just noticeably harder. I gave Vladimir an easy / hard score, since most of the time you're still laning at level 9 when he becomes a powerhouse ( I don't like getting towers early on and roaming, I just move onto the next oncoming wave and let my minions get killed ).
hi Difficulty:
Easy / Hard
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Mid - Late Game

If you gain early game dominance, you can easily make plays and carry a team, so long as they're not terribly negative. Remember to group up with your team, take objectives, catch people off guard, and create a lead. If your team is stupid and indecisive, tell them what to do. Make pings, talk in team chat, do what you need to do.

Once you're fully built, you'll be a very strong champion. But you do you target in fights? What do you do?

The way I see things goes by role.

Off-tanks, generally speaking, either protect their own carry or go in for the enemy carry. Make sure that when you are going for the enemy carry, you're not going in 1v5.

So what can you do as Lee Sin?

You can easily disable targets with Tempest / Cripple and Dragon's Rage if you're protecting your carry, or you can charge in, closing gaps with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike. It honestly depends on the game. Do you have a hyper-carry you need to protect like Kog'Maw? Are you extremely fed and can afford to go balls deep? Lee Sin's a unique champing, having two gap-closers. In a fight, you can quickly burst an enemy carry, and go back to your team to protect your carries. Lee Sin's greatest strengths, his movement, abilities, and burst, all come out of the laning phase and can transition to a very powerful late game.
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Ending / Credits / Change-log

Not much else to say. Thanks for reading my guide! Hopefully people will enjoy reading my opinions. My item choice and match-ups will probably be talked about the most :/


Once again, much love to jhoijhoi on her guide on how to make a guide, which can by found by clicking here.

Thanks to my friends list, they're the people I play, scrim with, and practice with. Without them, I probably would have quit League by now and moved onto the next game on my list.

4/2/2012 - Lulu Patch - Created the guide!
4/3/2012 - Lulu Patch - Fixed up pros+cons, wrote more about Wriggle's Lantern.
4/3/2012 - Lulu Patch - Added Kennen, Nidalee, and Udyr in match-ups.
4/3/2012 - Lulu Patch - Quick little change in the masteries. Going to add champions such as Tryndamere in the match-ups soon. Been busy, haven't been able to do as much as I wanted :/
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