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Updated on May 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Periphetes Build Guide By Periphetes 2,913 Views 10 Comments
2,913 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Periphetes Build Guide By Periphetes Updated on May 27, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Urgot
  • LoL Champion: Urgot
  • LoL Champion: Urgot


Hundreds of games with Urgot, months of theorycrafting, and an entire account dedicated to Urgot named AcidshotGG has led up to this very moment.

The moment I publish my quintessential build.

I have played literally every possible combination of items for Urgot, and this is, without a doubt, the best build in all of League of Legends. When I say this, I am also including the alternate build options, such that you will always be able to counter the other team.

I hope you enjoy.

And before you ask, yes spellvamp does apply to Acid Hunter.


Much of the gameplay content of this guide has been copied from my archived guides.
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Pros / Cons

-Near-best Urgot dps
-Huge sustained survivability
-The best mid build/champ, hands down
-Incredibly powerful early game
-In the right hands, impossible to reach to kill
-If a carry doesn't buy any armor, you can kill them in one combo
-Cheap items

-Skill and map awareness dependant
-Squishy early game
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We take standard greater mark of desolation for obvious reasons.

Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration solely because you go oom without it.

Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction combined with Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction and masteries provides 19% CDR at level 1.

Oh what's that I hear? You demand an explanation for not using greater quintessence of desolation?

Let's put it in terms of gold consumption.
On one hand, you could get 10% CDR from glyphs and quints, which is worth about 900g ingame.
On the other hand, you could get about 200g worth of magic resist and (while hard to calculate directly) 300g worth of armor penetration, plus sacrifice your early game 4-hit combos with just boots.

What does all this mumbo jumbo mean? In nerd terms, CDR runes are overpowered for the slot cost. In practical terms, it means the difference between being an average Urgot and a dominant one.
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Skill Sequence

As is standard to any Urgot build, Acid Hunter and hyper-kinetic position reverse are top priority.

Much of the community is divided over whether to max Noxian Corrosive Charge or Terror Capacitor first. I typical choose points according to the match, however the most powerful setup in most situations is to split some points and get three in Terror Capacitor first, then max Noxian Corrosive Charge.

Why three points in Terror Capacitor? From experience, you need to have a strong enough shield that it doesn't pop while you're targetting someone, and three points is usually enough. Once you have 'ENOUGH' points, you don't need any more, so they go into Noxian Corrosive Charge.

If you feel like you need more damage on Noxian Corrosive Charge, you're welcome to max it first. Just remember how many more Acid Hunters you could have landed if they had stayed in range.
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-Through Acid Hunter and Terror Capacitor combos, you can efficiently kite people chasing you. Try it!
- Acid Hunter can lock on through fog of war if your mouse is over them.
- Acid Hunter's range (even through fog) is about equal to kog'maw's rank 2 ultimate, if you can lock on.
-Don't zerg like a Tryndamere. You want to avoid being in the line of fire.
-Don't chase for early kills (-9) unless it's a sure thing.
-Use Noxian Corrosive Charge and Terror Capacitor to open, then hit with a few acid hunters and if possible auto attack. Getting the acid hunters down is slightly difficult. Once you can chain 3-4 acid hunters you will hurt a LOT.
- Terror Capacitor slows activate upon Acid Hunter's HITS. This means you can activate it while a missile is midair to add a slow.
-If you need to spam dps, and are not in danger, just keep hitting Acid Hunter and auto attacking. Use other skills if they are up and you have the mana.
-You can use hyper-kinetic position reverse to catch runners.
-If nobody else is taking it, get blue buff.
-Enemy team permitting, you can solo Baron once you pick up Hextech Gunblade under the primary or armor builds.
- Noxian Corrosive Charge on the ground gives you sight for a short time, use it to preclear bushes.
-In ranked draft games, if you see a lot of dangerous stuns on the enemy team, replace Ghost with Cleanse at the last second.
- sight Ward your damn lane! If you are any good at last hitting at all, wards are cheap! (That means stop being a scrub and farm harder so you can afford wards). Ultimately, the main reason good players ward and bad ones don't, is that the good ones have lots of spare cash from last hitting and so feels like less of a sacrifice. IE: If you're killing 2 minions per wave, you only get 30g per wave, whereas a pro hits all six, netting 100g or so. Wards are nothing to good players, and you're good right?
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A lot of people struggle to know what to do as Urgot in a teamfight. I was one of them. Over time I found out the proper method.

1. Hit as many people as possible with Noxian Corrosive Charge, follow up with Acid Hunters if you managed to hit the carry(s) and just stay on the carry damage. Irelia and Xin Zhao, DPS Renekton or Tryndamere, a fed ap Amumu, all count as carries. You have to keep in mind the carries are essentially the people doing the most damage, not necessarily particular champions. On top of this, you need to be repositioning Urgot with your mouse movement AT THE SAME TIME AS SHOOTING ACID HUNTERS FROM MAX RANGE. It takes an INCREDIBLE amount of coordination, more than I have used on any other champion including Nidalee, but once you get this down, you are essentially the most mobile ranged carry in the game, who is never in range to be killed.

1a. Once the carries are dead, pick off your opponents like flies.

2. If you did not manage to hit the carry(s) spare a few Acid Hunter hits until you see a good chance to use hyper-kinetic position reverse on a carry. This shuts down most of the enemy team's damage and makes yourself damn near invulnerable for a short time, with your damage during the channel as a price.

2a. Kill the carry you swapped, while trying to move yourself back into a safe spot. Yes this does mean you can't herp derp and auto-attack stationary.
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There's a couple things you can do to make your farming more efficient on Urgot, especially if you're not particularly good at last-hitting. I was once bad at last-hitting, then I played Urgot for a while and Acid Hunter helped me train :)

1. USE the timing between Acid Hunter and auto-attacks. There are a lot of windows you hit on Urgot that just wouldn't be possible on another champion, take advantage of them.

2. Don't neglect auto-attack kills or you will go oom fast! Many times it's better to just use auto-attacks until you pick up more of your mana items.

3. If you get minion aggro at some point, shield up! Saving a little hp is worth it in the long run.

4. It can be harder to last-hit if you use Noxian Corrosive Charge. Play with the timing sparingly, and don't just AoE everything like a derp hoping for CS.
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Standard Items

+ x2:
Standard start. I've experimented with other starts and none really compare. If you are bad at last-hitting, or on a duo lane, you could start with Regrowth Pendant+ Mana Potion to build into a philosopher's stone, but I really advise against this if you have a choice.

Very unconventional, and also insanely overpowered when used in combination with flat CDR runes and masteries. After buying these you will be basically CDR capped and able to take 3/4 of most players HP in a combo at level 5. Your lane opponent should be easy to completely experience deny now.

Since we're already full on CDR, we can build this immediately to add damage. Yay, no more waiting torturously to get 1337 gold during midgame.

There are many minor reasons to get this item, and I think you have enough sense to know them all. The primary reason is because we slacked on flat armor pen. An extra reason you might not have realized is that it buffs the hell out of your Baron and Dragon dps.

The strongest balanced defensive item for any build which uses health regen or vamp. It gives approx 40% AD reduction and 20% magic reduction. This is in terms of EFFECTIVE reduction, which means you take that much less from your previous armor/MR level's damage. Second good reason: it takes the heat off of you if your opponents are smart. Warmog's Armor armor is stronger in terms of sheer bulkiness, but you lose the survivability bonus of stealing high armor/MR points with vamp, instead of just regular health points. TLDR: High vamp=high overall HP, which means armor/mr stacks multiplicately.

At this point, you are probably very confused, and very angry with me. WTF NOB UR NOT AP, you say. Spell vamp=20% healing from Acid Hunter, which makes this one of the most overpowered items to use on Urgot. Experience speaks louder than logic here, so try it. However there are some obvious reasons to pick it up. 1. You can solo baron with Gunblade and the previous items (not the magic build). 2. You no longer need to base for health. 3. You greatly increase your 1v1 abilities.

We now ask the question, how do you add more damage to spellvamp Urgot? This is the answer. Don't use the Active on gunblade unless you're OOM, it's a waste of time.

Moar vamp.

Moar damage.
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Armor Items (Alternative 1)

This is the build in the first slot on team 2. Use this build ONLY if there is three or more physical dps on the other team, physical dealing tanks counting as half and super fed melee carries counting as 2.

+ x2:
Standard start. I've experimented with other starts and none really compare. If you are bad at last-hitting, or on a duo lane, you could start with Regrowth Pendant+ Mana Potion to build into a philosopher's stone, but I really advise against this if you have a choice.

We need these and they're cheap.

We rushed boots for CDR before, now we rush this instead for CDR because it has armor.

Rounding off our boots real quick, plus pretty strong defense.

Full on CDR, move into defense and damage.

Rounding it out plus helping our team, win win situation for only 1200g.

There are many minor reasons to get this item, and I think you have enough sense to know them all. The primary reason is because we slacked on flat armor pen. An extra reason you might not have realized is that it buffs the hell out of your Baron and Dragon dps.

At this point, you are probably very confused, and very angry with me. WTF NOB UR NOT AP, you say. Spell vamp=20% healing from Acid Hunter, which makes this one of the most overpowered items to use on Urgot. Experience speaks louder than logic here, so try it. However there are some obvious reasons to pick it up. 1. You can solo baron with Gunblade and the previous items (not the magic build). 2. You no longer need to base for health. 3. You greatly increase your 1v1 abilities.

We now ask the question, how do you add more damage to spellvamp Urgot? This is the answer. Don't use the Active on gunblade unless you're OOM, it's a waste of time.

Moar vamp.

Moar damage.
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Magic Resist Items (Alternative 2)

This is the build in the second slot on team 2. Use this build ONLY if there is less than two physical dps on the other team, physical dealing tanks counting as half and super fed melee carries counting as 2.

+ x2:
Standard start. I've experimented with other starts and none really compare. If you are bad at last-hitting, or on a duo lane, you could start with Regrowth Pendant+ Mana Potion to build into a philosopher's stone, but I really advise against this if you have a choice.

Very unconventional, and also insanely overpowered when used in combination with flat CDR runes and masteries. After buying these you will be basically CDR capped and able to take 3/4 of most players HP in a combo at level 5. Your lane opponent should be easy to completely experience deny now.

Since we're already full on CDR, we can build this immediately to add damage. Yay, no more waiting torturously to get 1337 gold during midgame.

We don't need Banshee's Veil immediately, this item provides most of the mitigation anyway.

We can't neglect our damage while building magic resist, but we can't get no magic resist either. This item provides a great balance of power and stability in midgame.

There are many minor reasons to get this item, and I think you have enough sense to know them all. The primary reason is because we slacked on flat armor pen. An extra reason you might not have realized is that it buffs the hell out of your Baron and Dragon dps.

At this point, you are probably very confused, and very angry with me. WTF NOB UR NOT AP, you say. Spell vamp=20% healing from Acid Hunter, which makes this one of the most overpowered items to use on Urgot. Experience speaks louder than logic here, so try it. However there are some obvious reasons to pick it up. 1. You can solo baron with Gunblade and the previous items (not the magic build). 2. You no longer need to base for health. 3. You greatly increase your 1v1 abilities.

We're out of item slots, time to finish this. Plus by this point you will be getting burst too hard, it becomes necessary.

We now ask the question, how do you add more damage to spellvamp Urgot? This is the answer. Don't use the Active on gunblade unless you're OOM, it's a waste of time.

Moar vamp. Sell Hexdrinker to get this immediately, now that your damage is near cap it will provide higher surv than Hexdrinker.

Moar damage.
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How to easily escape elo hell with this build

So you're tired of playing with scrubs eh?

Think you're better than these noobs who don't ward?

Tired of overpushing nabs?

Here is your guide to escape.

Rule number one: It is always your fault when an ally dies. ALWAYS. Did your bottom lane get double killed by jungle Shaco? That's because you didn't deliver them a river bush sight ward on a silver platter. Janna died at enemy ? That's because you didn't tell her to back. Vladimir just barely lost a 1v1 fight with the enemy top carry? You should have been there making it a 2v1. Adopting this attitude is the primary key to success.

Rule number two
: If isn't warded, you should lose. End of story. is the best spot for a ward and failing to ward this spot 100% of the time will severely handicap your team. This applies to Baron Nashor to a lesser degree at mid-end game, and becomes invalid when dragon becomes soloable.

Rule number three: Mid is not the 'farming' lane, mid is the 'leave constantly and gank people' lane (while in low elo). You should hardly be killing minions at all when a gank is available post- Manamune. While you won't always have gank opportunities, take advantage of every single one that becomes available. Again, there are tons of these in low elo and few in high elo.

Rule number four
: Do not troll or rage at your team. This is a one-way ticket to elo-hell, as bad players tend to do worse when they are validated in their failure by you.

For example, instead of saying "Janna you feeding **** get behind the ****ing turret!", you should either ping the turret and say "Janna defend please", or say nothing at all. People tend to rebel against good advice given by good players who they see as their troll enemy.

Giving good advice in an optimistic way will make your team play better.

Rule number 5:

When a specific enemy is getting fed, in particular farming, it is YOUR job to shut down their farm and kills. You can try to gather ally support, but ultimately it's up to you to take charge. OH NOES Katarina ULT! Swap her to stop it. There's all sorts of neat tricks you can use on Urgot to eliminate the enemy carry damage setup, USE THEM.

Basic gameplay strategy which most people don't know about:
-Towers are worth global exp and gold, inhibitors are not. Unless the inhibitor is going to die fast, you should be swapping or trying to push 2 lanes at once for the bonuses.

-Warding Dragon and ganking Warwick and his Sion buddy THEN taking dragon is worth more gold than trashing dragon when they aren't looking.

-You can do Baron easily around level 14 as a full team. You SHOULD be doing this immediately if the enemy team either 1. hasn't warded and is farming or 2. is aced with a longer timer. It doesn't matter if you can push to the inhib, unless your current goal is fast easy, drop it and go get Baron.

-If another lane is getting ganked and you can't stop them, push your lane fast and make a possible turret trade for their scallywag gankery.

-You should ALWAYS be buying at least 1 ward per base trip once you have your core items. (In this case, all we need for high dps is + ).
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