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Lucian Build Guide by Calesh

ADC Overall Lucian Guide

ADC Overall Lucian Guide

Updated on July 6, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Calesh Build Guide By Calesh 9 2 178,007 Views 7 Comments
9 2 178,007 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Calesh Lucian Build Guide By Calesh Updated on July 6, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Lucian
    Press the Attack Lucian
  • LoL Champion: Lucian
    Fleet Footwork Lucian


Press the Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi I am Calesh and I play League on the EUW-Servers.

On the left side, you can see Lucian and some Supporters, whose have good synergy with him. Lucian is not that good at the moment, but it's quite funny to play him sometimes or to pick him in some good matchups.

I have to update some parts of the guide, soon. (If I got some time)
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Runes & Skill Explanation

Press the Attack: This is the best keystone mastery for Lucian, because it has a good synergy with his kit - his passive.

Triumph: This is very good for close situations, where you get assists / kills, because you restore 12% of your missing health and gives around 20g.

Legend Bloodline: In my opinion Bloodline is better than Legend: Alacrity, because you get lots of attack speed with your items and Lucian scales not that good with attack speed, like other ADCs do. So this bonus lifesteal might be a very good decision.

Coup de Grace: This has a good synergy with press the attack, because you already deal more damage, if you proc press the attack, so you deal even more damage in an all in.


Eyeball Collection: You get free AD for killing enemies or destroying wards.

Taste of Blood: This is good for sustain in laning phase, becasue you don't use Fleet Footwork.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Piercing Light
Lucian fires a laser in the direction of the target enemy.
With this spell you are able to poke enemys, push easily and farm easily.

Ardent Blaze
Lucian fires a shot, that explodes when hitting someone or reaching the end of its path.
If you hit enemies / minions with this spell and you autoattack a marked target, you gain bonus movement speed for 1 second.

Relentless Pursuit
Lucian dashes a short distance.
You get 1 second cooldown, if you hit a double autoattack with your passive, on an enemy champion.

The Culling
Lucian fires shots in the target direction for 3 seconds.
While using this spell, you can walk around, use your E and it can be cancelled by clicking R again. Lucian fires more shots, if you got more attackspeed.
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Essence Reaver´s synergy with Lucian is unmatched, because you get mana for every crit. This is very good, because of his mana-intensive playstyle makes essence reaver a good pickup. You gain cooldown for critical strike chance, too, which is very nice because you build other crit items on Lucian, too.
Item Stats: 65 Attack Damage, 20 % Critical Strike Chance, 10 % Cooldown Reduction

Infinity Edge is always a good pickup for every ADC with its ability to accelerate their DPS (Damage Per Second). It synergize with the kit of the crit Lucian, because you build other crit items, too. With Infinity Edge you´re crits will make 250 % damage insead of 200 %.
Item Stats: 70 Attack Damage, 20 % Critical Strike Chance

Bloodthirster is a excellent item for your sustain. The shield (absords 50-350 damage) helps you to get not bursted by other champs like Ahri. The main reason why you buy it is, that you can lifesteal during teamfights. If you are low you just have to auto attack some champs or minions. As ADC you make auto attacks to make damage, so you will lifesteal the whole time.
Item Stats: 75 Attack Damage, 20 % Lifesteal

Statikk Shiv is a good choice, because you already have Infinity Edge and Essence Reaver. You have a high critical strike chance now and you will get lots of mana back. You also have more attack speed, which means you can make more auto attacks and you´ll hit more crits. Your crits are massive now because you have or you will have Infinity Edge.
Item Stats: 35 % Attack Speed, 30 % Critical Strike Chance, 5 % Movement Speed

Ionian Boots of Lucidity synergize good with Essence Reaver. You have 40 % cooldown and can dash almost the whole time. The disadvantage, if you don´t buy Berserker's Greaves is, that you won´t have the bonus attack speed, you get from those boots. They are very strong at the moment! You gain 35% bonus attack speed, so try them out! ;)
Item Stats: 45 Movement Speed, 10 % Cooldown Reduction

(This itembuild is not so strong anymore!)

Youmuu's Ghostblade is a good item for [strong]almost[/strong] every AD-Carry. You get lots of attackdamage, armor penetration (good vs tanks) and CDR. You also penetrate almost the whole aromor of the enemy ADC, so you make much more damage. You also get +20 % Movement Speed and + 40 % Attack Speed, if you activate this item.
Item Stats: 65 Attack Damage, 10 % Cooldown Reduction, 20 Armor Penetration

Black Cleaver is a strong item, because you can reduce 5 % armor for 6 seconds. You can stack it up to 6 times and has a maximum of 30 % armor reduction. You also get 20 Movement speed if you deal damage to enemy units.
Item Stats: 50 Attack Damage, 20 % Cooldown Reduction, 300 Health

Phantom Dancer is a good decision, if you want more critical strike chance and attack speed. You have a better 1v1 chance because of its damage mitigation.
Item Stats: 45 % Attack Speed, 30 % Critical Strike, 5 % Movement Speed

Ionian Boots of Lucidity synergize good with Essence Reaver. You have 40 % cooldown and can dash almost the whole time. The disadvantage, if you don´t buy Berserker's Greaves is, that you won´t have the bonus attack speed, you get from those boots.
Item Stats: 45 Movement Speed, 10 % Cooldown Reduction

You can choose some situational items, depending on the enemy team.

Youmuu's Ghostblade is a good item for almost every AD-Carry. You get lots of attackdamage, armor penetration (good vs tanks) and CDR. You also penetrate almost the whole aromor of the enemy ADC, so you make much more damage. You also get +20 % Movement Speed and + 40 % Attack Speed, if you activate this item.
Item Stats: 65 Attack Damage, 10 % Cooldown Reduction, 20 Armor Penetration

Lord Dominik's Regards is a good choice, if you have lots of tanks (you deal 15 % more damage to them, if they have 500 HP more than you) in the enemy team, which stacked many bonus armor, like Shen, Dr. Mundo, Sion, Malphite, etc. With Lord Dominik's Regards you are allowed to deal significantly more damage to them!
Item Stats: 40 Attack Damage, ignores 45 % of the bonus armor

Mortal Reminder is good to counter a team / champions which gains tankiness through their heal or their sustain. Normally I take Lord Dominik's Regards because it makes more damage against tanks. But against Vladimir, Garen (because of his passive), etc. this item is very effective, because of the grievous wounds.
Item Stats: 40 Attack Damage, ignores 45 % of the bonus armor

Mercurial Scimitar is good against a team with lots of crowd control. If you activate Mercurial Scimitar, it will cleanse the crowd control. You also have a nice build path and some lifesteal, for more sustain.
Item Stats: 65 Attack Damage, 10 % Lifesteal, 35 Magic Resistance

Death's Dance is a good item, to get a bit "tanky" because of the lifesteal and the 15 % damage "reduction". You get lots of sustain because of the lifesteal and its passive. You can use this item vs some burst champions to survive a bit longer.
Item Stats: 75 Attack Damage, 10 % Cooldown Reduction, 15 % of taken damage turns into a bleed for 5 seconds

Blade of the Ruined King can be build against a tanky team. You can already build it as 3rd item, but normally you don´t have to build it, especially not as your 3rd item. If you play against a tanky team, you can build Lord Dominik's Regards after Blade of the Ruined King.
Item Stats: 25 Attack Damage, 40 % Attack Speed, 10 % Lifesteal

Maw of Malmortius is a good item against a heavy AP team. If you get bursted and you lost 30 % of your maximum Health, you gain a shield which absords 300 magic damage for 5 seconds. You can take this item if you play against Annie or Ahri.
Item Stats: 55 Attack Damage, 40 Magic Resistance, 10 Armor Penetration

Sterak's Gage is popular item for ADC as it is a early-mid game focused item which gives you a lot of survivability. You gain a shield (30 % of your maximum health) if you lost 400-1800 HP within 5 seconds. This shield makes you considerably healthier in teamfights and deters enemies from focusing on you. The +25% base damage very welcomed to the item, making it not only a defensive item.
Item Stats: 400 Health, 25 % Base Attack Damage

Banshee's Veil can be taken in heavy AP poke compositions. It negate a lot of damage, because you get HP and many Magic Resistance, which is good for your survivability.
Item Stats: 300 Health, 70 Magic Resistance, 100 % Base Health Regeneration

Guardian Angel is good, if you get focused a lot. It can make a big different in the hyper late game (because you get revived).
Item Stats: 60 Armor, 45 Magic Resistance

Rapid Firecannon is a good item for Lucian too, because of his short auto attack range. You can also get a better position in teamfights, using Rapid Firecannon.
Item Stats: 30 % Attack Speed, 30 % Critical Strike Chance, 5 % Movement Speed

Phantom Dancer is a good decision, if you want more critical strike chance and attack speed. You have a better 1v1 chance because of its damage mitigation.
Item Stats: 45 % Attack Speed, 30 % Critical Strike, 5 % Movement Speed

Trinity Force is a perfect item, if you want to snowball very hard. The new Trinity Force has some good new stats (attack speed, cooldown) but it got nerfed because you gain no critical strike chance anymore.
Item Stats: 25 Attack Damage, 40 % Attack Speed, 20 % Cooldown Reduction, 250 Health, 250 Mana, 5 % Movement Speed
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Flash is the most important Spell for almost every Champ. You can get out of fights, maybe turn fights or loose fights, if you fail your flash. So don´t waste it and use it, if you really need it.

Heal is a very important Spell for you, too. You can use it to run away with the little speed boost, to get out of fights or just to survive some fights. Use this spell to help your teammates, too, because if they die and you could save them wiht your heal, just do it.. you don´t want to get your enemies to be fed. ;)

Ignite, Barrier, Teleport and Cleanse are some other spells, you could use. Ignite and Exhaust are often used by your Supporter / Midlaner so you dont have to take one of these spells. Barrier and Cleanse are some good spells too, but not as usfull as Heal is, because you can help your Support / other teammates with Heal, too. You can use Teleport, if you want to play Lucian on the toplane, but it´s not recommended for the botlane.
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Crit Lucian

Farming with the Crit Lucian is very easy, because you have enough cooldown to spam your Q and E. But you have a fast waveclear, because you normally Build the Statikk Shiv. But the advantage of the Crit Lucian is, that you get Mana for every Crit, so you can spam longer than the Blade Lucian.

Blade Lucian

With the Blade Item Build, you don´t have the nice waveclear with the Statikk Shiv, but you still have your Piercing Light, your passive and enough cooldown to spam your Q and your E to clear the minionwaves. But you wont get your Mana back with Crits, so don´t spam your spells to often (except your E).

If you are on the laning phase, try to hit the minions and your enemies with your Q Piercing Light. If there are 2 or more minions low wait until the enemy ADC or Supporter is right behind some minions and try to hit your Q Piercing Light. You can also try to hit the enemys with your passive, to poke them a bit.
But don´t fail last hitting, Lucian is a item dependet AD-Carry!
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Teamcomp / Laningphase / Teamfight

Synergy with Braum

Synergy with Alistar

Synergy with Thresh

Synergy with Janna

There are different kinds of supporters. We got engage/tank supporters or trade supporters.

The trade supporters are those, who helps the ADC to survive a trade or to win a trade. Their spells are focused on helping their ADC´s, poking the enemies or disengage instead of fighting. They are not as good as tank supports, because of their low base health, but while poking on the lane, you can normally win your lane.

The other kind of supporters are tank or engage supporters. They are not good in small trades, because they can´t help as good as trade supporters can help. But they are good in engaging into fights an mostly win them, because they have much more base health then trade supporters. They are also able to burst the enemy together with their ADC or on their own. (Annie is an engage support and a trade support. She can flash engage with her stun but she can also poke).

During the laning phase your job is to get a CS lead and take down their tower very fast. Most of the damage to the tower can be dealed if they are dead or in base. You can deal much damage to the tower using Lightslinger (your passive). You can hit the minionwave with Piercing Light and use your double autoattack on the tower. You can also use your Relentless Pursuit or Ardent Blaze, too. If you hit level 2 before the enemies, you can easily engage and trade with them and zone the enemy botlane. If the enemy team hits level 2 before you do, don´t try to trade and don´t try to fight if they engage. They will win the fight because of their level advantage. Let them push the lane, so the minions will come to the tower and you´ll get level 2 soon, too. You´ll only miss a few minions if they push.

Outside of the laning phase your job is to get objectives and a gold lead to win the game. Take and fight dragons / barons, try to get some towers and kills. It sounds so easy, but it isn´t. Pushing towers especially against a team with high waveclear (like Anivia, Azir, etc.) is not that easy. If you can´t get the tower and you are ahead, try to get baron and push the tower with the baron buff again. It will be much easier to push it. But be carefully, because Lucian has a short auto attack range, so the enemy team can easily poke you. Use your Relentless Pursuit to get away from the tower.

If it comes to team fighting as an ADC, you have to attack who´s the closest to you or you´ll die very fast. Try to stand behind your frontline and attack the enemy who is closest to you. But try, if its possible, to kill the enemy carries first, but focus first the closest enemy or you´ll die very fast.
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Pros / Cons

  • Very mobile ADC
  • Good poke with your Q and your passive
  • Good early (Blade Lucian) and good late
  • Nice to push towers

  • Short autoattack range
  • Bad early (Crit Lucian)
  • No CC (except Redbuff)
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06.06.2016 Reworked Pros, Cons and Farming
Started to rework the whole design

07.06.2016 Added / Reworked Supporters, Spells, Masteris and Runes

08.06.2016 Added Skill Explanation and short Koreaan Lucian FAQ

09.06.2016 Added the different items explanation (Crit, Korean and Situational items)
Added more situational items

10.06.2016 Reworked the "VS. Champions"
Edited the item explanations

10.06.2016 Edited the item explanations
Edited Teamcomp / Laningphase / Teamfight
04.07.2016 Edited Teamcomp / Laningphase / Teamfight / Supporters & the Korean Lucian build

15.10.2017 Removed "Korean Lucian" build

27.03.2018 Updated many parts of the guide.
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