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Ezreal Build Guide by Winningkill

AD Carry Season 6 | Patch 6.19 | Permaslow Ezreal Guide

AD Carry Season 6 | Patch 6.19 | Permaslow Ezreal Guide

Updated on October 1, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Winningkill Build Guide By Winningkill 68,254 Views 0 Comments
68,254 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Winningkill Ezreal Build Guide By Winningkill Updated on October 1, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Ezreal
    CanĀ“t Touch This!
  • LoL Champion: Ezreal
    Where did My Hp go??? (working
  • LoL Champion: Ezreal
    Tri Force


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Here I`m running basic ADC runes with the Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed, Greater Mark of Attack Damage and Greater Seal of Armor. However on I like to get 6 Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction for that 40% cdr cap.
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Build Path

Read notes, meanwhile. (Working in progress to be more in depth and organized)
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+Just farm and wait for your Iceborn Gauntlet and Manamune powerspike(around 20 mins). Just continue to poke and lower enemy's health before team fights. He's not strong at all until he has items. To win lane you have to play better than the enemy laners. Land Mystic Shot's on the enemy laners and whittle them down.
+You can use your w into e to get the speed buff.
+While in base spam q to stack your Tear of the Goddess.
+You can use your Mystic Shot to reduce all of your spells cooldowns.
+Use Arcane Shift to help line up your other skill shots.
+You can line up Trueshot Barrage to hit multiple minion waves or even Monsters.
+Ezreal has one of the lowest base healths at level 1. Utilize the range from your skills to keep yourself safe.
+By aiming Mystic Shot in brushes and watching your cooldowns while listening for Mystic Shot's hit sound, you can see if enemies are hiding in a brush.
+ Ezreal benefits from the two neutral buffs more so than most ADCs. Crest of Insight(blue) allows Ezreal to spam his abilities, making poking easier and Crest of Cinders(red) allows him to kite with Mystic Shot .
+Having teammates with good CC can make it much easier to land your skills and make the enemy take the full brunt of your Trueshot Barrage.
+Smart casting will give you a faster response time, allowing you to hit more abilities.
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Team Work

DonĀ“t try to get adc and mid laners if to far in tf. Just try to hit whats closest to you without taking damage, but still prioritize the fed champs.Just keep kiting with auto attack move and poking with empowered gaunlet q. Making you untouchable.
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Who am I?

IĀ“m just an Ezreal main who also likes to play Wukong and Thresh that reached platinum for first time :D. Server: LAN. In game name:Elpalitodecoco. This is my first guide, IĀ“ll take any tips on improving. I am also an honorable opponent of the community :D. (GUIDE NOT FINISHED YET)

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Winningkill
Winningkill Ezreal Guide
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Season 6 | Patch 6.19 | Permaslow Ezreal Guide

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