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Soraka Build Guide by monimakaroni

Support How to make Soraka your OTP

Support How to make Soraka your OTP

Updated on June 14, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author monimakaroni Build Guide By monimakaroni 13 6 111,679 Views 57 Comments
13 6 111,679 Views 57 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author monimakaroni Soraka Build Guide By monimakaroni Updated on June 14, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Soraka
    First Build
  • LoL Champion: Soraka
    Second Build
  • LoL Champion: Soraka
    Third Build


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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Hi everyone! I'm monimakaroni and I worked hard to make this build for Soraka. Here I have shared my experience throughout my 500 games and more with Soraka in Platinum and Diamond elo as well as in different servers. I could, and I would appreciate any and all feedback that you guys may provide.

Without further I do, I present to you, dear readers, my excellent Soraka guide. Here you are going to learn pretty useful tips for playing as Soraka. I put a lot of effort on this build so please reconsider downvoting the build before testing it yourselves.
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Champion's Abilities

Salvation (Passive): is a wonderful spell. The skill gives Soraka bonus movement speed towards nearby allies, with 40% hp or below. This helps her reaching out wounded comrades and hence healing them with Astral Infusion

Starcall (Q): is Soraka's main ability. The skill has a special buff that makes Starcall unique. The special buff is called Rejuvenationion. This buff is a heal over time and gives Soraka 10% bonus movement speed when she is not running towards enemy champion. Soraka obtains the buff after landing successful Starcall upon enemy champion. What makes it even interesting is that when Soraka casts Astral Infusion on her allies, she applies it on them.

Astral Infusion (W): is Soraka's main healing ability. However, this skilled could be maxed be maxed after Starcall, because Starcall is may be superior (in some cases when you are playing against support such as Braum Janna Sona Leona)than Astral Infusion. One of the reasons is, because landing Starcall on enemy player inflicts Damage and Heals you over time. On the contrary, Astral Infusion takes 10% of Soraka's max hp every time you cast it and in early game the heal from Rejuvenationion almost equals the heal from Astral Infusion

Equinox (E): creates a zone at a location that silences all enemies inside. When the zone expires, all enemies still inside are rooted. Use this skill wisely, because although of its long cooldown, it can change the tide of a teamfight. The perfect time for activating Equinox is when your enemy is hit by hard crowd control effect such as stuns, knocked in the air, etc. If your team has no hard cc, try to use Equinox when you enemies are slowed.

Wish (Ultimate): is a global heal. Once Soraka has reached level 6 she can easily gain assists (= gold) by simply pressing the R button when an ally is going to kill an enemy. Use this tactic for earning gold only in early and a little bit in mid game, because Wish is your trump card in teamfights. The best time to activate Wish is when at least one or two allies are below 40% hp, because Wish's healing power gets increased by 50% on ally below 40% hp
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First Build


Cost: 850 gold

The starting items are Spellthief's Edge and Faerie Charm. On the 1st back go merge them into Frostfang because this item gives gold income, mana regen and when you have ready stacks on Frostfang your basic attack or a spell inflict additional 15 magic damage. Furthermore, when you have unlocked the special passive you gain for 2 seconds very decent movement speed boost, which can help you dodge skill shots or run away from assassins. Sell this item in late game when you have enough gold for Rabadon's Deathcap

Boots of

Cost: 900 gold

These boots are perfect in my opinion because of their UNIQUE Passive that reduces all slows by 25%. For example, you had just stepped on Noxious Trap and the nearby enemies are heading to you. In this situation use Starcall to slow them down and to gain Rejuvenationion then use Equinox infront of them so that they will get rooted if they follow you. You will survive if you manage to play your cards right.

Athene's Unholy

Cost: 2100 gold

The best item for Soraka. Its passive is just wonderful. Everytime you inflict damage, for example, with Starcall you are going to store that damage in the item and when you heal an ally the stored damage gets transfered into heal. This item makes perfect combination with Rejuvenationion.


Cost: 1400 gold

With this item you have the potential of getting a lot of ability power in early that will result in sick heals in late, of course if you are good at positioning and staying alive. In case you aren't good at that... you should become good at that. Or choose one of the situational items to replace it with. I recommend taking Locket of the Iron Solari, because it gives you armor, magic resists and shield upon activation.

Ardent Censer

Cost: 2300 gold

The item is really good item for adc-s like: Kalista Ashe Sivir Ezreal Draven Caitlyn Jinx Lucian Quinn Miss Fortune Vayne Twitch. For it gives 20% attack speed and drain 20 hp per attack for 6 seconds when you use heal or shield on ally. Wish in combination with Ardent Censer has the power to change the tide of a teamfight. In addition, Ardent Censer gives ability power, movement speed, cooldown reduction and it increases Soraka's heals with 10%.


Cost: 2100 gold

This items shares an UNIQUE passive with Athene's Unholy Grail, that is originating from Chalice of Harmony, which is: Increases to % base mana regen now also increase % health regen by the same amount. Said with simpler words, if you have 200% increased mana regen you are going to get automatically 200% increased health regen. It is good to take this item in case your helpless adc gets hit with hard cc such as Enchanted Crystal Arrow Light Binding Dark Binding and so on.


Cost: 3800 gold

This wicked hat boosts your ability power by 35%. If you are playing with Mejai's Soulstealer and you have stacks (at least 15) the heal of Astral Infusion is going to be 800 hp at least without the stacks of Athene's Unholy Grail. Of course, Rabadon's Deathcap is going to be your last item that in 70% your games you won't be able to purchase it, because the game is going to finish before you buy this item.
In case you are playing with Locket of the Iron Solari instead of Mejai's Soulstealer I recommend taking Redemption.

Second Build

Ninja Tabi

Cost: 1100 gold

These shoes block 12% of the damage of the basic attacks. Good pick against Jhin Draven Caitlyn and ad champions like that can easily dive you Zed Jayce Xin Zhao Jarvan IV

Locket of
the Iron Solari

Cost: 2200 gold

This item is very good replacement for Mejai's Soulstealer. Because you will take this item when you cannot stay alive and Locket of the Iron Solari gives you armor and magic resists and shield hence you will be a lot tougher to kill.
Locket of the Iron Solari makes good combination with Redemption so try buy them both after Athene's Unholy Grail


Cost: 2100 gold

Redemption can take the place of Ardent Censer in case your adc is Jhin or Varus, because they are depending more on their skills than their basic attacks to deal damage.
Redemption is able to take the place of Rabadon's Deathcap when you have purchased Locket of the Iron Solari instead of Mejai's Soulstealer

Third Build

Nomad's Medallion

Cost: 850 gold

Nomad's Medallion is very good sustain item for Soraka. As you probably know already, everytime a minion dies near you, you gain hp and gold. The item also provides Soraka with 10% cooldown reduction, which will lower Astral Infusion's cd with almost 1 sec. The only disadvantage of this item is that your damage output will be really low in early (and in mid and late) game. Therefore, you won't be able to zone out enemy adc, while yours is going be by the enemy support. Your heals in early are very weak due to the long cooldown. If you are going to play with Ancient Coin, you and your adc should be playing passively.


Cost: 800 gold

The item, which makes one support a true support. This is true but Soraka is the exception. Just try once or twice playing with the First or Second build. I am sure that you will get surprised. Anyway, I am going to upload pictures of where you should ward when you are from the Blue or the Purple Team.

Boots of Mobility

Cost: 900 gold

These boots are going to help you ward the bushes quickly, thanks to their 115 bonus movement speed. The disadvantage of Mobility Boots is that when you are in combat you lose all a lot of movement speed and therefore it becomes much difficult to dodge skillshots or run away if they have caught you. If you dislike them , buy Boots of Swiftness, but I recommend [Boots of Mobility, because you need to ward and then get to your lane as soon as possible.

Eye of the Oasis Eye of the Oasis

Cost: 1900 gold

Eye of the Oasis is merged from Nomad's Medallion and Sightstone. I recommend combining the items instead of purchasing Talisman of Ascension and Ruby Sightstone, because neither of these two items improves your heals. They just make you more tanky, but Soraka isn't a champion that is designed to take damage instead of its comrades, hence Talisman of Ascension (apart from his item activation which enchances the movement of all nearby allies by 20% for 2 seconds) and Ruby Sightstone are rather bad items for Soraka. Buying Eye of the Oasis will save you one slot, for which you will Spirit Visage.

Spirit Visage

Cost: 2800 gold

Spirit Visage increases the heals that you receive by 25%. The heals that you can apply on yourself are
  • Rejuvenation
  • Redemption
  • Wish - ultimate
plus the Heal from your adc is going be increased on you (only on you) by 25%. This item helps Soraka to sustain herself in teamfights and survive longer. As a result, she would be able to support her team as long as possible.

Frozen Heart

Cost: 2700 gold

Usually it is not wisely to pick Frozen Heart over Spirit Visage. But when the enemy team is full AD Frozen Heart is the better option, due to the fact that magic resist won't benefit Soraka at all when the enemy is full AD.

Full Builds

Pros of the First Build

+ Quick movement speed
+ Amazing heals in late game
+ Self-sustain with Q
+ Decent damage and magic resist
+ Lane domination in early
+ Global presents with R
+ AoE slow, silence, root

Cons of the First Build

- Low armor
- Lacks reliable CC
- Squishy target
- Lacks vision
12 700 gold

Pros of the Second Build

+ Decent armor
+ Decent heals
+ High magic resist
+ Lane domination in early
+ Global presents with R
+ Self-sustain with Q
+ AoE slow, silence, root

Cons of the Second Build

- Hard to dodge skillshots
- Lacks reliable CC
- Medium low damage
- Lacks vision
12 050 gold

Pros of the Third Build

+ Great self sustain
+ High armor and magic resist
+ Map awareness
+ Global presents with R
+ AoE slow, silence, root

Pros of the Third Build

- Slow movement speed in combat
- Lacks reliable CC
- Extremely low damage
- Weak heals
Eye of the Oasis

12 200 gold
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Item purchase order

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Skill Sequence

> > >

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Astral Infusion is Soraka's main heal ability. If you are facing tough opponents like Zyra it won't be wise to max Starcall instead of Astral Infusion in early due to the high danger of going too close to Zyra just to land Starcall. Otherwise if you feel that your lane is easy and you can poke freely go ahead and max Starcall first.
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Runes and masteries


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

The runes Greater Mark of Scaling Ability Power Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power Greater Quintessence of Scaling Ability Power give +85 ap at level 18. Ability power is essential for Soraka. Every singel skill from kit is on AP ratio, exception makes Salvation
plus +85 ap (Runes) - I get naturally 100 AP at level 18. That being said with other words - 5,5 ability power per level
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Summoners Spells

cooldown: 240 sec
cooldown: 180 sec
These summoner spells are the best in my opinion for Soraka while playing with the build described above. Both Heal and Barrier get enhanced by items such as Ardent Censer Redemption and Mikael's Blessing that increase your healing and shielding power. Not to mention your Key Stone: Windspeaker's Blessing that does the same thing.

Barrier has lower cooldown than Flash. Yet, Barrier has been proven to be more efficient that Flash in the games that I have played.

With these summoners you can easily lure enemies just like in the video below:

And not only with Heal and Barrier you can lure enemies into traps but and with your ultimate Wish.

Alternative spells

300 sec 180 sec
Flash - the most commonly picked spell.
Barrier - with the recent nefr of Exhaust I do think that Barrier is now better for Soraka than Exhaust
300 sec 210 sec
Flash - the most commonly picked summoner spells.
Exhaust - slows down your enemy by 30%, reducing his damage by 40%
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Earning Gold

Due to the fact that you start with Spellthief's Edge you got be a little bit aggressive on lane. Spam Starcall(of course try to hit your enemies) and use as much basic attacks as you can. Sometimes you have to go a little bit deeper to land succesfull Starcall but as long as you dodge hard CC, hooks and grabs, you won't have problem, because the damage dealt on you in going to get restored by Rejuvenationion. Just don't let the enemy harass you for too long. Go in when you have ready stacks on Frostfang and when Equinox is ready in order to disengage the enemy if he is trying to take you out or to deal additional amount of damage on the enemies. Look at the example:

Another method of earning gold is by using Wish on ally that is about to kill an enemy. It is important to know that Wish is your trump card in 5vs5 teamfights so avoid practicing this method in partly mid and late game.

In this case Soraka didn't have to wait for your ally to get below 40% hp because his life is not in danger and by casting Wish a little bit early, Soraka managed to get an addiotional assist. In addition, as Xin Zhao was below 40% hp Soraka managed to reach their allies fast with Salvation.
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Team Work

Lastly... In teamfights you should know how to postion. It is not just staying in rear and spamming Astral Infusion. You should be behind the frontline but in front of your ranged allied champions. This is so, because you need to get close to an enemy champion to cast successful Starcall. In addition, staying in the middle of your team secures your well-being. What is more, you will be able to reach out the enemy mage or assassin with Equinox. Silence is the best crowd control that Soraka has so use it wisely. Save your ultimate Wish as long as you can. Avoid getting hit by hard cc. Look out for wounded allies and use Astral Infusion on them.

Pro tip: Don't heal your allies if they have more hp than you when out of combat. This is because the enemies are always trying to take you out, but if they see that your ally is an easy target they are likely to jump on him. This is when you should use Astral Infusion Wish and Heal. Hopefully you have full storage on Athene's Unholy Grail in order to surprise the enemy with broken heal. Example of a succesful bait:

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Start the game with Spellthief's Edge and max your Q. Avoid healing your allies when you don't have Rejuvenation so that you can stay with as much hp as possible. When you have purchased Athene's Unholy Grail make sure that you have used Starcall and Equinox before healing your ally(in order to heal him with more hp). Play offensive in early game so that you can benefit the most from Frostfang - your gold income item. Learn to position in teamfights and go in after your frontline has engaged the enemy. Don't use R before at least 1 or 2 of your allies are below 40% hp. Use absolutely everything to save yourself from death. Because if you die in the beginning of the teamfight your team is very likely to lose the battle.
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Lane game

Early gameplay for each champ will be uploaded as soon as possible

Recommended build
Take advantage in level 1, when he cannot use his combo, by constantly using your basic attacks everytime he dares to come in front to attack minions for gold income - Relic Shield. At higher levels just poke him with Starcall and keep your distance from Alistar. Always stay out of his Headbutt range.
Counter play:
- When you are cornered and it is obvious that he is going to engage you, use Equinox beneath you (or your adc if he is going for the adc, but always remember that the enemies are very likely to attack you) in order to prevent him from completing his combo. As a result, you will get away from the danger, thanks to Headbutt, but you won't be thrown in the air thanks to Equinox's silence.

Recommended build
Nasty robot... When playing against this bunch of metal, make sure that you are surrounded by minions. Because Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab will get blocked by them. Once Blitzcrank has wasted his grab you are free to go a little bit in to use Starcall and some basics as well on the enemy. You need to know that Rocket Grab's cooldown is around 15~18 seconds in early game. Which means that you will be able to use 3~4 times safely Starcall before being exposed to danger again.
Counter play:
1 - In case Blitzcrank dives in by using his Overdrive to reach you out, run straight towards your adc and focus on killing the enemy adc. Use everything on the enemy adc since he is the damage maker(after that just run away from him and let your adc kill him, this way they are going to get confused who to focus) and due to the fact that Blitzcrank has dived, his grab won't be very efficient until he goes back and uses it from there. If your adc is not a noob you will win the battle if it is 2vs2.
2 - In case you get grabbed use Starcall then wisely decide where to cast Equinox in order to root them (if are grabbed = 90%rip). But if your adc is grabbed, use Starcall on Blitzcrank because he will be immobile. Once Rejuvenation has reached you use Astral Infusion on your adc. Then cast Equinox at the enemy adc.

Recommended build
When playing against him the smartest thing to do is to let the enemy adc push the lane and ask your jungler for ganks (if you are playing against skilled player). Thresh is very dangerous for Soraka. This is why it is better to tell your adc not to push the lane, because when Thresh dives in with Flash + Flay + Dark Passage to pull his adc in, while their jungler is ganking, the situation becomes really helpless. This is just a champion difference. It can be easily overcomed by playing defensive.
Counter play:
- When your adc is being hooked use Equinox in order to prevent Thresh from using Flay and reactivating Death Sentence. In case he has already reactivated Death Sentence use Equinox beneath your adc. Then use Starcall and after that Astral Infusion.
Recommended build
Leona becomes deadly for Soraka when she aims Zenith Blade towards her. In early stage you can harass with autos and Starcall but as the game progresses keep your distance from Leona, because you have no escape and she has Shield of Daybreak=stun, Zenith Blade=root and Solar Flare=slow/stun.
Due to the fact that Leona herself doesn't deal much damage you should try do get away from her adc's attack range. If you want to dominate on your lane, harass with Starcall both Leona and her adc. Avoid getting into fights when they are on full hp (of course if your adc is not fed).
Counter play:
- If she has managed to hit your adc Zenith Blade, use Starcall then Equinox on her. Heal your ally as soon as you have acquired Rejuvenation. Target the enemy adc and hope that you will win the battle.
Recommended build
Playing against Janna is rather easy for Soraka. You are free to poke the enemy adc with Starcall. Your Q has half the cooldown of Janna's Eye of the Storm which means that you have like 4 seconds opening to attack the enemy adc while her shield is on cooldown. The only danger is getting ganked. Buy Control Ward after you first back if your adc pushes too much the lane.
Counter play:
After Janna has casted her ultimate - Monsoon - use Equinox to interrupt the her ultimate.
Recommended build
Lulu is quite irritating but I doubt that you will get matched against her in ranked queue. Her ban rate is 68,92%. Just in case you get matched against her play in a similar way when playing against Janna. The only difference is that you have to watch out for her Q - Glitterlance - her main damage source.
If you can't win your lane 2 vs 2 call your jungler for assistance.

Recommended build
Nami's Q - Aqua Prison - is troublesome, but if you miss it you won't encounter life endangering situations (apart from getting ganked). Her W - Ebb and Flow - is similar to Starcall. This means that the adc-s(and junglers) will win/lose the lane, because before level 6 Nami is equal to Soraka, just avoid getting hit by Aqua Prison

Recommended build
Playing against Sona shouldn't be difficult. She has to get close to you in order to active her Q - Hymn of Valor - and even closer to apply her passive - Power Chord. Use Starcall once she has entered its range and don't let her get you in her attack range. Because her Power Chord is very nasty when combined with Hymn of Valor.

Recommended build
A dangerous opponent for Soraka. Yet, Karma can be easily overcome by Soraka if you dodge her Q - Inner Flame. It is very likely that Karma will approach you in order to land a successful Q. This is the moment when you should cast upon her Starcall. It is important that you are always with someone on lane, because she can easily dive you with Inspire, casting Focused Resolve to root you and to use Soulflare.

Recommended build
Braum is a piece of cake. It is extremely easy to play against him. He doesn't posses any danger apart his Q - Winter's Bite, that can be blocked by minions. Stay behind your creeps and harass the enemy adc. This support is the worst against Soraka.

Recommended build
The void won't reach the stars. Avoid entering in Malzahar's combat range. Use Starcall from afar. It is very likely that the enemy is going to push your lane. Ask for assistance from your jungler and win your lane. Malzahar possesses a great danger for Soraka if she gets too close when his skills are up. This is why you should wait him to cast his Q - Call of the Void. You can get closer once he has wasted his silence. When he is in the range of your Q, cast Starcall. Use basic and Equinox and run away. The damage from his E - Malefic Visions - is going to be healed by Rejuvenation and his minions from W - Void Swarm - won't be able to reach you due to the 10% bonus movement speed that you acquire from Rejuvenation
Counter play:
When Malzahar casts his ultimate - Nether Grasp - use Equinox to interrupt the channel.

Recommended build
Playing against Zyra shouldn't be that difficult. Indeed she has damage, but she runs out of mana quickly. Dodge her root - Grasping Roots - and stay out of her plants' range. After she has used her skills you have around 3~5 seconds to use safely Starcall and make some auto attacks.

Recommended build
Zilean's bombs - Time Bomb - should be dodged. Otherwise you will definitely lose the lane. Once he has wasted his Q you have 7~8 seconds to counter attack. Of course, you should watch out for his W - Rewind - which will allow him to cast Time Bomb one more time. You should avoid getting in Zilean's attack range due to his E - Time Warp - which is 99% slow.

Recommended build
Brand as support shouldn't be underestimated as well as overestimated. Brand has long cooldowns. Focus on dodging his skills and then counter attack. In case you have been hit by Pillar of Flame or Conflagration you should stay away from Brand until his passive - Blaze - wears off. Because if he hits you with Sear while you have Blaze you are going to be stunned. Hence, your chances of dying increase drastically
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Choose a build

Choose the:
  • First - if you are an advanced player with Soraka - you are very familiar with the way you should play her - I recommend this build for every player that mains Soraka
  • Second - for most of the Soraka players. Not much knowledge about the champion and skills are needed to make this build useful for your team. Also for the players who dislike playing without Flash.
    In case you want to play with the second build, but with Sightstone, buy Eye of the Watchers instead of Athene's Unholy Grail. This way you will get map awareness, but it will lower your heals.
  • Third - For everyone that doesn't want to play without Sightstone and for the majority of players that want to try Soraka - they are new to her - hence not very familiar with the way she should be played. I recommend this build for the new players that don't have a clue about Soraka

I, personally, don't think that the Third build is legit, because Soraka's Astral Infusion is super weak with that build.
In every game I play with the First build (summoner spells, runes, masteries, skill sequence are from the First), but if the game is bad for me, meaning I die a lot, I switch to the Second build - selling Mejai's Soulstealer and buying Locket of the Iron Solari instead of it for self sustain. And if the game happens to be long I purchase Redemption after Ardent Censer and after Redemption - Mikael's Blessing.

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Who am I

I am Diamond III player. My main role is support and my main champion - Soraka. I have been playing League of Legends since season 2.
If you are curious about my win rate with Soraka you can check it on:

If you liked this stuff don't forget to vote this build <3 and favor it in order to be always informed of the changes that I make on this build.

Check out my Youtube channel for some Soraka gameplay. If you are eager to support me feel free to like my page on Facebook, follow me on Twitter or donate on my Paypal. Thank you for reading all of this!
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Special thanks to
  • The mobafire mother - jhoijhoi and her super detailed guide - jhoijhoi's Guide to Making a Guide
  • My mobafire first friend - Luxeon - for answering my messages and explaning me things that I couldn't find an asnwer for


- April 13th 2017 - Good guide score achieved.
Special thanks to everyone that upvoted my guide.


- February 19th 2017 - date of creation
- April 3rd 2017 - added gameplay section; gameplay of Soraka - Support and Soraka - Top
- April 4th 2017 - added gameplay: Soraka - Mid and Soraka - Jungle
started developing the Lane Game section
- April 12th 2017 - section: Lane game - completed
early gameplay

- April 12th 2017 - added the section : Third build - sightstone (underdevelopment)
- April 14th 2017 - created a build sheet for each build. Added the items of the third build in section - Items.
Deleted section - Third build - sightstone (underdevelopment)
Deleted section - Gameplay
Added section - Choose a build
Deleted video - Short preview - 1000 ASTRAL INFUSION. AP SORAKA SUPPORT NEW META IS HERE!
- April 15th - Added early gameplay for Leona
- June 06th - Changed the Skill sequence
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