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Olaf Build Guide by Andrewkemshe

The Top Viking

The Top Viking

Updated on May 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Andrewkemshe Build Guide By Andrewkemshe 6 0 24,179 Views 4 Comments
6 0 24,179 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Andrewkemshe Olaf Build Guide By Andrewkemshe Updated on May 3, 2012
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Hello, I'm AndrewKemshe from EUW server. Lately I started to play solo top Olaf very often. Why olaf? Why solo top? Because Olaf has great damage output, if well played - he can carry the game. Why solo top? Because I like playing solo, also, solo top champions are really tanky and has good damage output.
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Da Goodz and Da Badz

Pros +

+ Great survivability.
+ True damage.
+ Slow
+ Immunity to CC with Ult.
+ Can be very tanky but still does pretty good damage.
Cons -

- Easily harrased by ranged enemies.
- Until level 6 very vulnerable to CC.
- Hard to master the axe throwing.
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For each 1% of health missing, Olaf's attack speed is increased by 1%.
This passive is going to save your *** like million times. If you have Vampiric Scepter this is your best friend.

Olaf throws an axe into the ground at a target location, dealing damage to units it passes through and slowing their movement speed. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 6 seconds.
With this skill you can catch, kill, slow, harass and etc. It does pretty good damage, but you shouldn't max it first and you shouldn't use it to harass.
SPACE Olaf's attack damage is increased, based on his health, and he gains massive lifesteal and spell vamp.
It's very good ability when you're fighting champion like Riven, Shen and etc. These champions don't have good range and they fight standing in place, so you can activate this ability and get lifesteal and better damage. It gives Olaf survivability.SPACE
SPACE Olaf attacks with such force that it deals true damage to his target and himself.
This ability is Olafs best friend. This ability should be used to harass enemy as often as you can. It does true damage. That means that it can't be denied by armor or magic resist.SPACE
SPACE Olaf is immune to disables, has increased armor penetration and reduces incoming damage.
It's Olafs ultimate. This gives him immunity to any disables (slows, stuns, snares and etc.) Combined with Ghost it's deadly chasing or escaping tool. But he isn't immune to Cataclysm, Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverse and Crystallize.SPACE
I don't have such thing as ONE skill sequence that I'm using it on any situation.
  • When I'm chasing I use: > > > > > and if he's still alive i spam and .
  • When I'm GETTING chased I use: > > .
  • When fighting 1on1 I use: > > > > > .
  • And if you're in team fight, you can't use combo. You must use your skills wisely depended on the situation.
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Summoner Spells

Spells I would choose:

  • Combined with Ragnarok you can run away from evrybody. With your Ragnarok and Ghost you're immune to cc and you also have very good movement speed. In conclusion best escape spell (for Olaf).
  • This spell is very good early game. It helps you to pick FirstBlood and also helps fight champions like Volibear's passive The Relentless Storm.
  • I don't really like Exhaust on Olaf, because he already has a slow, but it can be very useful in the game.
    Spells I wouldn't choose:

  • I wouldn't pick this with Olaf. Because we have ghost, which gives us speed when we're chasing someone and etc. I prefer ghost. (But it's up to you)
  • He's not a support, thats why.
  • It's cooldown makes it practically useless,
    so I don't feel like it's viable to take it on ANY champion
  • Because Olaf has a good ability to push. I don't think you will need this. But if you want it's not the worst decision.
  • No questions.
  • One more useless spell in LoL...
  • Take this ONLY if you jungle!
  • You don't need this spell because you have Ragnarok which does the same, but has a longer duration.
  • Never ever tried this spell, can tell nothing about it.
  • I don't like this spell because Olaf has great survivability without it. I mean lifesteal etc... But this can be a good spell playing against Sion or Nidalee.
  • Never tried.
  • I don't like this spell on ANY champ. I think this is one of the worst spells in the game.
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What runes and why.
Greater mark of desolation I pick these MARKS because they're useful all the time: in early, mid, late games. They help you to deny enemy armor and hit through it. I think it is more useful than Greater Mark of Attack Damage.
Armor is always good in top lane, because top lane champions are mostly AD. Also this will help you to be more immune to enemy ad carry if it gets fed. I think it's the best decision to pick these runes when laning top.
Glyphs goes same like Seals.
It's always good to have additional HP while playing in top. Every HP is very important, because it can save your life. I prefer Greater Quintessence of Health to Greater Quintessence of Armor or Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed.
This rune is very compatible Ragnarok, because you're immune to almost anyones CC and you have good movements speed. Especially when you get Force of Nature.
I think it's it for items I could play on Olaf. Feel free to comment and criticize me.
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I pick Ninja Tabi because they give you extra armor. I'm pretty sure every time you will solo with Olaf you're going to lane against AD champ, so these boots are nice against them. Although if you lane against AP champ you need to get Mercury's Treads.
A Every solo champion needs this. I don't say you MUST get it, but this is kinda necessary because it gives you free sight ward, 12% lifesteal, 30 armor and 23 damage. Also it helps you to farm well because it gives you 20% chance to do 600 damage to minion.
This item is very very good for Olaf. If you hit your enemy once with Undertow and you reach it with auto-attack, he's probably down, because of Frozen Mallet's slow. Also it gives you 700 HP, which is kinda nice. Also if you get Atma's Impaler it's deadly combo.
I prefer getting it third.
A Must-to-have item on Olaf. This gives you additional armor, critical strike and also, combined with Frozen Mallet it gives you extra damage. If you get this item (combined with Frozen Mallet) before your enemy, they're far behind. You can harass them easily and outfarm them.
Item that gives you movement speed , stronger auto-attacks after any ability, and a slow like Phage. This item is very good on Olaf but if you get the Frozen Mallet you don't really need aditional slow, because it won't stack. But it gives you a good damage and movement speed that helps you to chase and kill enemies. I really like this when playing Olaf.

This item gives you A LOT more HP, along with hp you get damage, because of Atma's Impaler passive. I think this could be good if you're getting focused in team fights. I
So Bloodthirster is not a bad option for Olaf, but lets do some maths:
If you get Warmog's Armor you have 4085 HP (441hp at 1lvl + 1674hp at 18lvl + 700hp from Frozen Mallet + 920 Warmog's Armor base hp + 350 Warmog's Armor stacks = 4085hp) that means, that you have 1.5% damage from your hp. And it is 61.275 additional damage.
All in all with Warmog's Armor you get 1270hp, 10hp per 5 sec and 61 damage.
With Bloodthirster you get 100 damage and 20% lifesteal.
So its up to you to choose!
I saw people getting Last Whisper on Olaf, but I don't like it. It just doesn't fit him. IMO AD carry should get Last Whisper and solo top should focus on tanking, not on damage. I
IMO it fits Olaf as it should. If enemy team has 2 AP champs you should definitely get it. It gives you damage, magic resist, and a shield. A
This item gives you a greater survivability in mid/late game. It gives you magic resist so you're getting less damage from AP carries, you get movement speed boost, so you can chase people down more easily, and you get huge health regeneration which means you can stay in lane for longer time. I
This is really good item for Olaf but only when you're getting ganked a lot, or you feel, that enemy carry is getting fed and you won't tank him for a long time. It's not a perfect option when you win in your lane, and your carry is doing a good job. In that way I would better get a Trinity Force or Force of Nature. A
I think it's it for items I could play on Olaf. Feel free to comment and criticize me.

Signature by ka7xg
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When farming, only hit minions with last hits. If you auto-attack them, you're going to lose a lot of minions, and you'll push your lane, which will make your jungler hard to gank and enemy jungler easy to gank. Use Undertow when you see multiple minions standing in a row and you see that you can take them all with single axe.
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Early game

In early game get Boots and 3x Health Potion. Go near nexus, so you won't be CV'ed and wait for the 4th Health Potion for better sustain ability. Then go to top lane. Pick your E skill Reckless Swing and start lasthiting. As long as enemy comes near , hit him with Reckless Swing once, so he would take damage, and you could run away with no damage taken, so it's not just a skill trade. Keep last hitting until you get at least 500 gold. Then go get Ninja Tabi. When you come back to lane continue lasthitting minions but at the same time, look if your jungler comes to gank, or he needs help in the jungle. When you go back to spawn for the second time you should get at least Vampiric Scepter and a ward. Be aware of ganks until you're level 6. Because for example Udyr comes in with Blazing Stampede and stuns you, they got almost a free kill. Don't forget to last hit as much as you can and harass them with your E. But don't over-extend.
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Mid game

If you're on the purple team and you pushed one of their turrets, you should ward their blue and get it if you can. This will keep their jungler from getting the blue for their mid and that means the mid is going to be f*cked. Also if you're blue, get their red buff so their jungler can't do proper ganks. It's always good to invade enemy jungle but you must always be aware of getting killed. If you want to win (OFC YOU WANT) you need to try not to die, because kills are not as much important as your team deaths. You must always be warded! Don't forget you have Wriggle's Lantern and if it's not enough, get wards and ward their blue, or somewhere else where you think it would be good.
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Late game

In late game there are going to be a lot of team fights, that means that you need to be ready for them. Always get a Health Potion if you have space. In late game get Elixir of Fortitude this will help you. Don't forget to communicate with team: help them if they're doing dragon, baron nashor, if they're invading enemy jungle and etc. Team work in late game is your key to the victory. If you'll play by yourself, I mean like absolutely by yourself, never come to help team doing creeps or in team fights you're not going to win. Keep the time of the creep spawn in mind, if your jungler doesn't! I mean if you take dragon, put down a note of the time which is going to be after 6 mins. This will help you to get extra gold and get ahead of enemy team.
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Summary & Credits

All in all, I can say that Olaf is one of my favorite champions for soloing.
Thanks to:
IceCreamy whose tutorial helped me to do my first guide.
Also big thanks to:
jhoijhoi for making a great tutorial and putting a lot of effort to it! I really appreciate that!
Thanks to:
ka7xg whose sig I took without asking, but I believe he's not going to be angry because I said it isnt mine ^^
Also big thanks to:
glizdka for helping me with correcting this guide! ^^

I hope it helped, and please guys, help me improve and say my mistakes!
P.S. Sorry for bad English skills -.- It's my second language so I'm just learning it.
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