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Creator: jhoijhoi June 29, 2011 5:44pm
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 2, 2011 7:53pm | Report
Jhoi, another reason for the point in Perseverance that Searz didn't point out is that the first point gives 2% increased regen while following points only give 1.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 2, 2011 9:13pm | Report
^good point.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

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tinolas's Forum Avatar
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Jun 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 5:28am | Report
Guide For: Me.
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: Unarchived and reworked Xin Zhao guide ^^
What I'd like you to focus on: Build, Content
Guide Link:
Sacull_Kinslayer's Forum Avatar
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Sep 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 10:38am | Report
My responses are in red. Thank you all for your time!

haha i've seen it and it distracted me for a good half hour

Glad you folks like it! I enjoyed that read a lot and had to share it.
jhoijhoi wrote:

Sacull_Kinslayer's Vladimir Guide
Verdict: It's simple, it's informative, it's a really good and interesting read. I literally had no criticism for this guide - the author knows what he's talking about, and he clearly and expressively conveys his knowledge in concise and measured tones. Deceptively simple guide.
Possible Improvements: Needs some screenshots/videos/images. Some sort of aesthetic object to allow the reader to rest his/her eyes. Some video footage of the author playing Vlad and troll pooling away would be great in the skills section.

Possible Improvements: Unfortunately I do not record footage. I have often thought about doing it but I don't have the needed program I don't believe. Perhaps if anyone knows some good programs I will start doing so. I do need to add some screenshots. I agree.

Constructive Criticism:

1) Put your links and useful information section at the bottom. You don't want people going "what's too good not to link" and sending them off for half an hour+ giggling over awesome flowcharts instead of reading your guide (which is what I did)

2) o.O I literally have nothing constructive or critical to say about your guide. It's absolutely fine. This is the first guide I've read all the way through, every single word and found all of it fine and dandy o.O

3) I apologise for the shortest review I've given so far D:

1) Done! I totally understand your point. I still visit that link sometimes just to get a good laugh.

2) Thank you for your time! My goal for this guide was to be shorter... MUCH shorter than my previous guides and to try and be concise. Thank you for your praise. I am happy you enjoyed it.

3) Again thank you for your time.

+rep For the work you have put into this for all of the community.

Searz wrote:

I have some criticism for you Sacull!
You aren't using my guide format >:D

Seriously though, I don't think there's enough distinction between different items (and other things like summoner spells) you explain. Use large icons. It will help a lot.
The code for large icons is: [icon=ITEM/SKILL/WHATEVER size=64]

If you wanna look up my format it's stickied in this part of the forum.

I do plan on making some minor improvements. I will discuss a few other items and such. Thanks for the large icon bit. I will definitely try and do some improvements.

Again I thank you all for your time and jhoijhoi for doing this. I believe this will very well help the community and the players on a whole to both serve the newer players with information and to help us all enjoy this game more.
Did I manage to assist you in any way? Hook me up by hitting that nifty +Rep button.

All guides have been archived due to my not being able to play LoL currently. The information is still there and is good but until I return they will be archived. I am able to keep them updated and current though.

Vladimir's Blood Resource. Designed for beginner's and beyond.
Vladimir's Blood Resource: Post Nerf Edition.
The Exemplar of Tanking: Jarvan IV .

Making a Guide by jhoijhoi This is everything you need to know about making a guide. Amazing.

...and Buffy staked Edward. The End.
SSgtHugin's Forum Avatar
Jun 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 1:04pm | Report

Ehm,I finish later because i take another route!!
Seriously, it works, and I usually keep my lvl between the double lane, and the solo lane, sometimes i keep my lvl the same as solo lanes.

But yeah, he isn't the best jungler, but he ganks really good!!
Don't know how to convince you, if you don't want to play a game with me, on US servers :|

Just want to get publicity for my Ezreal Jungle guide, because it works, for me atleast, never had a negative score with him. oh well... guess I will be the only one playing jungle ezreal, just want to share his awesomness... :|
Check out my exotic jungle build... FOR EZREAL... Yeap!
It's awesome. Want to play with me? SSgtHugin on US Servers

(BTW)Please... admins... do something about troll votes, which really are troll votes and
NOT people who cheat the system... make new rules, make does who votes it down, describe why, and if they can't, why can't they not just NOT VOTE

Xiron's Forum Avatar
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May 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 2:43pm | Report
You may check out my Nocturne Guide.
It's not a jungeling Guide and I know it's not perfect ;-)

Thank you.

Klick the pic.
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2011 10:46pm | Report
Xiron, I have already critiqued your guide.

To refresh your memory:

jhoijhoi wrote:

Here is my constructive criticism about your guide:

1) "From level 12 it's easy to Jungle (you may not try to Jungle until you're level 10)" - even Sona can jungle past level 12 =.=

2) Attack speed runes means you're auto-attacking things early game. You're not even jungling til level 12, so there's two bad things there immediately. You're auto-attacking, which means you're pushing the lane, and two, you're not jungling with Nocturne.

3) You get Phantom Dancer as your first item. You always want to get damage before an increase of attack speed, or an item that does both, like Black Cleaver or Madred's Bloodrazor.

4) You've went with Perserverence in your mastery tree over Good Gands.

5) I appreciate your Updates section, as it is quite informative.

6) Never include the champion bio/back story into your guide...

7) You copy and paste the skills abilities instead of explaining them in your own words. I can hover my mouse over Duskbringer to read all that **** - I want to know how YOU used Duskbringer.

8) While adding the Skins was an interesting idea, I'm not sure why you've done it...

9) All your alternative item builds are the same... ... ... ... o.O

10) "Clairvoyance | (You're Mana Regeneration is high enough. If it's empety just go back to base)" - I think you've written the wrong description here ^^

11) "Many Guides are telling you to prefer the middle line." ... What? No they're not =.=

12) Your game results are bad. Not just because you're still earning XP, but because your K/D/A bearly breaks even in most of your games or you only just get more kills than deaths. For example: 10/7, 10/8, 9/8. Your other scores are pretty good, but once again, I wouldn't trust them based on the fact that you're not level 30. You're not playing against the same opponents I'd play against.

If I took Heal as a level 30 in a Ranked game, I'd be laughed at. Just you wait until you hit level 30 and play 50-100 more games. You'll look back at your guide and be embarrased.

That's it ^^ Hope I helped.

Wrath had some good criticism too:

Here are some tips I can give you:

As he said, be very experienced with the champion. I know you think level has nothing to do with it, but it does: you played how many games to get to that level? 50? I doubt those are all Nocturne ones, and ESPECIALLY when you first started I doubt you know most of the game mechanics to play him properly.

Nocturne is an AD carry that can be easily CCed and shut down in team fights, and as such, you should take at least flash, if not flash and ghost, to get out of there. Also consider Tenacity items and, if you are jungling, take smite and flash. Especially with Nocturne's passive ( Umbra Blades which gives extra AD and splash damage and heal every few hits (or 10 seconds), you do not need heal: ESPECIALLY if you also are getting a bloodthirster, you have enough ways to heal and lifesteal. THere are so many better spells for Nocturne: even Rally (gives extra AD) is better than Heal for him. (Don't actually take Rally.)

Stacking Phantom Dancers isn't always as beneficial as it may seem, as for that price, another item with different stats, say armor pen, may be more useful...especially if it has an active ( Youmuu's Ghostblade is a great example of this kind of item to get on him. Also, getting Warmogs THAT late means most of the game, if you even GET to that point, you will be very squishy, and you won't have much time, if any at all, to farm the Warmogs.

Also, if you get a Warmog's, and you are AD, you generally want to get an Atma's Impaler, which gives some more survivability as well as AD for your health. Very nice item.

Your masteries aren't right. Why did you increase Exhaust benefits if you don't have exhaust? Also, for melee champions in general, I would recommend putting the 4/4 in Alacrity and 3/4 in Sorcery, especially since you aren't learning the extra magic pen.

Your runes aren't right. I would recommend checking this out, it may help. But basically, different types of runes have different strengths. To save time, I will copy what it says on that guide on different runes:

Marks: penetration, attack speed, critical dmg/chance and AD.

Seals: HP, dodge, armor and regeneration (mana-reg too!).

Glyphs: CDR, AP, MR and mana.

Quintessences don't have any secondary runes. They're all primary.
Though there are utility runes only availible in quints. Those are +1,5%movespeed, +2%exp gain, +1gold/10sec and -5%time spent dead. They work with most champs but are rarely needed. The MS quints are the only ones I'd recommend getting.

Those are the strengths of each rune.

Getting the same stat from each rune will make some less effective than others, and also, mixing different rune types will decrease the effect of each, whereas you could have an increased effect in one (for instance your Marks, 3 of the Greater Mark of Furor have more of an effect than 9 of the Greater Glyph of Furor).

And, you generally NEVER want to get Critical DAMAGE runes. You want to get critical STRIKE runes. The extra damage from crits with your runes will be about an extra 20%...don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad deal, but wouldn't you rather have more AD so that your crits hit for more anyway, and even your basic attack when you DON'T crit? Wouldn't you rather have more armor pen so that your attacks do ANYTHING to tanks and offtanks? Crit STRIKE runes allow you, right from the first minute of the game, to land a possible crit without even getting Brawler's Gloves, and increase the chance early through late game of you critting, and have even a more drastic effect early game since you won't have much crit chance, if any, without them, so in your case, you won't even be able to crit (ignoring masteries, however with masteries you will have a measly 2% crit chance at the start) until you build the Cloak of Agility from your Infinity Edge.

Plus, in masteries, you got increased crit damage, and Infinity Edge gives you more crit damage too -- more is DEFINITELY not needed.

I hope I could help :)

Just remember, try to learn the mechanics and other things of the game more before trying your guide: I doubt many level 30s will learn much from a 15. Not trying to be offensive, just stating the truth.

If you continue to play the game, by the time you are 30, a lot of the things I just told you, if I didn't, you might have figured out on your own anyway. The game has a steep learning curve, you just need to learn everything. It takes time and practice :)


Xiron's Nocturne Guide
Verdict: A guide that tries to convey too much of the stuff that isn't necessary (excessive patch notes, skin screenshots), and doesn't talk about necessary gameplay - Noc in the jungle, for instance.
Possible Improvements: Listening to advice given in the thread he made about this guide (which had plenty of replies)
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

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Summoner's Forum Avatar
Jun 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2011 1:32am | Report
Guide For: Me.
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I want publicity Just to get an idea if you understand everything by just reading it or if I need to add more information in certain areas.
What I'd like you to focus on: The actual content and explanations, and how I could add more information with pictures / text (i.e if I need to make the items section more detailed). I will not be including videos of gameplay - it's not needed :p
Guide Link: Is it this link? Maybe..
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2011 11:36am | Report
Guide for: Me (Unless you mean which champion, in that case: Alistar)

Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: It's my first guide and I expect to have made mistakes. I've already responded to the questions and suggestions I've received so far and would love to hear what a more prominent forum member thinks of it.

What I'd like you to focus on: Any mistakes I've made. Any suggestions for viable items I may have overlooked. Any suggestions to improve formatting and readability. Any criticism or encouragement at all, really. I'd like to hear anything you have to say, and I will certainly respond to your comment as quickly as I can.

Guide Link: Just click the stamp in my signature.

Thanks for doing this by the way. It always amazes me to see people being nice on the internet.
Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2011 12:50pm | Report
Just took a quick look.
It looks pretty solid.
The only thing I'm a bit skeptical about is the lack or MR in the tank build. I'd build Spirit Visage or Banshee instead of Frozen Heart. He needs to be able to take some magical damage, especially now that the current meta is 2 AP carries in sololanes.

You're doing something wrong with the colors. Things like Flash come out as Flash.

The proper code is:

Also, the roaming meta is down the drain now. Don't mention it in your guide. Just play tanky Alistar as a support in bottom lane (and maybe change boots? Those boots still aren't bad tho).
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