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question on shyvana?

Creator: roninin June 26, 2012 1:24am
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Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2012 11:00am | Report
tehAsian wrote:

Sorry, just read this and wanted to comment :P

Wat. Trinity Force is one of THE best items for Shyvana, PERIOD. Don't give me that wasted stats ****, you only waste the mana. The proc completely synergizes well with her Q, she has extremely high base stats which are boosted by Trinity Force, it has a slow that you *WILL* proc because of AA + Twin Bite, and move speed which is difficult to find from items that actually benefit Shyvana.

The AP helps your E, which in turn give you MORE on-hit damage, and it all goes back to synergy with the stats.

Also, if the mana is wasted, then why do people buy Lich Bane on Akali, or Trinity Force on Lee Sin?

Because the item is too damn good for them.

I guess it's just my opinion then. I know I was speaking as if it was fact, but it's probably just my opinion then. I'd prefer Frozen Mallet + some other item over Trinity Force + Warmog's Armor on Shyvana any day.

I'd say you waste the mana and the AP. That little tiny bit of damage you get from Flame Breath isn't going to be that noticeable. Mana is obviously wasted.

The only great things I would say from Trinity Force are the slow (which Frozen Mallet has/a better version) and the AS. I generally build Wit's End on Shyvana, so I don't necessarily need the extra AS, though it would help. Once again, the slow is better on Frozen Mallet.

The health from Trinity Force is pitiful compared to Frozen Mallet. I suppose it gives more AD, but for an extra 800 gold. I've never had a problem with Shyvana not being fast enough, so I don't feel the need to have the extra MS.

Also, most of my experience playing as Shyvana is in the jungle, where building Trinity Force is way too expensive for what I would rather build instead. I'm comparing the cost of Trinity Force, Warmog's Armor, Atma's Impaler (9425 gold) versus Frozen Mallet, Bloodthirster, Atma's Impaler (8605 gold). That's 800 gold less, and I prefer the set of stats the second group* of items gives compared to the first group. Others might disagree, but it's all down to personal preference.

Another one of my problems with Trinity Force is, besides being ridiculously expensive, the components are hard to incorporate into many champions builds. The only one that I think would be worth the slot for Shyvana is Phage, but you still gotta cough up 3000~ gold straight the upgrade to the full item. Sheen seems pretty much wasted to me, you are really only going to use it on Twin Bite. Zeal is pretty meh for what it gives on Shyvana. I'd rather build Wit's End for my AS.

Again, in the end, I should've just said that it is up to personal preference. I might try Trinity Force in a Shyvana build when I super fed, but otherwise, I wouldn't use it. If you're top lane, I would say it's a fine decision, especially since you aren't gonna be ganking, but I wouldn't recommend it for jungle.

On a side note: I've never seen an Akali with Lich Bane. Lee Sin generally builds Warmog's Armor first and then Atma's Impaler| Randuin's Omen|More defensive items etc. Or, they build heavy AD. It's been ages, and I mean like at least 4 months, since I've seen a Lee Sin build Trinity Force.

*I might even say that another combination: Warmog's Armor, Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler, which costs the same amount, would be more appealing to me than Trinity Force, Warmog's Armor, Atma's Impaler.

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Totallynotn00b's Forum Avatar
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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2012 11:05am | Report
Trinity on shyvana?
Maybe if she was solo top... But even then, I honestly think you're better off with fratmas or something.
Jungle? You'll never get enough money to get it in time and still be tanky enough to worry their carry....
SkullzX's Forum Avatar
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May 25th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2012 12:50am | Report

Are you jungling her? If you are, the best starts are Cloth Armor + 5 Health Potions or Boots + 3 Health Potions.

Shyvana is best built tankier, but you can go one of several ways. A final build should look something like this:

Mercury's Treads
Wriggle's Lantern
Wit's End
Frozen Mallet
Atma's Impaler
Randuin's Omen

Build order something like this:

Boots + 3 Health Potions
Vampiric Scepter
Madred's Razors
Wriggle's Lantern
Mercury's Treads
Wit's End
Frozen Mallet
Atma's Impaler or Randuin's Omen
Atma's Impaler or Randuin's Omen

Alternative Purchase Order:

Boots + 3 Health Potions
Vampiric Scepter
Wriggle's Lantern
Heart of Gold
Mercury's Treads
Wit's End
Frozen Mallet
Randuin's Omen
Atma's Impaler

Obviously you can build situationally with Force of Nature, Warmog's Armor, and Guardian Angel. If you get enough gold you can replace Wriggle's Lantern with Bloodthirster.

Generally, Frozen Mallet is better than Warmog's Armor for Shyvana, as she has no innate CC, and pretty much relies on that slow for better ganks/chases. Trinity Force gives too many wasted stats to be useful on Shyvana, and is pretty expensive for a jungle build. It also gives a slow, which is wasted if you buy Frozen Mallet.

If you are going top lane, your final build should look slightly different:

Mercury's Treads
Wit's End
Frozen Mallet
Warmog's Armor
Atma's Impaler

You can use the same sort of build for jungle in top lane, but you aren't going to be ganking much as top lane and you get more gold from it.

Top Purchase Order:

Boots + 3 or 4 Health Potions
2 Doran's Blades
Wit's End
Vampiric Scepter
Mercury's Treads
Frozen Mallet
Atma's Impaler
Warmog's Armor

I'm not an extensive Shyvana player, but I hoped I helped you.

I was just reading stuff and saw this wall of help and good sir get a +1 rep from me!
iownedya's Forum Avatar
Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2012 6:02am | Report
Hmm... I tend to start with
Boots + 3 or 4 Health Potions
Heart of Gold
Wriggle's Lantern
Mercury's Treads
Wit's End
Warmog's Armor
Frozen Mallet
Atma's Impaler
Sell Wriggle's Lantern for Randuin's Omen.

You can change that build to rush Mercury's Treads and Wit's End earlier to counter magic damage based champions. These champions include Udyr, Rumble, Ahri, etc.

The change will be something like this:
Boots + 3 or 4 Health Potions
Heart of Gold
Wit's End
Mercury's Treads
Frozen Mallet
Atma's Impaler
Guardian Angel
Randuin's Omen

Note: Guardian Angel can be changed to your needs, but it is a very balanced item and can change a team fight. Also note that this build does not have any lifesteal sustain. I strongly suggest you get it if you are losing the lane badly.

Those are for TOP LANE!

Here is jungle:
Boots + 3 Health Potions
Wriggle's Lantern
Mercury/'s Treads
Wit's End
Frozen Mallet
Atma's Impaler
Randuin's Omen
Sell Wriggle's Lantern for Bloodthirster...

I hope I helped you!
Thanks to Xiron and ProAsylum (Ignition) for the amazing signatures!
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