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S5 Ranked: One Way Ticket to Hell

Creator: Wayne3100 January 21, 2015 8:10am
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2015 3:27am | Report
@ Vapora

I have pretty much made finishing Shiv or PD my standard way of building her and other ADCs since the last time someone commented on it (game 82, 83 and 86 are examples of that). In that specific game, there wasn't much time for more than one rotation of spells and a couple of autos before I died or was forced to back off though (because my team had already lost the fight), so I was thinking it'd be better to have as much burst as possible. Plus I was hoping the shield might be useful vs Jayce & Ezreal poke, though in all honesty we were too far behind for that to really have a big influence. Anyway, what I'm saying is it was a situational decision, not just me being stubborn :P

(and no, I'm not saying it was the right decision either, I just like to try stuff from time to time)

@ MissMaw / Elusive Ferret

Thanks for the suggestions, I will probably try Amumu (who I used to be good at) and keep Rek'Sai. Not sure about the third champion yet. Updated opening post again to reflect the true status of my jungle roster atm :P

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2015 1:27pm | Report
Game 93-97


Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2015 2:19pm | Report
Yikes. What's going on over here Wayne?
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2015 3:47pm | Report
Let's just say the Nunu & Willump mid did not impress me.

Game 98

Got a huge early lead in pretty much every lane, then spent so much time enjoying the fact that we were going to win that we threw the game completely by losing several fights and objectives in a row decisively (and once that started happening there's nothing we could do about it anymore).

Really demotivated right now.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 4:18am | Report
Realisations after yesterday:

1. Although I'm obviously unhappy about losing so many games recently, the most important part is my own performance and I'm mostly happy about my own level of play (especially on Sivir).

2. Whenever I think I'm playing well, I often feel like I don't deserve losing (or at least not losing multiple times in a row). Regardless of whether or not this is true, I feel like this isn't a healthy mindset and I should worry about that less. I should also note that in some of the games I play well in I don't necessarily win my lane, for example in the Gnar vs Kennen lane (game 92) and Irelia vs Riven lane (game 96) in which I faced two opponents who were extremely good at the champions they played and I managed no more than to go even in lane. I by no means deserve to win those type of games more than my lane opponents, so even if they win the game because their team is ahead rather than by crushing me I have no right to be upset.

3. Outside of my own performance, I've noticed that some of the team compositions we've had (I say 'we' because I've duoqueued a lot) have been absolutely atrocious. This was often the result of either one particularly off-meta pick which ended up failing - Taric top & Nunu & Willump mid come to mind - or just putting champions together with a different type of playstyle (teamfight, splitpush, siege). The Thresh game above is a prime example of the latter being the case, which I feel is a big part of why we weren't able to stop the enemy team once we threw our lead. This may be somewhat unavoidable in soloQ, but I could be more proactive about it in champion select for sure.

4. I care too much about LP and getting to promos / getting out of my current division, and I'm putting more pressure on myself because of it. I should focus on one game at a time.

With that said, here's a solo queue game I finished almost two hours ago:

Game 99

Shaky start (missed some early bindings and Caitlyn and I were both hooked by Thresh early on), but a solid recovery after that. We started being a lot more aggressive after I took a point in E and started picking up kills not long after. Diana was fed too so teamfights were mostly onesided.

Post game toxicity chat can be found in the spoiler below (warning, it's long and confusing).

post game chat

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 7:24am | Report
You sound like a wise man. What happened? :P

Zamico: u are the jungler
Zamico: ur the one
Zamico: thats supposed
Zamico: to help people
Zamico and the promised jungler

Good luck friend. Have some fun too, if it's really necessary :P

What happened to Kayle and Lissandra by the way?
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 10:25am | Report
You sound like a wise man. What happened? :P


What happened to Kayle and Lissandra by the way?

I like Kayle, but I've never been comfortable enough on her to consider picking her in my ranked games (mainly lacking matchup knowledge). It also sucks that you basically can't use E while you're trying to freeze a wave.

I suppose the same could be said for Lissandra (though given her skillset she's a bit better at freezing minion waves), but the main reason I stopped playing her was because I had a really horrible game on her during inhouses a while ago, lol. I also feel like she lacks the mana sustain to poke tank top laners out of lane, or if she doesn't then I'm simply doing something wrong :P

Just to illustrate how (un)likely it is that I will pick up either of the two for soloQ, I think my top 10 (for soloQ only, otherwise Dr. Mundo, Maokai and Trundle would need to be in it too) would look something like this right now:

  1. Irelia
  2. Kennen
  3. Rumble
  4. Renekton
  5. Gnar
  6. Jarvan IV
  7. Nautilus
  8. Annie
  9. Sion
  10. Lissandra

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 6, 2015 4:00pm | Report
Game 100-102

- I've successfully managed to reduce my Sivir win rate from 75% (12-4) to 50% (12-12).
- Out of those eight losses, I feel I played bad in one (game 100) and mostly solid in the other seven (by which I mean I feel I did not make a lot of big mistakes, obviously my play was still nowhere near flawless).
- I decided to switch it up and picked Caitlyn in game 102, which I started regretting as soon as the enemy jungle Rek'Sai forced both my summoners with a well-executed gank and I was completely zoned from cs until my next recall (while I was also not really able to back earlier since I didn't have much gold yet and would lose too much xp). Lucian played well in lane and maintained his cs lead after but didn't have nearly as much damage dealt to champions as his positioning in teamfights was poor. Meanwhile I struggled to survive teamfights but managed to get pretty fed and ended up having the most kills on our team. Definitely a tough game though, and the toxicity from Master Yi didn't help.
- Ooooooh, new champion mastery stuff looks so cool.

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 9, 2015 9:22am | Report
Game 103

Picked Rumble into Vladimir while our mid laner picked Katarina into Diana (which I don't quite understand) and started the game relatively well by applying pressure to Vlad early on. However, once we both hit level 6 we had a pretty damn awkward 1v1 in which I missed my ultimate and we eventually ended up both being on extremely low HP, with him chasing me towards my tower. I turned on him as soon as my Q was back up because I figured he'd die to the Q damage or to the tower shot he'd inevitably take if he damaged me, but (with Hextech Revolver) he healed up enough from his own Q to avoid dying.

That was reason enough for him to mock me by saying "WP BRO" in all chat. I think he must've thought that I would tilt from that, but unfortunately for him it only made me more determined to beat him, so I killed him twice within the next five minutes before thanking him for the compliment. Shaco appeared shortly after this and - although his initial gank failed - I disconnected from the game while he was in my lane, so I (apparently) died to him while also lowing my tower in the process. That was fun.

Anyway, once my internet stopped being dumb and I got back into the game we started teamfighting and both Graves and I got really fed (he was probably fed in lane already, actually, but I don't remember noticing that). All we really had to worry about at this point was Diana (as the rest were either far behind or started falling off in terms of damage), so the game became pretty easy for us and we ended it shortly after securing Baron.

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 11, 2015 3:43pm | Report
Game 104

Pro tip: don't play ranked shortly after buying a new computer/laptop, especially if it has a different screen size/resolution than the one you had before. Spent the whole game trying to get used to having to move my mouse more than on my old screen and didn't have my keybindings set up properly yet either. Oh, not to mention I hadn't disabled scrolling to zoom in on my new laptop yet, which - considering how sensitive the scroll wheel on my mouse is - was a pretty huge mistake.

The good news is we won though :)

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!

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