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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2016 10:30pm | Report

Mr. Assist this game.

Lee Sin Top vs. Rammus. I wanted to gank there early game to get him going, but he had Rammus pushed into his turret most of the early game. Tried ganking Ekko a couple of times. Going to put him on my list of waste of time characters. If he is any good he has a lot of tools to use to escape. Annie did get a stun of on him once but we didn’t do enough damage after that to even push him out of lane. Tried to lantern gank Bot but Thresh missed his hook so that didn’t amount to much. We pretty much got ****ped on in all aspects of the game.

Ugh. Blitzcrank didn’t try for a single pull in first part of the laning phase. Warwick ganked and that didn’t go well as he chased them into their turret and then got Pulverized by Alistar. Blitz was in too deep to, so he dies to The Culling and I don’t have any minions to get behind so I die to it too and Lucian picks up a triple kill though I did manage to kill Alistar in the exchange. I come back to lane with a Phage and a Sheen. Lucian has a B. F. Sword and a Caulfield's Warhammer. Then Blitz decides to start a fight in a middle of the minion wave. That got us into Mid game down to our lane in a big way. Blitz walks around ulting every wave of minions he comes across no matter if there is anyone there to farm them or not or if it makes sense to push the wave. Warwick] starts arguing with our Cho'Gath in chat and generally try to get solo kills that aren’t all that solo so he is frequently mis-positioned or getting caught out. I screwed up in 2 big ways. A) I thought my team had some sense and would back off when I pinged that Xin Zhao was coming in behind us. I started backing off. They didn’t. Which left me alone with Xin, which didn’t go well. B) In a desperate attempt to steal the Baron from them I accidentally Valkyried over the pit wall to my demise and didn’t even get the Baron for my trouble. Sadz.

This game was messy as all get out. I was way under farmed because Nasus kept pinging for help. We teamed up to kill Gangplank several times however that left my other lanes basically unattended. Our Bot lane got a double kill and then got double killed in reverse right after they cam back to lane. That freed up Zilean and Draven to come Mid. Their AoE combo was pain to deal with especially once Kennen got Zhonya's Hourglass still we were somehow able to win team fights and skirmishes even though I seemed to die in practically every one of them. At some point we had a fight near our base and manage to split them up. Nass ran a bunch of them down and killed them and then destroyed their Mid inhibitor again. Their team surrendered at that point though Olaf was not happy about it.

Back in Silver. :)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2016 11:45pm | Report

More ranked games. The bottom three were played with the guy I have been duoing with and three of his friends/acquaintances. The top two were just me and my duo partner.

Ezreal game. Our Yasuo put us on his back and carried us. Heimerdinger support was…interesting, though once he hit 6th, it did make it painful for Lucian and Leona to try and all-in us.

Braum game. Our Mid laner was going to pick Syndra. I told them they might want to reconsider because of 3 dash Akali. They picked Vel'Koz who is much more maneuverable. Cough. It might have all worked out, but our Nidalee admitted to being tilted after making some poor choices and their team was just much more coordinated than hours, so despite them only being up 6 kills in the end, it felt like a lot more than that. My duo partner and I had a an okay lane, we dodged several gank attempts and evaded most of the Blitz grabs in lane. Later in the game it was a difference story as Blitz turned into God Hand.

Brand game. Our Master Yi was just bad. We had our lane nicely under control and then he comes in and dives the enemy laners under their turret giving them a free kill and pretty much setting the tone as far as his ineptitude.

Everyone on the team except Master Yi did approximately 39,000 dmg to champions. Master Yi did 15,000.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2016 3:15am | Report
Heimerdinger support on your side versus a Lucian/ Leona? Sounds like one of those off-meta counters, like Taric top vs Renekton :P
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2016 3:48pm | Report
Ekki wrote:
Heimerdinger support on your side versus a Lucian/ Leona? Sounds like one of those off-meta counters, like Taric top vs Renekton :P

It totally discouraged Leona from bush camping. She jumped on Heimer once early and he had to blow his Flash but we actually won the exchange because I did more damage to Lucian than they managed to do to us. And that basically became true ever time once he got his ultimate. Did I lose some farm to Heim? Yeah, but not getting pounded into smithereens by Lucian + Leona. Priceless. XD
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2016 8:21pm | Report

The ranked for the night.

Top Ezreal game in the list. This one was over by Mid game. 41-16 was the death total against. Pantheon ****ped on our Riven. Their Ahri ****ped on our Kennen. Had a level 6 or 7 man drop into our lane. I got out of that, but Thresh and Udyr did not. Mmm, had to come back to lane with Tear of the Goddess, never my favorite thing on Ezreal. Our Thresh tried to make some plays and we had them low and pushed into us, but our jungler was busy trying to stick his finger in the **** in other lanes, so we weren’t able to convert there. Riven did have a good Teleport gank Bot that helped us pick up some kills, so I will commend her for that. The diving into their whole team on a couple of occasions, not so much. It got to the point where all their Sterak's Gages and Maw of Malmortiuss and their level advantages meant we never could quite do enough damage to kill anyone before they were able to make their escape or helped arrived.

Bot Ezreal game in the list. Pretty much a pubstomp. Udyr ganked just as we hit 6th level. My Sion support ulted. I ulted. Two dead enemy laners. We did a rinse and repeat a bit later for more kills. Vel'Koz in Mid was 5 of our 6 deaths and even he contributed damage and team work-wise and keeping their Heimerdinger in check. This was a fun one.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2016 9:33pm | Report

Match History

I really don’t know what the blank our Morgana was thinking much of this game. Not on whatever they were on, but whatever it was it got me killed at least twice and her a bunch more. The other deaths were from being a damage, ult, cc sponge, which was fine as it left our carries unmolested to do their thing. I think Bard was having whatever Morgana was having, but only better. We caught him out so many times. Vayne used him for a pincushion most of laning phase. And Vayne…I guess she wanted to split push. Fortunately the rest of the team was sufficient to keep their team busy so she was able to do her thing, but it was costly at times. She left me hanging at dragon screwing around with Twitch by his tower which cost us a basically free dragon. All in all our team was just more coordinated than theirs, which isn’t saying much.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2016 7:53pm | Report

Match History

Poor guys had a troll Wukong support and a Zed that DCd or rage quit, which made my life much easier. Item one. Wukong with Ignite and level 3 does a stupid amount of damage especially when followed up by an ADC. Item two. Morgana Dark Binding into Bullet Time also does a stupid amount of damage. Honestly I shouldn’t have picked Miss Fortune into their composition but I had Ezreal picked out from under me, I thought we had plenty of magic damage so didn’t want to go Corki, and I have been wanting to play MF if I could get a game where I had a tank or two. Lucky for me it worked out okay.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2016 10:10pm | Report

Match History

Our Dr. Mundo got wrecked by Volibear in conjunction with some help from Lee Sin. Cassiopeia got destroyed by Ahri. Bot lane was the only shining light on our team, so I focused my efforts there and helped them pick up a few kills. Our win condition was catch them all in a Miss Fortune ult. Every time that happened we won the team fight. In the end it came down to try to stop the 2nd 5th dragon or go for Baron while they went for dragon. Our team opted for Dragon, but two of their team members were behind us, so I turned around to ward and try to catch Thresh and Miss Fortune starts in on Dragon. Lee Sin popped in an simply smiled it. Which left us having to rotate to Baron which was not a good spot for us. We had already lost one fight there as they had a lot of catch potential with their team. Honestly we should have just fought them in the river after MF got behind all of us, but we ended up in the jungle again and Dr. Mundo got caught and chunked and then I got caught and chunked and then they were able to get to MF. The End.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2016 10:40pm | Report

Match History

Nasus stomped Tahm Kench. Ekko mostly stomped Kennen. Bot lane was having a bit of a tough time, but between a Bard ult, Ashe ult, and my stuns, we were able to pick up a double kill. I was behind because Master Yi invaded me at my Blue buff. I was all happy cause I had a Bard chime in the bush, which I was going to pick up straight after killing Blue. Then the chime disappeared. Dun, dun, dun. I really need to practice my flashing over the damn wall when that **** happens. Anyway, I died and blew my Flash too. Argh. Picked up a Hunter's Potion to help with mana costs and proceed to power farm for a while. Also did a bit of counter juggling when Master Yi ganked Bot lane. Mmmm one other stupid move. So Nasus found Yi at this Gromp and was murderizing him, but Tahm came over at the last second and ate him. Then walked under his tower. I neglected to consider how strong his damn slow is so I went after the Yi and died for my troubles. Waa, waa. My internet ****ped out on me twice this game. One time definitely got me killed as I was in a awkward spot when it happened and took a bunch of free damage and then Jinx got me with her rocket. The 2nd time I DCd they surrendered, because we were just stomping them in team fights even under their own turrets.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2016 9:52pm | Report

Feels bad man. Mid got shrekt. Jungle got shrekt. Then they were just able to rotate and stomp us because of their item and level advantages. The leagues have not been kind to me of late.

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