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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2016 11:05pm | Report

I've been playing a lot of Vi in normals and finally decided to take her into a ranked game. Reasonably clean game given that I didn't die. Stats padded a bit by picking up a triple kill in a scrum where we were dog pilling their team.

Darius was having a hard time verses Yorick. Viktor was doing okay vs LeBlanc, which is a champion I just hate because you have to wait for her to use her Distortion before you can go in on her. Vi can actually interrupt it if you have your Q up and you are quick enough or you can wait for her to go back to her original spot, but usually if she has done that you carry is quite often already dead, so it is ends up being a 1 for 1. Also the damage she does if procs a Sigil of Malice is just insane throughout the game even if you are building some MR.

Bot lane was winning so we had that going for us, so I started playing around Bot lane more than the other lanes.

Went Black Cleaver for help with shredding their tanks and bruisers. Banshee's Veil because it offers more MR than Spirit Visage and the spell shield it provides can screw up LeBlanc's combos. Then build into Randuin's Omen to help with crits once Caitlyn started to come online.

So far I seem to have better luck with Black Cleaver than Trinity Force on Vi, unless I end up silly fed early. Super Metroid, a Master Tier Vi player, tends to go Youmuu's Ghostblade on Vi, but the one time I tried it I felt that it was a little lackluster. Hopefully I can catch him streaming one day to see how he uses it.

Reason for Vi - I like playing Nocturne because of his ult. Vi offers something somewhat similar, but I feel like she does better in team fights than Noc because of the way her CC works, so I feel like she does better when playing from behind. Though you really do have to be careful about going too ham on her otherwise you can put yourself in a really bad position.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2016 11:44am | Report

Teemo are you going to gank jungler or just farm - to the 7-0 Skarner. Kind of busy helping out our touched Bot lane because Nunu & Willump hasn't been in lane for longer than a minute the entirety of laning phase. I am all for screwing with the enemy jungler if you aren't leaving your ADC high and dry.

I also asked the Nunu & Willump to take Exhaust to counter Wukong, but no such luck. Why you would take Ignite when you aren't planning on being in lane is beyond me.

I could 2 v 1 their team but not 5 v 1.

Didn't help to also have Twitch bithching, though rightfully. Just had people typing at each other and not focusing on the game.

On top of those problems we couldn't coordinate a fight to save our lives. We needed to drag the game out so Twitch could farm up, but it just wasn't going to happen.

I really like Skarner vs Hecarim. Just ult him when he tries to dive your team and kill off a big source of their damage and chase potential.

Worked on the trick with spinning people just before your ult ends and that helped me pick up two kills.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2016 9:42pm | Report

Needed some AP hence the Diana. Liking the quick to level 6th clear by starting raptors with no or little leash. Also takes you out of the common counter jungling paths. You can lose some buffs, but if you need some levels before you can duel the counter junglers anyway it is usually worth the risk.

Went the tankier build starting with Seeker's Armguard because Master Yi picked up a couple of early kills. That worked out nicely as I managed to delete him a couple of times since he had no or very little MR.

Also helpful was the fact that Yasuo was giving Ahri a drubbing so that meant their magic damage dealer was behind and it let Yasuo do more work in roams.

He came up and helped us out when Master Yi and Nasus were chasing Gnar into the river. I went over to help, but then realized Ahri was going to pinch us (need to remember to try and target the weak side of the pincer, which would have been Ahri since their was only one of her). But Yas's entry into the fight allowed us to pick up a double kill in a situation that wasn't looking too hot.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2016 11:09pm | Report

The early game did not go well in Top and Bot. Some of that due to Zed roams, which I pinged out, but still generally resulted in him picking up a kill. Late game we didn't have enough disengage to deal with their engage very well. I was being harassed enough that it was hard to get set up to make the best use of my abilities.

I probably should have gotten a Luden's Tempest to boost my movement speed.

I also managed a couple of roams to pick up kills or assist, but they had two Teleports and their two laners with Teleport were doing well enough that they were often more of a deciding factor than having our teammates show up.

Still need to pick up my CSing, especially under turret.

Had one quandary situation where our team was chasing their team, but their Zed was taking one of our turrets. If we had rotated we could have stopped them from getting the turret, but only I peeled off the chase to try and go save the turret. Graves barked at me for that. Maybe rightfully? I mean if we could have killed them and gotten something else off of it, but I don't recall anything really being available for the taking given that we were at our base so it would have taken a long time to get to any relevant objectives.

This is one area where I need to work on my game sense. 2 more kills and get something big ?maybe? or save an inner lane turret?

This is one of those times where I dislike having two roles. I pretty much only play Vel'Koz Mid, which means I can end up in ****py match-ups especially if I am early in the pick order. This particular Zed wasn't super intent on killing me and I itemized for him and took a summoner spell to counter his attempts at murdering me, which worked reasonably well, but he was able to get more done with roam plays than I was, even though I did manage to have an impact there as well.

And maybe I am putting more thought into this than I should given that our team was seriously behind outside of our jungler.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 13, 2016 7:53pm | Report

Team did a decent job of working together. Pantheon was struggling a bit in Top lane so I applied pressure there since Cho'Gath was pushed up from time to time. Blew Cho's Flash then quickly came back for a repeat gank with my ultimate. Karthus was also struggling a bit in Mid but made up for it in roams and his ultimate. Bot was winning then tried bad engage between towers that got them both killed.

Had one instance of a bad fight when I typed in chat that I was backing but my team still went to siege their inner Mid turret without me. Sigh. But those small mistakes didn't bite us in the arse too hard.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 13, 2016 9:30pm | Report

And our Vayne DCd a bunch in the early game. Meanwhile in Top lane Irelia was getting solo killed by Kennen.

Missed a Q or two that I shouldn't have. :-/
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 17, 2016 9:41pm | Report

Their Nidalee was super freaking annoying. Pretty much like they had two junglers so I was constantly being pressured in my jungle. Not sure about that matchup, but I think Riven should probably win that. Gangplank wasn't doing so hot in Mid and I believe Bot was having probles too, so things were not going well come Mid and Late game.

I had Nidalee's number this game and pretty much killed here every time she tried to gank or countergank. Ryze was Platinum last season and he pretty much mopped the floor with Ahri and had a couple of good Realm Warps to get himself or others in position to pick up kills, however his aggression also lead him getting us both killed twice. Bot lane was also doing well with some help from me.

Argh this was a difficult game. Jarvan IV dunked Lux a couple of times and then started roaming and he could one shot me with his combo at level 6, which he did after I counterjungled Xin Zhao and took his Red Buff and Krugs while he was off ganking Bottom lane. I had to build Randuin's Omen immediately after Enchantment: Warrior to survive for long enough to get anything done. The team actually responeded pretty well to their roaming to Bot lane, but if we left Xin Zhao or Jarvan IV and length of time with a tower it was donezo. I was doing well enough that I killed off Xin every time I ran into him by himself, but he wasn't always by himself. In the last fight, Gnar went Mega and jumped on their backline and got a good stun, too bad Jarvan IV and Kennen jumped on our backline, which did a lot more damage, so much so that my Sterak's Gage got popped and I died immediately anyway. For that last fight I should probably have tried to single out Jarvan and kill him as quickly as possible so he wouldn't get all his damage off on my team. Now I know who to pick against immobile mages I guess.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 18, 2016 12:53am | Report

We tried to lose this one. Morgana was one shotting people, Ahri was one shooting people, and Amumu was doing some damage too. We had them down to one inhibitor and we had Baron buff and our team decides to run up Mid rather than burning through their last base turret with super minions crashing in the other lanes and a Zz'Rot Portal I had setup. Then my team wanted to do Elder Dragon after we beat them in a team fight but they still had two people up and I didn't have Smite, which I pinged out in chat. I think Draven manage to steal it in the mayhem with Whirling Death. We losing our first base turret and inbitor and one Nexus turret in that fight, but Karma came up quickly enough that she killed one of them and ran the other champion they had left off. Then they got position on us at the Elder Dragon and Morgana flanked us from behind, but I turned in time to root her and then we were able to finish her off and then win the teamfight with only Ahri still standing on their side. I pulled back just in time in that fight to let my Warmog's Armor kick in so I was healed back to about 3/4 health by the time we got to their base to finish off their Nexus.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 18, 2016 6:23pm | Report

Won this one off two mountain dragons and finally getting ourselves somewhat more coordinated with respect to team fights. Scrubbed them in a Mid lane team fight and then ran up Mid ourselves and smashed through their base while the majority of them were down. Zac was shadowing Skarner well, so he was pretty much always there to back up their Bot lane when Skarner ganked. We did have one good setup that got stymied by a Taliyah Weaver's Wall cutting us off from Skarner. IIRC I went down in that fight but managed to take out Leona. Life felt much better damage wise when I completed Phantom Dancer.

Need to remember to attack move so I don't walk up to targets.

If I am going to keep playing ADC I have to figure out how to play to win lane. My usual MO is to let myself get pushed in almost to our turret and then wait for ganks to do anything, especially on Sivir since her ult often lets us run down their pushed laners when help from our side arrives. This game I was wary of getting jumped on by Leona so I was playing perhaps even a bit more passive than normal, especially since Braum kept eating Ezreal Qs so he was usually not fully healthy.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2016 12:34am | Report

Not actually sure how we were in this game as long as we were. Top got crushed. Mid got crushed. Then they ALL came to Bot lane. We may have actually had a chance to end, but I didn't see it and I ended up having to run out of their base. Had a second go at it but by that point everyone on their team was trying to get me. I flashed over them and fired up Youmuu's Ghostblade, but I only got their Nexus down to 1/4 health before they got me. And unfortunately we didn't prep Baron like I asked the team to do so we ended up getting pincered which didn't leave me any good angles from which to escape. I revived just as they were punching down our Nexus and picked up a double kill, but it was too late. :-(

And I saw why I didn't manage to end the game. Ashe fired her arrow at the team, so I dodged out of the way and started focusing their last Nexus turret. Then I wasted some time trying to unload my ult onto Ashe. Then Jax jumped on Lux who was standing right next to me and I backed off further than I should have given that Janna had her ult. Except Janna didn't use her ult.

So to Janna's comment that "if only you had tried to end mf". I will return with "If only you had ulted Jax away Janna I could have peacefully have blown away their Nexus."

It would also have helped if Nautilus was peeling rather than wailing on the Nexus while Ashe and Jax were still running around.

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