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Stupid to main support at low ELO?

Creator: Aeacus11 November 11, 2012 9:17pm
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Aeacus11's Forum Avatar
Mar 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2012 9:17pm | Report
Hey guys,

Low ELO player here. Always looking to climb of course, and typically in my ranked games i do at least decently for myself (have an average KDA of 7.3/3.4/6.2). By no means am I saying I am an especially strong player, but I typically trust myself more than most of my teammates in my games to carry.

However, I would really like to main support. It's the role that fits my personality best, and I admit I am not the best mechanical player, but I'm pretty good w map awareness, and trying to make calls for my team. I just am curious, if I were to do something like this, am I being dumb? It's obviously a harder to carry as a support, but just wanted to hear your opinions on whether this is a feasible or stupid idea.

The Overmyynd
The Overmyynd's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2012 9:55pm | Report
Um... Well, its definitely going to be harder. As a support player, you really are dependent on how decent your AD is, and to some extent your jungler. If your AD is a good player, you're going to have a good time and be able to impact the game. If not, well... Thats pretty much it. For bot lane to succeed both players have to be at least decent. A really good support player is hard to find, so im sure you would fill in a wanted niche. But IMO its much easier to carry your way to higher ELO by playing mid, jungle, or top. Its not a stupid idea, you're just picking the more difficult path. NOW. IF you can get a decent ADC as a near perma-duo partner, thats an entirely different story.
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FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2012 9:07am | Report
Taric makes things easier, people too dumb to accept his zone.

Of course if your AD Carry is a total ****** this is completely irrelevant.
bsurma's Forum Avatar
Jan 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2012 9:59am | Report
Aeacus11 wrote:

Hey guys,

Low ELO player here. Always looking to climb of course, and typically in my ranked games i do at least decently for myself (have an average KDA of 7.3/3.4/6.2). By no means am I saying I am an especially strong player, but I typically trust myself more than most of my teammates in my games to carry.

However, I would really like to main support. It's the role that fits my personality best, and I admit I am not the best mechanical player, but I'm pretty good w map awareness, and trying to make calls for my team. I just am curious, if I were to do something like this, am I being dumb? It's obviously a harder to carry as a support, but just wanted to hear your opinions on whether this is a feasible or stupid idea.


Doesn't matter. If you're really good at what you're doing, your ELO is going to raise.

Playing support has its risks (getting a suckish AD etc.) but toplane also puts you in the risk of getting camped by the jungler and so on.

Just continue playing as a support and improving, you'll get there :)
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samgoeslol's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2012 1:06pm | Report
it mgiht take a little longer to raise your elo than with apmid/jungle but you will be able to carry. As i have carried often with ap support lux, ap support ezreal...
if you are that much better, just go unconventional stack ap and solocarry without getting any cs.
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The Overmyynd
The Overmyynd's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2012 9:04pm | Report
samgoeslol wrote:

it mgiht take a little longer to raise your elo than with apmid/jungle but you will be able to carry. As i have carried often with ap support lux, ap support ezreal...
if you are that much better, just go unconventional stack ap and solocarry without getting any cs.

Ive done this kind of thing with Zilean. While its fun and funny, in order for you to "carry" as a support without taking CS is to get all the kills in lane, which puts your ADC at a supreme disadvantage. What this ends up working out to is 80% of your team's damage coming from AP sources, which is bad if you are fighting a team that is smart enough to each grab SOME sort of magic resist, which effectively shuts your team down. Low elo, this works just fine, because teams DONT react properly to the opposing team. Once you get past 1300 ELO or so, this stops being a good theory. If you want to "carry" as a support WITHOUT taking advantage away from your ADC, you need very heavy CC monster supports, or extremely high utility supports, that can end up making very large impacts on teamfights. Good examples of this would be:

Nunu & Willump with the combination of the slow effects from Ice Blast and Absolute Zero along with the speed up effects from Blood Boil, to keep teamfights where you want them to be and to catch runners and help cleanup afterwards.

Zilean with the good deeps from his Time Bombs, the EXTREME speed up/ slow from Time Warp, that incredible teamfight saving ult Chronoshift, and of course that nice passive Heightened Learning. A good combo if you have a Twisted Fate mid rockin Loaded Dice

Sona. Crescendo. Enough said. That and her powerful poke in lane and inexhaustible health and mana for both her and her partner.

Maokai. Sounds odd but i mained mao support for a long time. Works amazingly well in lane with either Ezreal, Corki, or Tristana because they have the jump potential to react when you root someone and catch them by surprise. The snares are a huge part of teamfights, as well as catching stragglers, the knockups stop absurdly powerful channel ults like Requiem, Absolute Zero, and Death Lotus, the saplings give vision without wards (which makes scouting a breeze), plus Vengeful Maelstrom. Only really effective if the people on your team STAY INSIDE, but still a game changing ult.

Stay away from strong lane phase supporters like Soraka if you are trying to raise ELO without a good ADC by your side duo-ing in. Just too much chance that your potential to crush lanephase will be squandered by a ****ty ADC.
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
Glayde's Forum Avatar
May 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2012 11:57pm | Report
Well, the best thing you can do is duo with an ADC. That'll help you alot, and if your duo partner is good, you'd rise up some elo real fast.

The Overmyynd has basically covered most of the supports, except for a few:

Blitzcrank: Play this guy ONLY IF YOU CAN LAND YOUR HOOKS. You can miss a few, but you can't miss the crucial ones.

Alistar: He has great CC with his Headbutt- Pulverize combo. His ulti also makes him a really nice tank which can soak up tons of damage and CC.

Also one thing about Nunu & Willump: His best lane combos are with Draven and Vayne, due to Blood Boil. Also note that your carry should have Blood Boil on him almost 100% of the time.

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cutter's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2012 1:27pm | Report
Just to point something out. Even if you and your ADC are awesome, and synergies great together, if you two can't communicate you're screwed. I used to main Tristana, and one game I got paired up with an Alistar. Forgot who we were facing, but we were not countered. First few minutes we were getting stomped, then I told him to tell me when he was going for a kill (usually I was running back when he decided to go in), and we did much better afterwards. Unfortunately it was a bit late for that game, but maybe the story at least can teach you the most important thing as a support. Communication is king.
We were given two ears to listen to others, one mouth to ask question, and two eyes to see the answers for ourselves. Those questions you ask are useless though without another to answer, and you must answer others if you are to expect them to impart the same kindness to you. Be truthful in your answers, then know that one speaks the truth; and be never afraid to test the answers of others so that you may know of more. And most importantly, always be kind to your fellow man, no matter their origin, their company or their creed; because kindness gives hope, not only to those you show kindness for, not only to one's own self, but to the world; and hope can nurture, redeem, or even save the lives of many.
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devdevil's Forum Avatar
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Sep 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 20, 2012 11:02pm | Report

^Really helps for you support people out there.

Hey you! Yeah you! Just wanted to let you know you're awesome!
CounterSnipe's Forum Avatar
Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 21, 2012 8:22pm | Report
I'd like to start off by saying supports have little influence on the flow of the game if the ADC and jungler are sub-par. There is nothing a support player can do to make his carry last hit better, and there's only so much he can do to save the adc when he over extends. I went from 900 elo to 1300 elo, but I had to use Alistar in order to do it, and he's banned almost 100% of the time when you get to 1200.

I recommend only playing support with a person you can trust. If you're playing with someone you don't know there's a much higher chance of you losing the lane. But, if you insist on learning support, you have to know how to pick your support.

In general:
Taric is the most popular support in the game right now due to the fact he works well with both Ezreal and Sivir as he can allow them to land free Qs. He's generally good in any team composition, and is great for stopping champions with ults that channel, like Warwick Malzahar and Anivia

Janna is my favorite support other than Taric due to the fact she has 3 cc abilities. Janna is generally a good pick if you see the enemy team has a lot of initiation, like Leona and Amumu. She's also pretty nice to have in most compositions, but her ultimate can get your team into trouble if you are not careful.

Alistar You'll almost always win as alistar unless your team is on medication. Seriously. Has a heal, 2 stuns (displacements are stuns for anyone who's about to argue with me over this lol.) and he can lvl 6 tower dive very well. Overall he's the best support in the game imo, but many people don't know how to play him without getting into trouble.

And you can look at the rest for yourself. These are just the ones I like to use. They do pretty well in low elo.
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