Heya, MobaFire :3 Ready for a new blog dedication? This one is about comparing the top builds of different sites: LoLPro, SoloMid and MobaFire. I'll only be focusing on the build itself, the skilling order, the runes, masteries and summoner spells dictated for the chosen champions, as these are the things most people will look at/want to know before they try out the champion.

This blog is meant to achieve two things:
1) Compare how similar the top guides are of each site
2) Give readers an idea of an ideal build for the chosen champion

In the comment section, feel free to express your opinions, or nominate the next champion to compare builds for! Until a nomination, I will be going through the champions alphabetically.

SPACEWelcome to Build Comparisons - Ahri!


LOLPRO: AHRI - THE 9 TAILS FOX - by Crs Elementz

ACE ___ ___


21 / 00 / 09

R > Q > E > W

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Looking at this build, we can see that Elementz is spec'ing for a lot of mana regen. Mana regen through double Doran's, Seals AND Glyphs of Clarity and 21/00/9 ( Meditation and Expanded Mind ) for the increased mana. This is most likely so he can abuse Ahri's spammability. He grabs Improved Recall over Swiftness .

He starts with Boots + Pots for the mobility early game and transitions into double Doran's and some spell vamp. His choice of magic penetration is the Void Staff and his survivability item is Zhonya's Hourglass.

Elementz maxes Q, followed by E, presumably to increase the taunt duration and the damage dealt (there is no cooldown reduction when maxing E).


SOLOMID: AHRI - Nine Tail's Wonder - by Xpecial

ACE ___ ___

___ greater seal of vitality

21 / 00 / 09

R > Q > W > E

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Looking at this build, we can see that Xpecial is spec'ing for some mana regen, but isn't as concerned about it as Elementz. He grabs mana regen through double Doran's and allocating 21/00/9. Seals of Vitality mean he can trade more damage with his Glyphs of Force. He grabs Swiftness over Improved Recall .

He starts with Boots + Pots for the mobility early game and transitions into double Doran's. He opts for more survivability with an early purchase of Rylai's Crystal Scepter, followed by some spell vamp. Magic Pen through Void Staff.

Xpecial maxes Q, followed by W, to increase his damage out-put.


MOBAFIRE: Ahri (아리) - The Fox in the Middle - by LaCorpse

ACE ___ ___


21 / 00 / 09

R > Q > W > E

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Looking at this build, we can see that LaCorpse is spec'ing for some mana regen through a Doran's Ring start, allocating 21/00/9 and Seals of Clarity. Her runes are a mix of Elementz and Xpecial's choices. She adds damage via Glyphs of Force and takes Swiftness over Improved Recall .

She starts a Doran's Ring for the mana regen and the AP and transitions into some early spell vamp via Hextech Revolver. Like Xpecial, she opts for more survivability with an early purchase of Rylai's Crystal Scepter, followed by Will of the Ancients. A late Morello's Evil Tome gives some extra AP, CDR and mana regen.

LaCorpse maxes Q, followed by W, to increase her damage out-put.


Build Comparison - SoloMid, LoLPro and MobaFire for Ahri

Starting Items:
Boots + 3x Health Potion
Doran's Ring

// My Opinion: I rarely start with a Doran's Ring on casters mid lane unless the caster has some strong lane sustain, like Morgana. For Ahri, who relies a lot on her mobility in order to deal damage, I believe Boots + Pots are superior to a Doran's start.

Core Items - all three Ahri players have these items present in their build:
Doran's Ring
Sorcerer's Shoes
Will of the Ancients
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Rabadon's Deathcap

// My Opinion: Standard AP caster items. The real debate with Ahri is whether to grab that early spell vamp, or go straight up for Rylai's. It's situational, but Doran's Ring stacking is optimal.

Optional Items - these items were also suggested:
Morello's Evil Tome
Zhonya's Hourglass

// My Opinion: I wouldn't purchase Morello's on Ahri, especially so late in the game; Deathfire's Grasp is a far superior item. Zhonya's is a fantastic item and should be given careful consideration as to whether you can afford to *not* get this item.

Runes - all three Ahri players had these runes in their build:
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power

// My Opinion: Magic Penetration is standard on most AP Carries. The AP Quints are also standard, competing heavily with Flat MR/Health Quints in the current meta.

Optional Runes - these runes were also suggested:
greater seal of vitality
Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power
Greater Glyph of Scaling Mana Regeneration

// My Opinion: Glyphs and Seals of Clarity are fine, but not necessary if you're going Double Doran's + Meditation + Expanded Mind . As Ahri will be mid lane, Seals of Resilience are useless, and Vitality seem a decent choice. Glyphs of Force will add more damage to Ahri's rotation.

Summoner Spells - all three Ahri players suggest:

// My Opinion: Flash as an escape and an offensive tool, perfect for high mobility Ahri. Ignite to reduce healing and finish other players off. Exhuast and Heal are acceptable replacements if you are not yet level 12.

Skilling Sequence:
R > Q > W > E
R > Q > E > W

// My Opinion: The choice between levelling E or W is hard. Charm is a skill shot, and thus easy to fudge up, however, if you get that taunt off, you're able to deal a whole lot more damage. Fox-Fire damage is guaranteed, providing you are within close proximity to the enemy champion.

Masteries - all three Ahri players suggest:
- - OFFENSE - -
1/1 Summoner's Wrath
3/4 Mental Force
4/4 Sorcery
1/1 Arcane Knowledge
3/3 Havoc
4/4 Blast
4/4 Archmage
1/1 Executioner
- - UTILITY - -
1/1 Summoner's Insight
3/3 Expanded Mind
3/3 Meditation
1/1 Runic Affinity

Optional Masteries - these runes were also suggested:
1/1 Improved Recall
1/4 Swiftness

// My Opinion: 21 into Offense is standard, but I'm wondering about the Havoc mastery being taken over Butcher or Brute Force , by all Ahri players. 09 into Utility is also standard, with the deviation being between Improved Recall and Swiftness. As Ahri is a high mobility champion, either mastery allocations serve her well.

Until next time, MobaFire. In the meantime, disagree/agree with my explanations? Got any comments? Surprised by the similarities? State your opinion in the comment section below :) Or nominate the next champion to compare builds for!

- jhoijhoi <3

PS: FYI, LoLPro AND SoloMid both had "Soul Eater" as Ahri's passive. Poor updating skills there.