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In-depth explanation about new metagame?

Creator: GodKiIlThemAll December 19, 2014 6:08pm
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GodKiIlThemAll's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 19, 2014 6:08pm | Report
First of all, pardon my English, it's not my first language. I'm a new member here so I want to say Hello to everyone here and hope you guys will help me with my below questions.
I'm starting a new commentator career, not an official commentator but I'm under training and I'll be live on stream in January commentating in GPL.
I'm working as an analyst, and for the last few weeks, I've found that I still have many lacks of knowledge about LoL, I only know the surface, not what under it. Google won't help much so I get here to ask for your help. Here is my questions:
1. What is the current meta about? I see a lot of Lissandra appearing in competitive matches. She's indeed strong in laning phase as well as big fights but what really made her return to the scene after more than one year being called "not fit in the meta"?
2. I see Elise coming back, not so strong but she still does a fine job in jungle. Before that Elise completely disappeared due to the critical nerfs on Cocoon and Rappel, besides, Elise's level 6 is not as effective as Lee Sin, Jarvan IV's or Pantheon's. Why do people start bringing her back again?
3. Poke teams ( Jayce, Corki...) are still very strong and very hard to deal with. It's also pretty hard to force them to fight because they always have some sort of movement speed boost ( Janna's passive, Jayce's Acceleration Gate...) to avoid fights. What are the strong counter picks to these kinds of teams?
4. Top lane is now dominated by Maokai Rumble, Irelia, Lissandra and lately, Poppy. I like the fact that Poppy's coming back, such an interesting champion! How does she do in the match-ups versus those 4 champions? The latest match I watched was Poppy vs Rumble where Rumble completely made Poppy's life a living hell on top lane.
5. Still about poke teams, but it's Ziggs. His poke is very strong, good AoE, but why do people don't use him much?

These are all questions, for now. I hope if I have some more, I will be able to get some helps here.
Thanks in advance.
Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 19, 2014 11:40pm | Report
1. Current meta is still figuring itself out I think in terms of a 'solid' composition.

2. Elise compared to previous top tier jungles has an easier time in new jungle due to spiderling kiting, allowing her to gank generally healthier than other champions would. Also she's getting a Neurotoxin/ Venomous Bite buff in 4.22/5.1(not sure what patch it is, but soon™)

3.Countering siege comps is still pretty difficult and requires lots of hard engage, granted with a champion like Janna on the siege team it's near impossible to keep the fight going so long as Monsoon is up, I like the fact that UoL I think it was used Wukong for his Warrior Trickster stealth and Nimbus Strike + Cyclone combo initiate against TSM's Maokai, Nunu & Willump, Azir, Corki and Soraka. Also new inner towers provide some defense against siege comps as well so turtling is a bit more doable against a siege comp but obviously still rough.

4. Lissandra was a solo queue favorite in top for awhile and can be played in both solo roles quite well. Just a matter if you're willing to give up another spot that would otherwise be spent for a somewhat tankier champion for her, granted she can go sort of tanky as well. Irelia has always and probably always will be strong, I still imagine we'll see Jax return at some point in season 5, it's just a matter of time. Maokai is very safe and scales well, not to mention is absurd in terms of his CC for peeling or just gluing himself to carries. Rumble is in the ball park of Irelia and has always been strong, don't think that'll change soon either. Poppy is an interesting one and I still don't know how I feel about her, scaling wise she is the best champ pretty much available however getting to that point is damn near impossible against any sort of early game jungle aggro and/or early game bullies. Also I'd like to add these in too, Gnar has potential and I figured after they finally got the boomerang fix onto the competitive scene he'd definitely see play, and I was right, how long will he remain though? Who knows, he's basically a less reliable rumble since your Rage on him doesn't decay as fast as heat on Rumble. Rek'Sai is also one I'm personally keeping an eye on, depending on what riot settles in terms of nerfing her she could potentially become a higher damage, more wave clear, shorter cd global tp with lack of shield and can be prevented from ever being used by destroying tunnels - version of Shen. Her roaming capabilities are pretty great, and she can get back to lane pretty much free every other 1:40 or less. Only thing she lacks is ANY form of CC except a gimpy knock up, which is considerable enough to also argue that she's actually useless.

5. Ziggs is outshined currently by Xerath and Azir, hence why he's a rarer sight. Basically he's a slightly weaker in terms of Q damage Xerath, with an escape and wave clear/pit burst rather than clean up near-global ult. Whereas Azir is just better in every sense. Q is trivial to hit, Soldiers do insane damage in few autos, and he can escape or gap close over such huge distances if he casts Shifting Sands before using Conquering Sands or otherwise known as the 'banana juke' by some. Video of what it looks like below.

6. One more piece, Syndra is announced to be receiving an early game base damage nerf in next patch as well, Scatter the Weak width is also being reduced (max rank width increase to clarify is being made smaller), so it'll be interesting to see what happens there, her max level Dark Sphere will be doing same damage as it does now, but early levels are reduced.
Dark Sphere (Q) damage lowered to 50/95/140/185/230 from 70/110/150/190/230
Scatter the Weak (E) [According to Ricklessabandon there will also be a nerf to "width on Scatter the Weak missles. Source: 1/2]

Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
TheKut's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2014 9:35am | Report
Savlonic asnwered very well and I would just like to add a few things on question 3 and 4.

3. As Savlonic said, the one thing that poke comps fear is hard engages. Therefore the easiest way to deal with is champions like Jarvan IV, Hecarim, Fiddlesticks, Pantheon and such. If you can't straight up run them down then always try to flank the with a good initiator. Sneak behind them and jump in with Onslaught of Shadows. That will make them **** their pants and then just go hardcore all-out.

4. Gnar should be on that list as well, as said. All of them except Poppy can do fairly well against most match-ups and are very good late game hence why they are top tier. Poppy's deal though is that she is the reincarnation of Satan if she gets to late game, while she is the equivalent of a fragile ming vas if she has a hard time top.

The reason she is picked a lot is mostly because of Maokai and Dr. Mundo (where her first LCS encounter was). Those champs are very safe and struggles very little. Their streangths are that they come through laning phase without much trouble as they don't have many hard counters. Their weakness though is that they can't really do anything against the other laner. They just are there and become brickwalls late game. That's where Poppy shines. If she is not bullied in lane she will be the late game devil that all teams wants to play with and no team wants to play against.
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PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2014 12:09pm | Report
Enchantment: Juggernaut was also a big buff to Elise. Spirit of the Ancient Golem's change into a Quill Coat recipe instead of Spirit Stone (and it also lost the tenacity that patch) sucked so much for elise that people started building Spirit of the Spectral Wraith instead, which kinda sucks.

The new Juggernaut enchantment is basically the same as SotAG when it was in its prime. That's one of the reasons she got some of her early power back. The other main reason is probably that her sustain is valued more this season.

Edit: To clarify, I mostly meant in the competitive metagame. There are always people who will build damage (in this case AP) in soloqueue, in which case the Juggernaut buff doesn't really matter as much.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2014 12:26pm | Report
Some including myself still favor Enchantment: Magus over juggernaut on Elise however, I think it comes down to whether or not you need the tenacity sooner rather than later, because you can completely ignore tenacity if the enemy doesn't have any game changing CC early on, and just buy Elixir of Iron later.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
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PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2014 2:30pm | Report
I was thinking competitively. Every competitive Elise I've seen since preseason started has been full tank. I'm sure some people still build AP in soloqueue but I've never liked it.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
GodKiIlThemAll's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 1:40am | Report
Thanks for enlightening me a lot. Here is some more I want to ask.
1. Speaking of Hecarim, I'm pretty confused about him. Some say his gank is weak, but I think his damage output is pretty decent and with the movement speed boost from his Devastating Charge which can help him to approach the enemies quite well. His Onslaught of Shadows, as TheKut said above, is very useful to force teamfights. I played him for several times and I kinda liked him. But is the early counter-jungle, especially if he loses his first Blue buff, making him so vulnerable?? I mean he can still buy Ranger's Trailblazer to farm up and have decent level to attemp the ganks. Champions like Xerath, in my opinion, is very vulnerable to his ganks due to his lack of mobility. Somehow, I think he's more useful than Lee Sin especially in teamfights where his Onslaught of Shadows can be very disastrous if it's hit well on the enemies.
2. Cho'Gath appeared in several matches in season 4, he did his job quite well on top lane (I've seen him jungling but it was just useless). He has wave-clear power, tankiness and his true damage is ridiculous to deal with. But somehow, Maokai still survives and Cho'Gath became unviable. Can you guys explain for me please?
3. Gnar, I forgot to mention about him in my questions. Yes, he's a very strong champions in bot laning and teamfights. But I still think he's kinda predictable. Of course noone wants to stay close to a Gnar who is having his big form, or reaching 100 fury.
4. Still about the jungle, Shaco, Fiddlesticks are pretty strong in the jungle, but why are they not used in competitive games? They are very popular in soloqueue.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 2:27am | Report
I will try to answer your questions:


Cho Gath

So, what questions do you have about Gnar?

Shaco and Fiddlesticks

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 5:24am | Report
Cho'Gath is tankier, has the better CC and more damage than Maokai, but all of them are inconsistent. He also has the better lane sustain. For that, Maokai has more team utility with his ultimate. The inconsistency of Cho'Gath's tankyness got fixed with the latest ultimate change, as every 24 seconds 1 stack shouldn't be that hard to stack up.

Basically, if the inconsistency is no problem for you or you find other ways to make the inconsistency no problem for you, you should play Cho'Gath. Welp, but who wants to play hard champs over easy champs, right?
He is gonna kill you!!!
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 5:42am | Report
NicknameMy wrote:
Cho'Gath is tankier, has the better CC and more damage than Maokai, but all of them are inconsistent. He also has the better lane sustain. For that, Maokai has more team utility with his ultimate. The inconsistency of Cho'Gath's tankyness got fixed with the latest ultimate change, as every 24 seconds 1 stack shouldn't be that hard to stack up.

The cooldown of Feast being halved, if you kill a minion/monster, does not negate the fact that you can lose 450HP by simply dying. Also, looking purely at base damage, Maokai's damage is comparable to Cho'Gath's ( Feast does make it tip into Cho's favor) and as for CC, Cho'Gath has the "potential" to have better CC, but again the CC is comparable and Maokai provides consistent CC.

NicknameMy wrote:

Basically, if the inconsistency is no problem for you or you find other ways to make the inconsistency no problem for you, you should play Cho'Gath. Welp, but who wants to play hard champs over easy champs, right?

Consistency might not be a big factor in low level solo q, but it's of at most importance in competitive play and it's not about playing hard vs easy champions- it's about playing champions that give the best results consistently. (If you want to win)

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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