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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 27, 2015 11:30am | Report
Don't use smart cast if you do, I can't see it being much of an issue if you don't.

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 27, 2015 11:45am | Report
Don't use smart cast if you do, I can't see it being much of an issue if you don't.

Ah hah! I do primarily default to using smart cast, except for certain abilities such as Viktor's and Rumble's ultimates. Thank you for that!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2015 10:20pm | Report

Runes: Hyd Pen, Health, AP, 2 Arm +1 AP Quint
Masteries: 0-9-21


Darius was losing Top to Pantheon, but Ahri was doing work in Mid against Ziggs. I picked Sona into Vayne and they picked Blitzcrank into me. Joy. Blitz managed a few pulls against both me and Jinx but with the shield and heal from Aria of Perseverance I was able to mitigate much of the damage. We go them low and pushed them under turret and Rek'Sai was able to dive them under tower from behind to get us ahead in the lane. Later Ahri came down from Mid and helped us pick up some more kills.

I went Ancient Coin since I figured I would be playing more passively to avoid getting Blitz hooked and Jinx played things fairly passively for the same reason.

We held the gold lead the entire game.

Things I did well:

Doing Sona things. Healing and shielding people and speeding people up to get them back to lane or to get the around the map faster. Got off a couple of nice Crescendoes that lead to catches or kills.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: N/A

Trading in Lane: in the sense that I should do better with my positioning against champions with a pull like Blitz as I got hooked once early on.

Item Actives: Didn’t have any this game aside from Sightstone.

I went for a more damage oriented build suggested by a and it worked out, however if we had been losing I should have built more defensively. I definitely should have prioritized an earlier Locket of the Iron Solari to help mitigate the damage from Mega Inferno Bomb. A Mikael's Blessing to free up someone stunned by a Condemn or Aegis of Zeonia would have also been useful.

First ranked win since I’ve had some spare time and the inclination to play ranked. Felt good to get off of -3 LP. XD
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2015 1:54pm | Report

Runes: Atk Dmg + 1 Crit, Arm, MR, Atk Dmg Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


First time Olaf vs Irelia. Went Pickaxe first. If I had to do the matchup again, I would go Warden's Mail and a Giant's Belt as my first two purchases. Ekko killed her once in lane but died to the tower to pick up the kill, which gave her a kill and didn’t lose her anything as she was just able to Teleport back to lane once she revived. I died once to her in lane in an all-in that I thought I could win, but no such luck.

If you look at their Sona’s scoreline and build that should tell you pretty much what else you need to know about how the game went.

Things I did well:

Trading in lane was okay. I had Irelia Q farming and bopped her every time she would come in for a CS, but she would just stun me in return. Mercury's Treads might have been a decent choice for an extended laning phase, but they are costly and wouldn't entirely prevent the stun duration.

Things I could do better:

Last Hitting: It was sad this game. I picked up Tiamat first to try and clear waves faster to help the rest of my team because they needed help, but I am not practiced enough with it to make sure I clear a wave cleanly and efficiently.

Item Actives: See above.

Decision Making: Obviously flawed since I failed the only all-in attempt I had against Irelia. Really, I felt that I did what I could given the state of affairs outside my lane. Even pinged and TP ganked bot lane to try and get them a kill, but they were apparently too scared to follow up so I got no backup. Fortunately, I didn’t die because of it.

Well back to 0 LP!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 4, 2015 9:58pm | Report

Runes: Mpen, Arm, MR, AP
Masteries: 0-9-21


I first picked Morgana since I am reasonably comfortable with her in just about any match-up. I thought our ADC was lagging badly, because she kept missing CS that she should have hit and didn’t kite at all. I mentioned in chat that she was going to need to kite and she responded that she was sorry and that she didn’t play ADC much. O-boy! I did my best to keep her alive, but Caitlyn was pretty good and was taking full advantage of us any time we mispositioned. Vi took the chat comment as a sign to turn up the pressure on Bot lane, so I managed to pick up a couple of early kills cleaning up after Jinx had gone down.

Jinx stuck with it though and managed to add some damage and even picked up couple of rocket kills on low health targets.

Ziggs was a beast and pretty much stomped LeBlanc. Vi also contributed a lot to get Darius rolling since he was having some trouble with Yorick and Shaco early on.

We managed to take their outer towers and only lost our outer top in return. I believe they got the first dragon, but we got the next three or four. There was a lull while we figured out how to get in on their inner mid tower, but after a couple of siege attempts were were able to get it.

We managed to get a couple of picks and good team fights after that and knocked down two of their inhibitors and then took Baron. it was pretty much GG after that.

Things I did well:

Trading in lane: I was pretty much the trading in lane. I managed to hit a couple of Dark Bindings and Tormented Shadows to eat into Braum’s health pool but it wan’t sufficient to keep our tower up when Shaco came Bot to gank us from behind.

Last Hitting: Actually did pretty good with this at the times that I had opportunities.

Decision Making: I knew I was going to have to step up an make plays with a neophyte ADC and I did. I also made effective use of my time to get vision in the places we wanted to be/see and deny vision as I could. I also picked up an early Oracle's Lens to keep track of that nasty Shaco as he tried to stealth into team fights.

Things I could do better:

Item Actives: Used Zhonya's Hourglass a little more effectively. I did use it to good effect, but I popped it at least once before I started getting focused, which meant their team was able to back off and more of them would have been able to get away if my team hadn’t been on the ball.

17 LP. Yay!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 5, 2015 7:12pm | Report

Runes: Atk Dmg, Arm, MR, Atk Spd
Masteries: 21-9-0


Was planning on jungling, but the guy below me in the pick order locked in Pantheon and then had the nerve to ask me if I was any good at ADC. I can play it, but it isn’t my best role, which is sup or jg as I called in chat. Grrr.

Went for Ezreal because he suits my playstyle as ADC, which is skittish. I can poke with him from afar and Arcane Shift can get me out of and sometimes into trouble.

Nautilus was a bit touched and kept trying to start fights in the early laning phase. I told him to knock it off, because even if he did catch someone, I didn’t have enough damage to do much with it since my first item was Tear of the Goddess. He toned it down a bit, but it left us weak enough that they were able to four man tower dive us, getting us killed, and costing us a tower.

However, our Tryndamere was doing work and Cassiopeia tried to “help” us, which basically amounted to her slithering into lane and getting a little damage onto the enemy laners, then stealing all the farm that was in lane.

I think Pantheon did things, but I don’t recall ever seeing him on the map, certainly not in Bot.

There was a lot of stupid **** that went on, fortunately there was less stupid stuff on our part, so we eventually won.

Things I did well:

Decision Making: I stayed out of trouble and didn’t do stupid things, hence I didn’t die much. Sometimes that meant I only got an assist, but better than being off map not collecting gold, XP, and contesting for objectives.

Things I could do better:

Trading in lane: This only went well like once. Every other time, Leona jumped on Nautilus and Ashe would slow him and then poke him for half his health bar before he could get away despite me return poking Ashe as much as I could.

Last Hitting: Not horrible, but I've done better with Ez.

Item Actives: Don’t really recall ever using Blade of the Ruined King’s active.

Kiting: I had some lapses on this. I still sometimes fall back to not using attack move. When I reminded myself to attack move and kite, I did better with it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 5, 2015 9:02pm | Report

Runes: Mpen, Arm, MR, AP
Masteries: 0-9-21


This game was way harder and lasted way longer then it should have because of a lot of incompetence on our team’s part.

Our formerly gold Riven kept complaining that we were losing because we didn’t know how to fight and then would dash into their entire team and get CC locked and killed. She had one bit of good advice which was stay spread out to avoid Glacial Prison. If she had just said that it would have been sufficient.

Tryndamere, Veigar, and Riven did a lot of solo roaming, which would sometimes net them a kill and sometimes get them killed.

Fortunately, their team’s incompetence out shown our own in the end.

Things I did well:

Decision Making: Good. I saw our squishy group of champions and knew that I was building a Locket of the Iron Solari as soon as I finished Zhonya's Hourglass. Then when Sivir got fed mid to late game I decided I had better build a Frozen Heart and be a CC and aura bot. We wouldn’t have won without that gear.

Kiting: I used spells to effectively kite a couple of times and did manage to weave in a few auto attacks while doing so. Still room for improvement.

Things I could do better:

Trading in lane: There really wasn’t much trading. I did what damage I could with Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow, though I had to be conscious of Sivir using Spell Shield to block bindings.

Last Hitting: Did ok with this. Still room for improvement.

Item Actives: Kept using Zhonya’s a little earlier than I should have and I think I only used the active on Locket once.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2015 5:54pm | Report

Runes: Mpen, Arm, MR, AP
Masteries: 0-9-21


This literally came down to 200 health on their nexus.

Morgana was terrible in lane, but did okay in team fights.

It basically came down to not having much of an answer for Mordekaiser aside from Annie deleting him when his shield was down, which she wasn’t able to do in the last fight at our Nexus.

Things I did well:

Kiting: I used spells to effectively kite a couple of times. And did manage to weave in a few auto attacks while doing so. Still room for improvement.

Things I could do better:

Decision Making/Item Usage: I don’t know for sure, but we might have been able to stay alive long enough to take their nexus if I had remembered to use the active on Locket of the Iron Solari.

I also don’t know if it would have been better to run in and tank their inhibitor turrets with my shield instead of clearing out the super minions on the way to their Nexus. Really if we has spent 2 seconds less doing that we would have won.

Trading in lane: Good. Though I would have done better if I didn’t have to be concerned about Sivir’s Spell Shield. Morgana only rememebered to use her Black Shield once or twice in lane and really it is on a long enough could down. that it isn’t much of an issue.

Last Hitting: Did ok with this. Still room for improvement.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2015 8:25pm | Report

Runes: Mpen, Arm, MR, AP
Masteries: 0-9-21


The stupid! It hurts!

I think Akali was having connection issues and sadly it resulted in her getting destroyed in lane. Volibear was getting dumpstered by Nasus with some help from Tryndamere. Lucian was yelling at me for not using Dark Binding or Tormented Shadow after I asked him why he dashed into the middled of Blitz and Vayne and died . I was in fact using them. However, I couldn't use them as much as I would have liked to have, because he was letting Vayne push us into our turret by not matching her auto attack for auto attack. I solved that problem by making sure my Tormented Shadow caught the back edge of the minion wave when I could safely hit Blitz our Vayne. That helped us push out and gave me space to hit bindings. We got them pretty low. Then Lucian dived them under tower and got one and then died. Then did pretty much the same thing the next go round except Amumu was there for a gank, however they neglected to finish off the tower which had a sliver of health so they took a bunch of tower aggro and the super fed Zed came and cleaned us all up. I got the damn tower though.

The there was a lot of solo shenanigans after someone says “Let’s group!”. Which was a good idea since were actually winning team fights at that point. The soloists died lonely deaths leaving a couple of us to kill off enroaching super minions.

Then there was chasing people while minions killed a Nexus turret. Which in turn allowed Tryndamere to back door the last turret and the Nexus while my team was pushing their outer base turret. The End.

Things I did well:

I feel like I played this one as well as I could under the circumstances. At least 6 of Nasus’s twelve deaths are because of me. Two I think were me dealing the killing blow. I went for an AP build because we didn’t have a lot of concentrated AP damage with Akali being a sad ninja and the fact that the other team didn’t have much CC and I knew Amumu and Volibear would be building tanky.

Things I could do better:

Try to get my team to group up when we seem like we have an advantage? We had Amumu for goodness sake. You don’t get much better at team fighting than that.

I don't know exactly what Amumu was *****ing about. God tier champions? They had a bunch of assassins that are all susceptible to CC and we had a pretty good amount of CC. It was primarily the early game that cost us this one.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 9, 2015 9:59pm | Report

Runes: Mpen, sArm, sMR, AP
Masteries: 21-9-0


I didn't know if I would be up against Akali or Tahm Kench, but I figured Swain would be a decent counter to either and I was right, Swain > Tahm Kench. To be sure I had some help from Kayle but once I got Rod of Ages I was able to bully him every time he showed up to farm.

Things I did well:

Beat up on Tahm with a little help from my jungler, Kayle.

Things I could do better:

Last hitting. Numbers were not as good as they could have been.

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