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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2017 7:15pm | Report

Quinn was kind of irritating. I just maxed E and farmed that way. Actually kept up with her in farm reasonably well, which means she wasn't farming super well. Got first turret again with some help from Brand, who played the early game really well. Then their team hit their mid game power spikes and we started losing ground. Late game, we worked on keeping Zed off of Jhin and Master Yi was able to saw through Tahm Kench and Warwick with some help from me. I did actually move around the map to try and help the team, but either our team or their team was dead by the time I got close to the action in most cases. Still managed to farm up my items and be a meat shield with decent damage come late game.

Wondering if I should just focus on Top lane. I honestly get tired of all the cries for help when playing for jungle. Top lane just need to watch for opportunites to Teleport or walk down if you think it is looking like it is time to be someplace (okay that is an over simplification, but you are on a little more and island, which can be nice at times).

Master Yi irritated me on his first gank. He pinged he was coming in and I pinged that I didn't have Wither yet so just wait. But he wasn't waiting. So of course Quinn manages to get away it would have most likely been a kill had Yi waited.

Need to figure out how to ping that I am X gold from and item.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2017 8:18pm | Report

This was a **** show. Twisted Fate was getting ****ped on by Katarina, who by the way can take towers pretty damn fast with a Hextech Gunblade. And my Bot lane was unglued to the point that they were *****ing at each other. I picked up a couple of early kills and then it was just getting 4 man dove or 3v1d by Katarina. I couldn't really fathom why the TF didn't buy an Abyssal Mask first or at least a freaking Rod of Ages for some health. Oy!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2017 9:21pm | Report

Okay, Top may indeed be my new thing. Watching SoloRenektonOnly has helped a lot. When you need to ward. How to freeze the wave or to look at it and see if it is going to push to or from you (still need some work in this area). When to walk down for things even if your Teleport isn't up. I fat fingered my TP after we took a Earth dragon and didn't make it back in time before Pantheon killed my tower. Was a little worried about Lee Sin getting in to steal the dragon since Master Yi was dead but Leona was punching him in the face.

Note too self kids if you as the jungler invade when your laners don't have priority and you get collapsed on and die. Do not blame your laner. I missed a freaking wave for the Yi and had to go back to lane with 0 mana and vs a Top laner with Blue Buff that he got from the Yi and oh yeah the reason the Pantheon could collapse on him was because Master Yi did not wait until I had Wither for the gank, just like the last Master Yi that I played with as Nasus.

Honorable mentions to the Malzahar and Leona who waited until I was in a position to help in order to gank and help kill Pantheon.

Vayne and Thresh were an irritating duo to try and get to. I managed to wipe her a couple of times, but it was not without a lot of effort.

5 towers destroyed and 3 inhibitors destroyed. Not too shabby for a doggie.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2017 11:11pm | Report

Bot and Mid kinda got ****ped on. Didn't like the matchup into Cho'Gath that well. Very wet nooddly. Sort of except even when I bought some MR he hurt like hell. Think I would get boots first if I got into that matchup again to dodge his ****. Then need to keep him shoved out so he can't nom my tower. He was suprisingly fast. Maybe the Dead Man's Plate? Or maybe it was that plus all the slows in his kit and items. Was kind of a pain for even Udyr to catch him. Dodging his skill shots got much easier once I had Tier Two Boots, though maybe Boots of Swiftness might have been and even better buy. Of course that doesn't deal with the duration on his silence. But if you can dodge the Rupture and move out of range of Feral Scream you've mitigated a lot of his damage and CC.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2017 11:17pm | Report

And my Bot lane got ****ped on again in this lane. Why silvers play Draven I will never fathom. He has a big red X that says I am go to go here next. I'm sure their Blitzcrank enjoyed that feature. Though to be fair the Blitzcrank was on point with his hooks. A Janna that died 8 times. They take away your Janna card for that, right? Oh and then there was the walking of Draven and Janna right into the Kha'Zix that were all pinging was coming up the river toward them on a freaking ward. Double kill!!!! Le sigh. When I play Kha'zix it seems like everyone hugs their turret the first twelve minutes of the game at least. Winnable but we had to play a little bit better than we did especially in the early game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2017 1:12am | Report

Really should have dodged this game when our top locked in Garen vs Quinn. I figured that matchup would suck. I ganked her at level 3 but the Garen neglected to help me so I ended up dying to her, really found her very hard to deal with throughout the game because of the blind and the dash away. So, had Mid and Top getting ****ped on and I was behind from having to dodge Shaco. Should have gone for a more defensive build after Enchantment: Bloodrazor to be a little sturdier after the early game went poorly. Ezreal was our one shining light, but his backpack wasn't big enough for all of us.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2017 1:17am | Report
That's a shame. It also looks like your Annie was having trouble mid. All the best for your next game!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2017 1:24am | Report

Oy, people make the games harder than they need to be. Key people being in places where they should not be and dying. Singed is just freaking annoying. Doesn't really matter how many times you kill him and we killed at least twice in the early game. Caitlyn got ****ped on throughout the game. End game I dove on top of Miss Fortune and Annie followed up with Summon: Tibbers to finish her off. We killed everyone except Poppy in that fight and then ran it up mid for the win.

Third game with a slightly different Shyvana build. It packs a lot of movement speed options into the kit to do what Shyvana needs to do, which is stick to her target. Probably the biggest weakness is still to blinds because that prevents you from autoattacking, so you have to watch taking her into champions like Quinn and Teemo. I also think that if you get behind you need to go defenisve before Blade of the Ruined King. I picked up Hexdrinker after Enchantment: Bloodrazor and Mercury's Treads to deal with the instances where I might get snared by Lux and ulted by her. The shield payed of a couple of times.

Ooo, nice managed to flame horizon Poppy.

The build goes like this:

Marks: 9 Atk Spd Marks, Seals: 4 Armor + 5 Health/lvl, Glyphs: 6 CDR/lvl + 3 MR/lvl Quints: 3 MS

Masteries: 18-0-12 with Fervor of Battle for the Keystone


Stalker's Blade + Enchantment: Bloodrazor
Mercury's Treads
Blade of the Ruined King
Black Cleaver
Dead Man's Plate
Maw of Malmortius

Situational Guardian Angel

This gives you a way to shred armor, life steal, 40% CDR, and lots of ways to catch or catch up to targets. This game I opted to go with Guardian Angel instead of the Black Cleaver because I was our teams primary mode of engage.

Obviously, you can replace the boots and armor with other choices such as Ninja Tabi and Randuin's Omen, the later if you are dealing with crit based champions.

I don't much care for ganking with her before level 6 and the Stalker's Blade. I feel like farming like a boss is the way to go and to try and right the ship come midgame if the early game goes poorly for your team, unless a perfect opportunity presents itself.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2017 12:27pm | Report

Long and bloody game. Accumulated enough gold to sell Black Cleaver and buy a Blade of the Ruined King because I wanted some lifesteal to try and stay alive in fights for a few seconds longer. Probably should have opted for a Guardian Angel as well since diving in to their team wasn't good for my longevity. Managed to 1v1 the Lucian and come out on top of that, which was satisfying. We ended up losing one of our Nexus towers after a fight gone wrong but Varus cleaned up Lee Sin and one of their other champions. We took Elder Dragon and Baron off of that but weren't able to do much with either since we had two inhibitors down. It basically came down to a final team fight where we somehow came out ahead, leaving only Lucian alive on their side. Our team was able to catch Lucian under their Nexus turret and kill though Varus picked up turret aggro in the process and almost died. With long death timers and three of our teammates still up we were able to take down their Nexus for the win.

Not wholly sold on Black Cleaver maybe if you are doing well enough to feel comfortable buying three damage oriented items in a row, but since I was going to be dealing with a Lee Sin and a Zed I opted into armor for my third item in Dead Man's Plate, which really isn't that much armor at 50. I really like BotRK for the lifesteal and the increased burn rate on objectives such as Baron and Dragons.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2017 4:04pm | Report

This one felt odd toward late game. We had them somewhat bottled up in their base, though whenever they did come out and we team fought they would win. Jinx was a big problem at that point. We could shove waves into them, but she could quickly clear them. And then while I could get to her in fights, I wasn't able to do enough damage to kill her before going down. Really I think we needed to setup for Baron and then hopefully have Jax dive in so Malzahar could ult him, which would take one of their big threats out of the game. Then we needed to focus on taking down Jinx as it would have been hard to kill them from front to back with Jinx hammering us from a mile away with rockets. But I saw a chance to try and grab her in a choke point around Baron but went to hard on it and ended up in the middle of their team and got blown up with the rest of my team not really being on the same page. So that was my fault for letting my desire to make something happen out weigh our need to setup the right conditions to take a team fight.

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