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FalseoGod's journey to Narnian Elo

Creator: FalseoGod December 6, 2012 7:02pm
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2014 10:26am | Report

Today's ranked in a nutshell, going out hence no moar ranked. Road to Plat so far has been pretty uneventful.

Nami game they picked a Caitlyn and since I didn't wanna risk Lulu against a Cait/Sona lane (their support remained to be seen), I prefered to offer a bit of sustain to our lane (don't play Sona out of aram). They got Annie, my duoq friend picked Ezreal.

Lane was pretty easy, I didn't really let engages happen, maxed W and we baited a trade where my rush heal + damage combined with Ez moving correctly and getting Caitlyn inside a bubble won us the trade. We recalled before annie duo'd us, came back, got more kills and then we started to dominate the game.

Second game I was with a stranger Lulu versus Caitlyn/ Janna lane. Caitlyn was pretty bad, didn't try to poke me out so instead we poked them hard. Enemy Evelynn ganked, they focused Lulu because she was out of position, Lulu died and I got to kill Eve and Jarvan came from lane to net us a Janna. I had 1.9K gold so I got a BF Sword, boots and from then on we just crushed the game as well.
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 24, 2014 8:32pm | Report

Qualified for Plat V series, yay! Imma do them tomorrow, kinda tired and it's late anyway.

Bellow you can see today's rankeds and imma describe each really fast-y.

Game 1: Sivir because MissMaw asked me if I could duoQ and I said "k" coz I know shegud. I was gonna mid but the 4th pick sounded like a trash adc and he wanted me sobad I gave him a chance. Boy I kinda regret that, although if he also sucked @adc it wouldn't matter. I got fed pretty fast, Jov did good engages and Jinx was trash tier. Enemy Kha'Zix got fed but he was also trash tier.

Actually, they were all trash tier, except my jungler, top and mid were worse. Did a quadra, tried my best to win the game but was pretty hard when Kayle blew he ults on our Olaf, couldn't Q+E+Auto for life and our Olaf wasn't sure if he wanted to man-mode or not, just running in circles. Meh.


Game 2: Was mid Morgana versus a trashy Zyra who missed a gazillion cs early coz she figured "let's harass this morgana champ", missing half her Qs and me healing the other half. Maw had to play ADC, so she went Sivir (they had an aggressive initiation). Our Vi got fed on the trashy Zyra and so did I, we did some good engages, Warwick is a trash champion who relies on a single skill with a higher cooldown than my Black Shield and I ended the game by hitting Q on Zyra under top tower, flash+ult after self-shielding, pooping on Warwick's and Leona's ults, using zhonya and letting team cleanup. Ez.


Game 3: Oh man this game. So they had a Twitch jungle, we had good invasion comp but they counterinvaded. I died and blew both summoner's (barrier+flash) but we got to 3-2. I return to lane, carefully trying to cs, but twitch just tanks like 1 tower hit to make sure he's 100% on top of me, and Syndra gets a kill. The rat then ****s pretty much every lane, Syndra gets huge and we can't do **** even though our elise was fed (and flaming). Enemy Vayne also got ahead and our Jinx was pretty airheaded, missing out some good plays on our side that won us teamfights. In the end the rat ****ed us all.


Game 4: Twitch jungle again, same guy. Except this time I'm jungling and I swear to myself I'd make him regret it. SUCCESS.
We start to invade, me telling them they'd try the same. We get Ziggs and lose nothing. Rat gives up on his red and goes to ours, so I don't get to steal it. I then start counterjungling like an *** and stay close to midlane, pretty sure he'd go there. Nidalee survives the gank without my intervention and recalls. I fight Twitch over his wraiths because I saw Ziggs sleeping (the rat was trying to wake him up, nope).

Game is pretty stalled at that point, with me interrupting him but botlane sorta losing. Finally, I managed a good gank midlane, getting the rat and ziggs. From then on we start slowly collecting objectives, rat gets behind, our Jax gets fat and our Jinx starts getting pretty strong as well. Nid and Jinx totally carried endgame.


Game 5: And I'm Elise again. Do red-blue and get ready to gank top, but first I was gonna ward the tribush, when a wild 2/3 HP Kha'Zix jungle appears, so I hit him hard and force him to jump + flash my E. I wondered if he'd dare go to golems, he sees me and casts W, I force him to go undertower with enemy Warwick. Both pretty much dying, me and Nidalee forcing them. Finally, Kha tries to Jump away so I rappel + Q for first blood. We dive Warwick for a kill for Nid.

Then our Katarina pings Zed was missing. I hid on the river bush, stun and combo Zed, he uses the shadow so I rappel + Q and he dies while flashing. Woo, 5 minutes 2-0.

From then on I counterjungled Kha's ***, put him forever behind and we just raped. Kata went 12-0 <3
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 25, 2014 12:38pm | Report

Yay Plat 5. 22-8 Ranked, aced the series! (tho I did get carried this last game, thank you katawiener)

These are my series results:

All games were relatively simple: game 1 everyone and everything wrecked (except maybe our Dr. Mundo top but game was over so early I don't even). I had an ex-diamond Lee and Draven on the team, helped Draven secure an early kill and snowball, also helped lee catch a **** ton of people with W + E on him and then Q so Vi couldn't run much after using her own Q. Was fun. Rekt.

Second game I was Caitlyn and Leona versus Thresh and Ezreal, out'cs'ed him in lane by 40, became more relevant and did a triple somewhere I think. Only issue was the Wukong who was fed and went full AD early, but I bought a pink to help us contest the inhib + pink and give them way too many worries while I had red buff and our team had a strong initiation as well, and then we just got all objectives and kept acing them as they respawned.
There was a drama moment when I was the only one alive and they killed me one auto from destroying the nexus, but next teamfight corrected that.

Third game Kata was wrecking, bot was sucking (our Ashe was like a zombie or something idk). Counterjungled Elise's *** so hard I was 7 and she was 5 (even tho she took my red early when I took hers and left the small ones like a moron), but midgame Jinx and Orianna were recovered and we had a hard time giving Kata the right time for ulting. However, the last teamfight I just went crazymode through their lines to cause panic, Orianna panic ulted me and blitz alone while thresh tried to peel and then kata just wrecked the ranks and got a penta. I swear to god the guy lost an eyeball while hitting the keyboard with his face so hards (thanks for carreee)
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 26, 2014 1:41am | Report
Grats on plat!
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 26, 2014 4:38am | Report
Thanks Xiao! Mobafire's elo updates have been iffy as of late so I'm not sure if you're back at D1 already, but if so great job you climbed sofast O.O

FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2014 8:13pm | Report

I decided to restart my climbing after getting over my disheartning Plat experience where it seems there are still morons everywhere (my Swain game did get my heart broken, ohwell).

So, real fast-y: Swain game I recked their Zed (he went 3/6) our botlane also recked. Our top Olaf was kinda stupid and died a few times. We start teamfighting, we wreck. Then our Ez and Thresh get caught by five men while pushing mid (enemy blitz had a talisman of ascension; he also carried the game alone). We lose inhib because of that. Still, we control the baron and restart pushing. We ask to regroup, Olaf goes bot and, as soon as he shows in the map (even as we retreat), enemy blitz pops talisman, Zed flashes + w + ults our Ezreal, I cast Nevermove while I get hooked by blitz flash (my flash was off), get 4 man ********ed (popped zhonya but still 4 men and had ignite on me) we all die and olaf can't defend.

RIP. Got really pissed.


Elise game there was a bit of a mess during champ pick. Our Ryze said "mid/top", they picked brand and ren and Ryze had TP so I assumed he was going top. I accept to trade my Elise with the last pick who'd pick me a mid when Ryze decides he's mid. Since I hardly play top and there was a panicked "omg too much ap" remark I couldn't say anything and our last pick got Malphite.

Malphite sucked balls during lane phase. I got fed but the game looked kinda "eh". Our Vayne also got fed during ganks + assists and we started getting back together as a team. Malph and I baited great ult setups for him and we aced most fights. Plus enemy Caitlyn thought she was melee or something idk.


Lulu game was my turn to get a dumb Caitlyn (she'd literally position away from the minion wave and gave Thresh at least 7 clean hooks in lane). Our top Lee Sin got wrecked by Warwick although our mid Kayle was even against Fizz. Slowly I started getting real fed due to people committing to real **** or doing the dumbest dives EU. I flashed for like 4 saves, got a double on Warwick and Lucian and the only real time I "****ed up" they used 4 ults on me alone (fizz, WW, lucian and noct) so we got an ace for me (shutdown tho so worth for them..ish)


Rito pls fix Sejuani mana costs, god. It's so hard to jungle with her mostly coz her Q costs 231487414 Mana, her early sucks and she has ****py base mana/regen. But hey, 5-2 with her.

This game I cleared all buffs, went top to gank but wu counterganked forcing me to recall. Our Thresh gets first blood on Janna and I can't really go anywhere since all lanes were pushed. Stayed mostly around mid because we saw glimpses of Wukong and I wanted to be close to countergank.

Eventually their blue pops up, we force a fight and win by a great margin, allowing us to claim their blue, dragon and our buffs. From then on I kept assisting mostly top and mid since bot was pressuring pretty hard and getting away with it. Me and Fizz got Rengar some great kills and in return he got to their inhib towers. Mid game there was a lot of stalling on their side and we couldn't really dive because of the potential AoE displacement from Gragas, Janna and Wukong (not to mention their Tristana is a naturally slippery champ). However, we faked baron, got a few kills, then a few towers, then baron, then the game. It took a bit because their Gragas started to become a nuisance.


Next update will probably only be some event, such as Series.
<Magic Man>
Bryun's Forum Avatar
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May 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2014 8:17pm | Report

FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 4:33am | Report
I've tried to Urban Dictionary that sxc, it said "Sucking Extreme ****". So huh, thanks? <.<
<Guide Critic>
EdisonKhoo's Forum Avatar
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Jun 29th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 5:14am | Report
LOL, u must be mad when you lose the Swain game, you're got 8/1/1
Thanks to jhoijohi for this sig ^^
Check out my Syndra guide here
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2014 5:29am | Report
EdisonKhoo wrote:

LOL, u must be mad when you lose the Swain game, you're got 8/1/1

Pretty mad, specially coz I was 8/0 and my death was a mix of our Thresh not even throwing the lantern or having talisman of ascension to counter theirs, Olaf being in another lane for no reason and their Blitzcrank flash+Q+w+r+ignite on me and the team actually trying to fight them when they're 3v5 which automatically lost us the game (enemy had kha zed and jinx, cya towers)

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