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Vayne Build Guide by othisdede

AD Carry Make your way with Vayne

AD Carry Make your way with Vayne

Updated on October 26, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author othisdede Build Guide By othisdede 3,062 Views 7 Comments
3,062 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author othisdede Vayne Build Guide By othisdede Updated on October 26, 2013
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Hello folks;this is my first guide i'm a bit nervous; yet i hope you'll like this guide. First things first,YOU MUST LOOK ALL BUILDS AND CHANGE THEM ON SITUATIONS. I'll try to explain when to build what. Vayne is a really item dependant champion so whatever you build will effect the early mid and late game. This guide will change much;think of this as a sample with core information about Vayne
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Why playing Vayne?

The most important feature that vayne provides to her players is constant repositioning mechanism with high damage. That makes vayne probably the most fun to play adc. I've been playing vayne like 8 months and i can say i made her my main. Her ridicule cc and being able to duel almost anyone around makes him a viable choice despite his bad early game.
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Summoner Choices

This is also based on other team too and the items that you're going to build. I list the summoners you can use with order.
It is mediocre for almost all carries.Can be used both offensive and defensive.No need to describe it much .PICK IT.

Barrier will help you survive through burst dps charges from supports mages,helps you bait to low hp.

It is a viable choice if you're against high cc team.( Fiddlesticks, Lulu, Nasus, Shen etc.)

It is viable,if you want to trade your duel efficiency with becoming a splitpushing devil.
Belive me ,its not worth with this less hp to go for a second offensive choice.
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The world is not always as civilized as people might think. There are still those who would follow the blackest paths of magic and become corrupted by the darker powers that flow through Runeterra. Shauna Vayne knows this fact well. As a young privileged girl in the heart of Demacia's elite, her father tried to convince her of the constabulary's ever-vigilant eye. Young and naive, she truly believed that her world was one of perfect safety, until one night, when a twisted witch took interest in her father. The malevolent woman overcame her father's conciliar guard, then tortured her family before murdering them. The young Shauna escaped only by hiding herself and then fleeing once the hag had departed, plagued by the screams of her loved ones as she ran. A burning hatred was born in her that day, one that could never be denied.
Vayne was able to take care of herself using her father's money, and she began to train as soon as an instructor would have her as a student. By the time she was a fully grown woman, she had become a grim warrior. However, the fields of battle were not to be her home. Demacia needed a protector, one who hunted those lost to the darkness. Shauna used her family's contacts to become the first Night Hunter, and now her prowess is the stuff of legends. It is said that those who practice the black arts quake when they hear that the Night Hunter is on the prowl. Despite her crusade, Shauna has looked at the League of Legends in horror. There are champions who have clearly lost themselves to the blackest of magics, and who have been embraced within the League even though they should be put down for the safety of all. The time has come for the Night Hunter to execute her secret mission - to purge the League of Legends.

"Not all shadows are to be feared. At least, if Vayne has her way."

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Pros and Cons


-Constant repositioning.
-High damage.
-Excellent dueler.
-True damage.
-Only carry that has cc before level 6.

-Low starting hp.
-Hard to master condemn.
-Requires time to learn tumble.
-Really low range.
-Vulnerable to early poke.
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Fury :Will help you proc your Silver Bolts.

Butcher :Helps your cs and early game.

Deadliness :Who doesnt want extra +12 ad.

Destruction :Helps splitpushing a lot.

Weapon Expertise :Helps you slice through heavy armored opponents.

Lethality :Will effect your damage really well since critic means %250 damage with ie.and means extra %12.5 ad per crit

Frenzy :Will give you a dagger for every time you crit.

Sunder :More arp means more damage,helps your damage output and fits your anti tank personality.

Executioner :Helps you finish your targets easier.


Durability :Lets you survive 1 more attack and this means a lot if you're adc.

Hardiness :Will help your trades against their carry.

Resistance :Will help you trade against support and mid.You may change this mastery if your lane opponent has lesser poke and max the hardiness.

Veteran's Scars :Will help you survive in early game.

Pretty much classic adc runes masteries.The reason why i pick Butcher and Destruction is about the playstyle.Vayne's skillset allows her to split push well,and those masteries help him more than Havoc in my opinion.It can be changed if you wish though it makes around 6 damage for 300 ad which is pretty much low.Also Butcher will help you last hitting in early game.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
The things you can change here is using flat magic resist or change one lifesteal rune to damage. You should balance the mix according to your lane and general comp. If your lane has heavy physical poke without even spellshots like Caitlyn or Miss Fortune you should maximize the lifesteal quints to stay longer at lane and farm. If you have high magical damage poke in lane such as Zyra and Lulu you may go flat runes to counter the early lane pressure.
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Skill Description

Night hunter: Helps you chase down your opponents;yet the most important part of this skill is letting you move fast in teamfights and duels when pressing on helps dodging skillshots.
Tumble: Lets you roll for a new position and your next attack will deal higher damage. Lower cd and higher damage percent if you max it first.(like 2 seconds)Probably your characters bread and butter if you can use the attack reset by aa first and press the tumble to make two attacks quick proccing your Silver Bolts
Silver bolts: That skill gives you extra attack damage per hit. Gives +55 attack at its last level and most importantly deals %hp as true damage. This skill with Blade of the Ruined King and Last Whisper will make you an anti tank carry.
Condemn: Knocks back the opponent and if there is a wall behind it at low range makes it stunned for 1.5 seconds. Really hard to master,wrong usage might lead your opponent to survive.
Final hour Lets you go all in.Extra damage and triples the ms bonus of your night hunter. You may use it on team objectives like dragon or baron nashor. And also gives your Tumble invisibility for a short duration which makes you take 1 less auto attack or creating chaos on teamfights.
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Item choice

Buiding items accordingly is a main point when playing Vayne.Taking correct items for correct comps is really important.
Itemization will change your dueling potential.You can even duel a Zed if you're building Quicksilver Sash.Or even if you get feared 4 secs for fear by a wild Fiddlesticks you can end up with a penta kill.
To decently build look other teams comp.You saw a leblanc? go for banshee to tolerate the burst.You saw a fizz use your QSS to break Chum the Waters tumble away or go Guardian Angel.
If they lack cc go for my BOTRK,TRINY,IE build.This build will give almost everything you need.If they're tanky with low cc then build Last Whisper before going Trinity Force and Infinity Edge.That build will probably outdps the PE,IE build.

I'll try to explain when to use each item and why:
What Trinity Force provide
*Probably the highest damage potential.
*Adds you extra kiting ability
*Every time you tumble you gain passive of trinity.

What Blade of the Ruined King provide
*Makes you an excellent dueler.
*Gives Vayne the early attack speed she needs.
*Lifesteal makes vayne stay longer in lane;and vayne needs farm.

What Quicksilver Sash provide
*Adds survivabilty from summoners such as Ignite and Exhaust.
*Lets you survive from heavy cc like annie's stun;nasus's slow,fiddle's fear.
*Lets you survive the high damaged spells that are activated later(zed's Death Mark,fizz' Chum the Waters).

What Phantom Dancer provide
*Extra movement speed with Night Hunter.
*Adds decent amount of damage and increases dps with Silver Bolts extra damage.

What Banshee's Veil provide
*Survival from most of mages which combo's their spells like orianna's ulti combo,annie's tibber combo etc.

What Zephyr provide
*Adds tenacity lowers stuns silence fears.And vayne shouldnt get cc'ed too long.
*Gives extra attack damage at early level rather then crit.So in early levels it increases vayne's dps more.

What Last Whisper provide
*Helps you peel down tanks.If they dont have tanks you may actually skip this and go for a Bloodthirster

What Sword of the Divine provide
*Mix this with Infinity Edge and click the item.You'll 3 hit most of the ap and ad carries.

What Infinity Edge provide
*Probably adds the most dps if you have some basic attack speed.
*Gets synced with Phantom Dancer, Trinity Force, Sword of the Divine.

What Black Cleaver provide
*Lets your team too to damage better heavy armored targets.
*Procs with your high attack speed which all of your builds need.

What Randuin's Omen provide
*Helps against ad mids.
*Helps at dueling with adc.

What Frozen Mallet provide

*The one you hit once cant escape because of your high attack speed.
*Gives a little bit tankiness.

What Guardian Angel provide
*You can take down some heavy cc or heavy damage skills with you and make the opponents wait for your revive.

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When to pick Vayne?

+If your lane opponent depends on spellshots,low range.( Ezreal Sivir)
+If your opponent has lesser poke. ( Soraka Taric)
+Your mid lane opponent has no stuns that have higher range than you ( Ryze Annie)
+Against tanky comps ( Nasus Shen )
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Your early game with Vayne is bad. Your Tumble has high cooldown,your mana is low which makes you hard to overuse Condemn. This will be the hardest part of your game. The main item of Vayne is lifesteal items such as Blade of the Ruined King and Bloodthirster.
Your laning must be at your turret and the first lower bush if you're getting outranged.The simple tactic for last hitting the creeps is let the turret hit melee minions twice and last hit it. For the range minions hit once wait till turret hits and use your aa to finish and get the creep.
[nextcol width= 600]I wont normally try to last hit this much and i pretty much lost my focus at endgame still managed to get 350 creeps because of my good laning phase. Lucian was pretty passive and thresh was passive.Dont go passive for vayne or you'll get crushed if you let her farm. Even though blitz was on his bad day i somewhat take the adventage because of their passive gamestyle. Finished the game with 24 5. I normally dont try this hard for a normal game yet i want to serve a decent guide so i must pay the price.

Your basic poke mechanism as vayne is really hard yet it exists for low range targets. You should time your opponents last hit;aa and Tumble instantly for 2 hit, you may go for condemn to proc Silver Bolts and make the third hit which deals loads of damage.

This is the time where you should aim your strikes.This image will change since i'm too far away with sivir in this occasion yet you should get the idea.
With the advantage sivir let me by hitting for the last hit i landed my auto attack and tumble in instant at a different time on this game. And after that take a look where i position myself. You should always think the line that i draw. In this situation i done a condemn to the wall and completed my 3 hit combo.Then it was easy to kill her while she's pinned down to wall.
Spoiler: Click to view

When to go golem?

When you have a hard lane and when you go base if the lane is pushed to opponents turret,you'll probably have problems at cs. At those times go for the golem till the wave comes under your turret so you can stay at safe range.In this situation look annie and count her as caitlyn.She would've shoot you till you reach your turret and under your turret you have more chance to cs.So dont miss the opportunity for extra exp and gold from golem.

Keeping your advantage

If you think your lane is won and team is winning the game you may prolong the game by only last hitting and not pushing the turret.Taking the turret down will make you a gank target where you actually in closer to enemy jungle's path.

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Before you read this part. I must tell you one thing.Supports are fun to play if you can play. AND THEY REALLY EFFECT THE GAME COURSE. I'm telling the people who're reading this guide. Try to learn all the positions well to be good at this game. To play your character good,you must play others to learn the skills of them position and your skills.

So lets come to main part.
There are 3 types of support:
+High risk high reward support(no hook=gg wrong inition=gg)( Blitzcrank, Thresh, Alistar, Leona )
+Medium risk support (skillshot and requires positioning) ( Zyra, Lulu, Nami )
+Low risk support(has heals and no skillshots) ( Soraka, Taric, Janna, Sona )

You'll make your lane strategy with your supports. With high risk supports; you may want to push with his lane presence. With medium risk supports; depending on their poke and your hp you may go either initiate or fall back.With low risk supports; you probably end up being under your turret and wait for an opportunity.(sona is an exception for being both safe and makes decent poke without skillshots)
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Split pushing

This is where vayne shines most. Before using splitpush you must be aware your opponents positions and watch them till you finish your splitpush. The most important thing is constantly looking at enemies that are missing. If you think you can 1v1 with your target stay in lane, if you're unsure fall back. You must choose the moments where they group up.And spam the v button to your team and make them stay under turret.
What will this provide:
You'll pull a guy to your lane makes it 4v4 and you get away with your extra farm that is provided from splitpush.
As i said when you splitpush you're basically free farming when others dont.Vayne does need a lot of farm.
If you pull 2 guys than you'll constantly tell your team to initiate its 4v3 makes you win a probable teamfight. Then this'll probably lead a turret or objective letting your team in adventagous situation.


In this photo my team was at first at jungle and was near turret.I really dont know its a mistake or not yet i saw 5 pushing we had 4 under turret.I decided to splitpush.Before i even go for a couple of creeps to push trynd died and my team was still in jungle.We lost 2 turrets and an inhibitor for my attempt

In the second one jinx was trying to splitpush without no vision at all.And didnt knew my team was coming from our jungle.So she died.

And here i show a correct splitpushing example.I first pushed the lane from our upper golem side to our second turret first and go in a bush to persuade people i'm not there and not to pull people.Some of enemies were still dead and our team straightly go dragon there which is a good think to do after the baron.

I was pinging my team to fall back since all of the enemies just revived and if you dont count me they cant 4v5 them.Yet something that i didnt expect happened.Enemy team did send 2 guys in front and get caught so 2 died.And we had the baron 3 were defending their inner turret.


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As an adc dont try to hit the squishiest target. Pick your targets one by one. That is a general tactic. You should try to hit the squishiest and most damage dealing character, yet if you get outranged then you shouldnt push your luck much. Then you'll find yourself in front of an angry Shen or Alistar where you'll get cc'ed and die.

This is a perfect example for how you kite.It'll probably take dosens of practice and skill to kite like this yet its the rewarding part of vayne.You probably know the video of doublelift senpai:

/league-of-legends/item/quicksilver-sash-94 The basic positioning as vayne is always think of a line to your opponent and prolong the line.If there is a wall on this line you can Condemn.

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Turret wreckage and turret also counts as wall.

Tumble is the second thing when kiting. If your opponent comes to you depending on his skill range Tumble back to avoid. If an opponent tries for skillshot you can Tumble to sides. And remember you cant dps while you're dead.Survive as much as you can so you can deal more damage.In baron or dragon if you use tumble to a wall it'll make a lesser hop and aa so you'll decrease the interval with your auto attack and tumble combo.So you increase your damage.
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Even though i turned it more visual it still needs loads of work. And please state your reasons why you up or downvote so i can work on it. I made this guide to learn different perspectives of vayne from you guys so please tell me your advices.Oncoming lane opponents one by one,how to act based on your and enemy teams bot lane strategy.
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