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Kayle Build Guide by Razyelx

AP Carry NEW [S4] 5v5 Kayle Guide by Pro.N00Bs

AP Carry NEW [S4] 5v5 Kayle Guide by Pro.N00Bs

Updated on June 26, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Razyelx Build Guide By Razyelx 1 7 9,302 Views 18 Comments
1 7 9,302 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Razyelx Kayle Build Guide By Razyelx Updated on June 26, 2014
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Hello, I am Razyelx from Pro N00Bs and this is my second guide, right now for 5v5 Kayle in season 4. For those who already knows me, this guide will be very similiar to my previous guide for 3v3 Kayle, but I will rewrite it for 5v5 and add different Tactis, Examples, Items and so on.

I tried many ways how to play Kayle, from support Kayle, jungle Kayle, 21/0/9 Kayle to 29/0/1 Kayle which is in my opinion the best, because the damage you do is just INSANE and I mean incredible!

"Wow, wow, hold on uncle Razyelx! But what about defense? You can't survive anything!"

Well, maybe I didn't say it clear enough. After you read this guide your damage will be UNSTOPPABLE! You don't need any defense because after you hit your enemy 2 times with your auto-attack + one Reckoning, they will run for their life and won't believe your damage! Don't even try to play Kayle passively! You need to be aggressive, because you can beat ANYONE and I mean anyone! Even if they gank you 3vs1, if you have your Ignite and Intervention, you can still kill 1 or 2 before you die and your team will clear out the rest.

"Wow, wow, hold on uncle Razyelx! But why are you only Platinum and Gold in Solo-que when it is so over-powered?"

Well, that's simple. Me and my friends haven't spend any money into League of Legends and we have pretty few champions and Kayle is usually numero uno BAN and I am forced to play different champions. Solo-que is different story, but everyone knows about the kids playing there, that go afk after you kill them 1 minion on lane.

Here are some wins, when we had lucky day and they didn't ban Kayle to show you how this build is OVER-POWERED!

Now, let's don't waste time and go for the guide!
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Pros / Cons

+ Extremely strong early game damage.
+ Easy farming with your Righteous fury.
+ Extremely strong mid game damage.
+ Can heal allies and slow enemies.
+ Easy to learn.
+ Can save teammate lives with Intervention.
+ Extremely strong late game damage.

- Early extreme mana hunger.
- Somehow weaker in one hour game.
- Dies like a Teemo if ulti not ready.
- Hard to master.
- CCs are Kayles greates weakness.
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This is the secret to Kayle strength. Most guys would take only the ability power tree, BUT that's a mistake! I played loooooong time with 21/0/9 and its good, but its not IT! You just don't have the damage.

29/0/1 is the best because Kayle is a hybrid champion, which deals a tons of damage with ability power, but even with her auto-attack! Thats why you need to have even physical damage talent tree.

Well this is discutable talent, because it will boost your damage only by 1,5% that means if you hit for 1000 (and you WON'T hit so hard) it will give you bonus of 15damage, but on the other hand it is better than nothing, because it add 1,5% to EVERY attack. If you don't want this talent then take Sorcery.

Kayle needs as much attack speed as possible to do more damage, so this is a NEED!

This is the tricky part. You don't have only damage from ability power, but thanks to Righteous fury you do enormous damage even from auto-attack. So take these!

Your main power is from ability power so this is a need!

Another damage up talent that you want to have.

Another damage up talent that you want to have.

Another damage up talent that you want to have.

Another damage up talent that you want to have.

Another damage up talent that you want to have.



Useful in early game.



This will save you some time if you go often to shop like me.

"Wow, wow, hold on uncle Razyelx! Isn't Dangerous game better than Phasewalker? Every TOP player has that!!!"

C'mon did you even read that talent? It will heal you for 5%, that means if you have 2 000HP it will heal you for 100 HP... wow I am shocked so much? THAT'S NOTHING!!! Don't go on me with something like "it will save you from ignite" ... now tell me, how many times did it saved you? Like once in 10games?
On the other hand, I don't know how about you, but I go pretty often to shop so Phasewalker just save me a lot of time EVERY GAME.
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Greater mark of attack speed

This is in my opinion the best mark, because with out this mark your early attack speed is just too slow and you can't do the damage that you need.

DO NOT take Greater mark of magic penetration or greater mark of armor penetrationGreater mark of armor penetration because in early game your talents + passive ability Holy fervor is enought penetration for you! And in mid/late game you will have already Void staff and 39% penetration is cap, so there is no need for MORE penetration! Rather buy Greater mark of attack damage if you don't like Greater mark of attack speed.


Greater seal of scaling health

I used to have armor runes, but after the nerf now the armor gives you like 10% reduced physical damage, and thats just almost nothing. Health provides you defense from physical, magic and even true damage, so this is my choice. Most champions are used that Kayle has only few HP, so they will jump on you and hope that they will kill you soon, buuuuuuut surprise! You have a little bit more HP, but thats just the little more that you need to burst anyone to death!


Greater glyph of ability power

Those glyphs are a need! This will give you so much burst in early game that it is unbelievable! Other option would be scaling ability power, but that only if you prefer late game to early game. My team prefer to take the first blood as soon as possible, so we just burst them at the beginning and then it is easy game, because they are forced to defense play.


Greater glyph of scaling ability power

Well, the idea is that what is more important? To win the lane or the game? Definitely the game. But I personaly don't play with them, because your early game will be just "normal" because you will be missing the damage. But if you take Greater glyph of ability power, than your damage will be so HIGH, that your enemy will be like "Oh wtf man?!?! Surrender at 20!"


Greater quintessence of ability power

The same like blue glyphs, this is a need if you want to be early DPS monster!
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First thing that you need to know is that every game is different and every game needs another build sequence! Sometimes I even buy other items than i will write here, but thats a 1% and mostly you will build those items.


Get this item ASAP! This is the strongest item for Kayle, even better than Guinsoo's rageblade ! Don't waste time and get this item, cause with this you will be a beast!

Well, this is not so important item as you can see in the "One hour build" but on the other hand, you are just freaking slow without boots and you are easy to gank, so get the boots as second item.

DO NOT I repeat DO NOT buy something like this: Sorcerer's shoes . As I have wrote in chapter RUNES, your talents + passive ability Holy fervor is enought penetration for you and you don't need more, because before anybody starts buying magic resist, you will have already Void staff and 39% penetration is maximum that you can have.

END OF STORY, don't ever buy it!!

Another item, that make Kayle a Kayle. Get it as 3rd item, don't even try play without it, because this will give you SO MUCH damage, that if riot finds this out, they will nerf Kayle in next patch for sure! Anyway, if you don't like Guinsoo's rageblade than buy Hextech gunblade instead.

I am buying this item 90% times, even if enemy has low magic resist. Why? because this magic penetration will do a lot of damage even on champions that have like 100 magic resist. It is worth! Thy only time when I am not buying it is when the enemy team is not buying ANY magic resist and have like 30-50 magic resist.

This item provides you with so much ability power, that you NEED it!

Well, this items is discutable. Most of you guys I recommend, no I COMMAND you to buy this, because this will give you more defense and will ressurect you, when you die! Buuuuuuuuut if you are Pro-player and don't die so often, then forget on this item and buy Hextech gunblade instead! Buy this items (if you are a Pro-player) only when they are focusing you, because they noticed your OVER-POWERED damage!

This item in combination with the other items is just AMAZING! With this item your Righteous fury will destroy your enemies in 3hits and I am not kidding! But this take practise, I recommend this item only for experienced players, because usualy you will get caught and the only thing that you will do is use your Intervention next hit one Reckoning and then you die or run, so you need to hit with Reckoning as much as possible.
But when you play Kayle longer you will get better and then you will be destroying enemies from behind and won't be caught so easily and this item will give you enormous damage! So this item is AMAZING but only for experienced players.

In late game don't forget to buy the elixirs!

Buy this as second with the boots, because you NEED to be fast on lane!


I used to play with this item when I started to play Kayle (and I am still playing in 3v3), because it gives you some defense after your Intervention is on cooldown, but now I don't play with it anymore. I recommend this item only when they really focus you, like they are ignoring the whole team and are jumping right on your face or to players that prefer to Instant Kill one target with Reckoning and then use Zhonya's Hourglass, use 2nd Reckoning and die. It depends on the play style of each player, but personaly I don't play with this nowadays, because I learned when should I go into fight and where to stand, so I don't die so often and can burst down the enemy team from behind with Righteous fury which do MUCH MORE damage over-time to the whole enemy team. But this item is a good choice anyway.

This will give you some magic resist, health and it will absorb the next enemy ability! Thats amazing, but buy this item only if you are losing and you die becuase of instant kills like from Leblanc. This will save your life. But on the other hand, I don't remember when I have bought this last time...:D Still a good item that should not be over saw, if you are losing!

Buy this item, if you die because of stuns or silences, like from Warwick, you will not regret it!

"Wow, wow, hold on uncle Razyelx! But what about Runaan's Hurricane??? EVERYONE is playing with it!!!"

If everybody would jump form the window, would you too? Runaan's Hurricane gives you amazing attack speed and farming potential, but thats everything. First of all you must know, that Kayle has already amazing farm potential with her Righteous fury and don't need another boost, and the attack speed is amazing, BUT it gives you ZERO DAMAGE BOOST! So that's why I am buying Guinsoo's rageblade, because it gives you attack speed AND damage.

"But, but, ..."

END OF STORY boys and girls, believe me its better this way.
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This spell will help you so much with bursting enemies and prevent them from running away! I use this spell like 90% times because combined with your DPS ... no one can survive this burst!

This spell will save your life many times or chase your enemy if he flashes away. Take this spell and learn to use it properly (jumping through walls and so on) it will save you many times!


"Wow, wow, hold on uncle Razyelx! Are you serious? This was popular in season 1, no one will take this!"

Well, me neither. But if you prefer playing jungle Kayle then this is better choice then Flash, because your ganks will be like in 90% successful and it provides you with chase ability and great running away. On the other hand if you get caught in a bush you are dead. Thats why Flash is better in my opinion.

Exhaust is pretty useful after the new patch, but i recommend DO NOT TAKE IT! You need to do the most damage, so Ignite would be better. Let the tank take the Exhaust. But it is a good spell, providing your team with high defense and has not to be over saw!

Another spell that was boosted up after the new patch. It heals you + give you sprint for few seconds + heal your allies ... well thats amazing, but Exhaust is still better choice for your tank and Ignite for you!
But still it is a good spell, so at last one of your team should have Heal! Don't take two, because if you do, the 2nd heal will heal only for 50% and that's not worth, rather take Exhaust!
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In my opinion everybody that plays this game can read and if not, than you are pretty amazing that you can read this guide. So I will write here only few things about spells that you could over saw.

This ability provides you with armor and magic penetration in early game. The next thing that you should know is that with every hit you do more damage! So if you have a equal fight, you will win it simply thanks to your passive.

Use this to not only slow your enemis, but to BURST them. This will do so much damage in late game, that it should be disabled!

Don't heal only your self, but don't forget on your teammates. Use this ability to get faster on lane, chase enemies or use it on allies which are behind you and could be catched by enemies.

Use this to farm as a god and if you are on CD DO NOT FIGHT!!! This is the damage which makes Kayle a Kayle! Another thing that you should now, is that even if your enemy uses some spell that block abilities, auto-attacks, etc. (for example Yasuo wall) it will block only your auto-attack, BUT the effect from Righteous fury will still land on him! Pretty useful if he runs away with 2% HP thinking that you can't hit him:). Banshee's veil will NOT absorb your Righteous fury.

The only thing that you should know about this is, do not be afraid to use it! I wanted many times to use it on my self and in the end i got stun or silence and died before I could use Intervention. So better use it sooner then late! And don't be afraid to use it on alies!
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Tips and Tricks

1. Always when you go back to shop and you are leaving, use your heal to give you some movement boost and you will have still full mana!

2. Don't and I mean DO NOT forget to buy wards!! You are Kayle so you will push your lane a LOT and if you don't want to die, then buy WARDS!!! On pic.1 is map where wards should be ALL THE TIME (purple ward only 1, depends on where your enemy jungle starts).

3. As Kayle your lane should be pushed almost all the time, so you have a lot of time to spend, and thats the time to do some ganks on other lanes! (for example look at our video like I did some ganks there).

4. Know your position, you are not a TANK. It is hard to do this with Kayle because you will have so much damage, that you will be like "nah i can take them all at once", buuuut thats a mistake! Your greates weakness is CC and if they will catch you, you are dead. Stay behind the team and kill them from far away!

5. Don't play the game when you do not want to play! You will lose! Play only when you have the mood to own them:) .

6. Learn how to last hit minions, so you have a lot of golds!

7. Your ultimate is not only for you, but you can save a lot of lives with it!

8. Be careful at early game, because minions have EXTREME damage at low level (1-4)!!

9. If you would go into fight with fully stacked (8stacks) Guinsoo's rageblade that would be a GREAT advantage for you and your team!

10. If you have Blue Buff from Golem, you can keep your 8stacks of Guinsoo's rageblade ALL the time you want, because you get +1stack from: auto-attacking AND using spell and that include yours Divine blessing AND activating your Righteous fury and if you have your blue buff, you should have enought cooldown reduction so you can rotate this two spells and have still FULL mana and 8stacks of Guinsoo's rageblade!
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This section will be updated over time, as there is over 100 champions and I do not remember all tactics on all champions, so be patient!

All enemies will be added a POWER LEVEL, which means that, enemy with Power level: 1 is the WEAKEST and you should DESTROY HIM and enemy with Power level: 10 is the strongest and you should AVOID him.

Katarina, Power Level: 2
Experience talk:
Lanning against Katarina is really easy. The only thing that she can do is to throw 1 of her knifes, but she will not do it, because her knife do ZERO damage compared to you and when she comes to range you will hit her so hard, that she will leave the game. The only thing that you should be worried about is that if she hits level 6 BEFORE you, in that case play safe until you get level 6 and then destroy her!
How to WIN:
Simply hit her with Reckoning and some auto-attacks when ever she wants to throw a knihe at you or kill some minions. When she start to be agressive and she does not fear you, that means that the enemy jungler is near so look at your map!! When she uses her ultimate, simply use your Intervention or Flash and punish her for thinking that she could ever kill you!

Lux, Power Level: 7
Experience talk:
Lux is one of the "counters" to Kayle, because her spells are long range and she can hit you as many times as she pleases, but there is a way how to win this.
How to WIN:
The key is to NOT get hit by her Auto-attacks after she hits you with some spells. Try to dodge her spells, her snare is pretty easy to dodge, but the slow is pretty hard to dodge but not impossible, you must use your heal to boost your movement and get out of the range of the slow. Never the less, if she hits you with spell (and she WILL hit you many times) thats ok, the trouble begins if she hits you with another auto-attack as she has passive that will give her more damage with her auto-attack after she hits you with some spell. When she uses her slow or stun, that means that she is extremely vulnerable and thats the time when YOU must strike back!

Ziggs, Power Level: 3
Experience talk:
This is pretty funny, because a lot of people are taking Ziggs as a counter to Kayle, but in fact Ziggs is no counter :D. Maybe it is because I never met a good Ziggs but I have played against Ziggs almost every 3rd game, so I met a LOT OF Ziggs, but never have real problem with him.
How to WIN:
So what is the key to win this? Simply dodge his bombs, and when he uses his slow or jump, then flash-slow and kill him, he can't survive your burst. If he uses his ultimate, then just use your Intervention or Flash and kill him. In early game look out for his RED hands, that is his passive and will give him a lot of bonus damage for his next auto-attack. Anyway Ziggs shouldn't be a problem!

Twisted Fate, Power Level: 10
Experience talk:
This is impossible for Kayle. His spells are long range and do so much damage to you if he hits you and he got stun and can teleport away and so on. Thats just insane. I am banning Twisted Fate and if you are smart enought, you should avoid him too! Go TOP or jungle if he is on lane.
How to WIN:
You can't win your lane wihtout any help. Tell your jungler to come to your lane as much as possible. Never the less, even if you lose your lane, in late game you should be able to kill him.

Zed Power Level: 1
Experience talk:
There can't be easier mid enemy for Kayle in my opinion. He just can't do a thing. The only thing that he will do is using his clone to get at last some farm, but he will not try to attack you as you can burst him down within a few seconds. If he will try to attack you, that means only one thing - enemy jungler is near him so he is not afraid, so look out!
How to WIN:
Simply hit him everytime he wants to get some minion, he will probably play under tower, so you will have a lot of time for ganks on other lanes. When he uses his ultimate, wait few sec (1-2) and then use Intervention and his ultimate will do almost zero damage. You can't lose this lane unless you go afk for 10mins.

Fizz Power Level: 3-5
Experience talk:
This depends on the skill of enemy player. In fact Fizz is pretty easy to over-play, but on the other hand its true that I have seen some Fizz players that were REALLY good, they just dodge all my spells, do so much damage and have the same farm like me, that was incredible hard to play against them, but in the end I still won the lane, because Kayle is just stronger than Fizz. The only problem would be if he gets feeded on other lanes, then he can just eat you wih his dot and you can't do much with it, just wait till late game.
How to WIN:
As always hit him with your auto-attacks as you have longer range than him thanks to your Righteous fury, but be aware if he jumps towards you! His attacks can do a lot of damage so if he jumps towards you, use your heal and go away and then counter attack him! When he uses his ultimate, wait few 1sec and use your intervention to absorb the damage.
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Examples and Tactics

--- Comming soon our team needs to capture new screenshots, but we don't have time to play right now ---

Here is our newest video, so you can see some of our gameplay:


Don't forget to visit and Like our newest video, THANKS!:)
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This guide is made for season 4 patch 4.10 (correctly 4.10.14_06_19_15_28)


Version 1.1.0 (released at 26.6.2014)
- added Zhonya's Hourglass as SITUATIONAL ITEM.
- reworked glyphs from 3v3 to 5v5 version.
- reworked Heal for current patch.
- added new Tactics for new enemies.
- corrected some grammar mistakes.
- added some details to every chapter.
- added new Tips and Tricks

Version 1.0.0 (released at 25.6.2014)
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