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He is a good dualer, just dodge his Darkin Blades and be weary of his World Ender.
Avoid Charm and try to bait our her Spirit Rush.
Twilight Shroud is annoying, try to pull her when she is in her Shuriken Flip.
He just cc's a lot, not that bad. Apprehend him when he goes in for his combo with his Headbutt.
Avoid his Bandage Toss, be weary of his Curse of the Sad Mummy.
Avoid her Flash Frost and try to stay out of her Glacial Storm.
Avoid her Summon: Tibbers stun and kill her when she has her Pyromania down.
She kites you to death, catch her out.
Aurelion Sol
Avoid his Starsurge and stay inside his Center of Universe and Star Expansion.
Catch him out and be careful for his Emperor's Divide.
Good Bards will be really annoying. Avoid his Cosmic Binding and be prepared for his Tempered Fate.
Avoid his Rocket Grab. He usually just runs up to you to try and Power Fist you and use his Static Field to Silence you. When you ult him, watch out for his Mana Barrier, you won't be able to reset your Noxian Guillotine.
Avoid his full combo in teamfights and try to catch him out.
He's just pretty annoying with his Concussive Blows.
Her long range is annoying, but catch her out and try to time your Apprehend with her 90 Caliber Net.
Use your Apprehend when she tries to stun you with her Hookshot. Stay inside her Precision Protocol to deny her heal.
Turn backwards to juke her Petrifying Gaze and avoid her Miasma since you cannot ult inside of it.
He's annoying in lane and you can't really kill him. Without trading with him first. His Feast hurts.
His mixed damage hurts and he can avoid you by using his Valkyrie.
You're the better Darius, just beat him up. Stay inside of his Decimate and don't let him 5-Stack you.
Her burst is pretty easily mitigated with magic resist and tankiness. Just don't let her get fed and snowballing.
Dr. Mundo
He actually hurts a lot. Build either Bramble Vest or Executioner's Calling against him.
He hurts a lot when fed. When hes not fed, he's not an issue. Just Apprehend him and you can kill him. Like all ADC's, his team will peel for him.
Trades pretty well and can get out of it with his speed boost from his Z-Drive Resonance. His Chronobreak doesn't remove your stacks on him.
Her ganks are strong. Avoid her Cocoon and she can avoid your abilities with her Rappel.
Her ganks can be random because of her Demon Shade, but buy control wards and you can avoid that. Her Allure is pretty annoying and her Last Caress avoids your abilities and hurts a lot.
If he builds Iceborn Gauntlet, it's pretty much impossible to get to him if he has his Arcane Shift up.
His fear from Terrify is annoying, but he's squishy so just kill him when he uses his Crowstorm. Be weary, he might have Zhonya's Hourglass up.
She can use her lunge to avoid your Decimate. Her true damage hurts a lot. She can avoid your Apprehend and Noxus Guillotine with her Riposte. Build Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi against her. Usually a skill matchup to bait out her Riposte.
His burst hurts but with magic resist, it's okay. Avoid his Chum the Waters and be careful for his Playful/Trickster.
Use your Apprehend when he uses his Justice Punch. Be careful when he roams with his Hero's Entrance.
Skill matchup to see who can hit his Powder Keg first. His Trial by Fire passive hurts and his Cannon Barrage can help him and his team out a lot. He pokes you a lot, just all in him.
His Courage ability mitigates some of your damage and removes your slow from your Crippling Strike. Easy matchup, nonetheless.
He kites and slows you to death. Try to kill him when he is in his Mega Gnar form.
He can't do much to you, unless he is building AP then build MR. Use your Apprehend when he uses his Body Slam.
He hurts a lot. Avoid his Smoke Screen since it slows and blinds you.
His fear from Onslaught of Shadows is annoying. Use your Apprehend when he's charging at you with his Devastating Charge.
His H-28 G Evolution Turrets hurt a lot. Dodge his CH-2 Electron Storm Grenades and Apprehend him for the kill.
You cannot win a fight against her when she uses her Leap of Faith unless you are super ahead of her. Kill her when she doesn't have her ult. Avoid her Test of Spirit and Tentacle Smashes.
Her Ionian Fervor hurts so build Ninja Tabi to counter that. Avoid her Flawless Duet and just try to kill her when you see an opening. She can snowball pretty hard.
Avoid his Rootcaller and he's pretty much irrelevant.
She can slow you, disengage fights, and just be annoying.
Jarvan IV
Apprehend him when he goes in with his combo.
Apprehend him when he is in his Counter Strike. He can avoid your Decimate with his Leap Strike, so be careful about that. Snowballs pretty hard so don't feed him.
He hurts a lot and can disengage you with his Thundering Blow. Super annoying early on. Build armor and you can kill him easily later in game. Don't feed him.
He is fast and hurts a lot. Try to catch him out. If he's not paying attention when he uses his Curtain Call, pretty much an easy kill.
Build armor against Jinx and try to catch her out before her Get Excited! speedup gets activated. Avoid her Zap! and Flame Chompers!.
Pretty much like Vayne, but even stronger. She can potentially 1v1 you if she's really ahead. Adaptive Helmet is good against her and try to focus her in fights. Don't let her snowball or else it's pretty much game.
She can kite you pretty well, but if you can catch her out and Apprehend her mid Martial Poise, it's an easy kill.
Slows you, speeds herself, and others up. Just a nuisance because of her kit, but overall she's easy to deal with.
Easy to pick off, but don't overstay in lane because he can just use his Requiem. Later in game, he'll do a lot of damage, so be weary.
Since he is relatively squishy compared to you, it'll be easy to deal with him if he doesn't snowball.
Slippery because of her Shunpo ability. Will be easy to deal with if she is not super fed.
She can slow you and kite you to death. Her damage makes her pretty scary and her ult can counter your ult. Luckily, it isn't too bad pre-6, so try to kill her and get your lead. Later on, she'll be hard to kill and so will her teammates, so your Noxian Guillotine resets will be hard to get.
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