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Blitzcrank Build Guide by cyberskull

Support Support Blitzcrank - Gangnam Style Pulls

Support Support Blitzcrank - Gangnam Style Pulls

Updated on October 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cyberskull Build Guide By cyberskull 20,927 Views 17 Comments
20,927 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author cyberskull Blitzcrank Build Guide By cyberskull Updated on October 23, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



Hi! Cyber here with another guide this time for support Blitzcrank. I know I said I'd do a guide on an AD Carry I play but I decided to do one on Blitz since it'll be easier and cause I used to play Blitzcrank a lot before but I stopped. I've started playing him again recently and I can safely say that I do okay with him.

Blizcrank's Stats:

Health 468 (+100)
Attack damage 55.66 (+3.5)
Health regen 7.25 (+0.75)
Attack speed 0.625 (+1.13%)
Mana 260 (+40)
Armor 14.5 (+3.5)
Mana regen 6.6 (+0.5)
Magic res 30 (+1.25)
Range 125
Mov.speed 300

Who is Blitzcrank you ask? Blitzcrank is a champion that can be played in a lot of ways. He can be an AP Carry, a jungler, maybe even a solo top but he is mostly seen at bottom lane as a Support. In this guide I will teach you the basics on how to play Blitzcrank, what runes, masteries, summoner spells and items to get and how to be effective as a Support while playing Blitzcrank. Before we begin I want you guys to get in the mood for this guide so...

P.S - Special thanks to jhoijhoi for the line separators
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Pros / Cons

+ Strong Crowd Control (Pull, Knock-Up and Silence)
+ Decent Damage for a Support
+ Tanky Support
+ Awesome for making Plays with his Rocket Grab
+ Great zoning

- No healing ability = No Sustain for you or your teammates
- No steroids that you can give you to your AD Carry
- Missing your Rocket Grab in team fights can cost you a lot
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Greater Mark of Resilience

Armor Marks combined with Armor Seals make you very tanky against physcal damage at the start of the game. That way you can start zoning the enemy AD and Support at level 2 once you have your Pull and Knock-Up.

Greater Seal of Resilience

Same like the Marks. Combined with them you are very tanky early on especially against physical damage.

Greater Glyph of Warding

These Glyphs help against Burst/Magic Damage. If you get ganked by the enemy mid laner you have a better chance at surviving with these. Combined with your Armor Marks and Seals you can soak a lot of damage either physical or magical.


Greater Quintessence of Avarice/Greater Quintessence of Swiftness

You have 2 options here. Either go for gold per 10 Quints or Movement Speed Quints. Gold per 10 Quints are more useful when playing more passive and trying to zone the enemy AD Carry and Support. That way you keep your gold income in good shape despite the fact that you're playing passive and you won't be getting that much kills. Movement Speed Quints are for a more aggressive playstyle. They help you land pulls more easily or just run up to the enemy AD Carry and knock him up in the air with your E. I myself use gold per 10 Quints because it's the more safer bet. Even if I'm using them and we're playing aggressive I still have my W if I need a small movement speed boost to land a grab more easily. Still Movement Speed Quints are also good.
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Offense - The 1 point here is to power up my Exhaust.

Defense - I go for a rather tanky rune setup but I still get some defensive masteries so that I can be even more tankier.

Utility - Here I make sure to grab the improved Flash mastery and the mana per level and mana regen masteries. Blitz can be mana hungry sometimes so getting those is helpful. The rest is for some extra gold income.
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Item Sequence

Stealth Ward 0
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Faerie Charm 250
Ninja Tabi 1100
Heart of Gold 825
Nomad's Medallion 850
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200
Aegis of the Legion 1200
Locket of the Iron Solari 2200
Frozen Heart 2500
Maw of Malmortius 3100

This is my normal item build in most games. However in this chapter I'll explain which items are Core Items and which ones are optional.

Core Items

Shurelya's Reverie

This item is very important on Blitzcrank for several reasons. You need the extra HP cause it makes you tankier and Blitz should be a tanky support. The health and mana regeneration is necessary for laning phase. The cooldown reduction lets you use your Rocket Grab more often. The most important part about this item is the Active. Combined with Overdrive it gives you a very strong burst of movement speed which you need so you can pull enemies more easily.

Aegis of the Legion

This not only makes you tankier but it gives your allies extra defenses and some extra damage. This item is perfect for Blitzcrank.

Locket of the Iron Solari

This item is a bit underrated if you ask me. It's actually pretty good for a tanky support like Blitz. Extra HP and Armor + Extra HP Regen for your teammates and an active that can potentially save your teammates or you yourself from let's say Karthus' Requiem? Yup..this item is pretty good in my opinion especially on Blitz.

Optional Items

Ninja Tabi - My general pick for boots mainly because it makes me really tanky against the enemy AD Carry.

Mercury's Treads - I only get these when the enemy team has a lot of burst/magic damage or a lot of Crowd Control. If not I'll stick with Ninja Tabi

Frozen Heart - This is insanely strong on Blitz but is still an optional item depending on your playstyle and what role you are playing as Blitz. Why is it insanely strong you ask? First it gives 100 Armor which makes you super tanky against physical damage. Second it gives you 20% cooldown reuction. Combined with Shurelya's you'll have almost max Cooldown Reduction which means you'll get to use your Q more often. Third it gives you 500 mana which powers up your Mana Barrier. Finally it reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies. That's pretty good against AD Carries. Overall this item is very strong on Blitz.

Maw of Malmortius - "What the F?!" you say? I can understand why it would be kinda weird to get this item on Blitz but think about it. It not only gives you extra Magic Resist against burst damage. It also gives you a magic damage shield which combined with your Mana Barrier gives 2 strong shields. It also gives some extra AD which could be helpful when trying to help your allies kill someone.

Trinity Force - It gives nice stats and late game it helps you deal more damage. I don't really get it a lot but it is helpful.

Guardian Angel - Only get this when it's super late game and you need an extra life.

Randuin's Omen - A replacement for Frozen Heart. This is more of an item for a pure tank so I wouldn't really recommend this for Blitz but if your team needs someone who can soak up a lot of physical damage then get this. Don't forget to use the activation.
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Summoner Spells


Yes you are a support but you also need some form of escape. W is kinda good for escaping but it doesn't give a very strong movement speed boost unless maxed (and if you max it before Q I'll smack you in the head) so if you get CCed you'll most likely die. That's why it's good to have Flash just in case you need to escape a sticky situation. You can also use this along with your Rocket Grab if you think you can pull of a grab but it's risky and I wouldn't really recommend doing this.


Use this on the enemy AD Carry in 2v2's or team fights. The only time when you won't wanna use it is if the enemy AD Carry isn't fed and isn't a big threat and the AP Carry or someone else is. If that happens use it on whoever is a huge threat to your team.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

At level 1 you should always and I mean ALWAYS get Rocket Grab. If you invade and you make a successful pull by using this you have pretty much secured first blood for your team. At level 2 you get your Power Fist mainly because at level 2 you you can Zone your opponents since you now have your Q + E combo or you can be aggressive with the same combo. At level 3 you grab your W for the extra movement speed and attack speed it provides. That way you will make pulls more easily and you can also assist your AD Carry by hitting the enemy carry a few times with your huge fists. After level 3 I just get Q whenever I can, then W for the extra movement speed then E because it's good enough at rank 1. The extra point in W at level 7 is just in case I need some extra move speed to escape a gank or something.
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Skill Explanation

Mana Barrier

When Blitzcrank's life is brought below 20% health he activates Mana Barrier, creating a damage shield that lasts for 10 seconds. The shield strength is equal to 50% of Blitzcrank's current mana. There is a 60 second cooldown before Blitzcrank can activate this effect again.

Blitz's passive isn't very strong when you're playing him as a support mainly because you won't be buying that much mana. It will get stronger if you buy a Frozen Heart but even if you do that I still wouldn't rely on it that much. Still it's a nice handy passive to have and it can save your life sometimes.

Rocket Grab

Blitzcrank fires his right hand at a straight line to the target area. If his hand encounters an enemy unit it will pull the target back to his location, dealing magic damage and stunning it for 1 second in the process.

Cooldown: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 seconds

Magic Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+1.0 per ability power)

Cost: 110 mana

Range: 925

Projectile Speed: 1800

This is Blitzcrank's main ability. Once you fire it if you hit someone you stun them for 1 second and pull them back to you. How often you hit with this ability will either make or break you. This ability doesn't go through minions so if someone is standing behind a minion you might have trouble pulling him in. This ability is very feared and people are generally scared of being pulled by a Blitzcrank. That's why Blitz has great zoning. Make sure to always use your Power Fist before using this ability. That way you'll do your Q + E combo more easily.


Blitzcrank super charges himself to gain dramatically increased movement and attack speed for 8 seconds.

Movement Speed: 16 / 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 %

Attack Speed: 30 / 38 / 46 / 54 / 62 %

Cost: 75 mana

Cooldown: 15 seconds

This ability is useful when chasing after someone while trying to pull him. It also helps in 2v2 fights at bottom lane cause you can get a few hits on the enemy AD Carry and help your AD Carry kill him.

Power Fist

Blitzcrank charges up his fist to make his next attack deal double his total attack damage and knock his target up in the air.

Cooldown: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds

Cost: 25 mana

Power Fist is a low cooldown knock-up at higher levels. There's not much to explain about this ability. Use it before pulling someone with your Rocket Grab to execute your Q + E combo more easily. You can also use this to stop channeled abilities like Karthus' Requiem or Katarina's Death Lotus. Overall great ability.

Static Field

(Passive): Blitzcrank fires lightning bolts to deal magic damage to one random nearby enemy unit every 2.5 seconds (not affected by cooldown reduction). This will not damage enemies in stealth.

Passive Range: 450

Passive Magic Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 (+0.2 per ability power)

(Active): Blitzcrank emits a wave of electricity to deal magic damage to nearby enemies and silence them for 0.5 seconds. Activating it removes the passive lightning bolts until Static Field becomes available again

Active Magic Damage: 250 / 375 / 500 (+1.0 per ability power)

Cost: 150 mana

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Diameter of AoE: 1200

The passive from your Ultimate is nice in small 2v2, 2v1, 1v1 fights so you might not wanna activate Static Field in small fights.

In team fights however make sure to silence as most people as possible if you use your Ultimate. If someone like a Karthus or a Katarina uses his/her channeled abilities make sure to either knock them up with Power Fist or silence them with your Ultimate's active.

I usually combo my Ultimate with my Q + E combo. Right after I knock them up in the air I use my Ultimate.
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Early Game Item Selection/Order

I made this chapter so I can explain the difference in your item choices early game. Thanks to kingnotin who gave me the idea for this chapter:

My Item Selection:

Item Sequence

Stealth Ward 0
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Faerie Charm 250
Ninja Tabi 1100
Heart of Gold 825
Nomad's Medallion 850

This is my favorite early game item order. I grab my Faerie Charm before my Ninja Tabi for the mana regeneration. Blitzcrank can have mana issues if you use his Q too often so this really helps with his early game mana. After that I get my Ninja Tabi because combined with my defensive runes and my defensive masteries I'm very tanky against physical damage so that means I can be more aggressive if I want to. 500 gold isn't really that much if you take gold per 10 Quints (like I usually do). After my boots I grab Heart of Gold which makes me so beefy at the early stages of the game. Then I get my Philosopher's Stone and build that into a Shurelya's Reverie. Pretty solid item order in my opinion.

The Philosopher's Stone Item Selection:

Item Sequence

Stealth Ward 0
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Nomad's Medallion 850
Heart of Gold 825
Ninja Tabi 1100

I don't really use this item order on someone like Blitzcrank mainly because if I conserve my mana I can do just fine early game with only a Faerie Charm. Also this item order doesn't make you super tanky early game so that's why I don't like it that much. Still it is a good one if you want to spam your Q more. Basically you rush Philosopher's Stone for the extra Mana and Health regeneration. That way you can spam your Q more and even if the enemies fight back and escape you can regen your hp faster. After that you just grab Heart of Gold for more gold per 5 and for some extra tankyness and then your Ninja Tabi for even more tankyness.

The Heart of Gold Item Selection:

Item Sequence

Stealth Ward 0
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Heart of Gold 825
Nomad's Medallion 850
Ninja Tabi 1100

This's okay too I guess. In this item order you just grab Heart of Gold before Philosopher's Stone. That way you still get gold per 5 but you're more tanky than you would be if you had gotten a Philosopher's Stone first. After that you get Philosopher's Stone and then your Ninja Tabi for the extra tankyness.
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Warding and Supporting

Since this is not a guide about learning how to play the support role I won't go into detail about where to ward, when to buy wards and how to play the support role effectively. Here is a guide from made by Team SoloMid's Support player Xpecial. He explains how to play the Support Role, how to ward, etc. If you're not just new to Blitzcrank but also new to supports I recommend checking it out. You might think that it's easy to play the Support Role but it's actually not as easy as some might think:

Support Role Overview by Xpecial
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Change Log


5/9/2012 - Guide Created
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Blitzcrank is a great Support and is actually one of the most popular ones at the moment due to the active playstyle. If you want to learn a Support that doesn't just stay in the bushes and actually uses a more active playstyle then I would definitely recommend Blitzcrank for you. He's 3150 IP in the store so if you like this guide pick him up and try it out!

Thanks for reading this guide. I know it might be kinda short but as I already said school starts in 2 weeks for me so I wanna enjoy the remaining days of my summer vacation. After school starts I probably won't be able to add a lot of content to my existing guides or create new ones but I'll try.

Please comment on the guide and tell me what you liked and what you didn't. Again thanks for reading and bye!
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