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Miss Fortune Build Guide by WeRrsome

AD Carry [WIP} [In-Depth Guide] Double Up on the Wins! - Miss Fortune

AD Carry [WIP} [In-Depth Guide] Double Up on the Wins! - Miss Fortune

Updated on April 2, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WeRrsome Build Guide By WeRrsome 24 4 1,144,964 Views 160 Comments
24 4 1,144,964 Views 160 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WeRrsome Miss Fortune Build Guide By WeRrsome Updated on April 2, 2017
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--> Introduction <--

Hi Guys!! :D I'm currently a season 6 Diamond 3 Miss Fortune and Annie main. I've been playing League since season 2, and I've mained Mf multiple times over my league career. I picked up Mf again Season 5, and have been playing her since. I am finally ready to give a shot at creating a guide for one of my favorite champions to play. ^_^ I hope you can find the time to read this guide before you play her for the first time, or if you are looking to main Mf. I hope this becomes the top guide and go-to guide for people who want to learn how to play Mf! ;3 After reading this guide, if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email at I'll try to reply as soon as possible, though it may take a few days.

DISCLAIMER - THE ACCOUNT KYJELLYSOME IS NOT MINE. It's a friend of mine who's trolling me. A group of my friends find it funny to respond to my comments as if they were the ones who wrote the guide. Please disregard what they are doing, thanks. Some include KYJellysome, The Italian God, Mesahusa, Vapora Dark (though he doesn't seem like he'd do anything as bad as the other 3). SOrry about the inconvenience.

- Notification -
3/27 I updated everything above to reflect what I am currently trying out. I've been having great success with the changes, and I plan on updating soon if this success continues. The update includes items, skill order, and masteries. Runes stay the same. If I'm lucky, I'll have the motivation to update the guide once I reach D3 again with mf. I recently dropped from D1 all the way to D4 due to playing dumb as annie and the mf nerfs, but I aim to climb again soon. ;3

3/24 At this point, I guess all my promises are just empty lies, so i'll just write what I aim to do, though I'm not 100% positive. The buffs back onto Mf's Q have brought her back from her slump, and I'm currently experimenting with builds on Mf. Testing Ie first item now, and also testing warlords mastery. This experiment process will probably take a while, so as long as riot doesn't nerf or buff mf again within the next patch, I'll have this guide updated soon. Sorry about not updating this guide earlier, but there have been too many changes to mf recently and items like black cleaver.

3/8 Sorry guys, Just finished up my last tests before spring break, haven't really updated this guide at all the past month, and with the new Mf changes and item changes, I'm gonna need the entirety of spring break to adjust to the new mf and update the guide. However, I SWEAR I will update this guide by saturday of next week, aka end of spring break. One thin I will say, I am under the impression that Infinity edge will be a staple on Mf now, no matter what build you are going. This also means I might end up doing a complete revamp of this guide, since so much has changed, such as black cleaver change and mastery changed. I will look to have the guide completely revamped and ready for yall to look at next saturday!! :D
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--> About to enter a game? Tl;dr - <--

Trust me -

- Max abilities R > Q > E > W

- Buy B. F. Sword on your first back if possible. If not, buy long swords to at least get some power, try to get a B. F. Sword as soon as possible

- After B. F. Sword build Youmuu's Ghostblade with your long swords, then build Black Cleaver

- Build situationally after Black Cleaver. Build Edge of Night if enemy has easy ways to interrupt your Bullet Time.


- Build an Executioner's Calling if they have Redemption or champions with strong healing. Build into Mortal Reminder later.
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--> Miss Fortune Concept - AD Caster <--

So, Mf isn't like your typical adc. Attacking the same target over and over again just doesn't utilize her kit to the fullest. As a champion with such a game changing ultimate, it is much more beneficial to build AD, Lethality, and armor reduction to boost the damage from your spells. Of course, that doesn't mean you never auto attack , but your most important role in team fights is positioning a good ultimate to annihilate the enemy team. When you have used your Bullet Time, or if you haven't found a good chance to use it yet, you should use Double Up and auto attacks on the closest target if it is safe to do so, and you should use Make it Rain to slow the enemy team.
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--> Pros - Cons <--

  • Strong early game
  • Good Q poke through minions
  • Can kill caster minions with one auto attack after one tower shot
  • Strong zoning and slow with E
  • High mobility for pre-fight positioning and rotations
  • High damage in team fights
  • Your ultimate alone can win team fights

  • Doesn't do as much damage as other adc's while consistently attacking the same target
  • Lower base AD than all other adc's at all levels
  • No dash, so she needs help getting away from people who stubbornly dive onto her
  • Ultimate is a channeled ability - can be interrupted
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--> Summoner Spells <--

  • Flash - Probably the most useful summoner spell in the game. Miss Fortune benefits greatly from having flash because It gives her instant positioning for her ultimate if she needs it, or a "get out of jail free" card if she accidentally gets caught or an enemy gets too close
  • Heal - Another staple for adc's. This summoner spell not only keeps both you and your support alive, it can also sometimes give you the burst of speed you needed to land that extra Q to finish off the enemy.

Not Recommended
  • Ghost - Consiering the amount of move speed you get from your passive, duskblade, youmuu's, and black cleaver, ghost just isn't worth it.
  • Exhaust - Your support already runs one, so you don't need one. And in the case your support doesn't run it, heal is probably still better because of the extra health it gives you to survive that pesky syndra ultimate or caitlyn ultimate.
  • Barrier - The shield itself is nice, but the heal is much more useful since you can save your support in lane or other teammates in team fights.
  • Cleanse - This spell just doesn't do enough in the early game, and in mid to late game, you can just build a Quicksilver Sash.
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--> Masteries <--



- Increases our Double Up and Bullet Time damage, which are the main focuses of this build's play style. As mentioned earlier, attack speed just isn't as efficient on Mf as pure AD and ability damage, thus we don't take Fury .

[*] Keep in mind - Sorcery gives INCREASED ABILITY DAMAGE, not abiity power. This means your abilities hurt more, whether they are AD or AP.


- As of right now, I believe Feast is better than Fresh Blood because being able to stay healthy in lane and farm takes priority over harassing the enemy in many situations, especially if they have a healing support. Even though theoretically, you could proc Fresh Blood 10 times in the time you can proc Feast twice, you won't realistically be attacking the enemy champion once every 6 seconds, whereas feast can be reliably used every 30 seconds, even while farming under tower.


- The life steal and spell vamp is helpful during all stages of the game. In the early game, the life steal and spell vamp work together with feast to slowly give you hp after a trade. Natural Talent just doesn't offer as much benefits. An extra 2 or 4 AD isn't gonna help you as much as extra health from life steal and spell vamp. Also in the late game, because the life steal and spell vamp is percentage, it will still be relevant. An extra 10 AD isn't gonna be what wins you a team fight, but the extra 2% life steal and spell vamp can make the difference between whether or not you survive a dive.

[*] Keep in mind - Spell vamp relies on the damage your spells do, NOT on the amount of magic damage you deal. Thus, spell vamp lets you heal significantly from Double Up and Bullet Time.

Double Edged Sword

- Double Edged Sword is the only one that gives 5% increased from the start of the game, which is helpful during the laning phase for trading and poking. The 5% is a good damage boost to both your Double Up and your Bullet Time. Now, you may be worried about the 2.5% increased damage taken. However, here's the problem. If you are in a position where you want the 2.5% less damage, you are probably already dead anyways. You want the 5% extra damage so that you can kill them before they kill you.

Bounty Hunter is decent if you are confident you will get a kill on each member by the 20 minute mark, but realistically, you won't have any benefits from bounty hunted for the first 20 minutes or more, and that's a very long time. Might as well take Double Edged Sword and try to get kills and deal more damage with it at all stages of the game.

You don't really want Battle Trance because on the occasions where your team initiates and you need to immediately follow up with Bullet Time, you're not gonna get that 5% increased damage for your Bullet Time since it only lasts 3 seconds.

Battering Blows

- Pretty obvious. Armor penetration is more important than magic penetration on Mf since she does mainly physical damage, not magic damage.

Deathfire Touch

- This is the strongest keystone for Mf with this build. Because you are building so much ad and not wasting much gold on atk speed, Deathfire Touch will do alot more damage. This keystone provides a lot of damage in team fights and also allows you to secure kills on opponents that would have otherwise survived. Fervor of Battle just doesn't do enough since it gives much less AD than it used to. It may provide a little bit more damage in team fights, Deathfire Touch is still better since it can secure close kills so you get that extra gold to buy an item. Thunderlord's Decree is good for Mf early game, but terrible mid game and late game. It doesn't provide any extra damage for team fights, and is basically irrelevant past level 9.



- I used to run Wanderer because with lethality runes, having savagery didn't really change much for CS-ing. However, now that I'm running AD quints and marks, starting from level 2, you are around 3-5 damage off from killing the caster minions with one auto attack after a turret shot. This is why I'm running Savagery now. With this mastery, you will be able to one shot the caster minions after a turret shot. This should help most players farm under tower when their support doesn't know how to help the adc set up the caster minions.

[*] Disclaimer - I haven't found the exact amount of damage needed to kill the ranged casters with one tower shot, if I figure out I was only 1 or 2 hp off, I might end up putting 1-2 points in savagery and rest in Wanderer .

Secret Stash

- For the majority of the game and laning phase, you will be with your support or team, so Assassin doesn't do anything for Mf. Runic Affinity also doesn't do enough for Mf in the laning phase, and doesn't do enough outside of laning phase for it to be valued over biscuits. Secret Stash is very helpful during the laning phase, since it allows you to stay in lane longer and farm/trade more.


- The extra damage from Merciless is perfect for finishing off targets with a Double Up or with Bullet Time. Meditation might be slightly beneficial in the laning phase, since you will find yourself out of mana quickly if you spam Double Up and Make it Rain in laning phase, however, in the long run, the amount of damage Merciless will give you over the course of the game far outweighs the possible one or two extra Double Up's you would get from Meditation during laning phase.

Dangerous Game

- When that last tick of ignite is about to kill you, and you kill the enemy first, you will thank the heavens you have Dangerous Game . This mastery can turn a 1 for 1 kill trade in the early game into a 2 for 0 kill lead. In the mid and late game, rarely will this come in handy, but when you are trying to kite an enemy bruiser, the dangerous game is going to help u survive any ignite or dot once the bruiser is killed. Bandit just isn't worth it. a measly 3 gold when you harass the enemy is not going to amount to much. Might as well just rely on cs. Greenfather's Gift is somewhat hard for Mf to use consistently, since she doesn't really benefit much from being in bushes in the first place. The damage may be potentially nice, but there is also the chance you never get to use the passive throughout the entire game. Because of the inconsistency, don't take Greenfather's Gift .
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--> Runes <--

Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage

- Each Quint provides 2.25 AD, totaling up to 6.75 AD. With the AD provided by the marks, you end up with 15 AD. With the AD from these runes plus your points in Savagery , you are able to kill the caster minions with one auto attack after a tower shot. Additionally, the extra AD increases the damage on your Double Up and lets your Love Tap hit harder as well.

[*] What happened to lethality runes? - So, at first I recommended lethality runes because 1. Lethality harder to acquire than AD, 2. Farming is easy enough with Love Tap, and 3. More lethality = more damage on Duskblade of Draktharr. So, why no more lethality runes? Basically, since we removed Duskblade of Draktharr from the build, benefit #3 is gone. Then, I discovered that full ad runes with points in savagery meant that you could one shot the caster minions after a tower shot. This meant that farming during the laning phase would be easy whether you were pushing in or being pushed in. Thus, because two of the points for lethality runes were gone, I switched to AD runes. Lethality is still a harder stat to obtain since only 3 items give lethality, but that's the only argument for lethality runes now, so I think getting AD runes is better.

[*] You changed from lethality runes to AD runes BACK to lethality runes ... BACK TO AD RUNES ... WTF ARE YOU DOING? - Ok, ok, sorry guys, I know this is kinda confusing, but bare with me. So here's the explanation. When I first made this guide, I truly believed lethality was an undervalued stat. Honestly, lethality was evened out by level 9-12, which is where most people start grouping/team fighting a lot, so technically the stat "lethality" was basically normal armor penetration at levels 9-12 and better than old armor penetration post level 13. I also thought building Duskblade of Draktharr first was the best way to make Miss Fortune strong early game, so the more lethality you had, the more true damage you got from Duskblade of Draktharr's passive. All of the above is why I had lethality runes when I first made this guide. After I changed the build to where you would build B. F. Sword without completing Duskblade of Draktharr, I thought a plethora of lethality wasn't needed anymore. Also, after experimenting with AD runes, I came upon the fact that with AD runes and some points in savagery, you could kill the ranged minions with one auto attack after a single tower shot. Since a "benefit for increased lethality" was disappearing (aka removal of Duskblade of Draktharr from build) and a "benefit for increased AD" showed up (aka killing ranged minions with an auto after a single tower shot), I was under the impression that AD runes were better than lethality runes. The section above is why I changed to AD runes for awhile. The section below is why I changed BACK to lethality runes again. During my time using AD runes on Miss Fortune, I thought there were no downsides at all. I thought there were only upsides such as a stronger early game and same mid/late game. However, as I played more and more games with AD runes, I began to have a slight suspicion that my mid game Bullet Times seemed to be less impactful. However, this was just a hunch at first, since I didn't have much proof. But as I played more and more games with AD runes, I began to notice many instances where my Bullet Time should have destroyed them, but appeared to not have the same amount of damage and impact as it did with lethality runes. Because of my suspicions, I started using lethality runes to check, and sure enough, my mid game Bullet Times were starting to melt enemy teams again. (NEW) Below is why I changed back to AD runes. Immediately after I started using lethality runes in ranked, I realized I was losing lane a TON. Additionally, because I was losing lane and had to farm at my tower without my AD runes, I couldn't farm as efficiently. I realized how impactful those AD runes were for winning lane, thus I switched back to it. Also, even though lethality helps with mid game Bullet Time's a lot, you will do more damage mid game if you come out of laning phase ahead with AD runes compared to if you came out of laning phase behind with lethality runes. Don't get me wrong, lethality runes are great for mid/late game, but because early game is pretty important for Miss Fortune to get strong and abuse your Double Up, I've decided AD runes are better.

Greater Mark of Attack Damage

- Each mark provides 0.95 attack damage. All 9 marks give you 8.55 AD. The 8.55 AD from marks + the 6.75 AD from Quints = 15.3 AD, which rounds to 15 AD. The reason for why I replaced lethality runes with AD runes is explained in the "You changed from lethality runes to AD runes BACK to lethality runes ... BACK TO AD RUNES ... WTF ARE YOU DOING?" section above.

Greater Seal of Armor

- Each seal gives you 1 armor, so 9 seals gives you 9 armor. This is a little more than half of the armor that Cloth Armor gives you. It's not much, but it will aid you in the early game, where you will be trading with the enemy adc every now and then.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist

- Each glyph gives 1.34 magic resist, so 9 glyphs gives you 12.06 magic resist, which rounds to 12 magic resist. Since the enemy mid laner is usually ap, and the enemy support usually does a majority of ap poke damage, magic resist glyphs will slightly reduce the damage.
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--> Abilities <--

Love Tap

- Love Tap's damage is a very significant portion of your damage in the early game. Miss Fortune naturally has about 10 base AD less than other adc's at level 1, and the difference in base AD continues to rise as both of you level up. Thus, the bonus damage from Love Tap is what keeps you relevant in the early game. Because of this base AD difference between you and the enemy in the early game, trading with Love Tap empowered auto-attacks and Love Tap empowered Double Ups.

Double Up

- Max Double Up first. This is what makes Miss Fortune so satisfying to play in the laning phase. Level 1, if you can kill a minion with the first part of the Q, and make it bounce to the enemy adc or support with the second part of the Q, they will take "tons of damage". ;3 However, Double Up is most dominant right after you back to get a B. F. Sword as your preferred first buy. At this point, you might be level 5 to 7, and everytime you hit the enemy with a Q that has first killed a minion, they lose about 1/3 of their health. Landing 2 of these Q's on the enemy is usually enough to either secure a kill with Bullet Time or force the enemy to back. Now, this doesn't mean you shouldn't use your double up on high health minions. Getting your Q damage on the enemy, whether empowered or not, helps you in the laning phase. But keep an eye out for low health minions near your enemy at all times.


- Strut's active is very strong when you have additional atk speed items, but with the build and playstyle we're running, Strut will mainly be used just as an out of combat movement speed buff. This spell is still useful for trading in lane and pushing out minion waves, but we won't be maxing it until last because it gives us the lowest benefit out of all the other skills.

[*] Tip - If you get hit by some source of damage and lose the Strut movement speed passive, you can activate Strut again to instantly regain the max movement speed passive again. Use this to get out of sticky situations after your enemies tries to remove your Strut passive with some poke.

[*] Tip - If you are auto attacking someone and they are only focused on getting away and haven't hit you, your Strut passive movement speed won't be removed. Strut's passive is only removed when you take damage from something other than a DOT (damage over time).

[*] Tip - If you have a shield on with your Strut passive, if the damage you take doesn't break the shield, your Strut passive won't go away.

Make it Rain

- Make it Rain will be the second ability you max. The reason we max this ability before strut is because the passive movement speed you get from Youmuu's Ghostblade, Strut's level 1 passive, and Youmuu's Ghostblade's active make you fast enough. Also, you aren't going to be relying on attack speed much, since the majority of your damage will be coming from Bullet Time and Double Up. On the other hand, the ability to create a 60% slow zone with Make it Rain at max rank is insanely strong. Not only does it help you get away from enemies trying to reach you, it also keeps enemies in your Bullet Time if you place Make it Rain on them. It also slows enemies enough so that you can position a Double Up to hit them for tons of damage.

Bullet Time

- Put a point into Bullet Time at level 6, 11, and 16. This is your team fight winning, enemy killing, squishy destroying, tank shredding, baron stealing, elo farming ultimate. This build heavily focuses on powering up Bullet Time to its maximum potential, so your ability to lay down a quality Bullet Time will define team fights. The more you play Mf, the better you will be at positioning yourself and firing well timed Bullet Time's.

[*] Keep in mind - It's not always necessary, but when you want to use Bullet Time, it's usually beneficial to first use Make it Rain on the enemies. With the 60% slow from the E second max, the enemies will struggle to get out of your ultimate without flashing. It also prevents them from quickly stopping your Bullet Time since they are slowed and take longer to reach you.
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--> Itemization <--

Starting Items

- Doran's Blade and Health Potion should always be your starting items. The 3% life steal, Feast , and Vampirism will keep you healthy in lane while farming. The 8 attack will help with farming and trading. Make sure to use the potion immediately if you are entering a prolonged trade. If the trade turns into a fight to the death, having the potion running from the beginning of the fight may give you the extra health you need to survive that last auto attack and kill the enemy adc.

Early Game

- A B. F. Sword is your ideal first back. The raw 40 attack damage will greatly increase your Double Up damage and Bullet Time damage. It will also make farming easier. If you have to back at an earlier time because you died early or you got early kills but you don't have 1300 gold yet, buy Long Swords into a Caulfield's Warhammer. It's not as optimal as B. F. Sword, but you don't want to head back to lane without any items to power you up. Pick up boots whenever you have 300 gold to spare, and buy control wards if you still have gold to spare.

[*] - The reason you want B. F. Sword over Caulfield's Warhammer is because 10% cooldown reduction isn't very impactful early game while 15 extra AD makes your abilities hurt more. You would rather get raw AD so that your abilities hit harder. The 10% cooldown reduction is useful, just not as threatening in the early game than it is in the mid game, thus you get B. F. Sword before Caulfield's Warhammer.

Post-laning phase

Boots of Swiftness

- Just get this item whenever you have 600 gold to spare when you back. At the latest, get it after you finish Black Cleaver, and at the earliest, get it after you buy a B. F. Sword. With these boots, you are more resistant to slows, so after you get hit by an ability, even if it has a slow, you can reactivate Strut to get the bonus movement speed back, and the slow will be less effective because of these boots. This prevents slows from catching you out of position, and since over 50% of the champions have some kind of slow, getting Boots of Swiftness is pretty helpful.

[*] Technically - Mf can do well with Mercury's Treads and Berserker's Greaves as well. Attack speed isn't really worth it on Mf, but since these boots only require an 800 gold upgrade to receive the same attack speed bonus as static shiv (aka 35% attack speed), it's ok to get Berserker's Greaves. Get Mercury's Treads when the enemy has a ton of cc, or if they just have a large amount of magic damage. If this is a game where you want both Maw of Malmortius and Mercurial Scimitar, you probably want Mercury's Treads as well just for the magic resist. These boots give you 35 magic resist, which is only 5 magic resist less than a Negatron Cloak.

B. F. Sword - First power spike

- B. F. Sword is important because once you obtain this, your Double Up's start chunking the enemies for tons of health. When I talked to Sysnickl (challenger Mf main), he also agreed that when you bought B. F. Sword on Mf, you would feel super strong. Your damage skyrockets and your kill potential with your ultimate basically triples. Ok, that might be a bit exaggerated, but you get the point.

[*] Why not build the B. F. Sword into a Duskblade of Draktharr? - Good question. The answer is - cost versus benefit. You see, when you buy B. F. Sword, you are paying 1300 gold for 40 AD. That's pretty cost effective. However, in order to finish the Duskblade of Draktharr, you would have to additionally spend 1950 gold. The worst part is, finishing the item only gives you 25 extra AD and the duskblade passives that are considered more like luxuries than helpful teamfight-winning passives. So, instead of spending 1950 gold on finishing the Duskblade of Draktharr, we start building towards Youmuu's Ghostblade. With the 1950 gold, we use 1100 to buy Caulfield's Warhammer, which is better than Serrated Dirk early game due to lethality being better in the mid game, and we use the remaining 850 gold to buy two long swords. Thus, instead of spending 1950 for 25 more AD and some "luxury" passives, you get 45 AD and 10% cooldown reduction.

[*] What do I use this for late game? - The reason we don't build Duskblade of Draktharr later is because there are better items with better effects and benefits for Mf. The only reason we built it in the beginning was because it built out of B. F. Sword, but since now we don't complete the item, there is no real reason to ever convert B. F. Sword into another item unless all your other items are built. If you do get to a point where you have near full build and need to build something out of B. F. Sword, you have three options.

1. Build into Bloodthirster if you need sustain and survivability. This is an ok choice, but if you want survivability and sustain, Death's Dance is better for Mf since it heals you based on physical damage dealt, so the physical damage dealt from your Bullet Time and Double Up heal you as well as your auto attacks. Bloodthirster only heals from auto attacks only, though it does give a 350 shield late game, which is pretty nice.

2. Build into Infinity Edge if you REALLY need damage, though not recommended. Reasoning to not build this item is in the "Late game" section.

3. Sell B. F. Sword and start working towards another item you need. This is probably the better choice of the 3, though it requires you to sell the B. F. Sword, effectively wasting some gold. Of course, at the very late game, this probably isn't a problem since you're nearing full build.

Youmuu's Ghostblade - First completed item

- Youmuu's will most often be your second item. It gives you an active which provides a burst of movement speed and lets you ignore unit collision for 6 seconds. It also gives 60 AD, passive +20 out of combat movement speed, and 10% cooldown reduction. The active is very useful for letting you quickly get into position to use Bullet Time. It also catches enemies off guard so you can quickly close the distance to get a Make it Rain on them and hit them with a Double Up. Additionally, if you need to reach a team fight quickly, Strut and Youmuu's Ghostblade's active will let you rotate to the team fight much sooner.

Black cleaver - Second completed item

- Once you finish Black Cleaver as your third item, your core build is complete. This item provides you with 5% armor reduction on anyone you deal physical damage to, up to 30% armor reduction. This is the most important part of the item for Mf, because this means when you ult the entire team, not only does your Bullet Time do more damage due to the armor shred, other physical damage dealers on your team will also deal more damage to the enemies hit by Bullet Time. Additional benefits from this item include 300 health, a movement speed buff when you auto attack or Double Up a target, and 20% cooldown reduction. The cooldown reduction is also very important because with your runes and Youmuu's Ghostblade, when you finish black cleaver, you will typically have around 37% cooldown reduction. When you reach level 18, you'll have 40% cdr. This is crucial for Mf. Because your Bullet Time is so impactful, you want to have it up at every single team fight. 40% cdr will lower Bullet Time's cooldown at max rank from 100 seconds to 60 seconds. This means your ultimate will be up every single fight.

Situational items - depends on enemy champions

Edge of Night

- You obtain this item whenever their team has certain abilities that make it VERY hard to use your ultimate. Some of these abilities include Nautilus's Depth Charge, Vi's Cease and Desist, Nami's Tidal Wave, Malphite's Unstoppable Force, and other long range abilities that can stop your ultimate. The moment a team fight is about to start, start channeling your Edge of Night. If you use abilities or auto attack while it is channeling, the channel will cancel. You can still move while channeling it though, so start channeling it once u start running close to the fight.

[*] Doesn't replace Youmuu's Ghostblade as second item anymore? - Correct. Before hand, we usually replaced Youmuu's Ghostblade with Edge of Night because it took too long to wait until all 3 old core items ( Duskblade of Draktharr included ) were built before building Edge of Night. However, now that we buy B. F. Sword and then immediately move on, we are ahead in our build by 1950 gold, which means we finish building Youmuu's Ghostblade and Black Cleaver earlier, thus also letting us build situational items much earlier. This access to earlier situational items means Edge of Night can wait to be the third completed item if it is needed.

Mercurial Scimitar - Remove Crowd Control

- Build this item whenever they have point and click Crowd control or just in general very punishing crowd control. Examples include - Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze, Morgana's Dark Binding, Lissandra's Frozen Tomb, Skarner's Impale, Malzahar's Nether Grasp, Twisted Fate's Gold Card, Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow, and other CC abilities. It also provides 10% life steal and 35 magic resist, both of which will keep you alive in tight situations.

Maw of Malmortius - Survival against AP

- Get this item against consistent AP damage dealers and champions with limited AP burst. Maw might only sometimes save you from a Syndra's Unleashed Power, but it's mainly used against champions such as Rumble, Cassiopeia, Teemo, Singed, and so on. You build Maw not only because of the 40 Magic resist and magic shield, but also for the effect that comes with the shield - Lifegrip. This grants you 20 extra AD, 10% extra spell vamp, and 10% extra life steal until you exit combat. This will give you the ability to heal up while you are dealing damage, and since it provides spell vamp as well, you can also heal off your Double Up's and Bullet Time if you haven't used it yet.

Lord Dominik's Regards

- THIS ITEM IS NOT MANDATORY EVERY GAME. The lethality and armor reduction from Black Cleaver is enough to shred through any normal team. The only times you want Lord Dominik's Regards is when the enemy team has a ridiculously armor heavy tank, such as Malphite or Rammus. Another time you might want Lord Dominik's Regards is when you don't think you are doing enough damage to tanks with your Bullet Time, though typically if an enemy tank is building both magic resist and armor, your lethality and Black Cleaver should be enough to deal large amounts of damage to them. Now, if you have NO AP damage on your team, and the enemy team builds FULL ARMOR, then yes, almost always get a Lord Dominik's Regards.

Mortal Reminder - The Soraka Killer

- Similar to Lord Dominik's Regards, this item should not be built every game on Mf. The only time you want to get this item is against people with superbly DUMB amounts of sustain. This includes champions like Soraka, Vladimir, Maokai, Illaoi, and other champions with large amounts of self healing or allied healing. Against Soraka and Vladimir specifically, you want to immediately build this item as your 4th item. Unless their tank is giving you trouble, you usually want to build Executioner's Calling before last whisper when building this item. The appealing part of this item is the "Grievous Wounds" effect, so get Executioner's Calling first to obtain that effect.

[*] Current meta - Because Redemption is built on many supports and also on Ivern, it is a decent idea in the current meta to get an Executioner's Calling the moment you see that a Redemption is being built. I haven't figured out the most common time frame to get the item, though if I had to guess, you should probably get Executioner's Calling right after Black Cleaver against supports and right after Youmuu's Ghostblade if against Ivern. Naturally, build it into a Mortal Reminder later on in the game.


- Bloodthirster should be built as the second to last or last item. There are other items that are better for more situational enemy teams, while Bloodthirster is just your all around good item for sustain and staying alive in team fights. Keep in mind Double Up also applies life steal. You build this item for the 350 health shield before team fights and the sustain during the teamfight after you've used Bullet Time.

Death's Dance

- Death's Dance Should typically be your go-to item for survivabilty against burst if Maw of Malmortius and Mercurial Scimitar aren't enough. This item prevents burst damage from killing you, though you need to deal damage in order to survive. Death's Dance only delays the damage from being dealt to you, so if the burst damage would have killed you without Death's Dance, the damage over time from Death's Dance will still kill you unless you regain hp through life steal or spell vamp. Death's Dance passive heals you based off of the physical damage you deal, so your Bullet Time and Double Up heal you along with your auto attacks.

Late Game - Survival

[*] FOR THE NEXT 3 DEFENSIVE ITEMS - Do NOT buy more than one, and DO NOT buy them until perhaps 5th or 6th item. You need damage from your 4th item, and ONLY if you do enough damage with your Bullet Time and just worry about surviving should you build any of these as a 5th item. Ideally, these are your 6th item for when you sell boots if you reach that point in the game.

[*]Guardian Angel

- If the enemy has ways to one shot you before you can do anything, such as Syndra's Unleashed Power, grab a guardian angel as your last item if Maw of Malmortius isn't enough. With this, you'll at least have a second chance to be effective in a team fight.

[*]Banshee's Veil - F*ck the Hookers ;3

- Build this item if the enemy champions have any game changing skill shots that can catch you out or abilities that want to stop you in your tracks, such as Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Vi, Thresh, Leona, Annie, and other champions. Basically, you use Banshee's Veil to keep you alive from any type of suprise initiation. If you build this item as a 5th item and you have an Edge of Night from earlier, sell Edge of Night for something else.

[*] Randuin's Omen

- When the enemy team consists of multiple ad assassins or bruisers, building a Randuin's Omen isn't a bad idea. Against Irelia, Kha'Zix, Rengar, Zed, and other AD champions that want to dive you, Randuin's Omen as a last item or second to last item will keep you alive for maybe double the amount of time you would have survived without the item. This gives you a lot more time to kite and life steal while your team tries to peel the AD bruisers and assassins off you.
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--> Laning Phase <--

- Level 1 on Mf can influence the lane heavily. If you can possibly land even just one Double Up that kills a minion first and then hits the enemy adc, the lane can instantly swing in your favor if your support has any sort of pressure.

- Always keep track of who is going to reach level 2 first. Both the adc and the support will reach level 2 after the first wave of minions and 3 melee minions from the second wave die. If they are about to hit level 2 before you, BACK OFF. Lanes can be lost at this level 2 stage because the enemies have increased stats and 2 abilities while you only have one ability and level 1 stats. If you reach level 2 first, look to trade aggressively with the level 1 enemy adc. If the support knows how to pressure with the level 2 lead as well, you might even net a kill or burn a few summoners.

- During laning phase, focus on farming and poking with Double Up. The more times you can land a Double Up that kills a minion before hitting the champion, the easier the laning phase will become. Of course, that DOESN'T mean ONLY use Double Up on low health minions. Any kind of poke on the enemy adc will be helpful, so if you see a chance to get a guaranteed bounce (second part of Double Up) onto the enemy, then go for it. If you're trading, using Double Up on the adc as the first target is fine, but while poking in lane, it is much better to hit the adc with the second part (bounce) because it does more damage.

- You skill your abilities as Q > W > Q > E because you want your Double Up to hit as hard as it can whenever it can. In the first couple of levels, you will typically be just farming and poking, so leveling Strut up level 2 means you can get to the minions faster to bounce your Double Up from the minion to the enemy while they are still in range. Also, it makes dodging skill shots against champions such as Blitzcrank and Ezreal easier.

- Additionally, because the nightmare meta where "junglers could get red buff, krugs, and then gank bot level 3" is finally gone, Make it Rain isn't needed at level 2 to run away from that gank anymore.

- Once you obtain a B. F. Sword or Caulfield's Warhammer, you will notice an insane spike in your damage, whether it be from your Double Up or your Bullet Time. Commonly, if you have a thresh, morgana, alistar, or any support that has a way of locking down the enemy adc for a short while, the moment they do so, if you just unleash your Bullet Time far enough away from the enemy support, the enemy adc will have to either burn summoners or die. This is even more true if you can land at least one or two Double Up's on them prior to the engage. You'll find that with B. F. Sword, if you kill a minion with the first part of Double Up and then the bounce hits the enemy adc, they will lose nearly a third of their health. That's a HUGE chunk of health that they lost to your poke while you didn't lose any health at all.

[*] IMPORTANT - Every time you back, if you have 75 extra gold and already have at least one potion, buy a control ward. Warding isn't the support's sole job. You need to help where you can to keep both of you alive from ganks. This is a team game through and through.
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--> Mid Game <--

- As Mf, you want to group with your team and force objectives. Always make sure you are safe, because positioning is ridiculously important for Mf. If you are between your tanks and their tanks, you messed up. Staying behind your front line is crucial because it makes it harder for the enemy team to reach you and stop your ultimate.

- If the enemy is taking infernal dragon, try stealing it with your Bullet Time. Infernal dragon is the only dragon that should be mandatory for you to use your Bullet Time on, since it is so impactful. If you really want to, Mountain Dragon is also worth it, though not as important as infernal. When you are trying to steal dragon, place a Make it Rain on the dragon and position your Bullet Time to hit both the dragon and the jungler. Chances are, if the jungler is slowed from Make it Rain and starts taking too much damage from Bullet Time, they may become distracted, panic, and miss smite, leading to you stealing dragon. This has happened to me in multiple games before. Not only have I stolen the dragon with Bullet Time before, I have also killed the jungler with Bullet Time as well. These tips apply to baron as well, though you want to position your ultimate so that it hits both baron and the enemy team if possible. For baron team fights, positioning a good Bullet Time on the enemy team takes priority over stealing baron, because a dead team can't use baron anyways.

- Do not underestimate your 60% slow from Make it Rain at max rank. Not only can it help you self peel from the enemy, you can also use it to slow enemies that are out of position so that your allies can catch them and kill them. Do not use it merely for harass. This ability should be used similarly to Gangplank's Cannon Barrage. It is used purely to slow because the slow is so impactful as it hits multiple targets in an aoe.

[*] Trick - If the enemy adc or mid laner is farming mid lane nonchalantly, you can run into lane from fog of war with Youmuu's Ghostblade's active, clip them with the side of Make it Rain, and then Double Up the caster minion closest to them. The Make it Rain will slow them down enough so that they stay in range for the Double Up bounce, and the damage Make it Rain does on the caster minion will be enough so that the first part of Double Up will kill it. This results in a Double Up killing the minion and bouncing to the enemy, dealing increased damage to them. Make sure they don't just flash engage on you or something like that though. This is just a small cheese that may work occasionally when you get the rare opportunity.
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--> Late game <--

- After building 5 other items and boots, it is time to sell boots for a 6th item. If you already have a defensive item, buy a damage item with some survivability built in, like Bloodthirster or Maw of Malmortius. If you have 5 offensive items and no defensive items, and you need one, build a Banshee's Veil, Randuin's Omen, or Guardian Angel. If you TRULY BELIEVE you need WAY MORE DAMAGE, and that you don't need a defensive item or damage item with defensive abilities, then build an Infinity Edge. I highly discourage Infinity Edge as a last buy because you typically have enough damage with 5 damage items, and having a defensive survival item is usually way more important than just getting extra raw damage at that stage of the game.

- HOWEVER, if you are TRULY in the rare situation where you don't believe you need more survivability, Infinity Edge is the item to build. Because your ultimate can crit, not only will Infinity Edge be granting you 70 bonus AD and increased crit damage, your Bullet Time can also crit, so the amount of damage from your ultimate will also skyrocket. Of course, this is only if you need the damage. Typically, your ultimate already deals enough to win team fights at this stage of the game, and surviving while dealing damage is usually your main priority after you use Bullet Time. There is also the fact that because you have no other crit items, you only have a 20% chance of crit, so it is overall not the most efficient item to buy. The damage is not reliable. It still is the highest damage boosting item for Mf, it just isn't as efficient on this kind of Mf build compared to a Mf building other items with crit.

[*] Keep in mind - Double Up doesn't benefit from Infinity Edge's crit buff passive.
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--> Lethality summary <--

- It is mainly important to know that lethality evens out with armor pen around level 9 to level 12. (Some of my sources say level 9, some say level 12) This is about where you get your second point in Bullet Time, and this is about the time where you will start grouping up to team fight. Thus, the nerfs to early game armor pen doesn't affect us too heavily. After level 12, you'll have more armor pen than before the nerf, so lethality will essentially be a buff for Mf once the game goes past level 12.

Credit to





- Valkrin's stream

for the info on Lethality.
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--> Counter Arguments <--

Why not Crit Mf?

- Crit Mf is by no means a bad build, but it doesn't utilize Mf to the fullest. First of all, Crit Mf means you will need to build attack speed items after your Infinity Edge and Essence Reaver. This means

(A) - you won't be obtaining AD nor lethality nor any form of armor reduction from your attack speed items, effectively making your ultimate weaker overall AND even weaker to tanks with armor.

(B) - you will be using gold to buy attack speed, a stat that is less effective on Mf than on other champions due to her passive and her low base AD. Attacking the same champion over and over again is inefficient for Mf because of her lower than normal base AD and because she isn't using her passive. Also, that "ideal situation" where Mf can alternate targets between every single shot to use her passive on every auto attack almost never exists. Overall, it just isn't worth it to get attack speed on Mf. If you really want to play someone who benefits from attack speed, go play Tristana or Jinx or something.

Additionally, being able to obtain 70% crit doesn't necessarily mean your Bullet Time will do more damage. Because of the fact that you have less raw AD than the lethality build due to item choices, even if your ultimate crits, the amount of AD it crits off of and the damage reduced by the armor on tanks basically makes crit Mf's Bullet Time only scary for squishies, and still it might not be as scary as lethality Mf's Bullet Time.
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--> SYSNICKL = Challenger Miss Fortune Main <--

This person was kind enough to reply to my questions in chat, and I was able to discuss with him about Miss Fortune builds. He was the one who suggested buying B. F. Sword and not finishing Duskblade of Draktharr. I learned a decent amount from his stream so I am linking his stream here to give him some exposure and give him credit for helping me with my guide!! ^_^

*(Though he prefer's W max second, which I still disagree on. :P E max second is better :D )
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--> Edits <--

- Switched masteries from Bounty Hunter to Double Edged Sword

- Replacing Duskblade of Draktharr with B. F. Sword
- Updated situational items with Death's Dance
- Switched masteries from Wanderer to Savagery + explanation
- Switched from lethality quints and marks to AD quints and marks + explanation.
- Updated sections "Early Game" and "Post-laning phase" from to explain B. F. Sword
- Updated "Situational items - depends on enemy champions" to explain Death's Dance
- Added a "About to enter game? Tl;dr - " section for people going into a game
- Updated "Mortal Reminder - The Soraka Killer" section
- Updated "Laning phase" section
- Moved Edge of Night to "Situational items - depends on enemy champions" section.
- Added "SYSNICKL = Challenger Miss Fortune Main" section

- Removed "[*] Can kill caster minions with one auto attack after one tower shot" from Pro's
- Replaced CDR glyphs with MR glyphs, BUT including a section for alternative second set of runes
- Replaced Savagery with Wanderer and updated explanation section for Wanderer
- Replaced AD glyphs and quints for Lethality glyphs and Quints
- Added "You changed from lethality runes to AD runes BACK to lethality runes... WTF ARE YOU DOING?" in the lethality quints section.
- Tweaked the Infinity Edge subsection in the late game section. Double Up DOES NOT BENEFIT FROM Infinity Edge'S CRIT BUFF PASSIVE

- Changed runes back to AD
- Added back "[*] Can kill caster minions with one auto attack after one tower shot" to Pro's
- Added "You changed from lethality runes to AD runes BACK to lethality runes ... BACK TO AD RUNES ... WTF ARE YOU DOING?" in the AD quints section.
- Replaced Wanderer with Savagery and updated explanation section for Savagery

-Updated Build, masteries, and skill order. Did not update explanations.
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