Hooray! Easier jungling that will be less gank-dependent. That will do so much for my Lee Sin gameplay.
On the other hand, my opponents junglers might actually be good for once. Hmm... It'll probably even out sometime. Too bad I finished my jungle rune page-.-
[quote=Astrality]Hooray! Easier jungling that will be less gank-dependent. That will do so much for my Lee Sin gameplay.
On the other hand, my opponents junglers might actually be good for once. Hmm... It'll probably even out sometime. Too bad I finished my jungle rune page-.-[/quote]
Since teemo was a squishy, weak champion, with no sustain and olaf was a ridiculously strong champion with a slow and huge sustain who can 2-3 shot teemo with E? :o
[quote=Acid Reigns]Since teemo was a squishy, weak champion, with no sustain and olaf was a ridiculously strong champion with a slow and huge sustain who can 2-3 shot teemo with E? :o[/quote]
On the other hand, my opponents junglers might actually be good for once. Hmm... It'll probably even out sometime. Too bad I finished my jungle rune page-.-