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Annie Build Guide by toka29

Annie - Have you seen my Tibbers friend?

Annie - Have you seen my Tibbers friend?

Updated on June 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author toka29 Build Guide By toka29 7 3 14,725 Views 23 Comments
7 3 14,725 Views 23 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author toka29 Annie Build Guide By toka29 Updated on June 30, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Annie
  • LoL Champion: Annie



Hello and welcome to my guide on MobaFire my guide features the amazing Annie, The Black Child. Annie is a very strong mid champion and in the start, Annie was the mid champion everyone wanted to play with but now many people do not pick her due to many people not knowing how to play and in this guide you will understand and learn how to play Annie so that you can use her.
Annie has a lot of strong CC (she can stun the whole team) but another champion, which is a strong mid is: LeBlanc. LeBlanc has a great nuke but she is not that good in team fights because she can only nuke one down and then there is CDR but Annie has a lot to offer for her team, she got an AoE stun. Not only that she is a good farmer as well, her harass is really good. In this guide I will be teaching you how to use Annie properly unlike my friends I have seen play (pickandpack *cough* *cough*).

If you want to be in credits you have to say something that can improve my guide, so when i'm chance the error or mistake you will go in the credit chapter and feel free to vote and comment.

See ya - Toka29
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. In the time shortly before the League, there were those within the sinister city-state of Noxus who did not agree with the evils perpetrated by the Noxian High Command. The High Command had just put down a coup attempt from the self-proclaimed Crown Prince Raschallion, and a crack down on any form of dissent against the new government was underway. These political and social outcasts, known as the Gray Order, sought to leave their neighbors in peace as they pursued dark arcane knowledge. The leaders of this outcast society were a married couple: Gregori Hastur, the Gray Warlock, and his wife Amoline, the Shadow Witch. Together they led an exodus of magicians and other intelligentsia from Noxus, resettling their followers beyond the Great Barrier to the northern reaches of the unforgiving Voodoo Lands. Though survival was a challenge at times, the Gray Order's colony managed to thrive in a land where so many others would have failed.

Years after the exodus, Gregori and Amoline had a child: Annie. Early on, Annie's parents knew there was something special about their daughter. At the age of two, Annie miraculously ensorcelled a shadow bear - a ferocious denizen of the petrified forests outside the colony - turning it into her pet. To this day she keeps her bear Tibbers by her side, often keeping him spellbound as a stuffed doll to be carried like a child's toy. The combination of Annie's lineage and the dark magic of her birthplace have given this little girl tremendous arcane power. It is this same girl who now finds herself as one of the most sought-after champions within the League of Legends - even by the city-state who would have exiled her parents had they not fled beforehand.
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Pros / Cons

Pros / Cons

+ Heavy Nuke
+ Annie got AoE stun
+ Amazing farm with Disintegrate
+ Good harass
+ Almost not using mana
+ Got a Thornmail in her E: Molten Shield

- Squishy in the start
- Need items to deal damage
- Focused often
- If she is shutdowned early she will not be good late
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  • Summoner's Wrath is a must because you are taking Ignite and therefore will buff you because every time Ignite is on cooldown you will get 5 increase ability power.
  • Mental Force will increase your ability power.
  • Sorcery will increasu you cooldown reduction, so you you can use abilities a little bit faster.
  • arcane knowlegde give you +10% magic penetration.
  • Havoc increase you damage you are dealing in %.
  • Blast increases you ability power per. level.
  • Archmage give your % increase ability power.
  • Executioner does, if your enemy you are attacking is below 40% health, you will deal 6% more damage on the enemy.

  • Summoner's Insight this is also a must becuase you will need it if you are using flash because it reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds.
  • Expanded Mind gives you mana per. level because it gives you man per. level and all mid champion needs mana (most of them) and many of those who use mana is mana hungry.
  • Swiftness does you faster (movement speed) because many ap champion like Annie, Brand, and Karthus is not fast as an Ad carry, so ap carries needs movement speed (the movement speed from Swiftness is not much but it helps a little).
  • Meditation gives you mana regen per. 5 seconds because most ap champion that use mana will problerly use it fast if they use their combo or harass.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush


Greater Mark of Magic Penetration gives you magic penetration, which is good when you are playing ap carry because most people will go after/have magic resist, which counter your damage. If they have a lot of magic resist and you didn't have magic penetration you will not nuke them down instead you will almost not do any damage.


Greater Seal of Magic Resist gives you magic resist because you are laning against another ap carry (mostly, if not, the enemy team is completely ******ed) and then the other ap carry will also you his/hers combo or harassment on you and that's why you should get magic resist, so he doesn't do that much damage to you.


. Greater Glyph of Ability Power gives you ability power and by giving ability power your abilities will be stronger and do more damage and more damage = easier kills :) which is what everyone wants. This is important because every ap carry needs to have ability power otherwise they will be useless, I mean the role even says ABILITY POWER. .


. Greater Quintessence of Ability Power gives massive amounts ability power. Then your abilities will be even stronger and your damage will be even more. When playing ap carry this quintessence is a must because they give almost 5 ability power each so that's almost 15 ability power for 3 quintessence. .
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Ability Details

Ability Details

Annie's abilities

Passive: Pyromania

After every 4 spell casts, Annie's next offensive spell will stun its target for 1.75 seconds.

This is a grreat passive and because it can stun a target which mean you ultimate Summon: Tibbers can stun AoE. It will help a lot of you can so many people once.

(Q): Disintegrate

Annie shoots a mana infused fireball, dealing magic damage to her target. The mana cost is refunded if it kills the target it could be minions but also champions. This will be your main farm because it deal a lot of damage to minions and is better than your auto attack. Disintegrate is also you main harassment.
  • Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana
  • Cooldown: 4 seconds
  • Magic Damage: 85 / 125 / 165 / 205 / 245 (+0.7 per ability power)

(W): Incinerate

Annie casts a cone of fire in front of her, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area. You should also harass the enemy with this spell but Incinerate doesn't have a long range so they should be stunned first by Disintegrate.
  • Cost: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana
  • Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+0.75 per ability power)

(E): Molten Shield

Places a shield around Annie for 8 seconds that increases her armor and magic resistance. Additionally, enemies will be dealt magic damage whenever they use auto-attacks on her while the shield is active. This is like a "mini" Thornmail, which you should only activate when people are attacking you or when you take damage (if you take heavly minions damage)
  • Cooldown: 16 seconds
  • Armor & Magic Resistance: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
  • Magic Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+0.2 per ability power)

(R): Summon: Tibbers

Annie releases her bear Tibbers from her toy prison, dealing magic damage to enemy units in the summon area. For a limited time of 45 seconds, Tibbers can move and attack at Annie's will, while continually dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies. This will be your main damage and when you have your passive Pyromania ready it can stun AoE and deal a lot of damage.
  • Cost: 125 / 175 / 225 mana
  • Summon Magic Damage: 200 / 325 / 450 (+0.7 per ability power)
  • Tibbers' Attack Damage: 85 / 105 / 130
  • Tibbers' Health: 1200 / 1600 / 2000
  • Tibbers' Armor: 30 / 50 / 70
  • Tibbers' Magic Resist: 25 / 45 / 65
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Skill Sequence

Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

I max out my Q Disintegrate because it is your farm ability but also your stun to harass your enemy. Then I max out my W Incinerate because it's you second ability, which deal a lot of damage. But when you have stunned your target you will go close to them and use your Incinerate and most of the time many enemies is like "get away from Annie" but some people will not run, after they are stunned, you run back to farm but they will not they will attack you. Then I take my ultimate Summon: Tibbers every time i can (level: 6, 11, and 16) and last i max out Molten Shield.
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Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells

My Summoner Spells

. I think as a player Flash is a must because it's the best escape you can have and if you ask me you need Flash or even Ghost if you don't have an escape spell you probably going to die fast and when people gank you, you are screwed. Flash is so must better than Ghost because with Flash you can teleport over a wall and then you are free but with Ghost you have to run and you can always be stunned or slowed or other CC. .

. I think if you can play Annie and you can nuke people, Ignite is also a must but when you are new to annie you can of cause take other summoner spells but Ignite help you burst people down. Many times when you have used all your abilities they maybe have about 20 hp left and then you can use the ignite and they will run. Wait for it......... "You have slain an enemy!" It'd like Darius' passive. .

Other viable summoner spells

. Only use Ghost if you not in level 12. Ghost is so bad if you are against a heavly CC team then Flash is better. Many people start playing Annie when they are under level 12 then there is a good idea to take Ghost because you are playing against other in about your level and many of them doesn't know how to play and therfore will not be good at their CC. .

. You can also use Heal if you want. It will help you to bait people or when people think "okay now I can take down Annie" and then when you have a small amount of hp you will use your Heal and then get the kill. When you are a new to league of legends is can be a good idea to use heal because if you playing and you dont know how to play then i might fight against one who has tried it before. .

. Using Teleport will help you coming around the map faster and you can always can somebody if your support have placed a ward in the bush you can teleport gank (that's very effective). You can also use it if your lane is getting pushed and the tower is hitting the minions and you want your XP then you can Teleport and maybe don't lost too much XP .

. Only use Clarity if you really want to spam your abilities but the Clarity also have a cooldown and after you have used it. It will be stupid to continue spamming your abilities. But your Q Disintegrate use a little mana and when you get a minion/champion kill the mana is refreshed. .

Summoner spells you shouldn't use

IMPORTANT: I will use
for these summoner spells because these spells are not important. Another reason is that these summoner spells should you not use because many of them aren't good in a 5v5 and others are just useless except if your team decide to troll. I say this, so people don't think "You are so lazy" or something about that.

  • Exhaust is a summoner spells, which is good for junglers, ad carries etc. but not for ap mid champions. So I think for this guide this spell is useless when you are playing Annie because you already got a stun you can use instead of a slow.
  • Garrison is a spell, which should be used in a Dominion game and not a 5v5 (my opinion) so if any gets this it will useless.
  • Pick only Revive if you are going to troll (DO NOT TROLL), so i think revive is useless and will maybe always be useless.
  • Smite is only for jungle but i have seen people that farms with Smite but i have one thing to say: if take Smite go jungle otherwise pick another summoner spell and the cooldown for Smite is too long for a person to keep using it.
  • Surge is only good for some champion (my opinion is that it is great early but late it is useless) don't use it because ap mid champions are always mid/late champions and Surge is only good early (useless).
  • I think using Cleanse is useless as ap carry but an ad carry might use it because many supports have a lot of CC like Alistar and if you get CC'ed by Alistar you are sure dead.
  • Promote is only good in a dominion game because you can use Promote all the time. But in 5v5 you can only use it when you have a canon wave comming.
  • Clairvoyance is so useless on most champions becuase it's a support item. Only very few mid champions can use it but it's still very bad. One of these mid champion you can use Clairvoyance with is [karthus]] because of his ultimate, which is clobal. So let the support take Clairvoyance.
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Farming / Harass

Farming / Harass

When you are playing League of Legends it's very important to farm well special the ad carry of course all should have a good farm by last hit minions. Last hit is you using your auto or an ability ( Annie's Q Disintegrate can last hit minions without using mana) most champions last hit with their auto attack. But there is one player who shouldn't farm when he/she got the partner and that is the support champion, an ad carry must farm well or she/he is useless and I mean useless except if they lots of kills but that rare in a ranked game.

When playing almost any champion you should multitask, you should farm and harass the enemy so important things. I farm up until my passive is activated and the next ability I use will stun the enemy. When I got my passive I'm playing aggressive because i want to stun the enemy champion and before I can do that, I must go to my enemy. When stunned i walk closer to use my W Incinerate. When you have your passive ready and the enemy knows what you are going to do and stay back you should just keep farming and wait until he gets closer and when i say keep farming i also mean using your Q Disintegrate and wait until you got your passive up again.

Note: remember always to buy wards when you are playing aggressive, so you always can watch out for their jungle. Keep harass your enemy because most ap mid will not do great late/mid game if you shut them down early. They will be useless late game.

Summary: You should farm a lot with your Disintegrate and when you got your stun up you should harass them with your Disintegrate and Incinerate and then go back and farm.
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Items - early game

Items early game

Starting Items


. The Boots is good because you will be a little faster than most people, specially mid because most ap carries take their Doran's Ring to get more ability power or they take another ap items and boots will you allow you to get away faster when a jungler ganks you. When you jungler comes to gank you should have you stun ready and then boots will allow you to get up to your enemy fast and stun them so your jungler got a chance to help you get the kill. .

. Health Potion is a thing which is a must if you buy shoes because when you got shoes you will not have any mana regen and health regen. Most ap carries have bought Doran's Ring and will deal a lot of damage and some champions have really good harass, then you will use your Health Potion, so you don't have to go back. .

First Recall


. Some people thinks it's waste of money to buy 2 Doran's Ring but many people buy it, and it's like a mini Rod of Ages and it also gives you mana regen. But your first recall is to pick up 2 Doran's Ring and then quickly go to your lane, so you don't lose too much XP. .

Second Recall

Catalyst the protector

catalyst the protector . This items is important to get a small amount of health and mana and you can upgrade it full to Rod of Ages, which is one of the items you will end with if you are playing a late and i mean late. It's very rare that people get finished the build. . catalyst the protector

. As your second recall you should finish your shoes and so you can deal some more damage on the enemy because Sorcerer's Shoes will give you magic penetration. It will also give you an increased movement speed and which you can come faster to your lane or in team fights. .

Third Recall

. At your third recall you should grab Rod of Ages, and now you completed your first good/late game items and grab this because it's best early/mid until you become in level 18 you will get mana and health regen. .

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Items - mid game

Items - mid game

Mid game items

. Needlessly Large Rod is only a part of i big item, which is Rabadon's Deathcap and it will give about 140 ability power and that's a lot and you should aim after this as soon you finished you Rod of Ages. .

. At mid game you should finish your first Rabadon's Deathcap and getting a deathcap early is very strong and it will give you are very high boost (you can only get a deathcap early if you are extremely fed or have a very good CS). .

. This is like the first item, which is only a start to something big and this item gives you health and the complete item gives a lot of different things you need. This item is good because most people will focus the fed one and if you are one of them you will get health like Rod of Ages gives you health. .

. This is the complete item from the Giant's Belt. This item gives you health and also ability power and the good thing is every time you use an ability you will slow them and you can keep slowing them every time you use an ability and until you have your passive up, you can stun them. .

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Items - late game

Items - late game

Late game items

. The Archangel's Staff is good because late game you will run out of mana because of it's many team fights and it's also increase your ability power because you get a lot of mana from the Archangel's Staff. More Mana More Ability Power. .

. Zhonya's Hourglass is good to take because it's always the ad carry and ap carry, which is getting focused first so with Zhonya's Hourglass you can do your self a statue and therfore you team can come and help you. .
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Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame

My Annie score

Note: If you want to be in the hall of fame you should sent me images where your score is and I'll will put it on "Hall of Fame" of course you need to use my build. I will also put your name on so you can see who played the game.
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Chance log

Chance log

25-06-2012: Guide published.
26-06-2012: Changed my build from 3 deathcaps to 1 and added in 1 Archangel's Staff and 1 Zhonya's Hourglass. / I also added Sariondil in credits. / Added a new score image on "Hall of Fame".
28-06-2012: for some reason all my images were deleted and I managed to get some images in.
30-06-2012 Put all my images back on the guide and i hope they will not be deleted again.
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