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Olaf Build Guide by KoreanSP

Competitive Olaf, the TRUE Lane Terror

Competitive Olaf, the TRUE Lane Terror

Updated on August 31, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KoreanSP Build Guide By KoreanSP 33 4 57,925 Views 18 Comments
33 4 57,925 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KoreanSP Olaf Build Guide By KoreanSP Updated on August 31, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Olaf
  • LoL Champion: Olaf
  • LoL Champion: Olaf
  • LoL Champion: Olaf

Intro - Who am I, and who is Olaf?

Welcome! I'm known as multiple aliases, been playing MobA games from casual gameplay to the competitive scene but nevertheless, I've always been someone who analysed everything and gave my fair worth of information on it. I play at a high level and always give it my best, and this guide is no exception to my motto. On Mobafire, I'm known as KoreanSP, and I have been playing League for a good amount of time. This is my comprehensive guide to Olaf, the Berserker.

Olaf is a powerful champion - a competitive monster, capable of carrying teams, pulling off clutches, and playing a key role in any team composition.

He is notorious for being a deadly solo-top, as his skill kit counters many other solo-top champs. He is also a versatile and speedy jungler. However, I have come to realize, as well as many others, that his power can be used as a completely dominating champion in the top lane with his ridiculous amount of damage he can put out, effectively winning nearly every trade.

Late game, he plays a critical and crucial role as the team's AD Bruiser, and it is likely that the enemy will have to back off or get mercilessly pummeled by you.

I would appreciate any criticism to improve this guide's shape. Thanks!

Important Note

I am currently in the process of remaking a NEW, BETTER OLAF GUIDE. This guide is still very suitable for any type of play. However, it will not be updated and more than likely archived once my new guide comes up. Do enjoy!
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Why pick Olaf - Pros and Cons


+ Powerful initiator
+ Strong ALL game
+ Powerful lane presence
+ Can snowball and carry
+ "Brolaf" skin is true terror

- Inflicts True Damage to self
- Difficult time with Axe
- Item-dependent
- Ultimate can deceive you
- Can be bullied in lane
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Preferred Mastery Tree

The 9/21/0 Defence Tree - Simply put, 9 is in the offence tree for the armor pen, while 21 is in the defense tree for Juggernaut as well as all the tanky masteries necessary be successful as a AD Bruiser.

Other Viable Mastery Trees

9/0/21 Utility Tree on Olaf? Did Olaf Reckless Swing you in the head. KoreanSP? Hear me out first. The benefits from the utility, such as Greed , Swiftness , Good Hands , Intelligence , and others makes Olaf have a stronger mid-late game in exchange for a weaker laning phase, but it works well. I would suggest for one to not to bash this viable mastery option, and try it out.

The typical 21/9/0 Offence Tree, it works well for an offensive Olaf, but a lot of what makes Olaf be the terror that is Olaf isn't his auto attacks, rather his tankiness and utility. If the enemy is squishy, or you want to go more damage-offensive, which is fine, but not my way of playing, this build works.


In the defense tree, there are two masteries that I'd like to point out. Tough Skin and Indomitable are two really good masteries for the reason that they provide 4 damage off from minions. During laning trades, you'll most likely recieve lots of damage from the minions. These masteries help reduce quite a bit to give you that advantage. If you are freezing the lane, it is the same idea in that you save a lot of HP from the minions.
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My Rune Choice, and why?

Current Rune Page


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

  • Greater Mark of Desolation: It gives you more then enough Armor Pen to rip through their Armor Runes and do more damage.
  • Greater Mark of Attack Damage: You do more damage with your auto attacks, making it easier to last hit.

  • Greater Seal of Armor: Common Seals that most people have, they give flat armor and are useful during trades, or when freezing lane, and so on. The current Meta has plenty of AD champs as well.


  • Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: It makes you faster then most, and helps you catch up to enemy champs as well as go where you want to go and initiate when you want to.
  • Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: More attack damage, better last hitting, overall you have a strong auto attack.
  • Greater Quintessence of Desolation: More Armor Penetration, your regular attacks will hit pretty hard during the lane, and armor penetration is useful all game.
  • Greater Quintessence of Life Steal: Although I've never tried these, the life steal could be a desirable stat, and along with other lifesteal items, it might be viable.
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Ability Explanations and Skill Sequence

Your passive makes you a fantastic dueler as you only become more deadly when you get low. This doesn't mean you have to be low all the time, but is fantastic when you are in a 1v1 with someone like Fiora or Jax. After a team fight has occured, when everyone is dead or low, you can use this to your advantage to push towers in a blink of an eye.

This skill is Olaf's 'skill shot' to speak. It takes a bit of experience as new players will overthrow it, therefor not being able to pick it up, or underthrow it, and not hit the desired target, or miss completely. It does quite a bit of damage, is a greater farming skill(makes farming during the midgame fast and simple), and does a bit of damage as well.
Apart from its obvious farming benefits, it can be used in various ways
  • Used to slow enemy champs down
  • To harass/poke the enemy to force them to recall or be susceptible to a kill/gank
  • Check the bush(gives vision of where the axe is, and can be used to check instead of facechecking)
  • Steal buffs/minion camps/leash


In the case that you are terribly zoned, getting 2-3 points in your Undertow may be better as you won't be able to use your Reckless Swing as much. But these situations are rare, and even in a 2v1, Olaf can hold his own without doing that.

This skill is a One-Point wonder. Just one point in it is great, but the scaling of later ranks falls off. Therefore, you level it last. It is amazing to last hit with as well as trade hits with the enemy champ. You can use it after you use Reckless Swing to gain back your lost health. Combo'd with your passive, it can pull off some ridiculous clutch moves.

Olaf's signature skill, it deals 340 true damage at max, and makes it so trading with Olaf favor him. Whenever the enemy goes near, just hit them with your E, and they'll scamper back to the safety of their tower.

Just be careful because it does damage to you and make end up making you liable to dying(especially to Ignites).

Max it first and you'll be dominating in no time. Plus, with a bit of CDR(easy to get with items and buffs), you'll have it on a very short CD and you can spam to your heart's desire.

You want your ultimate whenever you can, at levels 6, 11, and 16. Olaf's ultimate makes it so you cannot be disabled or slowed for a brief period of time. It can be used when you are CC'd, such as a stun.

It defines Olaf and his strong initiating gameplay. It can be used during 1v1 duels to be more durable, when you are escaping (combined with Ghost, you can't be caught), or when you are initiating into a fight that you start.
  • Used to escape
  • Used to initiate
  • Used for durability during a duel
  • Can be used when you are CC'd or slowed (for example, Veigar's Event Horizon)
Just be careful to not use it too early as it lasts 8 seconds at the highest rank, and can be baited/wasted. Nothing is worse then running in, but realizing that you used your ultimate too early and you get chain stunned to oblivion.

Skill Sequence Reference

-> -> ->


You want to get 1 in each skill early on for the sustain, the slow+damage, then start leveling your burst as early as possible. Ultimate whenever it is up.
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Recommended Summoner Spells & Explanations

Recommended Spells

Ghost helps you chase enemies and is simply a great gap-closer. In conjunction with your ultimate, you are unstoppable for a short period of time. Not to mention, as long as you stick to the enemy, you should be able to slowly wither them down and eventually kill them. Largely a personal preference, but the speed is too good with your ultimate.

It is too valuable in conjunction with an already power ultimate.

Exhaust blends perfectly with his kit as he can slow an enemy with his axe, then put another slow. It scales well late game to lower the output of many damage dealers, both AP and AD. You can use it to escape and to catch up to anyone. Even if the enemy flashes away, the exhaust effect will still be on the enemy.

Other Viable Spells

Flash: Works as well, but for Olaf, he needs to be able to stick to an opponent and constantly be right next to them, as well as be able to initiate a fight on his terms. It is also preference based, I used to play with flash to use his Reckless Swing as a burst when the low HP enemy got too close. It makes for a great escape as well, but you have your ultimate to escape and in all levels.

Ignite: It is true damage that helps your damage greatly, especially as a finisher and if they have a heal such as Dr. Mundo, you want ignite. However, exhaust is too good of a spell to give up for the reasons stated above, so only get the former if they have heals.

Teleport: It is commonly used for solo top champs, and it works for Olaf as well. I'd say only get this spell if you want to play a more farm based game, your game style revolves around early GP5's/fast items/quick returns(which means passive farm, or an aggressive trade in which you can return faster to the lane), or your team wants to get Dragon early/make team plays.

Heal: It is great to bait as well as use for duels to have that small health advantage, especially for Olaf as that small health boost can make it safe enough to use your E one more time to finish them. However, enemy ignites makes this spell really undesirable.
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Item Build & Explanations

Starting Items


You want armor ideally as most solo top champs will be AD-based, and it helps give you sustain with 5 health pots and more armor against minions. It can also build into other items.

If it is against a hero that you will likely dominate, or is really skill shot reliant like many AP casters, you'd want to get boots to avoid them.

To Dominate in the Lane


Don't Forget!

Philosopher's Stone

If you are doing good in the lane, you want to get 1-3 Doran's Blades. They are extremely cost efficient and give you sustain while being cheaper then a Wriggle's Lantern and you can sell them earlier. I wouldn't suggest more then 3 at max, ideally 2 seems the best.

However, if you are doing bad in the lane, such as getting zoned or you got ganked early, you want to get Wriggle's Lantern. Why? Because it gives you all the stats you need to have great sustain which includes life steal, armor, and damage as well as minion procs and a free ward. TIP: If you have Wriggle's, and your jungler is preoccupied with another lane or is on the other side of the map, don't be afraid to drop by your own jungle if your lane is pushed as you can kill the jungle creeps with ease due to minion procs. Helps catch up to the enemy if they are ahead in levels.

The Heart of Gold builds straight into your Randuin's Omen and helps you get more health early on. Get this early if you are behind, but if you are dominating, by all means, skip it as the GP10 will not help as much as your core items. Realize that it gives about 1 ward per 3 minutes( 25 gold per minute). Don't overestimate the Heart of Gold, but if you're behind, it will definitely help.

The Philosopher's Stone isn't commonly seen on Olaf and due to the recent nerf, it will most likely be less desirable. However, it gives great sustain, gp10, and is easy to build into. It also builds into Shurelya's Battlesong, a strong item that gives you much sustain, health, CDR, and a ridiculous active, a quick speed boost similar to a fast ghost for your whole team. It can be used to initiate or run, and on Olaf, is deadly. It is a key item to winning the lane and dominating even harder while keeping up massive sustain and cost efficiency.

The Right Boots

Mercury's Treads offer the highest tenacity which lowers the length of CC abilities, and when your ult is on CD, Mercury's Treads will come in handy, not to mention the extra MR it gives. WARNING: Tenacity does NOT stack.

Ninja Tabi is great against most AD Bruiser solo tops as it helps lower the damage from minions and the enemy hero(es) due to a likely AD comp. Cheaper to boot, so you get those extra wards, or that faster Phage.

Berserker's Greaves are meh. By that I mean you have plenty of attack speed from your passive, and a lot of your damage comes from your skills until late game. If you are dominating or want to go more offensive, by all means, have boots that fit your title.

These are actually really neat. Boots of Swiftness is underestimated as it provides a decent amount of speed and can really make you feel faster. They are great to use, but other boots are better due to Boots of Swiftness being a one trick pony, aka just speed. Great to use if you are ahead and don't have CC/AD worries or you are roaming a lot.

Core Items

You want your Phage to be more tanky and get slow procs which help with chasing and during teamfights. The important thing is that your Phage is going to be built into something much stronger. A Hexdrinker gives you more AD and MR, but also a neat passive that prevents AP skills from instantly finishing you off, by giving you a small shield. It'll be built in a Maw later on.

The Warmog's Armor is essential as it provides 1270 HP with max stacks as well a hefty amount of Health Regen and its stacks never disappear. It makes Olaf extremely durable and buffs his Tough It Out. Explanation: The reason Olaf can go tanky and not build much damage items early to mid game on is because he has his true damage and W as his steroid to take the enemy heroes. The health just lets you survive battles. I'm not a fan of stacking them, but they can be stacked such as in build #4. For me, one is enough and plenty.

Why a Shurelya's Battlesong? As stated before, it is a great item on Olaf, and synergizes with his tanky initiation quite well. Do get it, but don't keep it for late game as other items can replace it better, and your tank/support should have one already. With a tanky/support jungler, you might even have two, reducing the need for getting it. But nevertheless, for mid game, it is THE item to get.

Damage Items


Trinity Force gives you all the stats you need, such as more health, critical chance, movement speed, damage, and so on. Importantly, it gives you Sheen procs, which come in handy since your skills aren't very high in CD and you can easily abuse it. It also gives an improved Phage's slow which helps with slowing the enemy. Overall, a great item to get. I have a chapter about it, and why I don't get other items, mainly Frozen Mallet.

From a Hexdrinker, you get the Maw of Malmortius which is an AD-Bruiser's dream. Why? Because it is perfect for those with rapidly fluctuating health bars such as Olaf. It provides a lot of AD, magic resist, and two unique passives. The first being an increase in AD when your health is lower, which works great with Olaf's passive, Berserker Rage. The second passive is fantastic, as it procs when you are dangerously low and you get attacked by an AP caster/Magic damage spell. It gives you 400 'shield' for a short amount of time which can be more then enough to pull off a clutch.

Defensive Items


The thing about Randuin's Omen is that you build it from a Heart of Gold, which is a GP10 item. Get the Heart of Gold if you are behind early game as one of your first items. It helps against late game AD-ranged carries as you'll be in the midst of the battle, whacking away at the carry and you want to slow them down as well as diminish their AA capabilities. This item is perfect for it, just don't forget to use it!

Late game, you should be the scary, with plenty of damage and durability. To take you down is to burst you with all they've got. With Guardian Angel, they now have to face you twice and it is great as you will be initiating either first or second every battle therefore you want to be able to help your team in the case you die during your initiation. It also provides dual resists which is extremely helpful.
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Optional Items

Special Mention

One of my personal favorites lately, I've been using it instead of Randuin's Omen because a lot of supports/tanks get Randuin's Omen, especially some of the top-meta junglers right now. Although you lose out on the GP10, I feel that this item helps you with mana, a lot of CDR, heavy armor, and one of the best, if not THE BEST unique passives. It wrecks any team with lots of AD heroes, or reliant on a single AD carry. Since you'll be right in front of their face, you'll be giving off the debuff constantly. Frozen Heart: Replace Randuin's Omen

I've always thought The Brutalizer was a unique item with its cost, how it builds into/up to, and the stats it gives. On Olaf, it is powerful because all three stats give him a great bonus early game. It gives armor pen, with your runes, enough to make your AA deal nearly true damage to early game heroes. You gain attack damage, as well as a bit of CDR. The key is to not build it to a Youmuu's Ghostblade, but rather sell it when you need the slow/midgame.

Many bruisers have this item, and I used to have it as well. A Trinity Force defeats it in terms of usefulness. It got nerfed, and is best with a Fratmas combo - against AD dominant comps. Replace Maw of Malmortius.

It used to be part of my core as well, but due to the addition of Maw, you don't need FoN. You have your runes+boots as well as GA and Maw for Magic Resist anyway. It's good if the enemy has 3+ AP casters that are wrecking face. Replace Maw of Malmortius, or Guardian Angel.

Check out next section.

It is a great item, but I don't like it on Olaf. You also need more damage for the PD to be effective (especially an IE). I suggest not to get it unless you are following build #3.

Crit hard, do plenty of damage, scare the enemy. Useful when your AD carry is useless or completely lacking. Only get it when you are really ahead or hard-carrying with a dominance. Replace Randuin's Omen or Maw of Malmortius.

The armor pen and active helps out, but is highly situation-based and other items are better.

Zeke's Herald It is better for your supports, as it is truly a waste of space if you have it since there are many other better choices. I suppose if you want it... Replace Randuin's Omen.

You can get this by going Philosopher's Stone early on for the GP10 and great sustain and use as a midgame item. It can be used to initiate, and if your team doesn't have it, you can get it as a quick 'mini' ghost. However, I'd suggest replacing it late game for another item as your support/tanks should have this and you can use other better items.

This item helps against AP bursters like Veigar or LeBlanc. It is one way to counter hard CC-based teams such as Malphite too. It is really niche-based though, never a general good item to get, just specific counters. Replace Guardian Angel or Randuin's Omen.

Only against REALLY FED Melee/Ranged AD carries, otherwise it isn't worth it. Fill it in mid-game, Replace your Warmog's Armor, Maw of Malmortius, or Randuin's Omen depending on the situation.

It is pretty good on AD-Bruisers, and Olaf is no exception. You already have lots of damage and sustain howeve. Replace Guardian Angel, or Replace Randuin's Omen. You can also choose to get it after a Trinity Force for massive damage.

It is extremely underestimated but it is pretty strong early game. Helps with your sustain, gives you MR and health, plus CDR. If you need some more MR and health, or need more sustain, it doesn't hurt to get it early game. It'll be replaced later on. Great against Vladimir.
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Further Explanation on Trinity Force over Frozen Mallet


+ Has multiple stats that are useful and strong.
+ Sheen passive procs often.
+ Phage can slow by 35%.
+ Items are cheap to get, easy to upgrade.

- One of the most expensive items in the game.
- The slow is % based, so you need a bit of luck.
- Not effective is too squishy.


+ More health given (450HP)
+ 100% slow, essentially a perma-slow
+ Cheaper in total price compared to Trinity.

- Less offensive benefits compared to Trinity.
- Giant's Belt is 1.1k single part - expensive.
- Only a few stats.

When and Why?

*The only reason you'd get Frozen Mallet is because your team lacks CC/slows and you need the slow to get any kills.
SPaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *The HP from Frozen Mallet is minimal due to your other items. The damage is weaker, and it doesn't have any other benefits apart from the slow.
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Philosopher's Stone and Heart of Gold

Both are ridiculously good GP10 items, yet both got nerfed due to their cost efficiency.

So why get them still?
Philosopher's Stone

This item gives :

+ Great Sustain
+ Cheap
+ Easy build up
+ Builds into one of Olaf's favorite items
+ Easily replaceable
+ GP10, gets enough money for a few wards before you upgrade it

It is a great item so I'd suggest trying it out. For Olaf, and many others, it helps with skill spamming, health regen, as well as ward money.

This item gives:

+ Cheap, only 1 component
+ Builds into Randuin's Omen, really strong
+ Extra health, tankier
+ Essentially sustain due to health, makes your W better.
+ GP10, gets enough money for a few wards before you upgrade it

This item is in my opinion, slightly overrated, but nevertheless great. However, I tend to skip it due to how I find it's flat HP benefit not worth the slot nor time. However, a Randuin's Omen is powerful, so I get it when I am behind, in a hardcore farm lane, or I believe it'll be a long game, and I won't have much opportunity to upgrade my items (low farm).
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Comprehensive Laning Advice and Teamfights - General Tips

Olaf excels at being a top hero for several reasons.
  • He can last hit extremely well, utilizing his Undertow and Reckless Swing to aid him in getting the highest amount of creep score you can possibly get. Even his steroid, Tough It Out raises his attack damage.
  • His Q and E makes it so that you will usually win trades, therefore you want to zone the enemy by hanging out near their side of the creeps to prevent last hitting and even getting experience.
  • You can escape with your ultimate if you get ganked, or use it to turn the tide to your favor if the jungler and the opposing top is weak.
  • Sustain with Tough It Out
  • Can easily hold off a pushed lane, as well as push a lane back.
  • You can assist in ganks from your team with your slow and massive damage.
  • Exhaust their carries/runners.
  • Tanky enough to initiate, strong enough to deal heavy damage.
  • True Damage, really strong against all, including tanks.

During level 1-2, you want to just farm up as much as you can. The key here is to use Undertow to not push the lane, but rather last hit a minion AND hit the enemy hero. The worst situation is if you hit all the minions, pushing your lane hard. Try to hit only 1 or 2, while hitting their hero. Pick up axe if possible. Watch for a level 2 gank, especially if they have a Lee Sin, Shyvana, or Twitch.


Throwing your axe and mastering it is key. You should know when to throw it at your feet (ie pointblank damage) so you can pick it up fast, or throw it at the direction they run, so you can pick it up along the way. Make sure to practice a lot, as new players will undethrow or overthrow often. If you are farming, try to pick it up as much as possible. You can use your axe to check bushes, especially the top bushes in the case you aren't sure if the enemy has recalled, or is camping. You can use the axe to slow the enemy if they are chasing too.

When you are level 3-5, you should start to pick up the powerful early game Olaf has with his Reckless Swing. Whenever they come to last hit, hit them with :

Undertow-> Reckless Swing->AA->Pick up axe, repeat if possible.

After a few combos like that, they will be too scared or low to come near to last hit. Watch for junglers ganking.

If you find a passage to recall back to base, do it. Especially if the lane is pushed and they are tower-hugging, go back, get your boots/wards/pots, then return. However, if the lane is at the middle/their favor, yet they are too scared to lasthit due to your fearful damage, then continue to farm and last hit ONLY.

At level 6-9, you'll start to build a bit of damage and bulkiness, the enemy should be worried, and at the worst, you should be equal in creep score. Hopefully you haven't died yet, but in the case you have, Olaf can come back around mid game. If you are kills ahead, then Olaf can snowball as well, especially if you get to level 9 where your Reckless Swing is rank 5.

Abuse your skills and advantage (in most cases) of being able to trade hits and come out on top. Scare the living hell out of them and get them weak enough. You can start diving if the enemy is low if you have a teammate nearby. You can just ult out of it.

You should have wards at this point. Push every lane to the tower, attack the enemy with your E and Q if they come to last hit, and continue. Don't be afraid, as you have Ghost and Ragnarok, plus you should of warded to see junglers. Run if needed, but you can usually turn the battle around if you are ahead. Especially if your jungler is near, you can easily win a fight.

Depending on what side you are on, either clear or steal the mini Golems, or clear or steal the wolves (a bit farther then the Golems). If you have a Wriggle's Lantern, you can easily clear. If you are on purple side, you can ask your jungler for the red (if the jungler doesn't need it, otherwise give it to the jungler). If you are on blue, avoid getting the blue buff, you don't need it. The only reason you'd get it is because the enemy is about to steal it, and you don't have your team. Better you than them.

Dragon and teamfights will start to occur, as well as roaming (especially if the laning phase ended early, you lost a tower/they lost a tower) so be careful. Sometimes missing a wave or two to help a team fight or run down for dragon is better then losing dragon and 2 of your members because you weren't there to ace.


Careful of Jarvan IV, as his ultimate can lock you in and your ultimate won't save you. Luckily, it is not a perfect ultimate as occasionally, you can get out of it by running out as he ults. Don't rely on it though, and just don't overpush the lane with Jarvan IV.

When you are level 10+, a lot of teamfights and battle over objectives will occur. If you haven't started to roam, you might want to keep your eye on the minimap. Likely, you, your enemy, or both will of started to roam more. Don't throw your lane completely as many do, keep an eye on it and don't lose your tower as that counters the gold you get from a dragon (Don't sacrifice your tower for dragon, you technically lose more due to map vision) If your team has CC, you can easily pull off your combo for heavy damage during fights and ganks.

Clear the jungle if your AD carry/mid/jungler isn't nearby. You want as much exp and CS as possible to get your items. Ward if possible, especially if you have inventory space and 75+ gold. It is detrimental to ward the map.


Don't yell at your support for not warding, instead ask your team to ward as well.

You will initiate or come in second during team fights. Your goal is to attack their weakest targets and carries, OR protect your team's carries. Remember, you can initiate, take all their CC and skills, then run out so your team can clean up. You can run back in with your passive and wreck face, while keeping alive with your Tough It Out.

Remember to ward baron as people are starting to become level 14+. It is possible to baron before 14+, but generally that is a good baseline to keep and a good habit to form.

You should either stick to your carries and protect them, go in as a damage soaker, or stick to their carries and destroy them. Half the time, the enemy will have to focus you to keep their carry alive, or to kill your carry. Use your ultimate and W to keep yourself alive as long as possible. Don't forget to use your actives such as Randuin's Omen.

Late Game Reference

- Counter jungle as much as possible, steal the dragon, get their buffs, clear lanes, get towers, win fights, ward the map, get baron, protect your carry, focus the inhibitors, win the game.
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Build #2

Finished Build #2

When to use it?

It's great when your team lacks slows/CC, is against an average blend of AD/AP champs, and you need more damage**, or you want a cheaper build. Some people will feel more comfortable playing with this type of Olaf, with their Mallet and Atmas. Going Teleport also lets you get to lane faster and help out with teamfights.

Although realize that it is less powerful and tanky then the first build. I say less powerful since build #2 only beats build #1 when you have a full late game build (rare). Throughout the game you'll do less damage then build #1.

** It is actually less damage until late game when you get stacks on your Bloodthirster.

Build #2 can also work as a jungle guide, although this isn't a jungle guide, there are times when Olaf needs to jungle, and this guide works perfectly for it. If you start a Wriggle's Lantern, and even then you aren't snowballing as strong, then you might want to change into this build. Best for when you lack money.
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Build #3

Finished Build #3

When to use it?

It's great when your team needs much more damage, or an powerful AD-Melee carry, they have a lot of squishies/newbies, you are dominating 9/0/2 14 minutes in the game, you want to crit like a boss, lifesteal like a boss. You can use your ultimate to escape or to prevent CC's so you can pull off that 1v3.

However, it makes you a lot squishier then you should ever be. It isn't effective, and you won't be able to initiate. Against any smart team, you'll be bursted down as you don't have massive speed nor an ult like Undying Rage. Damage is useless if you can't deal it. You also bring less utility to the team as you can't play as dominating without tankiness. Expensive as well.

Compared to the other builds, this is just a pure melee AD build, and is built on using his ultimate to can out and in, while shredding apart their team with high damage and critical hits.
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Build #4

Finished Build #4 (TEST BUILD)

When to use it?

It's great when your team needs a pure tank, which this build goes for. You still do heavy damage early-mid game, but as late game comes around, you transition into a near-pure tank. Lots of resist and health, nearly unkillable late game. You have high speed as well. High movement speed. Can easily variate build.

This build makes you do little damage late game, and you lose out on some of the other things that capitalize on Olaf's role as a powerful offtank. You lack a taunt, so you require the enemy focus you while you need to be tanky enough to peel their carries. Your role as a tank is to run in there, initiate, and peel at their carries, forcing them to retreat.

This is a test build, under massive change, testing, and theory crafting. It can be highly effective, especially with your ult and plenty of tank items. It is one way of playing Olaf, and I would love feedback.
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Laning Phase Wards

Warding as Olaf at Top Lane

Red Dots: Wards to prevent ganks, ideal ward places. They double as a ward to prevent counter jungling.
Teal Dots: These are wards that you can put to see where junglers are at a certain time, counter jungle, or show vision to so you can go and clear the jungle safely. These aren't too important but to a solo top hero, they will be of some use.

The reason I put a map like this is so you know where to put wards as a Solo top hero. To learn about wards later on in the game, check out Panglot's Guide on Wards and Warding. Not to mention a majority of the warding is done by the support/jungler. This doesn't mean you shouldn't ward at all, but not worry about warding as much as say, a Taric.
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In the Future...

In the future I plan to add:

- Neaten up and continue fixing grammar mistakes
- Organize better, make better Mastery Trees
- Better BBC coding, currently testing and asking around
- Eventual pictures
- 1v1 match ups with key champs

Give me some ideas if you have good ones!
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Glorious Conclusion

If you've read this guide, please do give me your criticism and comments, as well as don't forget to vote!

Build Variation is key to being a better player. Don't be a metasheep or afraid to try out new items, new runes, new masteries, new gamestyles. Please try out my build before you negatively comment or downvote, you might be surprised!

If you're new to the game, don't be afraid to ask questions or leave a comment. Either myself, or perhaps other viewers will answer your questions, and if you hate my build, want it to burn in hell, or you think _____ is stupid, and so on, by all means comment and give me a reasonable answer. I take pride in my guide, and I'm always susceptible to change and updates.

I hope this encourages you to kick some major arse as top lane Olaf.


Also thanks to JhoiJhoi's Guide on How to Make a Guide and Ciderhelm for his video

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