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Anivia Build Guide by Freliax

Support [S4]: Freeze! Support Anivia

Support [S4]: Freeze! Support Anivia

Updated on January 8, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Freliax Build Guide By Freliax 2 8 109,309 Views 21 Comments
2 8 109,309 Views 21 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Freliax Anivia Build Guide By Freliax Updated on January 8, 2014
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A short welcome

Hey, and welcome to my first build guide. As I'm a great fan of Anivia, I figured that Anivia support would be awesome, and here's why I think it's cool.

Zis ess a vurk een prrroogreesss, yaaar.

Anivia in general is an awesome late game carry, being able to lock people in portions of the jungle, stun them in her Glacial Storm and basically destroy them with the double damage from Frostbite. She brings great team utility and can help team members with AoE ults, such as Amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy or Miss Fortune's Bullet Time.

I will probably pick up a lot of criticism for this hehehe

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the tutorial!
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Summary Banner

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Ability Sequence
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Changelog (skip this bit if you want)

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Pros / Cons


+ Loads of CC
+ Great baiting passive
+ Can potentilly nullify ganks
+ Aids ganks with her wall
+ Grants brush vision
+ Slow AA animation
Anivia has a lot of pros in the support role. For a start, she has loads of CC, with Crystallize, Frost Shot and Glacial Storm which can zone others extremely well. She has the possibility of nullifying ganks with higher levels in Crystallize which means your ADC is a lot safer in lane, as well as the ability to aid ganks by stopping enemies escaping with Frost Shot and Glacial Storm. Anivia's Flash Frost and Crystallize also grant vision, which means that wards can be purchased less often.
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- Slow as heck without boots
- Easily dodgeable skillshots
- Rebirth is hard to bait with
- Squishier than Teemo
- Well-known passive
- Incredibly mana heavy
Anivia has a lot of cons as well. Anivia is very slow, thus susceptible to enemy poke and skillshots such as Mystic Shot. Flash Frost is also her primary poke tool coupled with Frostbite, so dodging it is detrimental to her damage output. Additionally, if Rebirth isn't used to bait it's a surefire way to lose your lane. She's also squishy as heck in order to balance out Rebirth, as well as Rebirth being one of the most well-known passives in the game.
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You should use this to maximise your early game damage. It gives a great mana regen stat as well, so if you're really confident you can trade in your Mana Potion for a Health Potion instead.
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If you feel you can discard the AP this is good. Anivia relies primarily on itemization to destroy people, so you can get this, but not particularly recommended.
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Big choices (well relatively in some cases):
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This makes you inescapable. It stacks onto your Glacial Storm and thus gives you a total of 20% reduced attack speed and 55% slow. It also gives you a nice 500 health to burn off, which allows you to stay in lane longer. Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a good item for Anivia.
Buy if the enemy ADC is really annoying you.
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Deathfire Grasp is another nice item. Not only does it give you 120 AP and 10% CDR, its active also procs Rylai's Crystal Scepter which will absolutely destroy your enemies if they happen to be caught in Glacial Storm as well. It makes Anivia a late game horror for your enemies.
Buy if you need to nuke hard.
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Rabadon's Deathcap is a must for any AP champ. The 120 AP plus the bonus AP from its passive will make your Glacial Storm do incredible amounts of damage late game. It's a good choice for any Anivia.
Always aim for this as a 3rd item.
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It's an ideal anti-ADC item, as Zhonya's Hourglass' armor will give you a little more survivability. Popping Zhonya's Hourglass before Rebirth starts will save you, especially if you've been Ignited. Anivia loves her Zhonya's Hourglass.
Buy if you keep being focussed.
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Guardian Angel is generally a great defensive item, and will result in the enemy team having to kill you twice if both its passive and Rebirth are off cooldown. It also provides a good amount of both MR and Armor.
Buy if you want another Rebirth.
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Sorcerer's Shoes is a great item on Anivia. Along with Enchantment: Alacrity, it gives the movement speed you need to avoid skillshots as well as giving you some Magic Pen, which is good.
Buy these boots unless there are better choices.
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Void Staff is also a good item if they've realised the threat you pose and are now stacking MR. It also packs a nice punch, with 70 AP as well. But otherwise, don't build it as the amount of damage you do with the normal build will compensate for it, as well as Deathfire Grasp's active.
Buy if they're stacking MR.
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Liandry's Torment is brilliant with Glacial Storm. If they keep on getting away with a sliver of health, this is for you. It's quite good against Tryndamere. Buy if you wanna destroy people (i.e. ALWAYS)
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Will of the Ancients is good if you're lacking sustain in lane, or if you want to split push, as it will make you a lot more dangerous to gank. Will of the Ancients' passive is good for teamfights too, as it allows you to gain LOADS of health from Glacial Storm.
Buy if you want more sustain.
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Rod of Ages is a good item if you're against champs with no escape mechanisms, so I wouldn't object to you replacing Rylai's Crystal Scepter with this if you're against Annie or Heimerdinger.
Buy for general lane sustain.
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The example build doesn't have a massive mana pool as the damage output will be enough to get kills without too much mana. Archangel's Staff is good if you're very mana intensive.
Replace Deathfire Grasp with Archangel's Staff if you're new to Anivia.
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Morellonomicon is really good for Support Anivia. It's an inexpensive items with an easy build path that offers a load of useful stats early on in the game. The mana regeneration is very useful for a mana heavy champ like Anivia.
Get if the enemy's lifesteal is a problem.
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Locket of the Iron Solari is really good for Support Anivia. It gives your team great durability in teamfights, as well as giving you really useful stats (you need the health, armor and MR desperately).
Buy if your team isn't building tanky enough.
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Warmog's Armor is a good item for general tankiness. Coupled with Guardian Angel it makes you utterly unkillable during Rebirth. Don't use this if there's a % maximum health damage dealer.
Buy for general survivability.

Personally, I don't really build other items on Anivia. Here are some of my no-no's.

- Hextech Gunblade: NO, you're not Jax.
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- Spirit of the Spectral Wraith: NO, you're not a jungler.
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- Trinity Force: NO, you hardly benefit from it.
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- Blade of the Ruined King: oi
- Ravenous Hydra: wat r u doin?
- Bloodthirster: oi
- Infinity Edge: STAHP
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Summoner Spells

Flash is the most important spell in your arsenal. When you're about to Rebirth due to someone's Ignite, just Flash under the tower and you're fine. It's also good for chasing over walls.
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You're squishy as heck, gonna need Barrier to stop you from popping Rebirth too early on in lane. It's also another life-saver, as Anivia is quite squishy and benefits from Barrier greatly.
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If you're a pretty skilled Anivia main, you should take Exhaust instead of Barrier in order to pick up early kills if your enemy is quick to run away, like Vayne (although you'd probably die from that lane matchup).

Other choices

You're a support, so I believe that Heal is a viable choice. However you need Flash and sacrificing Exhaust for Heal is a bad trade off as it becomes redundant late game anyway.
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Clarity is probably viable if your ADC is fairly mana heavy (i.e. a caster). However if they are idk Varus mains they should be experienced enough to keep their mana up.
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With the new Scrying Orb trinkets, I believe that Clairvoyance has been made a lot less viable. It's only really good to make item choices at fountain before minions spawn, but you're not a jungler who needs to establish golem/lizard protection.
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Ignite isn't really a good summoner spell for a support, even if you're gonna become an APC later on. Only use I can really envisage is for securing kills if your ADC's Ignite is off cooldown or something.
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Your problem is lane presence, not map presence. Therefore Teleport isn't too useful in a support Anivia role. You've already got a load of lane sustain from Rebirth and your Guardian Angel so Teleport should only be used if you're new to Anivia.
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What?!?!? No! This isn't Dominion!
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Again, you can play around with them if you don't like them. Sometimes you see things you don't really like.
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Rebirth is Anivia's passive. Upon taking fatal damage, Anivia will turn into an immobile egg, and her armor and MR is modified by -40/-25/-10/+5/+20. If the egg survives for 6 seconds, she is revived with the same amount of health the egg had.
This is Anivia's great baiting tool. By simply having your opponents dive you under your tower, popping Rebirth will most likely get your ADC a double kill early game... it's also good for dueling with late game.
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Flash Frost unleashes an orb of ice that travels in a line, dealing magic damage to any enemy it passes through. At maximum range, Flash Frost will detonate automatically.
This is her primary CC spell, as it deals a good amount of damage if you time it correctly. Paired with Frostbite it can be a complete pain to deal with in lane, making it your primary harass tool. Just don't spam it.
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Crystallize constructs an impassable wall of ice at the target location for 5 seconds, perpendicular to Anivia's facing. The wall grants sight in a large area around it.
It's good for completely nullifying ganks, locking that annoying Annie in the jungle and generally providing great team utility. Remember to cast this BEFORE the target gets too close to the cast location as it has a short channeling time. It deals 1 true damage, making it ideal for assist streaks, but draws turret aggro.
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Anivia fires a shard of ice to deal magic damage to a target enemy.
This is your primary harass tool with Flash Frost. Casting it by itself does NO damage whatsoever, but Glacial Storm applies Frost as well, so spam it if they're caught in Glacial Storm.
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Anivia creates a blizzard in a target 400-radius area, that deals magic damage every second to enemies inside. Enemies damaged by Glacial Storm are Chilled for 1 second, slowing their movement speed and attack speed by 20%.
This, paired with Rylai's Crystal Scepter makes Anivia an ideal anti-ADC champ. However, it is disrupted by all forms of CC apart from fears and taunts. This is good with Crystallize and Flash Frost as it just annoys the person on the receiving end of it.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Maxing your Frostbite first allows you to pile on the poke damage as it gives a good bit of damage for relatively little mana. You should max Crystallize second as you want to provide vision and potentially stop ganks with it.

The other two are fairly self-explanatory. The large mana cost from Flash Frost is mainly for the stun, but the damage can be compensated for with Frostbite.

So, summarised: > > >

Again, you can tinker with them if you feel they don't suit your playstyle.
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Champion Description + tips

Anivia is a medium-range mage who relies on crowd control and ability power to destroy her opponents.

Always try to harass with Flash Frost and Frostbite as they can easily chunk away at someone's health without them noticing.

If you've got a lane partner with strong poke (i.e. Caitlyn) then try to get them to harass whenever you land your Flash Frost for incredible lane pressure.

Anivia is very fragile, so stay at the back during teamfights and you'll find yourself having to use Rebirth a lot less often.

When possible, try to use Flash Frost or Glacial Storm to chase instead of Crystallize, otherwise you'll end up with people raging at you...

Bind your laugh to your L key so that you can annoy them in lane, or if they're stunned in Glacial Storm. It's pretty good for taunting the enemy team into feeding unintentionally. Yes, I am a Dyrus fan hehehe

Remember that Crystallize has a short cast time, so you should cast it in the predicted movement of your target or you'll end up giving up a free kill.

Remember that Anivia works best with bot laners with a lot of AoE damage like Miss Fortune. Remember to root them in place as long as possible.
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So, this is my S4 Anivia guide. I hope you guys enjoy it, and if you guys wanna ask me anything I'll be sure to answer (if I'm not too busy killing Teemos).
Please leave constructive criticism, as I'm pretty new to Mobafire. That way I'll be able to tune up guides more and eventually churn up some sweet guides (not like my failed macaroons)!

So go out there and pwn as much as possible with Support Anivia for Season Four!
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